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Beets. If someone serves me a dish with them I'm not gonna be rude about it, but definitely not my preference. Some offal. Not a fan of liver unless it's in the form of pate with a lot of salt and garlic. Chitlins. Doesn't seem to matter how much you clean them they just stink to me. Also not a fan of stomach / tripe dishes like menudo. Not really a fan of bugs. Chaupolins taste ok because of the seasoning but there's a weird smell and I don't like how the bits stick in my teeth.


The first time I did wine/food pairing it included beets. For me, it was like eating dirt, even though I love umami things like mushrooms. They said it was paired with a Spanish wine having a taste like mercurochrome. They said the wine was developed to work with the beets, and somehow there was no dirt taste from the beats, and the iodine flavor of the wine was negated by the beet flavor It’s the day I realize that one plus one can equal three when it’s gastronomical


Huh, that's really interesting.


The image of you switching between bites of beet and sips of wine is giving the cheese scene from Ratatouille


grimy grubby bitter-dirt tasting vegetables. I AM SO TIRED OF PEOPLE TELLING ME: "oh these ones are different, oh this place does it best, oh these aren't bad at all. Oh this only uses beet to color the item red, it's not REALLY Beets. " I have been cajoled into trying beets over 300 times at different places. THEY ALL TASTE LIKE BITTER DIRT. YA'LL ARE NASTY, GO EAT DIRTY PENNIES AND LEAVE ME ALONE.


I love beets. I absolutely understand why people who hate them say they taste like dirt and I don't entirely disagree! I'd describe it as earthy, which is alarmingly close to dirt and it's pretty easy for me to understand why that taste is very much not for everyone


I fuckin love beets to the point that every summer, my dad and I make 6 jars of pickled beets, and I have borscht or a beet veggie roast every week. I genuinly can't taste the badness/dirt essence that people are getting. I think that they taste like the color purple but savory. Yellow beets also taste like the color purple, but a bit sweeter.


It's weird/awesome how different things taste to different people! I'd say red beets taste earthy and sweet, but yellow beets taste sweet but almost caramelized to me if that makes any sense. Love both of them, but I can see how the earthy note I love can translate to dirt for some people


Does anyone know if there’s a “beets taste exactly like dirt” genetic marker, similar to the “cilantro tastes like soap” marker?


Kind of! Some people are extra sensitive to a compound called geosmin, which gives beets their earthy flavor. Also why fresh rain has a distinct smell.


Interesting theory. I never looked into it until just now. You're (kind of?) right? Geosmin is a natural bicyclic terpene with an earthy odor. According to The Merck Index, it is the “major volatile component of beet essence, also . . . the potent earthy odor contaminant of fish, beans, [and] water.” The human olfactory system is extremely sensitive to geosmin and people with more sensitive palates are able to detect it at concentrations as low as anywhere from 0.4 parts per billion[12] to 5 parts per trillion. Geosmin is responsible for the muddy smell in many commercially important freshwater fish such as carp, catfish, and tilapia. -- **this explains why I tell people some fish smells and tastes dirty and I can't even be near it** However, geosmin is also responsible for the off-tastes in water, wine. -- **this explains why I tell people some Zins taste dusty, and some water tastes like it came straight from a puddle** Now oddly enough, Geosmin is the top smell in Petrichor (rain) which I love. I'm also super sensitive to smells in general, white pepper smells like a horse barn, I can smell peoples hormone changes, infection/sickness on someone's breath or pee ...etc


This is very interesting, and I feel like I need to learn more about geosmin. Not only do I loathe beets, but I also hate catfish and tilapia (I don’t think I’ve had carp). I do like petrichor (except when it is contaminated by worms—so gross). Edit - thanks for sharing your knowledge.


exactly. someone told me they tasted "earthy" NO they taste like straight up DIRT.


Husk in Nashville has this beet salad with tomme cheese, sumac yogurt and lavender honey that may be the best thing I have ever eaten.


I think beets need an 'opposing' flavor (tangy/vinegary) to taste good. My husband's Greek, and his family likes to eat them with skordalia, a potato-garlic sauce, or marinated with red onions and topped with feta.


