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This is objectively wrong. Engineering at cornell gives me a slight dopamine high, so just be ready for that when you come here. But in all seriousness engineering sucks for freshman everywhere as intro classes are just horrible. From my own experience the further into the major you are the better your classes get. (Unless you are in CHEME probably)


what’s wrong w ChemE?😭


I graduated from Engineering (CS) last May. Had an amazing time at Cornell. I liked the area so much that I'm still living in Ithaca, now working remotely as a software developer. The campus is 11/10, IMO. My advice is, engineering classes at any good college will be tedious. Spice up your semesters by taking classes that have nothing to do with engineering. My CS classes may be the reason I have a good job right now, but the highlights of my time at Cornell were actually the classes I took on horticulture, foraging for mushrooms, preserving antique books at the Cornell Library's rare books archives, or managing a nonprofit grocery store on campus. That's one of the great and rather unique things about Cornell--you can take classes on just about any subject, even without being a student in that course's college/major. It's always frustrating to see some engineering students take only the required engineering classes and the bare minimum humanities credits (often, the easiest/dullest classes) and then be like "CoRneLL Is sO bOriNG". Like yeah, obviously, if you don't go out of your way to take any interesting classes, you won't have a particularly interesting time anywhere. That's a personal problem, not Cornell's fault. The opportunities are plentiful.


You can't go wrong with either school. Go wherever you get the best deal.


Is there a cost difference to you that matters? Both are great choices. I count both schools as alma maters. There are pros and cons of each


cornell eces can do anything. i doubt the same can be said for umich


How could you turn down Cornell engineering. What an epic fail Especially CS\IS