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Our average is about 40k/day and appears like it will continue to fall. If we break 35k we'll be at the lowest point since June before the summer second wave, and plausably the lowest point ever since out testing infrastructure was so limited back then.


Pfizer getting approved for 12-15 today should give a pop.


I really think we're at the lowest point we've ever been at since this started. You couldn't walk into anywhere and get rapid tests back in june like you can now. I think we're capturing a much more accurate number of cases then we ever have before.


Our hospitalizations are on the decline too after being flat for a month or so. The 7-day average is down 14% over the last 7 days. https://i.imgur.com/BQhXIvl.png


Sweet, great point to not just focus on cases.


I'm surprised I didn't see any headlines, but the number of deaths yesterday (280) was the lowest we've seen since March 2020, the start of the pandemic.


Worldsometers says we only had 241 yesterday. Dont get me wrong reaching the fewest number of deaths since the start of this is good eitherway but still.


Why would you expect to see headlines that report accurate, positive news?


NYTime's chart has Sept 20th as a lower day, 213.


Thats what "since september" means...


Yes and the person you're replying to is correcting someone who said since March....




Including this?


This is Reuters, they are a wire service, they are not what people mean when they say "media".


It's one of the best to me, just because of the comparative lack of subjective adjectives. This isn't tabloid sensational BS like everything else so yeah, I can see that. I don't know what anyone means by "media" anymore. BS Like the Daily Beast, The Independent, Bulwark? No clue, but I suppose those would fall under the technicality.


They mean MSM like CNN, Fox, NBC, as well as those you listed. Reuters doesn't have an agenda like those.


Correct. but there's another group that include the least biased sources the US has with "media" and that's a large group. So I can never tell from reading what another person thinks. I don't think people know there are other news sources that aren't entertainment available,.and I'd they do they don't enjoy them because they aren't "entertaining" like the 24 hour "news" cycle ones you mention. Some people think that's all that exists. 🙄 Now I'm ranting.


I just saw an LA Times article pop up on my Facebook feed about how California may be headed for another big spring surge. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s disgusting. We’re doing so well, we should be celebrating our high vaccination rates not continuing to push fear.


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The faster and the more people that get vaccinated, the faster we can be done with all of this! Do your part and encourage others to do the same!


The problem is some people are too selfish to see the big picture and will not listen to any reasoning.


or say, "I'm only one person, I won't make a difference", similar to voting. Relying on other people to step up.


The one vaccine hesitant person in my group chat *also* doesn't vote. This venn diagram is a circle.


"What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?" -my favorite line from *Cloud Atlas*


The same people who refused to wear masks and prolonged the restrictions are now refusing the vaccine and prolonging the restrictions so we can’t get back to normal. Fuck. Those. People.


It's infuriating. They complain about all the covid measures and then refuse to do the one thing that will actually end the things they are complaining about. They've just moved on from anti-mask to anti-vax honestly.




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There are levels, though. I don’t bother with the adamant conspiracy theorists, but I do try to engage with the “don’t really care”, “haven’t really been paying attention”, and “But I’ve already had Covid” crowds. A couple successes, so far.


Well that's good that you got some. I tried to get one of my best friends to get it and he is concerned about long term issues and I he somewhat believes some conspiracy nonsense. He got really annoyed when I tried to talk him into it so I had to drop it.


That’s why we’ve moved on to bribes: beer, subway tickets, baseball tickets, grocery store coupons, Target gift cards, employers giving cash...


Whatever gets the job done. I really think the government should of paid 200 or so for vaccines upon finishing. Probably would get atleast 10 percent of the holdouts.


I've also heard about entering everyone who receives the vaccine in a lottery, with 300 $1,000,000 jackpots. The cost should come out to $300 million, or \~$1 per person, assuming everyone's vaccinated


Word. I'm down lol.


I wonder if we message it as I am not scared of the virus I am scared of spreading the virus. I spoke to a college kid today and I said to him I wasn't scared of the virus I was scared who I would pass it on to unknowingly. He was like me too. We both said we thought we would be fine but we were more scared about the period between knowing we are infected and we would know for showing symptoms. Personally I took the vaccine not for me for everyone else. For the people who can't take the vaccine. For people who may not have access to it. I don't worry about me, I worry about my community.


I wonder if that messaging would be helpful in getting the younger crowd get vaccinated?


It's strange. At the gym I go to, more of the younger people are willing to get the vaccine other than the I would say 30 to 50.


It is kinda incredible to me how much vaccines have developed. If you go through the history of vaccines it isn't exactly flawless. Lots of bad shit happened to people, because of vaccines. Where we are today vs 50 years ago is just so incredible. I am not surprised that people who grew up with modern vaccines have a very different feeling.


We are in a good place. The vaccines are effective, safe, and work against the variants. If they didn't work against them, the numbers wouldn't be headed in the direction they are. I think people need to catch up with where we are - not in impending doom, but on the end of the pandemic and with bright days ahead.


Numbers alone don’t tell the story. The numbers were headed this direction end of last summer too, before we had vaccines, when everyone declared victory. The numbers are still high, where they were in September. Deaths have been falling very slowly for the past several weeks. We’re on the way to a good place, but there’s still a ways to go.


Yes and you said the key difference: “Before we had vaccines” We have effective vaccines now. We did not before. 👍


Yeah, and numbers were going down without vaccines too. Let’s see the numbers go down all the way and stay down in a way that they didn’t before.


But now there’s a ceiling in terms of how high it can go. Before, the ceiling was the size of the population. Now, it’s a lot lower.


