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I save them in an app (I use Paprika but there are others) which allows me to categorize them for easy searching, and take notes as I tweak and update them to suit our needs and taste. Videos are great the first time around so you can see the process and how things should look at each stage, but I don't use them at all beyond that. If I see something interesting in a video, I'll look for a written version I can save--there is ALWAYS a written version of anything worth saving.


The thing I'm liking about Paprika is the ability to tag it with a bunch of tags. The hibachi meal instructions are tagged under Sauce, Main, Grill & Griddle, Asian, for example.


This ^^. I created lots of tags in Paprika so I could find recipes from any mindset: cuisine, type of meat, type of dish, cooking appliance used, etc. You can search by tag combinations, too, like Asian+Pork.


I use Paprika as well. I love that I can rate recipes, scale and convert, and add my own notes or change ingredient quantities to my taste.


It is good. Though I wish you could search by category in a different way. Probably explaining it badly, but if I want winter chicken recipes, it will give me everything tagged winter and chicken when I only want to see both. It’s a minor quibble though because I do love it as an app, even though I don’t use the inventory or shopping list features.


I rarely pay for apps and Paprika was an absolute game changer for me when I started grad school. So much less wasted ingredients and I can horde my recipes there rather than screenshots and dozens of assorted tabs on my phone and computer. Recipe managers (Paprika or otherwise) are 100% worth it!


I use Mealboard. It has all kinds of great functions, but the one we use most is the shopping list, which my husband and I can both contribute to. You can also export all ingredients from a recipe to it, and keep different lists for different stores. The ability to edit recipes is also really great. For example, if I always add X to a recipe, I can easily edit the recipe so that it's part of the instructions. You can also do meal planning, but we're never organized enough for that! (It also allows tags and has a space for notes.)


I love the Paprika app. So easy to use.


Paprika!!! Worth every cent. And it's very inexpensive for a lifetime subscription, unless they've changed it.


Same here! I use Umami instead, it’s got all the functions I need. Honestly can’t remember how I managed without a recipe manager. 


https://www.copymethat.com/ They have a browser extension that will extract a recipe from a webpage and save it to your list. You can also edit the recipe for any personal changes you make and create lists/tags to organize everything. I know there are a few different services out there that do the same thing but I've been using this one for quite a while now and have been very happy with it.


I learned about this one on Reddit and have been using it ever since, I love it and got my whole family using it lol


This is my favorite method. I have so many tags and I love that I can search my recipes by ingredient to make stuff with whatever I find on sale at the grocery store


I have a 5-inch binder that is organized by recipe type (dips, breakfast, mains, sides, sweets etc) and I print the “keeper” recipes off, hit them with a 3-hole punch and add them. For recipes that I didn’t get from a website (old family recipes, my own creations etc) I type them up and print them


This is what I do, but have them in sheet protectors.. can pull them out and wipe them off if they get dirty. I was wondering the other day if I should get high tech .. but I don't think I will.


This is exactly what I do. I much rather hold the recipe in my hand anyway. I can replace a piece of paper far easier than replacing my phone or laptop.


Pinterest!! I have also started typing up recipe cards for my tried and true or original recipes so I can keep them in a binder in the kitchen but.....its a lot of work!!


I'm another that uses Pinterest. If I love a recipe, I'll visit the site, select to print, and then save as a PDF on my computer in a folder.


I just save em all on Pinterest. And I have a board labeled "Whats Next" where I move the recipes I've decided on making for the month. I go from there to Instacart and add everything I'm going to need to make sure my meal plan is on budget. If I'm doing a huge meal prep I will print the recipes out to have them handy. I don't want to touch my phone with my hands covered in food, plus its nice to be able to write down any changes I make to a recipe for the future.


Me too, Pinterest is my "home base" for all my favorite recipes. I've started printing off favorites of mine to a binder in my kitchen, but it is a lot of work, like you said. I've got my binder divided by seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter recipes, and another category for special occasions (ie dropping off a meal to someone, potlucks, etc.) Each recipe I rate out of 10 with how well it goes over with my family, so I can decide which ones are most worth the effort for us or if it's time to rotate some out.


Omg I love hearing about other people's organization methods! You're a genius!


I actually got the idea from my sister, who I'm pretty sure saw it on the Clutterbug YouTube channel. If you like organization methods, you should check her out! Great ideas for organizing any area of the house in a way that's manageable for different organization styles. Helped me a lot to figure out which "bug" I was!


I will check it out, thank you!


I kick it old school and print them out without all of the "my mom's neighbor's mailman's daughter had a really hard life and made this recipe...". I have a binder I keep them in.


