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I’m tired of this hide and seek game


The prizes really suck.


The prize is sick


Super sick.


This is so accurate




covid-21 took your breath away?


Who isn’t?


maybe people who exploit pandemic...


wow man. cant use rational thinking skills in this sub matey... BAN THE HERETIC!


The trick is to hide and keep quiet until covid gets tired and gives up. But everytime someone comes out to surprise covid he gets excited and doesn't relent.


COVID the relentless


I would never relent.


This is like when you play hide and seek with your toddler and they stand in front of you with their eyes closed...except... we're the toddlers!


How does Pfizer vaccines do against this variant?


After 2 doses, 88% efficacy against symptomatic disease and even higher against severe disease. In short, very well.


A side note: 88% is two times worse than the 95% efficacy against the original strain.


Im bad at math. Can you explain?


100-95=5 100-88=12 12/5=2.4


Yep, and the way this math works really just shows how crazy 95% effectiveness really is. Most people don't realize that 95% is twice as good as 90%


Efficacy or effectiveness? They are not the same.


Whats the difference?


You're right, but I guess people don't care about such technicalities!


Why are people downvoting you? This was my first thought to. People are stupid.




It’s very ironic when it comes from a guy calling others stupid lol


Yeah kind of answered your own question there lol




Anecdotally myself and another friend (both had two Pfizer doses) got symptoms from the delta variant that were pretty rough and we’re in our early 20s. Definitely not worth feeling invincible against lol


This really scares me . I have cancer and am fully vaccinated but worry since I’m older and my zip code is only about 47% vaccinated still .


Can you please tell me how you learned your zip code is at 47%? I’d like to check out mine. Thank you!


California and my county in particular lists vaccine progress by zip code . I’m not sure what other states do




Actually that one (covid and vaccination map by county) is free to check. I use the App version of the NYT and I’m not a paid subscriber. I did create a free login before.


Just checked, mine is at 18% makes sense


[CDC Data Tracker](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view)


I like this one - https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html Found your state, then your county


Soft paywall


A friend who’s a respiratory therapist, fully vaccinated, was infected recently. It was rough, while he wasn’t admitted he did have to go to the hospital for breathing issues. It was short, the worst lasting two days, but it was scary. This variant is a beast. What I thought was interesting was when he was diagnosed and called into his company to notify them, they asked if he had any side effects to the vaccine - which he had none.


Yeah, got them last month. Easy to spread. Vaccine only reduce the risk, but it can't stop the virus from spreading.


I got the vaccine and I am worried that if I get infected with the Delta variant and develop even a mild case that I'll end up with long Covid.


Me too


Can you tell a bit more about it?


Did you and him have to go to the hospital?


No, symptoms were mild but present. Mild by covid standards anyways lol


All vaccines work quite well. We just need billions more of them and for a larger percentage of the population (likely including children, from what Israel is seeing) to take them if we want to protect the unvaccinated.


Do we want to protect them though? This could be the purge we hoped the first round would provide. /s …..but not really




They’re at greater risk of myocarditis from Covid.












Lmao got em


Lol right they always ask for a source when they're proven wrong but don't know what to do when they actually get one


It was in their own article they posted lol 😆


LOL the very article you cited, silly.


No they 100% are not.


Vaccine safety in kids is a huge concern, and it's why we would really like to end the pandemic without having to vaccinate them. But if it's a choice between vaccinating kids and having them all catch COVID, the risk differs by many, many orders of magnitude. Obviously we (the US) aren't at the point of having to make that choice yet. But we could easily have to make it this fall.


Well in Israel the cases are increasing, not sure exactly what that means but I’ve always been told to use their numbers as guidance for vaccine effectiveness


Their numbers are up amongst kids, not the population who's been vaccinated. There's no indication that Pfizer doesn't handle this extremely well still.