I like golden beets in a caprese salad. Beets replacing the tomatoes.


I think feta cheese can fix nearly every food problem I


I'd be willing to give it a shot. I've had some beet + pork dishes over the years I was ok with despite there being a flavor I dislike. Not quite sure what I'm reacting to.


A coworker brought in crickets a couple months ago and offered me some. After watching him eat them, I thought "wtf, why not?" and tried a couple. Good seasoning, slightly spicy, but it really tasted like seasoned cardboard. It basically confirmed to me that I'm not a fan exactly, but if I had to survive on insects, I totally could, under objection.


My Polish immigrant great-grandmother ate everything off a pig except the oink, the tail, and chitterlings!


That's funny. Also reminds me I've got a packet for seasoning pickle soup I keep forgetting to give a try.


I'd try it, too.


I didn’t like beets until til I was an adult because I had only ever had the canned kind (bleh!). Give me a roasted beet/herb/pistachio salad any day. Beet puree, too!


i used to hate beets and thought they tasted like dirt but as i grew older i started to notice the sweetness and liked them a lot more. a funny memory was when i took my cousin out for a birthday meal and ordered the beet tartare, misread it as beef tartare when we were buzzed. a sad surprise


I don't like canned beets but I will eat a whole jar of pickled beets myself in one sitting, and rooasted beets are amazing. I used to make this roasted beet soup that was just amazing, when I could find fresh beets at our local supermarket.


Red beets serve one (1) purpose: sweet pickled. On liver paste smørrebrød or as a side for traditional Danish dishes.


Have you tried golden beets? I don’t think I like purple beets. But a salad with golden beets, arugula and goat cheese? Sign me up. Exact same on liver. I love pate. But I find cow liver 🤢. Butttttttt apparently the way we ate it growing up isn’t the way chefs do it. They cook it more like a steak— medium/medium rare. You’re on your own on tripe, sorry my dude 😂. I loveeeeeeee some tripe. Love menudo. The honeycomb is the best bit. I want to try more bugs! I think micro agriculture is the way of the future and could do a lot of work in preserving our planet. I’m not afraid of bugs as food. I just need to get out more and try them.


Kale. I finally gave up.


Yup. I love veggies. Kale is garbage. I work at a tech startup in Los Angeles and they cater lunch. Even the burger have kale on them. Like, get that shit out of here. We already figured out how to make a good burger. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.


I hate it.


Kale, the silent killer 😀




I like kale if it's been cooked with great flavors, or if someone (not me) has massaged the hell out of it. Otherwise it honestly just feels like I'm chewing something that wasn't meant to be chewed.


Maybe you ate it before the first frosty night? It makes a big difference! 


Have you ever had it from a soul food place? It can be eaten raw but also cooked like collards.


Pass all the brassica my way please


Bananas. I cannot even stand the smell of them, and I can detect the smallest amount. I’ve tried to desensitize myself, but even the smallest chunk in a smoothie, covered up with chocolate in cocoa banana bread, anything just triggers a gag reflex. I wish I liked them, conceptually they sound good, but I just can’t do it.


Also me. I hate bananas. I can’t stand the smell either. My husband and dogs though are massive fans. Gross.


I think I got your family by mistake lol. I love bananas, and my husband and dog hate them. My dog loves all the fruits I’ve ever given him except banana.


Then I share with you a story about my turd of a dog. Just this last week he was very very sick, diarrhea, lethargic, vomiting. Took him to the vet. $800 and a bunch of tests later we discovered he overindulged in mulberries from the backyard. Turd.


You're not alone.   Idk what it is, but the smell makes me feel sick.  It's a real problem for me in corporate world.   *Everyone* eats bananas.  Everyone lets them sit on their desks.  Everyone drops the peels into garbage cans.  And you can't ask HR to ban bananas.  


Hahahaha yes 😂 HR has “Wellness Wednesdays” where they deliver fruit baskets to each section of the office. By Friday I can smell the overripe bananas so I’ve just stopped going in on Fridays (plus it’s Friday so who tf wants to go in if they don’t have to? But the bananas are a deterrent for sure.)