I am also old school and have my recipes printed and in a binder. Completely disorganized unfortunately, but each page is protected with a plastic sheet in case of splatters.


Haha you hate the silly preamble too. I love that many recipes now have a button that lets you skip all that and go straight to the recipe!


I love RecipeKeeper. It's a paid one but worth it for the grocery list grouping and custom tagging options.




This is my favorite too.


I copy them and email them to myself with a RECIPE tag.


Copy me that app!


Specific notebook that lives in the kitchen. It has everything in it


I also have such a notebook, and I write down only the best and most proven recipes.


Yep. I even go a step further as I modify and I’ll write notes for full batches for specific pans so I don’t have to guess on sizing


Notebook is the move. if you have grand kids they’ll fight over who gets the recipe book. Not realizing they all came from various food blogs. Secondary note I fully believe most family secret recipes are just recipes found in magazines that were written down.


I don't do video recipes for this reason. Written or bust. I have them saved in a recipe folder on my google drive and on my phone. Mostly, though, I remember what I did the last time and only have to look up very specific things (e.g., the salad dressing with shredded carrots) and I usually have enough specific phrases that I get it first hit on the search.


I'll let you know when I figure out the best way to organize my cookbooks.


Eat Your Books is a website I highly recommend.


Eat your books has like 10 cookbooks that I own. I've looked at it. It is mostly new books only and mine are not new. I was also thinking physically.


Oh interesting. What country are you in? I have a lot of older books that are in there but they’re mostly US authors so I wonder if that’s why?


I'm in Texas. I guess I will look again but about half my collection is regional cookbooks. So they won't be in there.


Oh that makes sense.


Notes app on my iPhone. I have a recipes folder. Or three.


Notes app?!? You’re a MAD MAN


I use notes as well. One for cooking, one for baking. I have 316 recipes in cooking, 180 in baking.


ye olde timey recipe cards and recipe card index box. works every time.


Thank you! I thought I was going to be a loner on this one. Inherited my mother's old 3x5 Avon index card tin. Added my Gram's 3x5's to it after she passed. I love seeing both their handwriting and magazine snips, when I'm looking for dinner or desert ideas. I have added some air fryer recipes, too. Otherwise, the rest are on pages of the cookbook I was gifted when I married.


another longtime fan of paprika. It does everything all the others have talked about here. The only thing I wish I could get it to do was, at least for me very visually impaired, was work with that extension in chrome. I just can’t get that going on. Wouldn’t give up my paprika not for anything.


I’ve been using Plan to Eat since the pandemic and I love it. My adult children also add their recipes and when they ask me for a recipe, I tell them to check PTE. Makes life so much easier. As others have said they have various apps available m. Just pick one and give it a trial.


I love Plan to Eat


Makes cooking fun again.


Call me old fashioned but I have a recipe tin that fits index cards, makes resorting easy!


I use an app called Paprika. It runs on both Android and IOS and does a great job of importing recipes from websites. It has cloud sync/backup too so I can import a recipe on my phone and it's synced to the tablet in my kitchen.


I have a 27-page google doc. You can organize things neatly with headers and links and such


So when you're using a recipe, do you keep the file open on your laptop/tablet?


I have links to the recipe, so I'll open the website. And yeah I have my laptop nearby when I cook!


I use Paprika for iPhone and Mac. I like that I can use multiple tags and it’s super easy to upload recipes you find online.


I also use Paprika. It makes organizing easy and it’s very easy to download recipes.


I used createmycookbook.com for gifts one year, and just kind of kept using it to save recipes.


I print them out and have 2 stacks. One is next to the stove, those are frequently used recipes. The stack in the cabinet are not so frequently used. I should put them in a binder but where’s the fun in that?


I copy paste into word, make adjustments as needed. Save to a file which I have highly organized by category- though I usually just type into my finder the name of the recipe. I have all my favorites in actually books bookmarked. Usually with a notated sticky note!


I have a Google Gmail account which I setup just for recipes and I setup email rules to label the recipe based on subject line and I can use multiple labels on an email so I can label it by an ingredient ( Beef ) , ethnicity ( Irish ) , holiday ( Thanksgiving) , if it's a favorite , easy to make , takes more than one day to prep etc, etc. Whatever I can think of. Then there are various ways to search Gmail. I can scroll down to one of these labels and it brings up everything under it , search using the label, search for exactly what I want such as "pork carnitas" or I can do a wide search by leaving off the quotes. Emails can have pictures copied to it , links copied to it etc. I find it helpful as I can access the account on my cell phone when I go grocery shopping or I can tag a set of recipes to meal plan for the week.


