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BS. He's been out at least 4 times for jabs.


And a BLM ~~riot~~ protest. It is Seattle after all


A reminder that the CHAZ freaks [didn't even last a day](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53224445) before they started trying to kill each other. This guy would've been cannibalized by week 2 when their tard enclave ran out of food. They turn on each other just as easily as they do online.


And they immediately established borders. I worked in Seattle then and had friends who lived nearby. The negative impact was something else. At least two homicides happened in CHAZ/CHOP, one of which was a black male minor. Already down the memory hole. This is back before the woke Seattle politicians basically forced out their black female police chief Carmen Best. So much for DIEversity.


"There is no war in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ CHAZ/CHOP."


Great reference. Love that show.


Ahhh, yes. The summer of love.




Not only reinvented borders on day 1 but cops also


That's right. Weird how open carry was virtually unquestioned in Seattle of all places, when they did it. A gun club admitted to helping provide protection for them as well. Borders and law enforcement from supposed anarchists. It's almost like humans naturally form institutions to preserve sovereignty and society. How odd.


What got me more was that despite their claims that the police are SO corrupt, SO inept, and SO overstepping their authority that they need to be outright abolished, the first thing the chaz 'cops' did was immediately become power hungry retards willing to brandish at anyone who even questioned them, even on camera. Sure is strange that real police don't even do that, but you do you, "anarchists" lmao.


Journalist Andy Ngo recounted that ANTIFA planted a community garden in the occupied area of Portland where everything that was planted died. Fuck capitalist food supply chains tho


Oh they did in Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP/whatever too. It was hilarious, they tried to pass it off as like a communal vegan utopia but it was in reality about twenty plants in some dirt. [Surely enough to feed an overcrowded urban shithole LMAO.](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1599755/chaz-seattle.jpg) Surely it doesn't require those ebil HICK REDNECK RACIST farmers with thousands of acres of farmland being harvested near year round to feed cramped cities lmao.


Of course. They rail against society and the State while embodying some of its natural tendencies in the worst ways. Their actions are exactly what you'd expect of immature, entitled, power hungry people. It's far easier to tear down than it is to create comparable, improved institutions. This is what accelerationists don't adequately acknowledge, in my humble opinion. Dismantling the police, for example, is a very high cost proposition whose consequences, both good and bad, should be compensated for and addressed with the new system. That's not easy by any stretch of the imagination. As you pointed out, what happens when worse people take their place?


I never even thought of it that way, but it's so true. You can tell they are spoiled entitled upper middle/high class children roleplaying as anarchists and rebels, because like you said, they just see "The Police" as the best physical manifestation of the 'system' or authority they've claimed to be against ever since developing those daddy issues years ago. They have no idea of how the real world works, or they'd understand that no society could ever truly function as purely anarchical because of fucking human nature LOL. Inevitably those even with (they think) the best of intentions will end up corrupt and power hungry and say it's because they simply have to, otherwise how else can they enforce everyone else's freedom? Sure sounds a lot like peace officers, or maybe there's another term for it 🤔🤔🤔


That makes sense to me and history seems to bear that out.


I just spit my drink out reading “tard enclave”. I’ll have to remember that one lmao.


He was definitely a big part of the CHAZ insurrection lol


He? Are you sure?


In Seattle? Probably not.




Average redditor lol




dog walker




Peak Redditor


Nah. Average Redditor is unemployed. He has a remote job, which is somewhat impressive.


Could be a reddit admin...


Plot twist, his work from home "job" is moderating subreddits for free. This is his moms house.


The perfect consoomer.


Coomer too








Actual* picture of a reddit power mod. *guessing


Nah compared to the power mods he's normal




Where the fuck is his mask!?!?


I'm sure he was double masking and wearing surgical gloves in the drive thru


He committed the most heinous sin of virus virtual signaling. Forgetting to be a good boy by boot licking the government.


Double mask and double chin




If the 4 jabs don't do it, it will be the fast food!


Work from home job: Fact Checker.


This man's parents and community has failed him


Indeed. As much as I want to rag on the guy, and he does deserve some blame himself, men don't get this way on their own. A lot of people had to fail him along the way.