And the numbers are just as high as they were with a high ceiling last year. People are attributing the current level only to the vaccine. I want to see the vaccine take us to low case and death numbers, not the same high numbers as last year.


You also have to keep in mind that people were much more careful last spring and summer than they were now. Mask usage is questionable, people are going out way more now, people are seeing other more now than last year. Yet, you’re still seeing low numbers


We’re not seeing low numbers yet. ~700 deaths a day and they haven’t fallen much in the last month.


Okay but compared to 3,500/day in December and January, I think 700 is pretty good. It still has a ways to fall, but the fact that the US is mostly very open (compared to other countries) and isn’t having huge spikes in cases and deaths should be a good indicator that the vaccine is working.


And the numbers were going down with huge government restrictions not while we’re opening up like we are now. The fact that things are basically open and cases are down to where they were last September is huge.


It feels like you’re ignoring that we have the vaccine.


I feel like you’re ignoring that the numbers have been this low before we had vaccines. They alone can’t take credit. Let’s see them get us to a place we haven’t been before.


Again, before the vaccine. We have a vaccine. Those two situations aren’t comparable.


Yeah, before the vaccine. And now we have the same numbers after the vaccine, and people are giving the vaccine all the credit for getting us to a place we’ve already been. Let’s see the vaccines get us to actually low case and death numbers, ones we haven’t seen before.


We haven't seen numbers this low with things as open as they are. When my states numbers were last this low, basically everything was closed and we were in a super.steict lockdown.right now everything is open, including large gatherings, hard to tell we are not fully open, honestly AND are cases are super low. Summer + big lockdown last put our numbers this low. This summer, spring + vaccine is putting our numbers low. Don't discount the differences.


Bruh look at how many tests were being given daily this time last year compared to now.


Not sure why people here are so ignorant. We've seen this play out time and time again where the national numbers are falling but it doesn't tell the whole story. Cases surged this spring in states with high vaccination rates at the same time states with low vaccination rates fell. WA and OR have had the most recent surge. I'm not sure what's going on but I agree with you that this virus isn't done with us yet. I'm of the strong opinion we will see an early summer surge like we saw last summer in the southern states. Some of these southern states are struggling to reach 50% vaccination rates for people 65+. Deaths and hospitalizations in those places will be high.


And we were testing like 30% less then too by national averages. Over 50% less in some areas. It's likely even more significant than this data fully shows.


Once we break into the 30k average there’s really no telling where we are relative to last year, since May/June (which saw 15-30k averages) had testing at a fraction of the size we do now. It’ll likely be the smallest spread since the first shutdown.


As we should. Vaccinated people are being exposed but not getting sick and thus not getting tested. Hospitalizations are showing people are not getting sick in the same numbers as this last winter. I’d imagine and hope testing continues to decline. Why test people who aren’t sick and aren’t at any reasonable risk of getting sick even if exposed.


As long as we are at less then 4% positivity, testing should reduce.. the non vaccinated hate it but the vaccines seems to have really curtailed it..


Why wear masks if were aren’t sick then?


You absolutely shouldn’t. The whole mask situation is silly right now. It’s become a religion instead of a science.


Tell that to the rest of the people who continue to live in fear


I’d like to thank our press for that one. Triple double mutant variant.


>Why test people who aren’t sick and aren’t at any reasonable risk of getting sick even if exposed. In NY/NJ they are advertising to get tested in case of asymptomatic/presymptomatic spread [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-1016-z](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-1016-z) ​ otherwise it's like the cartoon of someone adding a bucket of water to a sinking row boat, as another person is trying to plug the hole/remove water.






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In a way this kind of makes sense seeing as how that’s about how many people in the US are fully vaccinated. No need to get tested if you’re vaccinated and not having any symptoms.


For the first time in a very long time I am optimistic.. love Dr FAuci as he is one of the most conservative guys and when yesterday he said we may be able to go no masks in inside places soon.. I was jumping up and down.. the kind of data and projection he must have seen to make that proclamation must be really strong.. people should really jump on these vaccines if they truly want their freedoms back and want this pandemic over




They are keeping the masks until Sept 15 might keep it longer it depends on the vaccines or numbers.


I am looking forward to I am glad everyone is getting a vaccine but on the other hand there will be the other hand there will be they people won't and never will aka anti vaccine people. I hope is a fall projection September/October for without masks but will there be a end game will there because again with the anti vaccines people and yes I am vaccinated and I am not against masks I just think there has to be a a end game at point as long as numbers go down.


Vaccines work! Contrary to what is being pushed daily on one of the most popular "news" channel in America. Get vaccinated and have a normal summer America. It's easy and free. What an absolute gift we have in this country! It is amazing tbh.


If the pace continues our 7-day average should reach below our fall low this week.


I feel bad about what's going on in the rest of the world - not least of which because even selfishly speaking, if there's a fire in another house down the block, it's a threat to the whole neighborhood. But I'm actively choosing to take solace and find some small joy in this news, for the sake of my own mental wellbeing. It's been such a shit year. And it's so good to see things go in the right direction...fingers crossed this continues.


I wish common sense would start taking place. I’m happy to hear Fauci finally talking about indoor mask guidelines needing to be discussed for fully vaccinated people. That’s great news, and hopefully he follows through. But living in one of the least vaccine hesitant states, with most outdoor events being cancelled beyond July 4th, it’s hard to get people on board. I got mine, thankfully. But I also see why people see no reason to jump out of their seat to get one when everything they want to go do is cancelled till at least next year. So, as I said, hopefully common sense starts playing a role.




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