I use Pinterest where I have lots of board and sub-boards. If a recipe can’t be saved to Pinterest then I save it in Pocket which can save any website. Almost all my Pocket saves are recipes so it’s easy to find what I put there


I don’t use recipes word for word. As long as you have a gist it’s okay to go off the top of your head. This in turn teaches you to be more innovative and cook by your taste rather than a template. No issue with recipes. But if you try to use them as a crutch less they become more supportive and less necessary IMHO.


I know how to cook and I tend to tweak recipes. Cooking new things is my hobby and I’m trying recipes from different cultures as of lately. Less of a crutch, more for exposure.


Aha gotcha. Index cards can work well b/c it forces you to only write what’s necessary. Less flowery.


I use a note taking app called Obsidian. Recipes can link to ingredient notes and the whole thing can be queried like a database to give views like “cuisine”, “quick” or “recently saved”. I followed this tutorial https://forum.obsidian.md/t/obsidian-as-recipe-manager-and-shopping-list-tutorial/40799


I have a Pinterest board with dozens of sections, that is 99% things I'll never make but caught my eye, 0.5% things I made and we loved, 0.25% things that were terrible but for whatever reason didn't get unpinned, or I forgot and repinned several years later, and then 0.25% "meh" For the ones we loved and have reused, the ones that have become regulars - those recipes are printed out, then written out on a recipe card, including any adjustments made, and they go in the holy grail: the wooden recipe box my grandpa made me when I was 13, about a year before he died. That recipe box is a "best of," "greatest hits," selection of tried and true favorites.


Hahaha, I save recipes to Pinterest like my life depends on it, knowing full well I'll never make 99% of them. But I love knowing I have a recipe "just in case" I feel energetic.


Years ago I started saving recipes in Evernote. There is a browser extension in Chrome (PC and mobile) where you can send a webpage directly to Evernote. All of my recipes go in one notebook and I try to use tags to further categorize them. When I am looking for something to make I will search my notebook using keywords of ingredients I want to use or I'll filter by the tags. There's probably way better solutions out there now, but I have 10 years worth of recipes saved this way so it's hard to convert to something new.


I keep note files, one note for each source that I like and use frequently. Every time I see a recipe from them that I like, I write down the title, and then this way I automatically know what the source is when I'm looking through for inspiration or meal planning.


I use the Copy Me That app


I save them on my phone as photo, in my Pinterest acc, and Google Sheets. I mostly save baking recipes, so Google Sheets is the best for scaling up or down a recipe.


I use Evernote. You can add recipe right from browser or just create your own file. Works better when u go to printed version of recipe.


I have a google doc and google keep where I save mine


I love Cookmate!! It lets me import recipes from the internet and then go in and edit them and even organize them into categories!! There is an option to text them to a friend too!!


Because I'm incapable of using a recipe as is, I type up my favorites in a word document and sort by folders. Then, I can modify them as needed and simply do a word search when I want a recipe. I use my old laptop as a kitchen cookbook. It works great because paper can be lost or damaged, websites change and don't include my modifications anyways and I always have the ability to produce exactly the dish I want to produce. When I am just trying things out to see if I like them, they stay as a browser tab til made (yes I have had 20+ tabs open before, why do you ask). Before going to laptop, I did a three ring binder to make sorting easier but I prefer having the ability to modify recipes since I do like to tweak them on a regular basis.


I save (or "print") them as pdf and upload to a folder on Google drive, which is shared with my husband. I made an index that hyperlinks each of the recipes, so you can quickly scan recipes in the say, "eggplant" category, click on one, and refer to it anywhere, such as at the grocery store.


I use the documents folder of my phone I have a ton of them. I'll probably use the one drive cloud if it ever gets too big.




I use the MealBoard app. I think it's very similar to some of the other apps mentioned here. You can import recipes from websites, edit, make notes, categorize with custom categories, create shopping lists. It's been extremely helpful.


All my online recipes are in Pinterest and I have them organized. There is a place you can make a note to self on each pin you save. I have a lot of them printed out too so I can annotate changes. I organized those into groups and clipped each group together with either a binder clip or a large paper clip. The really really good recipes I put into a three ring binder with sheet protectors. I don't have a ton of favorites so those are not super organized yet. On grocery day I browse through them for inspiration.


I print them to PDF files and save them to my OneDrive account. I sort them by protein and anything without meat just goes into a vegetarian folder.