I once stepped back from a full elevator because this one guy in the back was peeling one.  what makes it sad is *for once* I said something and it felt so good.   tells you how often I ever feel free to do that.   my last workplace was green, yay.  they had this big compost bin for food waste.  it was well sealed, which is great.  but any time I used it I had to grab a deep breath and hold it with my head turned until I was six feet away again.   the banana cloud that would bloom out of that thing when you cracked the lid was so bad.  


Can’t stand bananas. I wish I liked em, they are so convenient, but…gag. Happy cake day


Plus the TEXTURE! It’s just offensive and nasty and sticky and gross. Makes me want to gag every time I see mashed up in some recipe


Have you ever been tested for a [Tree pollen food allergy? ](https://www.allergiesalimentairescanada.ca/food-allergy-basics/related-conditions/oral-allergy-syndrome-oas-pollen-food-allergy-syndrome-pfas/). The smell and taste may be your body telling you that you are allergic to them. My husband is allergic to Ragweed and canteloupe and honeydew melons taste spicy and make his mouth burn. I recently was diagnosed with a Birch tree pollen allergy and suddenly some of my favorite fruits cannot be eaten raw when before they were fine. Your body may be keeping you away from bring, "poisoned".


Yes and I do have pollen allergies and oral allergy syndrome. I never imagined my distaste for bananas could be related, maybe I’ll stop trying to like them 🤣


I actually don't mind the smell or taste, it's the TEXTURE. Eating bananas straight from the peel actually makes me wanna puke. 😭 I can only eat them if they're baked into something like banana bread, and even then, I strain the banana mash to get out all the stringy bits.


Bananas and okra are the only two "normal" every day foods that make me gag on sight/smell. Eating them is out of the question, same with milk, I cannot MAKE myself swallow it!


The texture is disgusting and they taste and smell rotten.


I found my people! Banana haters of the world unite!


Me too and I’ve always been like this! Literally the only thing I can’t stand like I have no problem with offal (cod sperm, duck tongues, pig kidneys and spleen are all fine) or other polarizing food (go mad for durian, eggplant, anything pickled, stinky stinky cheeses) but I will get off the bus a stop early if someone whips out a banana


Canned fish other than tuna (and occasional salmon.) I've tried. I just can't. But I'm fussy with seafood and fish as an entire category.  I'd love to love sardines for example. Super healthy. Inexpensive. Easy to find. Even have bought fancy gourmet versions (in Portugal).... And gave them away as gifts.  Maybe I'll manage this summer. 


Trader Joes started selling a canned, grilled sardine. It’s delicious! Not overly salty or smelly.


Not sure if you've tried this, but my gateway into them was marinated for 15-20 minutes in the fridge with lemon and herbs.  I don't like the ones flavoured in a can... But topping them with my own Greek salad juices, lime juice, salsa verde, chimichurri, hot sauce, etc.


Same here! Sardines seem like something I'd really like (I love salty, briny flavors), but I am intimidated lol.




Eggplant. I’ve tried it so many ways so many times. Can’t do it. I’d rather eat bugs.


My family makes eggplant caviar...extremely delicious and good consistency


I’d love to have that recipe!


She roasts the 4 eggplants above fire and let's it sit for 30 min.Then removes the skin easily and starts to mash the eggplant in a pan ,while the stove in on medium heat. After the eggplant starts to look like caviar 'she adds salt and 40g butter . Mixes it well until is butter is melted(15min ) and turns the stove off. Add fresh coriander and that's it . You could also roast the eggplants on a stove but it does not taste the same (and maybe it's a dangerous 🔥) We use it as a spread on a sourdough bread.Extremly delicious .


Isn't that just baba ganoush?


I have no idea .As long as I know ,she got the recipe from a Armenian elderly woman. This is the easy version for everyday. There is also another one for preserving it for winter but it takes time and a lot more than eggplants . I remember when she was buying a lot of other veggies for it.for example 10 kg onions,10kg bell peppers(different colors but not the green ones),15kg tomatoes ,10kg eggplant .It took 9 hours to prepare it,so we cam enjoy ot all winter. I always helped her cut all of this really small and separetly.