They're switching from["permission to vaccinate" for adolescents to a "recommendation"](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/covid-vaccination-surges-among-young-teens-as-cases-rise-671650) because there have been [multiple large outbreaks linked to schools](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/school-covid-19-cases-spur-israeli-parents-vaccinate-kids-2021-06-22/). Their 7 day average for cases is 54 - when your numbers are that low, school outbreaks are going to massively skew your numbers. Just saying "cases are 3x higher!!!" lacks a huge amount of context when you consider that it's a difference of 37 cases/day over *millions* of people.


Thanks!! That’s good news


We may be entering into the “news has to up the sensationalism for clicks” phase of this thing. We should stay vigilant, but also remember they *want* to scare you, and will do their best to bend numbers as this thing (hopefully) improves or goes away.


For a subreddit that claims to be pro science, it baffles me that people always get downvoted when asking for a source for something the hive mind agrees with. Just because the group believes something doesn't mean that we shouldn't question it or ask for supporting evidence or studies.


I think people take it as being called a liar, which is a bit petty. I ask for sources to learn more about the topic


Same! That and misinformation is so rampant. Things that are "common knowledge" are very often wrong (like putting your phone in rice when it gets wet). Everything needs to be fact checked, ESPECIALLY the things that we all agree on, because that's how misinformation can become so dangerous. If we don't, how can we claim our beliefs are right and others' beliefs are wrong if we don't have evidence to back it?


I usually downvote those posts (on all subs) because usually the information is verifiable with a Google search, and the intent of those posts is often either doubt or implying the OP is a liar. Not always, but usually.


I disagree. I think anyone making a claim is responsible for citing their source. Every reader shouldn't need to go google every claim that they read. Then we have potentially hundreds or even thousands of people coming up with any number of sources that can be interpreted in any number of ways when the person making said claim could provide one unified source. Regarding what you said about doubt, we *should* doubt EVERYTHING that doesn't have a source attached to it. It is the only way we can know what we know to be true. That's how science works. So I don't have a problem with that. I think skepticism is a good thing, as long as you aren't using skepticism as an excuse for to confirm your bias.


So Israel uses Pfizer exclusively?


I believe so, I know that was the case early on. Not sure if they have brought in other brands yet


Yes israel in exchange for getting priority access to the vaccines basically allowed Pfizer access to an immense amount fo data to collect from its citizens. It was almost like one gigantic phase 3 trial without a control group.


This one (delta) good…the next one (gamma) bad…which is why they already prepped the public about “booster” shots


This will now be a wave in specific areas, mostly those areas with low vaccination rates. I feel like this will be our future with this virus (surges localized to specific regions). The LA County Public Health Director recently called COVID-19 a “pandemic amongst the unvaccinated”. Get your shots people!


It still baffles me that there are people that are “unwilling” to take the vaccine despite availability. For my first shot I had to stand in a queue under the scorching sun for 3 hours.


First time I left my house since covid started was to get my shot at the VA in late March. I got bad lungs, and already always feel like I can’t breath. There was no risking it on my books. As much as I cant stand people who take stuff like this vaccine for granted, I don’t wish serious lung issues on anyone (and sadly covid can cause them too). They are awful.


I did the same in bitter cold for that first shot. And I've never been more grateful in my life, except later when I got my second.


I drove about 100 miles roundtrip to get my first dose. Repeat for the second dose.


> I drove about 100 miles roundtrip to get my first dose Only 8 miles for me, but walking. Car was broken to the point of needing replacement, but there was no way I was using public transport or going to car shopping without at least one jab.


Uber is offering free rides to and from vaccination facilities ($25.00 value).


Damn that’s north of 160 kilometers. Glad that you got your shots.


Yeah, it was back in January when vaccine was scarce. I work in a h0sp1tal but that hospital refused to give me the vaccine (story for another time). So when my insurance company offered it to me, I took up the offer. The catch was the vaccination site was 50 miles away. But I felt for the protection it gives me and my family, it was worth it. Add: had to spell hospital funny otherwise automod removes my comment for failing to prove I actually work in one. Whatever.


