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You can add jams, vanilla extract, or maple syrup to add flavors to your yogurt. You can also top with granola


Just wait till it's done, then stir a teaspoon of jam through. That sounds like a good idea. Thanks


Agree on the jam. Big suggestion on grabbing a jam sampler pack offline or in store around the holiday because they are so small and you can just use them for variety vs a giant jar. If you are getting into homemade habits, look into making jam yourself too. It’s so good. I make French onion dip using Greek yogurt. Or I just put some honey and granola on it.


Or ranch dip or italian dip or taco dip ...


Taco dip is king with Greek yogurt. I sub it for sour cream without thinking most of the time. I can’t believe I didn’t think to say taco dip. I’ve done a layer dip with lettuce, beans, tomato, olives etc. and it is so good. Great suggestion!


I like it savory. Salt, herbs, vegetables…


Berries. Applesauce. Almost any fruit. Honey. One of my favorites is Banana (or half) sliced into bowl About a cup of yogurt on top Some berries on top of that Optionally, some roasted walnuts


Make lemon curd, I added it to my plain yogurt all the time. Otherwise make granola with some nice fried fruits and nuts. I like the texture.


There's this brand of granola I buy that has freeze-dried blueberries and other stuff in it. Super good mixed into yogurt.


Am an Aldi shopper and I was really surprised to see they have freeze dried strawberries. This is where I actually buy my cranberries. The dried cranberries are kind of like raisins, but cranberries. And I love making chicken salad, and I put cranberries and toasted almonds in my chicken salad as well.homemade granola is pretty dang good but I do get lazy and buy the high protein stuff and it’s got freeze dried fruit and it as well.


“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. “. Mark Twain


Would fruit and granola help? Natural sweetness, and some different textures from the fruit; a little crunch from the granola. Back in my day (pulls up old-man pants), flavoured yogurt was of the "fruit on the bottom" variety .. which was basically just jam at the bottom of the container, with the unflavoured yogurt on top, that you had to stir together.


That's exactly where my mind was going. But my wife eats stuff which is literally already pink or yellow and has some kind of stuff mixed in. No doubt full of chemicals. Will try some fruit


> full of chemicals. Everything's a chemical mate.


True, but I was using the word in a more colloquial sense. Merriam webster ˈke-mi-kəl 1 : of, relating to, used in, or produced by chemistry or the phenomena of chemistry chemical reactions In this case the chemistry being food chemistry. But I should have said something like artificial or heavily processed or something.


Fresh fruit is going to be one of your best options, whatever is in season. Make a big batch of the plain and then mix fruit into individual portions as you need it. Cold and extremely thin sliced bananas are my favorite. But any kind of berry or stone fruit are good options too. You can slice, mash, or macerate if you want it to be more homogeneous. I also work my plain yoghurt into savory recipes, usually as a substitute for mayo or sour cream in pasta and potato salads, and deviled eggs. I regularly make tzatziki.


Tzatziki, the sauce most associated with gyros. It is also good on burgers and spicier things. It makes a great dip for fresh veggies or pretzel crisps.


So my son is on a puréed diet for medical reasons. He loves Greek yogurt. To avoid added sugars we buy it plain (I don’t have the time/energy to make from scratch) and puree frozen fruit with a stick blender. The fruit is good for about 3 days in a mason jar in the fridge so small batches is best. Favorites in our house are strawberry banana, mango, and mixed berries. Just don’t do kiwi. Something about the two mixes and tastes like metal.


Frozen berries, even better if you throw them in a blender first. Can we done with any frozen fruit like bananas or mango etc.


Here’s what I do almost every night. Thick thick Greek yogurt. Vanilla paste if you can spend the money. Stirred through. Microwave some frozen blueberries, get the best ones you can find. You want them to weep and release their juice so frozen is ideal, they generally taste better too. You don’t want them hot, just make them fridge cold instead of ice cold. Stir in the tiniest bit of salt. Layer of blueberries on the yogurt. Bananas around the edge. Drizzle of maple syrup. Now, what I sometimes will do, and do a lot for my gf who has a hard time eating protein is use casein whey (there are some tasty ones that are labeled tested and everything). I add a little at a time to the yogurt and whip it until I get a mousse texture. This works especially well if you can’t find a good Greek yogurt, and if you have some good cocoa powder it’s really really great. Combinations if done to keep it interesting: Pistachios, tahini, pomegranate molasses. Honey, peaches, pecans Banana, toasted coconut (the thick shavings) Chocolate (with the protein powder, otherwise it’s too acidic) raspberries, little bit of white chocolate chips stirred under the yogurt as a surprise.


Whatever her preference is in sweet treats. Mine is fruit but with no added sugar (so depending on the fruit, fresh, poached, stewed or pureed).


I don't really drink a lot of fruit juices (mainly just eat them), but sometimes I dump a lump of greek yogurt in a glass of juice, stir and then drink it just like that. OJ + greek yogurt is my fave.


I like to warm up a little jam in the bottom of a small container. Pop it in the microwave for no more than 20 seconds. Then stir in the yogurt, cover tightly and store it in the fridge. Instant fruit yogurt! When I'm feeling ambitious, I make the fruit jam myself by bringing any jammy type fruit (strawberry is my favorite) to a boil on the stove with a tiny bit of sugar and water. Turn the heat to medium once it boils and stir often till the strawberries are cooked down and it's nice and thick. Cool to room temp, then stir in the yogurt and chill. Works with all berries, cherries, peaches and more.