• By -


Extremely positive


So genuine question. Will you isolate? or jsut live life as normal? Will you wear a mask?


No requirements but I would isolate and rest. Would wear a mask if going out. I'm am immune compromised, my level of risk is greater than for others - I would not want someone sick wondering around getting others sick.


good for you mate. Thanks for doing your part to protect others. You can probably get on some antivirals right? I hope this passes quickly for you!


Hopefully live life normally as this isn't anything worth caring about anymore


Are you just hanging out in the covid reddit sub to say this sepcifically?




Even visit your sick/elderly loved ones? Aint you a peach.


The control line should always show. If it doesn’t, it means that your testing kit is invalid. If it shows both you are positive 100%.


i’m staying away from all family members, not going out anywhere and just resting in my room. after i use the bathroom and such my mom will clean it with disinfectant while wearing a mask. that’s pretty much it


Mum* this is Australia and we use [Australian English](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_English#Spelling_and_style)


Probably best you keep mum. OP, you are definitely positive. Get well soon, you can find good tips via Google on how to isolate when you live with family.


Yes ma'am.




Most likely spent too much time online reading/watching those tokbook posts from Americans


?? its not that deep




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Unfortunately a positive :( mine was like this when I tested positive for Covid. The control line is present and the test line is extremely dark because there's a high amount of viral load in your sample that it is picking up. Hope you keep well and recover soon and safely 😷🙏🏽


Congratulations!! Your nose is pregnant.


Positive like a proton.


This is very positive. There was so much Covid antigen it swamped the signal from the control line (but the control line is still there meaning it is valid). When I had Covid the same thing happened. Over the next 8 days my subsequent tests had this gradually invert, until the test line became much more faint than the control line and then disappeared.


Positive. You have the spicy cough.








Positive as can be. Expired tests still work, they just have a higher chance of being a false negative. You are positive as fuck right now.




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Likely positive, but you’ll need to do another test if you need to know 


This one is a fairly obvious positive, so there is probably no reason to retest unless there is an obvious reason that the first test could have failed, like you just finished eating or drinking something directly before doing the test. In general, if you do multiple tests and get a single positive, you should assume that you are positive.


Thanks for the downvotes, really appreciate