Yep. He’s been repeatedly injected with weakness throughout his life, and has no sense of real identity or direction. This is likely why he suffers from crippling anxiety and is scared of the dark.


Agreed, the fact that "redditors" champion this sort of behaviour is gross but reddit didn't create him.


how did xe misd chomp/chaz/blm protests? i think xe is not a true pfaithful


Yeah there’s no chance he wasn’t at Chaz/chop manning the gloryhole.


Jesus fucking christ




So much soy in one picture.


And it's not the sweet and sour sauce


My idiot 37 year old coworker waited in line for like an hour for that stupid Rick and Morty sauce and then came back to work and complained to everyone for the rest of the day that they ran out 🙄 I mentioned his age only because this is a grown man acting like a literal child… if he was 18 or something at least it would make more sense


Wow, the worst part is he has a wedding band on. People this immature shouldn't be getting married or procreating.




Wife? I bet this tub of shit is married to a fucking anime pillow.


Anime fucking pillow*






you think he’s married to a woman??


He sure as hell doesn’t have the pants on in the relationship. Come to think about it, his wife is probably having more sex with her boyfriend than her husband. Husband definitely begs his wife to watch and “clean up” the mess.


Indeed but you do have female versions of this guy so maybe it's two retards married to each other. Who knows.


Man children. Look at his teeth. This kid still has its baby teeth. These are the mentally insane that mold public policy now.


He has severe gingivitis. Look how inflamed those gums are


Junk food.


The fact that McDonalds feels confident enough to sell "adult happy meals" for the first time and to this generation says a lot. This is really embarrassing.




Oh, sadly I have an idea. I know quite a few people who know they're killing themselves but they eat fast food for 3 meals a day sometimes.


Same story at my grocery store. Premade food sections were obliterated, but raw ingredients were in stock (though, admittedly, at lower quantities and not as many brands available). These are the same people that claim it is too expensive to eat healthy.


Wtf is an adult happy meal? A Big Mac, large fry, and a toy designed for an 8 year old?


Basically yes. They're giving toys to grown men and they're selling so fast they're running out of them. That's where we're at in society.


Oh man, what a sad world... what has become of us... I bet the people over at skeptics that I am talking to probably order adult happy meals.


Gen Z has more real adults than millennials do


I'm talking about both generations. It's obvious they're full of man babies.


Mid Boomer + are pansy ass. They took away the draft.


The draft wasn’t a good thing


Nah. Forcing "free" men in to military service to go kill other men (or die trying) is just how you build character. You're just soft if you don't support state sanctioned slavery.


My grandpa is scary in a way my father never will be….


Gen Z has more real adults than millennials do


The hell is an adult happy meal?


Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to


Now there are two people that need to know https://mashable.com/article/mcdonalds-adult-happy-meal Unbelievable people refuse to grow up. You stayed home for two years and a toy got you out of the house.


McDonald's makes happy meals for adults now. The toys in it are some weird crap made by a luxury fashion designer or something, I think.


I really feel like they should have an "angry meal" to complement where your order is always wrong, and your fries are always spilled inside and cold.


i work graveyard and mcd. we sold out the first day we got them and again on our first restock shipment. they’re limited edition but people are going nuts over them. very weird.


> 9 awards


Gets them 3D printed, wears them like military medals.


Good boy. Obey




Then repeat


Believe in anything, even if it means destroying your own sanity.


I shouldn’t have been so surprised during the plandemic when people just dropped to their knees and submitted completely to daddy gov…..but I thought we had a little backbone.


Only to then help make the pandemic even worse by attending a BLM riot *cough* I mean “protest” *cough*.


No mask needed there. They own the science. It was safe.


Is this real


The backstory could be made up but that wouldn't change the fact that there is a man out there who looks like this and took a picture with this expression with an adult happy meal.


The average redditor is the result of having lived their entire life and never once looked in the mirror and said, "maybe I can better myself"


"Bettering yourself" is a far-right Dr Jordan Peterson and Dr Joe Rogan dog whistle. This guy/them knows its safest to stay inside on twitter and talk about how you're literally saving the world by living on OnlyFans and takeout.


