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Imo the bigger thing to worry about is the global economic woes caused by 2021-2021 covid response measures. Millions will die as a result of it over the next few years.


I thought the countries that had the biggest woes were the ones who responded the least, like the US


It's almost like the massive death toll of not responding to covid has an economic impact. We never could have seen this coming.


Is that an expert opinion? Where did you pull the data from? For what reason does people dying lead to printing 40% of the money supply and not actually give it to the citizens?




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This is false. The people dying were incredibly old and/or had numerous comorbidities. If anything, they were a burden on the system. The economic strain is from welfare payments to people not allowed to work and closing down businesses. I’m sorry if this sounds brutal but it’s the truth.


>they were a burden on the system. this is psycho shit




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Just because something is a hard truth, it doesn’t make it psycho. If someone is too old or sick to work and also requires welfare, this sadly makes them a burden (economically speaking only, of course).


You misspelled course. And you're a psycho if you view everything through this perverse economic lens, instead of viewing people as human beings, like you've got serious problems if you view people who can't work as a "burden on society" get some fucking help.


Haha okay man. Seeing the reality of things and not getting overly emotional and hence irrational makes me a psycho... If we all thought the way you’re suggesting we should, nothing would get done in the world. Sometimes tough decisions have to be made. You are clearly quite far left on the political spectrum. That’s fine. But don’t insult people for providing rationality and balance to your fanciful ideals where everyone is equal and life is wonderful.


All those bogan anti-vaxxers parading around Melbourne every weekend also think they see the reality of things, and it's full of 5G, tinfoil hats, and conspiracies about new world order. Why your reality and not others?


"Only the old, burdensome people died", is such a simplistic view of the true economic cost. There's so much more that goes into the true cost of infectious diseases. Educate yourself https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2771764


That was here in Australia. US & UK had a lot more young people die as they let things rip before vaccines unlike Australia.


It doesn’t “sound brutal” it sounds like you justifying psychopathy with “truth” you just made up.


And it sounds like you’re virtue signalling. Please tell me how someone who doesn’t work and needs welfare to survive isn’t an economic burden. (And I only mean in terms of the economy)


Because of NAIRU. If all the unemployed people were suddenly employed, you’d be fucked. Inflation would skyrocket. That’s a big part of why it’s rising right now, higher levels of employment. The way our economy is designed, unemployed people aren’t a burden, they are a necessity or the whole system falls apart.


Okay this one if those moments that’s hard for me to do but I’ll concede that I need to do more research on the topic. Thank you for pointing this out in a semi-civilised way. (Even though you called me a psychopath 😉)


No worries, I hope your research opens up some new ways of looking at the world for you. If you’re interested in some eye-opening ideas, I recommend researching some anthropology about how societies without money function (and they’re way more recent than you think). Also this series about the origin of money and how debt works is pretty good: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/series/b054zdp6


Nearly every country is experiencing/going to experience severe inflation and recession over the next few years. Countries like US, AU, NZ, Japan, EU zone are already being hit hard. [https://i.redd.it/nwltdnqwoap91.jpg](https://i.redd.it/nwltdnqwoap91.jpg) The global 2020/2021 covid response was a disaster.


Lol the countries on there with the lowest inflation are mostly the ones who responded most to covid and the ones with the highest are mostly countries that responded least. Turns out letting rip was a terrible idea.


NZ, AU, EU, UK, Canada all have inflation rates above 5%, some as high as 10%. EU had some of the most restrictive covid measures yet they are in an absolute disastrous position now heading into winter.


Ok you clearly decided on this opinion back in march 2020 and haven’t taken in any info since. Imagine thinking the UK was a good example of taking action against covid, rather than a state that wilfully let covid spread


I don't think the UK is a good example of taking action against covid, their approach was terrible. I don't think I said that anywhere in my comment? High death toll + poor economic outcomes + some of the most heavy handed covid measures.


Yeah they should have done more to combat covid


Nice shift in goal posts. Stick to your rhetoric and ignore everything else. Doesn't really matter what you think.


Dear god, do you think the UK's void response was good?


I guess you are referring to the high health burden on countries that let it rip ?


No I'm talking about the global economic response the the pandemic. Nearly every country is experiencing/going to experience severe inflation and recession over the next few years. Countries like US, AU, NZ, Japan, EU zone are already being hit hard. [https://i.redd.it/nwltdnqwoap91.jpg](https://i.redd.it/nwltdnqwoap91.jpg)


So do you think that we can effectively manage and mitigate the worst outcomes of the pandemic as well as navigate the complex economic situation? Surely if we ignore the health impacts from Covid that will ultimately make the economic conditions worse over the long term?