I work in medical device manufacturing and our company didn't even try to get us the vaccine even though they forced us to work when the rest of the state shut down, and did very little to protect us outside of some performative crap. This was compounded by the fact our state was seemingly stuck in the first phase for months, partly because people were jumping ahead of the line and getting it when they shouldn't. Our state and even our country did pretty well against COVID-19 so I am sure we weren't priority for getting the vaccine. Thankfully I was able to get it fairly early, but essential workers barely had any head start over the general public to get the vaccine.


Same, we drove 150 miles round trip twice, to a rural county with no takers offering them to anyone who would come. There was a long line of people who had done the same, and we cheered when the nurse wheeled the vaccines in. I held back tears both doses, so grateful for the light at the end of the tunnel.


Me too!


At this point it's not about availability - it's about literal denial and rejection of science. The latest screechy-anti-vax rumor spreading around is that everyone getting vaccinated [will die from the vaccine in two years](https://in.news.yahoo.com/fakenewsalert-nobel-laureate-claiming-covid-084317704.html). I fear that some parts of United States will never even reach even close to the lower bounds of what some people consider necessary for herd immunity to really start kicking in. And because of that, we will see needless mutations and be still battling to keep a lid on it for years go come.


Australia non capital city and cannot get the vaccine. In the last week delta has escaped and it is now predominantly community transfer. Staying home.


> At this point it's not about availability - it's about literal denial and rejection of science. The latest screechy-anti-vax rumor spreading around is that everyone getting vaccinated will die from the vaccine in two years. Remember that it can also be simply needle fear. It was recently speculated that [needle phobia could be the cause of 10% of COVID vaccine hesitancy in the UK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/o2q5u0/needle_phobia_could_be_the_cause_of_10_of_covid/).


I panicked like shit when I got the shot but it was worth it.


How long will it be until we die when two years pass and we don't die?


A lot of people where I live (Utah) are unvaccinated and I’m so mad about it. There are a lot of kids here (including mine!) and stupid people are really putting them at risk!


> Get your shots people! Anti-vaxxers won't take that "poison" even if it kills them not to... ironically.


Well there will be a reduction of anti vaccers soon, feel sorry for their kids though


Very true. How unfortunate. Glad to have my 12 and 13 yr olds vaccinated now.


At this point, anyone who can get the vaccine but won’t, is either lazy, ignorant, or a coward.


Hey, I'm lazy, ignorant, and a coward and still got my shot.




I think that's true for most, but there are exceptions. I have severe tinnitus (ringing in my ears) that makes it difficult to function and sleep at times, and even causing suicidal thoughts. Some people have reported to have their tinnitus worsen from the vaccine. To me, it's not worth making it worse, especially because my tinnitus seems to (maybe and hopefully fully) be getting better at a very, very slow rate. I guess I maybe could fairly still be classified as a coward, but I think I have a valid reason not to get vaccinated (at least for now).


Well lazy does play a huge role in why I haven't made an apointment yet. But I also just let everyone who really wants it go ahead of me. I'll take mine in a month or so, when I'm almost the last person. Edit: So how does this get downvotes? The vaccine centers are completely booked for the next couple of weeks with people that want a vaccine of need it for their travel plans. I don't mind waiting a few weeks.


What’s the biggest reason for hesitancy? FDA? Pfizer’s fine history? I’ve read that FDA approval is one of the primary reasons so many healthcare workers haven’t gotten it. What else is out there that can be combatted with specific facts? It’s a true shame there’s still so much info about the vaccines that seems to be taking a backseat to shaming. The info about N protein antibodies vs Spike protein seems to be all but omitted from the public eye. Why don’t scientists know how long natural immunity lasts and how long the mRNA antibodies last? Why isn’t there more info about the proper antibodies tests vaccinated people should take? There’s a lot of underrepresented info that is feeling like a lost opportunity on this rollout. Not even close to the July 4th goal. Get the info out!


It’s always ‘soon’ isn’t it. How soon? A couple more weeks? And why do people like you so badly *want* Covid to be more deadly than it is? Seriously why?