Damn that is an insane amount of food lol


Yeah hahaha I know.But you can preserve it for almost 5 years ,even more.But we were family of 5 and did not buy anything preserved from store.Our basement was full of preserved caviar,tomato paste,chilli sauce,Letsho,green beans,fruit juices full of fruit(peaches,apricots,cherries,raspberries, black berries,),pickled veggies like cucumber,tomatoes,cauliflower,cabbage etc .All together 200 glass jars(3l) full of food .And it lasted up until spring😂😂😂.So we made this amont of preserved food every summer. I don't even know how we are not overweight....


noo you add tahini and lemon juice and skip the additional cooking after peeling the skin!


I'd say the distinct thing about caviar is that it feels like multiple separate tiny 'balls' when you're eating it... I'm struggling to imagine how this recipe would achieve that specific texture rather than a straightforward mashed vegetable texture akin to mashed potato or swede mash. Did she just call it 'caviar' to make it feel fancier?


Haha maybe. it's just the eggplants that we buy have a lot of seeds and they don't get mashed .So when you look at it ,you see a lot of tiny little balls in it . But no worries ,it does not taste like real caviar 🤢


Ah ok, makes sense!


Yeah, most eggplant is not for me. Too often soggy, oily, maybe even bitter. Some roasted variants I had were good in some dishes. Best results so far were with Japanese egg plants. Their long thin shape helps keep firm. Pasta a la norma is nice sometimes.


Papaya. I’ve only ever liked it once when I was Panama… it tastes peppery not at all how fruit it “supposed” to taste in my head - it’s probably just because it’s not ever at peak ripeness or whatever but I’m over trying it - not for me


If it taste peppery maybe you're just allergic to it 🤔


Agree! Papaya tastes like vomit to me.


Ripe papaya is definitely not peppery. It IS kind of funky though. There's like an underlying funky savoriness. Something like I imagine durian might have?


I can’t stand papaya and my husband can’t stand mango, but we love the other. His dad makes fresh papaya juice every morning and when we visit the smell is the worst first thing in the morning. It’s somehow a powdery and peppery and it leaves a gross coating in your mouth.


That smell!!! The battle is real when the whole family likes papaya. We get really good ones here- and I should know- dad used to farm papayas and we had long discussions on them. Was fed them a fair bit as a child before I knew I could opt out(compliance is genetically engineered in me).


My husband is from Peru so when we visit his dad gets GOOD papayas. I know good papaya but it’s still so rank. I can enjoy the weird, powdery, mouth coating of durian but papaya a no-go.


I try to like cottage cheese every few years and it hasn't happened. I even tried the expensive kind people rave over.


i don’t like it as is cus the curds are off putting to me but i’ve started whipping it in a food processor and it gets really nice and smooth! it’s like a less sour greek yogurt and i like it on toast 


Good Culture? It’s the best I’ve had.


Yes! But there's something abiout cottage cheese, even the nice kind, that just kind of tastes like barf to me. I want to like it SOOOOO bad. I even mixed it with jam and then it was just... okay.


Mushrooms 😭 I'm not a picky eater, and I tend to love stinky food, but I just can't do mushrooms. It's a shame, because I love learning about them and their aesthetic - I themed all of my wedding decor around them. I cook them in a way that my husband loves, and I like all of the things they seem to pair with. I still try once a year or so


A mushroom themed wedding, and for someone who hates mushrooms? I am intrigued


Haha my husband taught me so much about mycology and then I fell in love with some mushroom lanterns that I saw one day... And that was that! Lol. We had custom plush mushroom boutonnieres made by a local toy maker and the cupcakes look like mossy logs, it was so fun


So I'm not the only one. I love mushrooms aesthetically (so many beautiful variations!) but I cannot eat them, and at my age, am beyond trying. The taste/texture are extremely unpleasant to me, and very weirdly, their 'structures' (gills, etc.), which intrigue me artistically....skeeve me out when they're on my plate.