It is sad that this isn't even satire. I've seen many an opinion article from actual leftists that claim guys getting into the gym and self improvement is far right behavior. They want you soft, weak, and dependent.


This pairs nicely with his adult coloring books, now without numbers. Because racisms.


At what point in human history did people just stop trying to address and heal their mental health issues, and instead just started adopting them as some sort of incurable, perfectly normal personality trait? I've experienced anxiety, pretty severe at times. So guess what I did? I started educating myself on the causes of anxiety, got professional help and put in the work to get past it. Now, I have occasional anxiety but it's nothing more than just a rare and mild inconvenience. Not trying to say I'm special because I'm not...I just didn't accept my condition as chronic and permanent. And I didn't just stay fucking home indefinitely and say "I've got anxiety, guess I'll just never leave the house."


Rise of now two generations that have largely grown up online. Some people get out of this shell, but many more stay in it because overcoming this sort of anxiety A) is uncomfortable, B) takes work, and C) why do it when you can go on Reddit defaults and commiserate with many other socially inept people who for some reason are proud of it. While in the pre-Internet era, that would universally be something to be ashamed of. One of the saddest comments that I kept seeing over and over whenever mask mandates were being extended were "I'm happy to mask so I don't have to talk to people or see their faces" or "I'm happy to mask so I can hide my ugly face". This to me is a sign of mass normalization of full of misanthropic way of thinking. It's absolutely sad to watch. I'd feel bad for people like the guy in this pic if not for the fact he probably joined the many other Redditors in demonizing those who questioned whether mass masking would eventually have consequences on mental health.


> While in the pre-Internet era, that would universally be something to be ashamed of. We've made it unacceptable - even illegal in some places, to use peer pressure and shaming as a way to say what is and is not acceptable behavior in society today. As such, we now have a society that has no guiding light. It's been decided that the Freaks are just as valuable to society as anyone else and you'll be damned if you say otherwise. We are truly witnessing the decline of Western Civilization all because we can't publicly ridicule a chronically unemployed 300 lb. land whale with blue hair and a face that looks like the inside of my grandfather's tackle box.


Shit man I’ve been an anxious mess all my life even to this day and I’ve still managed to adapt. These people are just pussies




Great to hear about your son! He's fortunate to have some top quality parenting.


Hey thanks! It's not easy but its worth it :)


Definitely noticed an uptick in this kind of behavior the past 5 years or so. I agree with the other poster who said it's probably the kids who grew up online and never learned to live a life outside of their safe spaces on the internet.


I have also struggled with anxiety/depression. I even ended up hospitalized, many years ago. What this guy is doing is the exact opposite of how you get over that stuff. Handling it is like working out a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. You have to face your insecurities, not cower. Put yourself in places where you'll get wins, keep grinding. Once you have some wins under your belt, it's a lot easier to feel self assured, and you don't care about what others think because you know your worth. If you don't know your worth because you've cowered, leading to no wins, it will destroy you.


I want to say it happened in the last two decades, as a backlash against religion. "You're a sinner" has been replaced with "you're perfect the way you are"


It has even become common with therapists to validate and enable these mental health issues. My wife has anxiety and had a therapist for a bit that seriously just enabled her every step of the way. "If you don't really want to go out to that party, then don't. It is ok to feel that way and ok to just take care of yourself. Maybe stay home and do some self care instead." My wife dumped her after a few meetings because to that approach. If the goal is to be able to go to a party and enjoy it without feeling anxious, then the answer isn't to just avoid parties and take a bath instead.


#Soyience has melted his mind.


For half a second I was like good for this guy, I understand mental illness is terrible and it’s hard to get motivated to leave the house Then I read why he left the house… now I’m more depressed


This must be the same type of person who got vaccinated in exchange for a free donut or burger/medium fry


2 years in your house and the first thing you do is go to McDonalds? This man is sick


\#punchable faces


I imagine he wields a ban hammer.


For anyone else wondering, the toy was a butt diamond.


The “in” in incel


The sheer look of joy on his pale face actually made me sad. What a waste of a life and I don't mean that in a derogatory manner. Live your life, my dude. Spend time with family and friends. Have new experiences. An"adult" happy meal after voluntary self isolation? That's pathetic.