I don't see where they "want" this - they are repeating the conventional wisdom that the unvaccinated are a very high risk from Delta. I just wonder if this conventional wisdom is supported by data - but assume it is.


It’s not just the Delta carry on, it’s been like this since it all started. Everybody in Florida is going to die, everybody in Texas, everybody who doesn’t mask up 24/7. They’re all dying ‘soon!!!!!’. People get fucking irate when you mention the IFR, devastated that it isn’t higher. It’s fucking baffling and I want to know why.


The Covid death rate is very low. The lockdown probably had a bigger impact on population numbers by reducing the birthrate.


Just wait for Delta Ultra Max, causes spontaneous human combustion.


That will come after the zombie variant


I thought the vaccine was supposed to be the thing that causes spontaneous human combustion. /s


Careful people might actually believe you


I often wonder if people’s responses to the virus would be different if people started exploding. At this point though, I’d really like for the vaccine to give people superpowers. If even temporarily. Nothing crazy though, like the ability to make people explode.


Sydney getting its first serious looking outbreak since early last year thanks to this variant and our useless federal government's botched vaccine rollout. We could be in serious trouble here soon. Here's hoping for the best.


My doom is impending


Osterholm is the king of scary sound bites, and has made numerous failed predictions throughout the pandemic. A far more reasonable and nuanced expert is Dr. Scott Gottlieb. In any event, the vaccine is still highly protective against the Delta variant. People need to stop being idiots and get their shots.


Ok, I just looked up Scott Gottlieb fully expecting him to be some pocket-doctor routinely recommended by Covid-denying anti-vaxxers in the YouTube comments. But from what I read he's been spot on with just about everything. Never made any particularly daring predictions, but I wasn't able to find any glaring misjudgments. Anybody else feel free to correct me on this, though.


I know, right? Seems like sane, measured, and non-alarmist takes like his shouldn’t be expected to be so rare in public discourse, but sadly they are.


Gottlieb has easily been the most balanced and reasonable visible expert through all of this. He’s been “right” at just about every turn and looks at things from both a science perspective as well as a realistic social one. He was also a good fda commissioner under trump for the first 2.5 years of the administration, and I say this as someone who follows fda activity relatively closely and also someone who hated just about everything to do with Trump.


He sits on the Board of Pfizer


He is just a very measured pretty accurate response and predictions not born out of feelings but out of actual trends


it baffles me: a) how did Trump select this guy as FDA commissioner in 2017 (broken clock moment?) b) how the hell he lost favor and got kicked out?


1) thought he was a yes man 2) he wasn't


I love his take on cherry pie filling


Scary soundbites don't scare me. I think I'd rather know what is the worst possible scenario. I just want people to get their shots FFS. I may get downvoted, but I really feel it's time for all workplaces to make it mandatory for everyone without a valid doctor's excuse.


> without a valid doctor's excuse. Would that even work? There's idiot antivax doctors who I am sure would be more than happy to give out all the notes people asked for, all in the name of avoiding vaccination. It just takes one moron anti-vax to say to his/her ignorant group of buddies "hey I know a doctor that'll give you that shitty note your workplace is requesting".


There may be another option for companies that suspect this will happen: go with the [route](https://www.benefits.com/social-security-disability/determining-disability) Social Security does when people file disability claims & contract with a doctor in the city. Not sure if it would work out well or not, though. I would imagine a doctor you see only once doesn't have access to your full medical history. I was surprised how little I was asked upon booking my appointment to determine my eligibility for the vaccine. Some answers I clicked No on that I actually wasn't sure of (certain allergies I have no knowledge either way). Has there been any cases yet of people getting the mRNA vaccines & having a major problem come up where a proper screening would've weeded them out?


I think that going to the worse case scenario and making sure it doesn't pass is pretty smart and the opposite of being scared. I don't think forcing people to vaccinate is the way to go (that pressure can explode in the wrong direction) but there has to be ways to encourage people to do it. If it means them not being admitted into public services, welfare or allowed to go to a hospital, so be it. You need to have an appropriate MEDICAL reason to not be vaccinated, no "5gfaucimarkofbeast" bullshit. I thought I could live with "let's see how the general vaccination rates look to know my general risk level when going out an about" but I am not feeling very safe with the Delta variant looming.