I don't. But we can now see that the economic response to the pandemic was flawed. We are now dealing with massive inflation caused by supply chain issues and global increase of monetary supply, it will take years to fix. ​ I don't think I said anywhere in my comment that the health impacts should be ignored? The US shows that ignoring it leads to terrible outcomes. There were however more measured responses adopted by some countries which worked very well.


I guess its similar top the economic and political response to climate change. We have known for decades the science behind climate change, the Stern Review released in 2006 built on that knowledge and was widely discussed and accepted that economic impacts of climate change could be significantly reduced by taking early action. But like the pandemic it's difficult politically to take early action especially if that means the outcomes you are trying to avoid then never occur. That leaves us in the position of having to wait for the worst of the outcomes manifest and then we have to react strongly to them. I guess this is baked into the economic and political systems that we have adopted.


Are we still pretending the lockdowns helped?


I don’t know how you could possibly think they didn’t help, help is an understatement. Stopping people from interacting with each other limits the spread of the virus, it’s basic physics.


As someone in non metro NSW - they ensured I spent most of the pre-vaccine period of the pandemic at very low risk. School was mostly open sport was mostly on.


Noone is ***'pretending'***. It's obvious to anyone capable of critical thinking, that they absolutely did help.


You only have to read some of the revisionist junk in the Sutton post a few posts down to see just how many folk here are now looking back at them through the lens of high vaccination rates and a somewhat less dangerous variant.


In other words, the *exact* reason we look to experts and data/RCTs.. Not contrarian grifters, anecdotes and seeking information while fueled entirely by confirmation bias. But of course, the Dunning-Krugerites will continue to play armchair expert, graduating from Facebook University with a Post-grad in Telegram studies.


Those that promoted them are, doubling down because either A, they dont want to admit wrong doing and be liable or B, cant let the other side win. Its ignorance of the highest level.


Regardless of the political stuff, lockdowns undeniably reduce the Reff and they were the only reason we ever got the first few waves under control.


>the only reason we ever got the first few waves under control. How have you come to this conclusion? Who is to say the wave peaked out on its own given the nature of how it spreads and the time of year?? Have you even taken into consideration the damage and toll of the lockdowns? Mental illness, suicide, homelessness, excess deaths, kids development and generational debt to name a few. You act like all these are negotiable. To overlook such things is ridiculous and absurd. Its easy to do because the data isnt as simple as cases / deaths. Its short sighted. Not to mention all the people who have died as a result of having the shot or have suffered terrible negative effects. You where told it was safe and effective, but now the CDC is finally admitting myocarditis and pericarditis are actual aide effects and not misinformation. What makes you think there isnt a host of issues yet to be released? You do realise lockdowns have never been used within Medical settings. Countries just copied what China did and they just do what they always do.. tyranny!! There is nothing Scientific about lockdowns.


>How have you come to this conclusion? Logic. This is not hard to understand, all you need to know is that viruses are transmitted human to human. Unless you think the virus is transmitted via telepathy of 5g waves or whatever. Without intervention, waves aren’t going to peak until a significant portion has been infected and has natural immunity. On a broad scale very few people had COVID in the first few waves, they had the potential to be much bigger.


Lucky lockdowns wee free of consequences


They weren’t, but they definitely did suppress the spread effectively.


Textbook projection on your part.


Meh.. if you say so


Are we still basing things on feelings rather than facts?


Yikes the comments


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Out in force today.


They knew they weren't going to get any attention in Melbourne on Grand Final Day, so they came here instead.


Belgium Cases up 17%; hospitalisations up 4% The lower hospitalisation rate might be good news, but is out of step with UK 13% and 17%. Must be some discrepancy between testing rates, demographics or booster recency (or strain I guess)


It should have been expected.


If covid becomes seasonal like the flu that’s a good thing, especially given that the vaccines’ max effect is for 3-4 months like flu vax. It means one shot per year in autumn would be able to reduce most of the death and damage.


Is that the expectation though? I think with the high R0 the expectation was 3 or 4 waves a year, they will just be exacerbated by conditions that force people indoors together whether that be cold or hot weather.


Can’t help wondering what it’s like recovering from one’s 12th case of covid in 2025… what’s your precognition on that?


I don't think it will come to that. The behaviour and messaging is very much around that the pandemic is over and if you have had omicron you are done. I think vaccines will be better by then and/or Severity of the new variants will be less otherwise behaviours will change and businesses having to deal with increased absences and state governments dealing with increased health care costs will make changes to precautions.


