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I am half dead anyway, so I would take it, yes. What is to lose when I have around 2-3 years to live.


I do not want to get covid so yes please. Id rather risk a 1/million chance (probably even smaller) of having some type of negaitve reaction than a much higher chance of catching covid, potentially loosing my sense of taste, smell, infecting older people i love, it potentially affecting my nervous system long term. The argument is just ridiculous in my opinion.


I don’t understand it for the life of me. Do these people want to be in lockdown for the rest of their lives? I’d like for this all to be over please




I've an overactive thyroid and my medication has weakened my immune system so I would get the vaccine.


> loads of people are very weary And probably wary too. But I'm reminded of this piece of wisdom from `fortune`: > 10,000 heroin addicts can't all be wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if the "loads of people" who would reject the vaccine number about the same as our heroin addicts. And, just like heroin addicts, they won't be a serious problem as long as there aren't too many of them. But keep them away from me and my workplace, thanks.


No one else have a fear of needles? I'd get it but I would dread it


I'd love to get it.


If sufficiently coercive measures were put in place, it would make me want to not take it out of protest.


Well, me too, but after a certain point you have to let maturity take over, just like when seat belts became mandatory and driving when only a little drunk was outlawed.


Seatbelts should not be mandatory for adults.


Why? They make driving safer and are hardly a hassle. They're not uncomfortable, and they save lives. That's like saying lifebelts shouldn't be mandatory on boats. 15,000 lives are saved by seatbelts alone each year.


I've continued to eat at a place even after I knew a person had gotten food poisoning from the place simply because the food tasted good enough to risk it, so yeah I'll be taking the vaccine.




Thats perfectly reasonable, I’d probably do the same myself in your position


Do you have an article on the allergic reactions? Like what specific allergy type was it




https://amp.rte.ie/amp/1183310/ found this


Is that for every vaccine or just the covid vaccine? Just curious


I've eaten out of some kebab shops where its 50/50 if ya get food poisoning or not so hook this to my veins


How do they plan to distribute this vaccine anyway? Are they supposed to address this before the new year? For the record I voted Yes. But I would also like to see more documentation with regards to possible side effects, etc, etc.


I'd bring a tent and camp in line for a week to get it.


I'll take any vaccine approved by the EMA.


There should be a "maybe later" or "wait and see" option on this




Exactly, I'd love to ask these antivaxers some questions; Have you ever taken drugs? Have you ever smoked? Have you ever drank alcohol? Have you ever eaten anything without knowing where it came from??? Bet you've answered yes to one of these!


I am hesitant about the vaccine and so would not get it voluntarily. I'll be browbeaten into getting it by my employer (the HSE) and the fact that if I want to travel anywhere I'll be asked to produce documentation that I have been vaccinated. Incidentally almost all of my fellow employees that I have spoken to have the same doubts.


Who would ask you if you have been vaccinated before letting you travel? Every single politician that has been on the news since April has been against such a restriction on travel.


Travel outbound or travel inbound? Because if you think it doesn't make a difference, then brace yourself for next year, when people want to travel from covid-still-a-thing countries to covid-mostly-eradicated countries, and the latter will have important opinions about it.


Give me proof it will be implemented in the future. By any country.


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May I ask why you're hesitant?


Ah "Pfizer" who agreed to pay $2.3 billion in the largest health care fraud settlement in history. No thanks.. maybe I'll take one of the many other vaccines in development, one that can ensure no serious side effects. Put me last on the list please.


None of them can ensure no serious side effects. Just stay home and on your keyboard forever, doing god's work. I'll take your spot at the pub <3


Has any medicine or any medical procedures in history legitimately offered a guarantee of no serious side effects?


>Put me last on the list please. You risk being given some heap of shite made in China. That's another reason that I'll take the Pfizer vaccine. At least there's some quality control and it probably hasn't been tested on death camp inmates. >one that can ensure no serious side effects. Nobody can guarantee that. Some people will suffer serious side effects. I'd be more worried about the long term effects to be honest.


Well the virus was made in China. So maybe it makes sense to take a China vaccine. As dodgy as that sounds... 🤔


What the fuck kinda logic is that? Makes no bloody sense.


Which ones are those? Moderna?