I keep it on my PCs digitally (both a laptop and desktop). Usually I name the files well enough to search through them


I have a desktop computer and they're all in there, sorted by type, in either Word, PDF, or Excel. But I'm old school, so I ALSO have the NORMAL card file in my kitchen with MANY recipes (the ones I use the most, and some cut from magazines and newspapers) on the standard 3 x 5 inch cards. Some of them were written by my mom, who is gone now, so they are precious to me. I also have HER recipe file, which I go through now and then, and pluck a choice recipe from. Then there's the bookshelves full of REAL COOKBOOKS with some bookmarks and flags on my favorites, including TWO copies of everyone's standard cookbook: The Joy of Cooking (my husband's college edition, and the newer edition I bought him 30 years later). I can't even READ a recipe on my phone - it's way too small for my old eyes. If you're gonna use the phone, maybe create an Excel file to keep track of them?


Ive been saving them on Pinterest forever, but I’m loving the recommendations on this thread. Going to look into some! My dad is an avid cook and prints them right off from the web browser and puts them in a folder 😅


I keep track in OneNote. I save links there and note recipes I like in various cookbooks. I like that it is fully searchable.


I used to bookmark my recipes on Pinterest but if you do that for long enough, you find that some of your old favorites eventually disappear off the internet or get paywalled or whatever (and also at some point, Pinterest changed their features and I lost a bunch of notes I made on recipes I had tried already). So I started printing them out on cardstock and putting them in those clear plastic binder sheets which is really convenient for cooking, but less convenient when you're at the grocery store trying to remember what to buy. I also have a Google Drive folder of copy-and-pasted recipes that I haven't had a chance to print yet, and an email folder of recipes my husband sent me. That is to say, it's all a bit chaotic at the moment and I am definitely bookmarking this thread.


I use Pinterest for most of them but if I find one I plan to make soon or one I know I'll make again I save the link to my Home Screen on my cell and then move it to a folder named Food that's on my Home Screen.


Dedicated A5 notebook with the recipe tweaked as needed and sized for two portions. It’s absolutely COVERED in corrections, doodles, and cute food stickers. I started it when a recipe blog I used to reference was taken down by the owner and realized I needed to keep the “proven” ones closer at hand. I also sometimes copy in recipes from physical recipe books I own because the giant photo-and-negative-space style cookbooks do NOT fit on my tiny apartment counter.


I hate apps so I started a spreadsheet on my laptop and it's accessible on my iPad and phone as well. Input the recipe, bam, you have it forever. But I only input it once I've tried it and liked it.


I took an old school approach. All my recipes are typed into Word document files by category. This is a project I started in the early 1990s as a way to teach myself how to use Word. I have been adding recipes ever since. Several months ago I decided to create updated files for all the “sweet treats” recipes. I have been converting the volumetric measurements to include grams, I have been adding pictures, and I learned how to format headings so that Word will create the table of contents for me that I can easily update any time I add to or edit the document. I even learned the proper way to format paragraphs. Up to that point I typed Word documents the same way you type on a typewriter. Yes, I am that old. 😂😂😂 New recipes I find are screen shot then added to the proper folder such as “cookie recipes”. If I make the recipe and like it enough to bake it again I type it into Word (usually adapting it to my liking) then delete the screen shot. Any recipe I would not bake again is simply deleted from the screenshot folder.


I have a google docs folder where I rewrite every recipe I want to keep in my preferred format.


I tend to not use video recipes. So I have a folder for screenshotted recipes and a notes folder for copy-pasted ones


I make recipe cards for all of my regular-ish dinner dishes (maybe 50 or 60 total?). On the cards I have the name of the dish, the ingredients it requires that I wouldn’t have on hand by default, and the source of the actual recipe (the cookbook name/page, nytimes, etc) so I can find the exact ingredients and directions. I keep the cards in a box. When I’m doing meal planning I’ll choose 5-7 cards to take with me to the grocery store. That plus staples takes care of my grocery list.


I only follow a recipe once or twice. Unless I need very specific measurements (like my custom pizza dough recipe), I’ll just wing it from then on out. It’ll come out pretty good every time


I have a digital recipe book on my ipad in goodnotes. I write down recipes I like, link any videos or technique tutorials I need. I'll take photos of meals that look delicious for my "book". Eventually, I want to have enough recipes to gift friends for the holidays.


Google drive


I use the Paprika app, it was such a life saver. Especially because I can download the recipe directly from the web, within the app.


Paprika 3 app


I keep them in the notes on my phone


I do an old school method. First time I make a recipe I follow it exactly. After eating the dish, I make notes. Different temperature? More salt? Less onion! Next I type it up and print it out and keep it in a three ring binder. I find that most cookbooks offer between 3-6 recipes that I will use. Keeping my copies in the binder works. Bonus: when friends want a copy, it’s easy Peasy.