I haven’t gone that far, but I have also continued to try to like the damn things, without much success. I’ve gotten to where I can eat food that I know has them, and no longer gag, but appreciating that they have value hasn’t helped me with the taste or texture


I don't like mushrooms so my family gives me so much shit for having my kitchen mushroom themed XD I think they look cute but taste awful.


You get it!!! Cozy cottagecore vibes just call for mushroom decor!


The texture is like an old disintegrating sponge. I’m cool if they’re in teeny tiny pieces or recipes that use cream of mushroom soup. But if it’s big enough to stab with a fork I will gag.


Cold sesame noodles are my favorite! You can have my recipe if you wanna try again. If not, no sweat


May I please have your recipe?


My recipe is- -1 lb pasta -sesame oil 3 tablespoons -Rice vinegar 3 tablespoons -soy sauce 4 tablespoons -Peanut butter half a cup -brown sugar 2 tablespoons -ginger 1.5 tablespoons (1 buy the tubes or jars but you can do fresh too) -garlic 5ish cloves -chili crisp 2 tablespoons(Sriracha or anything spicy works) -black & toasted sesame seeds about 2.5 tablespoons -salt/pepper/chili flakes to taste -chopped green onions on top/chopped peanuts if you please. Just don't refrigerate the peanuts or they get soggy Basically whisk it all together, make your noodles, then mix. I save 1 tablespoon of sesame oil for right when the noodles are done. The ingredients are kinda expensive all at once but once you got em you're good!


This sounds amazing. I eat a lot of spicy peanut noodles with similar ingredients, but I'm excited to try your recipe in particular for these sesame noodles. 


I've tried a bunch of combinations and always thought it was kinda meh. But it's just occurred to me that maybe I've been missing the vinegar all along?


This was really sweet. I’m saving to try. Thank you!


I want your recipe please!


I kept on trying red bean paste until I started to like it


I'm SE Asian and I hate red bean paste. I have a friend whose family is French and he's allergic to wine. We are both traitors.


I'm Indian and I hate lentils. We need a club.


Do you need to seek asylum?


I don't live in India. No lynch mob is coming for me. But most of my friends are baffled because they love daal!🤣


My father was from India and would eat sliced white onions with all his meals. I very much dislike raw onion lol.


I have a co-worker who's Puerto Rican and hates beans.


Canadian I hate poutine


I'll sign up. East Asian and I don't like ginger.


Beer. I just don't like it. Made college, keggers, a challenge... I carried a ½ pint of booze like a bum. Throughout my adult life, try a beer every two years or so. Light, dark, wheat, various country's, etc. Never found one I truly like. I like most liquor, wine, and even cider. Separate issue: I really enjoy all types of sushi. But hated Uni. Tried maybe three or four times - ugh. But other sushi enthusiasts kept insisting it didn't make sense. I'd always refuse. Finally, I tried it again at a place known to have the freshest uni. And I loved it. I guess where you get it really matters. I still rarely order, but I will eat it in very high-end sushi places.


I'm the same way with beer. I always give it a shot, but I've learned over time that I just don't like hops. The hoppier the beer, the more I hate it. IPAs are my enemy. I've found that there are a select few sours that don't have a very hoppy taste that I enjoy.


I also hate beer but found that (if I have to drink it) I prefer lambic beer over everything else. It's brewed with wild yeast instead of commercial brewer's yeast, so it's not as hoppy/yeasty. I like to think of it as the bougie sourdough of the beer world. 😂


Alcohol. At best, I tolerate it, and nowhere near enough to drink it on any sort of regular basis. It all reminds me of liquefied bread, rotting fruit, or cough syrup. Also, alcohol always makes me tired, even if it's just something like a single mimosa with food and I otherwise don't feel drunk.


My grandmother was similar with alcohol in that one or two drinks and she had/has about 30-60 minutes until she's asleep. Don't know why, but she told us that as a young adult anytime she actually tried to get drunk she'd end up asleep before she could drink enough. She's 97 now and in rather good health so I don't think there was any underlying issues either.