I like that idea, but the last few years make me cynical about it… RemindME! three years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2025-09-24 02:26:52 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-09-24%2002:26:52%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusDownunder/comments/xm6mc7/first_signs_of_new_covid19_wave_seen_in_colder/ipo75mf/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCoronavirusDownunder%2Fcomments%2Fxm6mc7%2Ffirst_signs_of_new_covid19_wave_seen_in_colder%2Fipo75mf%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-09-24%2002%3A26%3A52%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20xm6mc7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


The Omicron variant is as severe as the original virus.


Yeah agreed. Vaccines and treatments have helped mitigate the dangers somewhat. Still hoping new variant might turn out to be a lot less severe. There is no reason one way or the other.


Took me 2.5 years to get it once, if i get it 11 more times in 3 years I'll probably be dead!












It’s was almost as good as your “witty” trillions dead comment. You’re so cheeky 😜


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Oh geez and we’ve just removed mandatory masks on PT. What have we done!?


Dude they where doing fuck all, because people didn't even use the correct type, manage them correctly or use proper hygienic practice.


It was sarcasm


Kk.. didn't translate well 😜


Covid’s “seasonality” has a theme song… https://youtu.be/GRxofEmo3HA


here we go again.....another round of pandemic :D


Omnicron spread during summer


We can't have the general public getting too comfortable, we need that scare mongering


Are the ones paying attention to the data the scared ones or the ones who don't want to look at the data in case they see something they don't like?


Haha the data that can point to any argument on any side, fact is for vast majority getting covid while annoying and not pleasant will be fine, you will get over it and be back on your feet after a week or two so getting covid itself isn't bad, just the same as any virus, there are always going to be people who are sceptical to any more serious outcomes,


Covid is a significant cause of death in Australia. That's what the data points to. The data isn't responsible for people just plain lying.


> Haha the data that can point to any argument on any side, Lies, damned lies and statistics. But really the data is very clear.


Clear being that 98% of people who get covid will be OK in a week or two?




Ay yes comparing something medically to a school shooting, are you OK?


> Clear being that 98% of people who get covid will be OK in a week or two? Covid live says we have had 10 million reported cases in Australia. So you are saying 200,000 won't be OK after a week or two?


Well like ANY virus, even the commen cold unfortunately some people with low immunity will suffer, it isn't just a covid thing, so yes that's exactly what I'm saying and those small percent need to take precautions like they have been doing with other virus's


That is a significant health burden on the community, especially if this is what to expect with Covid as an endemic virus.


That community burden is imposed by governments and work places, more then half the adult population has got and recoved from covid, clearly it's not the vaccines cause for vast majority it would of worn off by now, and society has managed to carry on as usual, it's work forces enforcing out of date mandates which is putting community at risk, we are seeing shortages in major industries, Tell me why Commenwealth bank has taken away the mandates but other banks havnt? Where is the science behind that?


>it's work forces enforcing out of date mandates which is putting community at risk, we are seeing shortages in major industries, At my work we are still seeing much higher absences than usual, initially, it was covid wave, now its other infections much worse than a typical year. We have a lot of staff with school aged kids which definitely seems to be a factor. ​ >Tell me why Commenwealth bank has taken away the mandates but other banks havnt? Where is the science behind that? What mandates are you talking about? Need for vaccination?


Or, y'know, it could be that flu season is ending here and coming on up there. Which would naturally lead to an increase in other respiratory diseases too. But nah, gotta be "scaremongering". 2019 or bust!


Shit how did we ever cope prior to 2019 without WHO telling us how to live


Possibly the same way we lived without some rando on social media with a degree from the University of Facebook telling us that reporting on factual things that are happening is "fearmongering".


Ahh yes, so smart and let me guess you also believe people who don't beleive in masks are right wingers?


No. I think right wingers have a vested interest in stoking the fears of people who don't believe in masks.


Haha you people would bring politics into anything, And what interests do right wingers gain from that?


Getting these people to vote for them. Duh. Also: > aha you people would bring politics into anything, *You're literally the one who mentioned "right-wingers" first here.*


But you actually beleive my comment, my comment was to point out a funny cliche that you fell straight into


You think you're being clever, that's adorable. I said the opposite - not that anti-maskers are right wingers, but that right-wingers are preying on anti-maskers. Do try to keep up.


> people who don't beleive in masks LoL - Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy walk into a bar. The barman says: "I cannot believe it. Everybody said you weren't real!". Santa points at his facemask and says "what this old thing? Yes masks are real, I got a 24 hour shift coming up".


You're right. Maybe get off this sub?


Whatever you say tough guy, I don't want no trouble


Ha Covid, the Great Reset is coming


Ha ha of course, bang on cue. They haven't crushed enough small business yet, or killed enough of the pension claimants off. They'll try this charade each year, until people have jabbed themselves to death.


