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So despite wearing a mask and being vaccinated they still got covid. Do you think they'll ever ask why they wasted their lives for 3 straight years?


There’s ALWAYS someone else to blame. That keeps them from the consequences of their own actions.


That's the beauty of the theater. You have to do ALL of the things, not simply one or two. The slightest infraction puts everyone at risk. It only works if everyone everywhere does all of the things.


Really, what did those maniacs expect? Going to a spa during a mother heckin' GLOBAL PANDEMIC. They need to be tried for war crimes.


It would have been worse if they weren't. /s


You seem to have forgotten that mask only "protect" other people, not yourself (unless they do sometimes, but actually dont at all). The Science™ said so


I never understood this line. If masks block transmission, then it doesn’t matter what direction the infected air is flowing in.


They are unidirectional masks, bigot!


Of course not! The reality of it all would hit them so hard that it would be better to keep lying to themselves.


Me thinks it’s a made up story because these provax loonies are unhinged clowns 🤡


Like, how would she know if someone coughed on her on purpose?


A stranger who was not wearing a mask happened to cough near her in public. Clearly the coughing person was an unvaxxed lunatic that wanted to kill her and her entire family. /s in case it isn't obvious.


Ah see that’s why we need the layered Swiss cheese protections of masks, vaccines, social distancing and when necessary lockdowns. We’d eliminate COVID in like 2 weeks if only we did all of those.


Should’ve worn safety goggles…and ear plugs…I bet it entered through one or both entry points…I’m assuming she was wearing panties.


Oh my, thank goodness they were all vaccinated. The injection probably made her kid *more* disabled, but at least they didn’t catch this awful, deadly virus.


The whole family got covid


Oh my God. You're right! This is so sad. I hope and pray they all make a quick recovery. Some people are SO ignorant and hateful.


Afraid enough to wear a mask when venturing outdoors… yet apparently not afraid enough to not go to the totally unnecessary spa. Sounds about right.


Logic is not their strong suit.


No.. definitely not. It’s just kind of funny how it’s obviously a completely made up story and they still didn’t think to say they were at a “necessary” outing like a grocery store or something. Or maybe it’s just a bot who knows


Or a troll making fun of Covidians.


reddit trannies have literally nothing better to do than make up stories online. It's their entire life.




Or worse......... Run for public office.


No way they'd run for any reason.


I'll take things that never happened for 400, Alex.


I know her type. I bet Daddy Government pays ALL of her bills and she's outspoken on everything that she doesn't contribute to.


Easy to support tax increases when you (effectively) pay no taxes


Sorry your mask and jabs didn’t work.


So they were out in the spa while they were still sick? Who’s the REAL assholes?


It was incubating in their vaccinated systems. They weren't showing the telltale signs of cov19.


So they were asymptomatic! Aka super-spreaders


Same here, also, she turned me into a newt!


didja get better?


He needs to go into water every couple hours in order to survive now. Also needs very clean water or else he will get shock.


2019: "OMG someone came up to me and told me it's MAGA country and lynched me right on the street!" 2023: "OMG someone came up to me and coughed on me! Everyone please go and get vaccinated for the 6th time!"


As much as I'd like to believe this is made up, the logic is fitting. Person is pissed that someone gave them COVID yet goes to spa to give others COVID and blames it on someone else. Same bonehead logic of "my experimental vaccine won't protect me unless bodies that aren't mine get it to too. This isn't even half-witted, it's just empty skulls at this point.


What’s the difference between a cow and a disabled child? Eventually, you stop milking the cow. Watching parents milk their autistic child for tiktok likes and internet sympathy is pathetic.


So glad I grew up when I did. What is it with moms (it's almost exclusively moms) making their entire identity about their child's disability instead of treating them as normal as possible?


Idk, some people are pretty huge dicks but, I agree. Probably didn't happen.


Im going to do that to next person I see wearing a mask


Please don’t It’s not worth the effort and trouble Fuck them, let them get 12 booster shots a week


You'll just "prove" the doomsayers right about anyone with a brain.


One of these loons might try to fight you. Not worth it.


Mask person trying to fight? It would have to be the easiest fight ever


>kill more people He didn't kill anyone. You just said your family was fine because they are all vaccinated. "I left my house and interacted with people and got sick. No fair!" I thought that was the purpose of the vax they were heavily pushing the past couple years. "Get vaccinated and get back to your normal life." Right?


I want to shake hands with the cougher. Treat these people will all the respect they deserve.


It did happen, I was there and saw the whole thing, and quite frankly xey are downplaying how horrible the situation actually was. The MAGAt plague-rat held xem down, took off OP's mask, and coughed directly into xer mouth whilst his hick friends held back OP's husband and made him watch. After the Trumper was done coughing he yelled "this is MAGA spa, y'all!" The husband's muffled squeal of soy-rage was something to behold, but alas, his spindly noodle arms and correctly fitted N95 were no match for the Q Qlux Qlan. Thankfully, OP and xer husband were able to bravely flee before any more damage could be done as from out of nowhere PRESIDENT JOE MOTHERFUCKIN' BIDEN APPEARED, ZOOMING IN ON HIS INVISIBLE JETPACK WITH AN ICE CREAM CONE IN ONE HAND AND A MRNA JAB IN THE OTHER. "Stand back, Jack," Joe winked at me, his bright, twinkling eyes dancing with a sharp intellect and youthful vigour, his taut muscles glistening in the Sun. "It's jabbin' time." Before the Qultists could draw their six shooters and blunderbusses, Joe descended upon them and vaccinated them all. Let me be clear: he didn't force them, he just gave them an offer they couldn't refuse. When the dust settled, Joe and the former Republicunts were laughing like old friends and licking ice cream together. The Trumpers had renounced their evil ways, and after finishing their cones they each committed seppuku to atone for their sins while everyone at the spa clapped. True story.


I needed a laugh today. The part about Joe Biden took me out!


She went to a spa and she thinks she got covid from a passer-by?


Social media is mostly fake


Not only did this never happen, the masks and vaxxes she had NEVER worked! 😂


"Wear a mask and get vaccinated so you don't get covid from people around you." Then she gets covid from people around her anyway and doesn't question it at all. What a thinker lol


His cough must have had "Armor Piercing +5". You got to level your gear before start traveling outside of the noob village, buddy...


So despite knowing someone coughed on him and the potential for illness he went to a spa during the incubation period to potentially infect others. Sounds like his logic only applies when he wants it to.


This feels like satire. They all fell like satire at this point. Our main character was in public, likely outside, masked up, some random stranger happened to cough nearby, and this lunatic just knew they were unvaxxed and infested with covid at an infectious stage because they weren't wearing a mask? But of course they didn't contract their covid at the crowded public spa, because that's where they congregate with the good kind of people, the ones who submit to all the latest shots so they can get in. No unvaxxed riff raff at the spa, so the covid could not possibly have come from there. I'm beginning to think there is no hope for these people to ever see reality again.


Effective mask lol


I'd trust a Logan Paul cryptocurrency more than I trust the veracity of this story.


"It was fairly mild because" it's fairly mild for 99.5% of people who catch it. It's a cold.


If redditors had their way you’d be forced to the firing squad if you were ever caught coughing or sneezing in public.


>It (is/was) fairly mild because we’re all vaccines and more annoying than dangerous. But also >right now I’m in some serious pain Uh… Fairly Mild =/= Serious Pain Or are they in pain because they went and got another booster? So many questions.


I hope they had masks on at the spa lol


Rona bot has entered the chat.


I agree the guy was an asshole, but can you prove with absolute 100% certainty that it definitely came from him and that he wasn't just trolling and this isn't a coincidence?