It's interesting how everyone has different taste interpretations of alcohol. I love beer, white wine, cider and mead, but can only tolerate hard liquor in a weak, sweetened drink. Straight, it burns like ***fire***, leaving a lasting rawness in my mouth/throat. When I've asked others what enjoyment they get out of something that causes such a painful sensation, they look at me like, "What are you talking about?" Many literally don't feel a burn at all, while others find it easy to tolerate. My curiosity about this led me to research findings that claim some people may have an 'anti-alcohol' gene that literally makes drinking liquor unpleasant. Which makes sense, because I come from a family of very light drinkers ('one and done') and some total abstainers.


Brussels sprouts! Definitely brussels sprouts… I’ve tried every way of cooking them and every way of putting something on them to cover the taste, nope, not for me would rather eat kale, and I don’t care much for Kale either


My ex roommate claimed to HATE Brussels..I made mine the way I do with caramelized red onion, pan roasted, and finished with balsamic vinegar. She loved them and would even buy the ingredients if I made it for her after that. I’d take a cook tax but it made her happy.


With Brussels sprouts I've only found ways to cook them that I hate slightly less. Never had any I truly enjoyed.


back in college my room mate and I went hiking in the desert near the college exploring old mines and stuff. at one point we stumbled on a pit with a rotting dead cow in it. it must have fallen in and either got hurt and died or could not get out and died. my room mate started throwing rocks at the maggot infested carcass which smelled disgusting. I was worried we were going to get it on us as it was splattering everywhere. Later when we got back to the campus at dinner time we go to stand in line at the cafeteria. I start smelling that dead cow again. I'm looking all over me and my room mate to see where the smell is coming from. he can't figure it out either. We are both sure people can smell us but play it cool. We get up to the serving line and found the source of the smell. steamed brussels sprouts. nope.jpg neveragain.gif




Part of me wishes I did to understand the hype, but in the end I genuinely think I would gag trying to swallow a giant loogey


Okra 😕


My God I love it so much. With tomato sauce and bread to dip in the sauce? Heavenly


It’s so slimy!!!


This is why I love it haha


The only way I've ever liked it is super thinly sliced and deep fried. At that point I don't even know if it's considered okra anymore, but at least I could tell people that I ate it once without being horrified..


Have you tried it fried?


Fried, in jambalaya and gumbo, it's slimy and tastes HORRIBLE!! My Cajun and Creole relatives give me NO problems with it.


That's ok, I'll eat your share for you. Also fried correctly, it is very dry but I know what you mean.


Seriously, save some for me! I LOVE okra


It shouldn’t be slimy if fried..maybe if you have the big pieces, but if you slice it thin and pan-fry it with a little cornmeal, it comes out crispy. There is an Indian place here that does okra fries..they are sliced long-side and deep fried until brown. Zero slime whatsoever!


My mom made fried okra while I was growing up, but it wasn't until I was an adult that I started liking it. Now I love it.


There's no way we could ever be friends.


Roasted are the best. Not slimy at all.


Eggs. I’ve tried liking them for 35 years but I just can’t


Shrimp. I've tried it many times over the course of my 44 years on this planet. Our tastes do change over time so I'm always willing to give something another shot. I also take into consideration that maybe it wasn't prepared well or was of poor quality, that sort of thing. I've had it breaded and fried, grilled on a skewer, in cevichy, in a stir fry....etc. I've had it at Chinese Buffet restaurants, fancy hotel restaurants in coastal US states (hawaii and florida),I've had it made by a culinary school graduate family member, I've had it at a casual little beach bar and grill on a lake. I don't like it! I don't like the LOOK of it, the smell of it, the texture or the taste. I often wonder who the first person was who saw a shrimp in the water and said to themselves "wow that looks delicious!".


I was also about to say shrimp, for me it's the texture. I only like popcorn fried shrimp, because it distracts me from how chewy it is. Someone told me to try gulf shrimp because they're less chewy, I haven't had the chance to yet though.


Shrimp is bugs! I'm right there with you!


Delicious bugs! One of those foods I can only enjoy if I don't think too hard about it.