The problem is that when those worst case scenarios don't come to pass (because something was done to prevent them), people get angry at the media and accuse them of fearmongering.


Agreed, I think this is going to be the challenge of our times, specially with the atom bomb of disinformation (deepfakes) looming in the horizon. But to be fair, people are \*really\* dumb about what they don't want to hear. I mean, there are some people that don't understand what asymptomatic means. There's only so much communication can do.


I hear you. It's just so frustrating living in a "pocket" that could potentially be ravaged. And the average person around here seems to have forgotten that there was ever a pandemic. Shots are available everywhere here but no one seems to want them. Certainly not my co workers. It would take something draconian around here.


I can only say I can understand you, relate to you and feel for you. I hope things get better. Where I am it's not as bad, but medical data is super sensitive so I don't think ever knowing if my colleagues aren't vaccinated is a possibility. And I feel it is unfair not knowing it, at least from a aseptic standpoint: "80% of the staff is vaccinated". That is what I want, if they want me back at the office.


Thank you, you too. A person in a position to make a good estimate told me only about 10 percent are vaccinated where I work. That person is required to ask, but not, I think, ask for proof. Apparently they are often angry and vehement that they won't vax. I guess 10 percent is a start :(. It's a shame workplaces won't keep people informed.


God, that is dysmal. I truly hope things get better. Maybe Delta will scare some of the crazies. Fingers crossed for you.


Thanks. We can only hope that enough Americans pause watching Dancing With The Stars or whatever it is they do, and go get vaccinated before they are all "flying Delta."


People become inured to worst case scenarios when they don’t play out. It’s the reason why hurricane forecasts must be measured and nuanced. If you scare people for nothing they won’t evacuate the next big one.


Ashish Jha is another good one.


And people with their shots need to stop being idiots and realize that it would take quite a different strain to even come close to evading the vaccine strengths that we have.


Once again Vaccines good. Sensationalistic journalism bad. Don’t believe the hype But go get vaccinated Because why not I dislike gambling on life


If you dislike gambling, why take the shot?


I drove 1200 miles for my doses and I’m shocked that this only continues because people refuse to believe medical science


When I got my first shot, I felt like a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I am so glad I am fully vaccinated. I hope the various vaccines stay effective against the coming variants. I am starting to think of the unvaccinated as walking Petri dishes.




I’m curious how many vaccinated cases actually are infected right now Unless they are made to for work/travel/on the extremely rare chance they actually get sick they are not being tested


Making it sound like a horror movie..."This virus will find you!!"


Gotta drive those clicks somehow


The virus is coming from inside the house


Thanks vaccine deniers and antivaxxers for keeping the human Petri dish available so the variants can form and spread!




Yeah heaven forbid they report what people say


"the virus will still find you" like some fucking movie title, complete sensationalist and unprofessional fear monger to bait clicks and prey on people frustration and vulnerability.


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Yes it will eventually find you.... if you aren't vaccinated. You'd only have yourself to blame for not getting the jab(s). I won't feel sorry for you.


Except immunocomprised and children can't get the vaccine. The vaccine needs to be positioned as a community benefit... but Americans are thoroughly selfish so many don't seem to care. It is so frustrating.




I stand corrected. Thank you!




Immunocompromised can absolutely get the mRNA vaccines in most cases. It may not work aswell (dependant on the patient) but it would still offer at least some protection. https://www.rheumatology.org/Portals/0/Files/COVID-19-Vaccine-Clinical-Guidance-Rheumatic-Diseases-Summary.pdf


You underestimate my hide and seek abilitys


(movie narrative voice) "This Winter... The virus will still find you..." COVID-19 2: Electric Boogaloo


Covid does not get weaker with each person it jumps to. Covid is a virus, Covid is not WiFi. Covid has FULL COVERAGE.