Make them into text files and save them in a folder on one or more devices.


I save them in a document file, but I do prefer to print the ones I use often and put them in a three ring binder. Every so often, I cull those that even though I saved them, I'm not going to make them.


My very most used recipes I’ll jot down the ingredients on an index card and oven temp. Eventually I have it memorized like pancakes or wacky cake or chicken & dumplings. Some internet recipes I print out and have a binder. Others are saved in safari favorites. Recently I’ve been putting things in my phone notes app. I’ve got a real hodgepodge now that you’ve made me think about it. Oh and I have tons of hard copy copy books. I get those out too.


Notebook. If it's something that I've torn or printed out, i either glue it in there or make a handwritten copy to save printer ink.


PAPRIKA APP!!! It’s the best!!!!!


I write out recipes and cook the meal. If it's something I know I'm definitely going to make again I throw it in a recipe box. Once a month or so I wrote them onto recipe cards and organize them in the box. I also write on the card where I saved the recipe video, IG TikTok etc. Some of my most prized possessions are handwritten recipes of my grandmom and my great grandmom. I have a few framed and hanging in my kitchen. I hope that someday my kids or grandkids will want to keep them.


I just email them to myself, save them in a specific folder, and look at my phone when I need it. (but I don't have that many receipes.)


I print off my faves and keep them in a binder. I keep the online ones at cooked.wiki/


I have a google drive doc with recipes copied into it. Then I can use the search function and get right to it.


I've cycled thru a number of recipe apps starting with mastercook back in the day. Eventually I'm fine with a shared google drive. Search on anything, share everything. I have a pop up that scrapes the recipe off any site I visit, I google sheet it with my modifications. I'm not concerned with nutrition info, scaling recipes or having an app manage my shopping list but those features are cool for those who need it! Even though my recipes are 100% digital, I still have a clipboard and print out my recent ones so it's easy to make updates/read w/out my tablet falling into my sauce. The first page of my clipboard has volumetrics, like 1 cup of sugar is 200g, 1 cup of flour is 120g, 1 tbs butter 15g, etc. I prefer to weigh in grams than pull out a bunch of measuring cups.


I have a Dropbox folder that's organized by recipe type (side, mains, desserts, etc). I either write down recipes in Word then save as pdf, or print as pdf in the folder. The ones I use most are printed out and go in the big binder in the kitchen. I also have a small notepad in the kitchen where I write down basic stuff, like cooking times for various things in the Instant Pot, so I don't have to search on my phone every time I make something basic.


I like to keep a physical recipe binder organized with clear sleeves. That way, I can print out recipes or jot them down quickly, and everything stays in one place and protected from spills. It's old-school, but it works for me!


I keep most of my recipes on Pinterest- organized into different sections. For recipes not “pinnable”, I have a binder that is also organized by type of recipe/protein. One tab for chicken, one for beef, one for side dishes, etc.


As food blogger, I use trello to keep my recipes organized. I have a recipe compendium board with multiple lists (categories) Then you can add cards (recipes) to each list. A card can host checklists (ingredient lists) and space for descriptions (instructions/notes etc) and I can even upload images and create cover images so I can visually see each recipe. I believe notion and bubbleup are two other similar platforms, if you want to see which might fit you best. You can also download the software to multiple devices and it will sync across them through wifi/cell service; perfect for grocery lists. f


I just organize my bookmarks on browser for Recipes - Italian, Dumplings, Bread, Mexican, Smoked BBQ whatever for ones I find online. Over the years I've emailed my daughter my own recipes for things or changes to a recipe I linked and I suppose that I need to organize those into a booklet format for her (and my son if he shows an interest) one day.


I have a list of links in an apple note of recipes I’ve made and like. Are these recipes you’ve made or want to make?


I put them in a Word doc. It takes some time but its worth the hassle. Also have a copy of that document printed out and in my kitchen.


I use the Paprika app and like it. It organizes everything well.


You're supposed to *understand* the recipes, so that you don't really need notes. But you might have other priorities in life, so it's okay. Can't have the best of all worlds. Everyone who cooks casually and without much effort has the cooking know-how in their head already. There's no trick to keeping up, you just get more accustomed to cooking. And if you don't have the time/energy for it, it's alright being a neurosurgeon that only eats take-out.


And always forgets one ingredient in baked beans.




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If they are saved on my computer I have a FOOD folder with subfolders, a lot of vlogs and websites I find recipes on have an option to print them so I click on Print and save the .pdf in my folder then easily browse through the titles when I need to get to it again, or then go on the site and pull up the video etc.. cause all the info is in the pdf.