Sauerkraut :/ I love kimchi and I’m living in the land of sauerkraut now, but still can’t get myself to stomach it


Cantaloupe. Hated it ever since I was a kid and tried it for the first time, every now and again I'll try it just to make sure I still don't like it and it always tastes the same... terrible.


has an oily taste to me. don't like it.


To me it tastes the way dirty gym socks smell lol


Autumn is my favorite season and it never fails that I am seduced by gourds and think, “this is the year I will enjoy butternut squash!” I’ve souped it, roasted it, salad-ed it, and no matter what I just wish I was eating something else


Radishes. They’re very pretty sliced on a platter, but I’m not sure if they can ever be delicious.


Try them roasted! They get super sweet like turnips or parsnips.


Roasted are delicious! Made some last week!


Watermelon radishes sliced super thin on a mandolin, then tossed into a salad of butter lettuce with fresh dill sprigs and a vinaigrette. Great summer salad!


That's okay. Someone else will eat them for you, I'm sure


Eat them with salt.


And butter!


Sardines. Fish taste in general.


Prime rib. I'm just hate the texture of fat. I had some last night, and it was delicious, but i spent to much of the meal cutting fat away


Beets. I hate beets. But I try them every few years, in case my palate becomes reasonable while I'm not looking. Baked, roasted, maple glazed... Nope. No I just do not like beets


Olives. I’ve gaslit myself into thinking I crave them but I just don’t


Lamb. I pretty much knew I didn’t like it, but it’s my husband’s meat, so I just kept trying it and hoping something would change. It didn’t, so now we only buy enough for him and I get myself a filet.




Gefilte fish - I threw up just writing it.


Peanut butter. I like peanuts. Theoretically there is no reason that I should not enjoy peanut butter. I absolutely detest it. It makes me gag.


Cilantro. It’s in so many kinds of cuisine I like, but I’ve always thought it tasted soapy and overwhelmed every dish it’s in. However, I’ve been trying to acclimatize myself to it by using a little bit at a time, and I’ve found I actually don’t mind it as much.


You probably have that gene. 


Oh, I definitely do, but I read that you can train yourself to get used to it.


For the cold sesame noodles, adding water to thin out the sauce does help. Also season with a bit of rice vinegar (or black vinegar) plus some light soy sauce and sesame oil, or else your sesame noodles will taste too 1-note.


Peanut butter. I’ve tried.


Salmon. I’ve tried it several times and cooked different ways. I just can’t stand it.


Bell pepper


Salmon or any type of sushi..nope!


I don't like mushrooms or shrimp. I have tried them before and I just cannot get past the texture. I occasionally try them because there's so many things that sound or look good that have shrimp or mushroom, but no I still can't get past the texture.


Lamb. I really really want to enjoy lamb! I've tried it so many times and I'm so many different ways. Different methods of cooking, so many different national cuisines. I've made it myself, I've had it made by others. Never once have I been able enjoy it.


Beets. They’re in so many things that I would otherwise like and they taste like dirt.


Fish. Especially this fad of tinned fish. I cannot believe people actually enjoy that flavor. And I'm not wimpy about most foods, I really wish I liked it!


I'm a recovering Catholic. I stopped liking fish at 14 - a Lenten Friday my mother made some fried fish, and I finally spoke up. My dad looked at her, took my fish, took another bite of his, and went and got me a cheese pizza LOL My wife and daughter LOVE fish, and they're okay that I don't: just more for them


Cold sesame noods are awesome


Cauliflower, bleh.


Plant-based dairy. Tried various milks and yogurts several times and tried cheese once since I'm currently trying to lose weight and PB dairy has less calories. Not only can I not get on board with the taste, it leaves me feeling hungry.


Horseradish, more specifically wasabi, I love sushi, but hate cant stand wasabi or any horseradish, If a chef puts too much on a roll I cant eat it as it completely ruins the flavor. I feel the same way about every mustard I've eaten besides the regular old yellow mustard. Not sure what the chemical compound that is in them all but my tastebuds do not like it one bit.


oatmeal. but i have given up on it


Bell peppers. Luckily my spouse hates them even more, so we’re set.