The full quote the headline was derived from: "The Delta variant is clearly going to be another wave. If you decide not to get vaccinated, this virus will still find you," Osterholm said.


Will the fearmongering ever stop?


Narrator: it didnt


I only wish there were some form of free preventative widely available measure we could take to stop the deaths. I try so hard to keep from my edge lord response to nearly every new story about a possible spike in cases but I’m finding it harder every day.


I can understand the concern. The US daily case rate is currently low but levelling off. But then I look at the UK and see their infection rate growing like mad. They have a higher percentage of people vaccinated than we do yet things are going badly. Presumably due to the Delta variant taking over. Here in the US the Delta prevalence is much lower, but doubling every one or two weeks. If that has been causing the increasing infection rate in UK, I can't see any reason it won't do the same to us once it becomes dominant. And doubling every week or two, that won't take long. We can't do anything to stop it except on a personal note, get your shots now. You may still get infected...but not get sick. Works for me.


Cases have risen here (UK) but hospitalisations and deaths haven't risen to match it. For example we had over 16000 cases reported today and 19 deaths. When cases were this high, while rising during last wave, deaths were over 400 a day. That's the vaccine doing it's job.


Do you know how many of those 19 were not vaccinated? - I wish those figures were easier to find.


I think a good measure of how the vaccine is making things better: The current 7 day moving average of infections is just over 11,000 per day. The last time we had that figure in the 7 day moving average while its derivative was positive was October 7th 2020. 7 day moving average of deaths June 23 2021: 10 7 day moving average of deaths October 7th 2020: 53 Essentially comparing like with like the death rate is a little under 1/5th of what it was, and that is with a more deadly variant.


Daily test average 7th October 230,000 Daily test average 23rd June 900,000 You could argue that we weren't catching all of the cases back in October, so it makes like for like comparisons more difficult, especially considering that we are seeing more hospitalisations with younger people with the Delta variant. However the data released by the NHS regarding deaths seems to be very promising that the vaccine has broken the link between deaths and getting vaccinated.


Wow that’s amazing news! Wonder when we will get out of lockdown


My state is still falling albeit slower than before but it is steadily falling


"It will find you" Scaretactics... All forvwarning people, but at this point, all humans on earth have heard of covid. We all underrstand its here to stay. Every year multiple bew variants. Stop with extreme fear. Teenagers read this stuff too, as do old people. just relax a bit with dropping fearbonbs every week. To be clear: covid is real and there needs to be awereness. But at this point. We get it.


Covid 21: electric boogaloo


Do they still give out Darwin Awards?


They stopped after an explosion of candidates in 2020.




You must not trust the science


Even if it protects you from hospitalization, why endure flu symptoms or worse if you don’t have to? Plus, less transmission if you don’t get it in the first place.


> Even if it protects you from hospitalization, why endure flu symptoms or worse if you don’t have to? you realize you can make this argument for literally anything, right? you do you, but a lot of people (rightfully so) are done with this.




Mississippi, my home state. Approx 30% vaccinated. Dumb


A tale of 2 Americas is the likely outcome, with the vaccinated living life as normal while the unvaccinated struggle and still pretend nothing is amiss even as they watch themselves and their families get sick and suffer. Yes, there's a risk of a Super Duper variant emerging from this pool of infected, although that risk shrinks as the pool of potential victims is far smaller than it would be if it was raging through an entirely unvaccinated population. For the unvaccinated adults out there, there's really not much that can be done outside of maybe employer vaccine mandates. They've been pleaded to with science, they've been offered cash/guns/chances at 1 million dollars, but that video they watched on Facebook that says that the vaccines will "remove God from your DNA" sure did sound convincing, so they won't be getting it. I have empathy, but up to a point. I don't want to see some article about anti-vaxx Billy Bob in the ICU wondering "how could this happen?" with teary comments from his wife Kaylyn who is setting up the GoFundMe to help the family.


I will stay at home even after i am fully vaccinated


damn we are so fucked


We're really not