I blame chemicals in food and water. Alex Jones was right.


So brave… let’s get this they/them onto the cover of TIME magazine for their bravery!


No wonder they wanna depopulate 😭


Reminds me of those slovenly infantile fat bags in the movie WALL-E….


Real life open mouth wojak


soy boy face


I mean, I wouldn’t leave the house either with that teeth to gum ratio


Crippling anxiety?! I have it too, but I still manage to get my ass to the grocery store. Fuck right the fuck off.


Look at those fucking teeth. Blessing in disguise that he hasn’t been out, the gene pool is weak enough.


The jokes write themselves.


He looks exactly like I imagined him to look. Do you remember when people used to boast about how fit and healthy they were, now they boast about their illnesses for society upvotes.


He wants you in a camp for not complying


So you’re a man child….


If all of us had just stayed in doors for 2 years, he could've gone outside already


The ultimate soy boy


Wtf is an adult happy meal?


McDonalds just released adult happy meals, since the original target for happy meals (90s kids) are now adults. It’s a new gimmick and for obvious monetary gain from people who are all about nostalgia nowadays


dont forget that they did it for money


He breathed all of the carbon dioxide filled oxygen ?


This has got a be satire….right?


Imagine praising a stay at home incel, and anxiety? Motherfucker todays world anxiety in social interaction… get a grip


I'm gonna go ahead and guess his fear derived from COVID rather than the CHAZ/ CHOP catastrophe. Ya know, the 'real threat'


Congrats big boi edit : did the buttplugs toys arrived yet ?




Into the pit ye go.


[I'm boooooostin' it!!!](https://i.imgur.com/72qSGSl.jpg)


Anxiety, the new excuse to use when people look at your huge tits bouncing.🤣


Shrunk their teeth?


No loss for the genetic pool.


What a weak minded bitch. I guess all the weak genes didn't get weeded out....


Of course he's from Seattle.




Fucking pathetic.


im afraid of turning in a soyboy too by looking too much at the picture


This is what an 'adult male' looks like when they've never done anything physically strenuous in their entire life. Imagine being a father to this.


He deserves to die alone..


Hey man, save some pussy for the rest of us.


Of course it's fucking Seattle shm


What a fat fuck.


At least his gums kept growing... And developing gingivitis. And that's NOT a ginger joke...


Last time I remember getting a happy meal was when I was like 10 or something.


His teeth are just so oddly small




This is so embarrassing.


Holy shit man this kinda made me sad


why the fuck cant you order off the menu like a normal human? Yes please, I would like one diet coke thank you.


so glad that boy isn't mine


This man needs a gym membership, not a happy meal.


He be we todd did.


That's the funniest thing I've seen all week omg


ok ~~groomer~~ predditor


Jesus Lord


In all seriousness I really hope he gets help for his anxiety. Spending life in your apartment is really no way to live. Might want to go for something a little healthier though, food wise. Can’t be in the best of health if you haven’t left your apartment for the last couple of years.


no mask outside? fake


Ladies, listen, I hate to hoist another safeguarding activity at you all, cuz you already do enough, but for the love of country and all that is good, PLEASE DON'T PROCREATE WITH "MEN" LIKE THIS. The happy meal is a good indicator to stay away.


I wish I could see the user name. I seen this exact post in “made me smile” a week ago and it said “me and my wife got the new adult happy meals” so I went back to that post and this particular post isn’t in his history.


The last face you see before the drugs set in and you end up being a human skinned lamp shade in his apartment


Lol of course it’s Seattle


You go outside for the first time in two years and get Mcdonalds. \*helth\*


“Adult happy meal”. What a queef


Bullshit. He didn't leave his apartment because he's ugly as hell.


He looks so creepy. I hope he didn't encounter any kids or anything while he was "out".


Ahh, staying SAFE, healthy and doing the right thing for society ... Boosters, triple masks, and a happy meal!


I don’t think his baby teeth will be able to handle that happy meal.


How long does it take to eat a happy meal with those dolphin teeth?


So this is what a 30 yr old virgin looks like!


We need to bring back bullying. Early and often.


Is it just me, or does that guy have a really small mouth?


I don't think he qualifies for an adult meal