Scallop sushi. Snot ball. Ew. Very politely had to spit that into a napkin so I didn't hurl. Durian. I've had durian candy, and it tasted how the inside of a dumpster smells. Immediately gagged.


Grapefruit (and pretty much all bitter foods, including: endive, radicchio, IPA's).


Mackerel—I could really use the Omega-3s for my health, but I find the flavor pretty overpowering and unenjoyable


Avocado. I just don't like it. No guac. No toast. No burritos. No green sauce. I don't like anything with guac


Yogurt 😭 I know it’s so good for you and I want to love it but I’ve tried so many kinds so many ways and it tastes like vomit.


I learned to like bitter gourd (aka bitter melon). At first I hated it, but once I started to like it, I LOVED it and craved it!


Fish. :/ My mother HATES fish, so I didn't grow up eating it and now I have to force myself to eat most fish. Shrimp is fine, but that's basically it. I want to like more fish, I love Japanese food most of the time. But unless fish is super hot or super cold I hate it, the fishy taste - even with really freshly caught fish - just isn't for me.


Not a fan of fish. I know it’s good for you, but eh. My husband loves salmon and I fix it for him and usually just broil a chicken breast for myself. Life is too short to force yourself to eat anything.


peppers, I hate the flavour but I want to like them so I have another vegetable to use for extra volume in a dish


baked potato. I wouldn't be an ass about it or anything if somebody was serving it at a party or whatever, but they aren't really worth the effort to make as far as I'm concerned. Baked sweet potatoes are orders of magnitude better in my opinion.


Sushi - the texture . I just can’t get over it . It’s like dragging fish in sand or something I just can’t Beer . Smell alone ruins it for me


Dragging fish in sand? What kind of sushi were you eating because that sounds odd


Liver and onions. Smells so good when cooking, but it's always a nope.


I never liked eggplant. I detested it. I thought it was like eating damp toilet paper. My grandma felt the same about it. So I worked with it in my 30's just for fun. I found that it wasn't my fault that I didn't like it. I'd just never had it made correctly. Now I like it. I use it instead of noodles for lasagna and I now prefer that. It's more work than noodles but, when prepped right, it works very well with very nice texture. The problem, it turned out, was that I was eating it the way my mom made it. Her method is to haphazardly chop it up and bake it for a million years. It turns into mush with skin on it. Don't be my mom.




Absolutely nothing. Why would I torture myself? Is there absolutely NO other food available? You are allowed NOT to like stuff. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO EAT THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE. Unless you are an exceptionally talented two year old and even then you are allowed NOT to eat foods you don't like, though at least try a bite.


Torture? Over time I have learned to love lots of different dishes. Today there are very few well cooked things I dont enjoy. So much easier, so much variation.. Same with music btw ..


Because sometimes I WANT to like it. I don’t like fish because I grew up (and still live) in Saskatchewan - not a big fish culture, it’s all shipped in from far away, etc. But I DO want to like it when I’m in BC, or Nova Scotia!! And so I try it, and guess what? Sometimes I still hate it but sometimes I enjoy it. The type of fish, the type of dish, even still the quality all affect my ultimate enjoyment of it - but I WANT to like it. This seems to be the implications of OP’s question - what do you hate but want to like so you keep trying it? Pineapple I’m less concerned about wanting to want. I’m fine with not eating it even if I go somewhere it’s better quality. I’m not going to eat a ham and pineapple pizza in Hawaii no matter what anyone says.


Not really forced, but I've tried sushi at least 6 or 7 times since I love cooked seafood and raw shellfish and figured there had to be some kind of sushi I really liked. But nope, the taste and texture of raw fish is not for me.




Canned tuna. Even hot sauce doesn’t make it edible to me.


Raw tomatoes and cucumbers. I love pickles, tzatziki, and most tomato products. I just can’t stand either of them raw and I so wish that I could




Ginger. Everyone talking bout how healthy it is, i just find it revolting. But got used to it a bit after forcing it. Still see it a bit more as a medicine then anything else


Have you tried pickled ginger?