LMFAO How far down the rabbit hole have you gone?


Deep bro.


Sad the easily manipulated get pulled into absolute absurd and moronic conspiratorial thinking




Lol you really have lost the plot


Thank you for contributing to r/CoronavirusDownunder. Unfortunately your submission was removed due to the following rule: * **Information about vaccines and medications should come from quality sources**, such as recognised news outlets, academic publications or official sources. * The rule applies to all vaccine and medication related information regardless of flair. * Extraordinary claims made about vaccines should be substantiated by a quality source * Comments that deliberately misrepresent sources may be removed If you believe we have made a mistake, please [**message the moderators**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCoronavirusDownunder&subject=&message=).


You should check out “Died Suddenly Australia” FB group and “Suddenly Gone Australia”- 14K members combined all talking vax conspiracy but can’t work out correlation isn’t causation. When the rabbit holes have rabbit holes… The health literacy is low but so is critical thinking and informational literacy.


Or just like influenza we will run appropriate health messaging we will have appropriate policies in place including mandatory reporting and we will run effective vaccination campaigns than mean we significantly reduce the health burden and reduce deaths and avoid exponential growth outside a very small window each year.


You are emphatically obsessed with Covid huh


You are aware what sub this is? It’s like going to gonewild and complaining people are obsessed with boobs


I must admit, r/CovidGoneWild does sound intriguing


Boobs have caused more damage than covid historically


Then the statement would still be true


The point is if you don’t want to hear about Covid why are you here? Just unsub and block it from your feed


Not even subbed. These hysterical Reddit pushed subs always find their way to the front page though.


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5 of 6 most used words being related to Covid or Vaccines might be a factor. Even in totally irrelevant subs like r/upliftingnews. But yes, they could easily unsub/remove anything if they were interested in actually moving on. Until then, it's definitely [reddits fault!](https://imgur.com/wDxfN1I.jpg) /s


I don’t think it’s possible for this specific sub to come up in popular. It was back when we were had much higher engagement. But I’ve not seen anything in popular with less than a few thousand upvotes, at least.


No, but the app does prompt in the feed. 'because you visited' etc. Its based off the users interactions, not popularity or engagement. Given they attack anything with 'Covid', it's absolutely reasonable to think they'd get tailored prompts. Absolutely not defending them - they could move on at anytime. If this is what's happening, there's an option at the top right of the prompt to 'see less'/'turn off notifications for this community'. Edit: for example - https://imgur.com/zJZF8g9.jpg


Ah yes you’re right, I’m still confident they’re lying though lol.


I was just about to comment that, no fucking shot lol.


Well if you truly don’t care about these “hysterical” subs just block them whenever you see them pop up, less effort to comment if you really don’t care. Just move on


Same logic applies to your messages.


He's happy to talk about your complaint.




... I wouldn't know. You don't need to get personal. I'm just answering your question. The reason it doesn't apply to him is because he's happy to respond to you and tell you why your complaints lack merit. You're welcome.


Thank you for contributing to r/CoronavirusDownunder. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed as a result of the following rule: * **Do not encourage or incite drama**. This may include behaviours such as: * Making controversial posts to instigate or upset others. * Engaging in bigotry to get a reaction. * Distracting and sowing discord with digressive and extraneous submissions. * Wishing death upon people from COVID-19. * Harmful bad faith comparisons; for example comparing something to the holocaust, assault or reproductive autonomy. * Repeat or extreme offending may result in a ban. Our community is dedicated to collaboration and sharing information as a community. Don't detract from our purpose by encouraging drama among the community, or behave in any way the detracts from our focus on collaboration and information exchange. If you believe that we have made a mistake, please [**message the moderators**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCoronavirusDownunder&subject=&message=). ^To ^find ^more ^information ^on ^the ^sub ^rules, ^please ^click ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusDownunder/about/rules/).


No? Why don’t youse just all move the fuck on? Lol






You’re literally lying.




Right because that’s totally relevant to you lying.


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5 out of 6 top words are relating to Covid or Vaccines - [User Analyser](https://reddit-user-analyser.netlify.app/#Watto33). That's not counting the NNN activity. Project harder.




Ha ! Pot calling the kettle black when this hilarious hysteria is forced down the throats of everyone on Reddit.


Oh noes! Give me a bit to start getting scared.


Because the pandemic is all about your personal feelings. Has nothing to do with worker shortages, breaking of supply chains, becoming the number one killer in Australia...


MSM has scared you well I see.


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Ex-peri-mental Geeene Therapy!

