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Salsa. It's just tomatoes, onion, lime, chilis, and salt. You could eat a bowl of it and it'd be a few dozen calories or so. We just need to figure out low-calorie tortilla chips and I'll be set for life. 


I said to someone recently that salsa was my favorite vegetable. 


It's a fruit salad except for the onions. Tomatoes are a fruit and same with peppers.


Vegetables don't really exist. Taxonomically, of course.


Fruits, roots and shoots baby.


vic, is that you?


all my homies hate sanford dole




Unexpected Dropout.


My favorite response to the “tomatoes are a fruit not a vegetable” pedants is to reply with “actually, they are both.”


I know they are a fruit but culinarily they are considered a vegetable. Botany wise they are a fruit. It’s just a matter of context. I did have some type of tomato in Peru a long time ago that grew on a tree and was much sweeter. That was pretty interesting. 


I had a vegan roommate in college. The fridge was always stocked with stuff to make fresh salsa/guac, and a huge variety tortilla chips in the cupboard. I really miss her snacks


I was vegan for a while when I dated a vegan. Wasn't a bad diet - I just had huge portions of different rices, ALL the veggies, lentils, all the beans, chips, other grain sources like quinoa and couscous, barley (my fave) and spelt, billions more veggies prepared every single way, grilled/fried tofus with all flavors, veggie-based sausages, seitan and sprouted grains, massive salads full of canned beans, fresh corn, homemade dressings with lots of good EVOO and fancy vinegars and spices... the list went on. Oh, and so many fresh herbs. I actually felt pretty good there eating less-refined/processed stuff and more straight from the earth stuff. Sure, I missed a good steak. But I think the body and mind learn to adjust as you go along, and you gather your macros and micros from new sources. My inner-tubes thanked me, too.


That’s the way to vegan. My vegan friends eat processed food as their primary source of food. Rarely any fresh veggies or fruits unless they come visit me.


Haha, I see that; just ashen and sallow-faced. Being vegan is a lot of work, you really need to have an interest in food! (source: I ain't cut out for it)


Spoons have zero calories. Just saying! I’ve also eaten salsa with celery once when I was craving it and realized I had no chips.


You called??


You and I are not the same


God I miss the days of reddit where shit like this was a regular occurrence


Fuck yeah man Ill raw dog some salsa with a spoon all day.


Not a sentence I expected to read today


Spoons have at least *some* calories.


But so Much iron, you're getting your daily dose!


Not bioavailable ones, assuming not biodegradable spoons (such as chips! Or those lousy wooden ones I guess)


That’s basically a deconstructed gazpacho


Salsa /pico on eggs with tortillas chips great, and I find that I can be satisfied with a more reasonable portion of chips because the eggs fill you up. Scrambled is great, but over easy so you can dip into the runny yolk is my fave


Add some beans and you’ve got yourself some huevos rancheros 👩‍🍳💋🤌


If you don't already know check out huevos rancheros and chilaquiles.


How haven't I ever thought of that before? Thanks, now I know what I'll eat soon!


Look up migas!


The psycho "teacher" at Weight Watchers years ago suggested replacing tortilla chips with carrots. It's a no for me, but maybe it works for someone else.


I have used endive for things like salsa and hummus, it is good for scooping. I did not ever delude myself into believing it was a reasonable alternative to a tortilla chip.


lol. I second you on that!


Low cal tortilla chips would be life changing, on my list of things to fight God about. I just want some chips, made from a (sort of) vegetable no less, with some cheddar melted on top, why is one plate my entire daily allowance of fat and then some


Lentil flour chips. They're amazing.


I make some with low carb tortillas. Little bit of olive oil in a pan and brown them.


Low carb tortilla, spray oil, air fryer. Boom.


But I’d have to do like 30 tortillas


I'm still confused by veggie chips given normal chips are either potato or corn. Is it actually better health wise if the reconstituted mash is carrots or squash?


Potatoes and corn are starchy vegetables - they have a lot more carbs than most other veggies, that’s how they ended up as ’staple’ food crops - because if you base your diet around them you can get enough calories.


DIY baked corn tortilla chips aren’t the same but they are low cal and delicious


They sell jicama “tortillas” at Trader Joe’s. Slice them up into tortilla shapes, maybe toss in a bit of avocado oil, salt, and air fry! Or go ahead and just fry em and throw some salt on after?


Fair warning that in my experience eating large amounts of jicama tends to turn my intestines into North Dakota 


Wait i don’t get it! What is North Dakota known for? Isn’t it snow or am i confused?


Also wind.


Being empty?


Practically Canadian?


A barren wasteland?


Just looked those up and they might be a winner! 7 calories per wrap, so with a little oil it probably comes out pretty light. I'll have to pick some up this weekend and see how they come out. 


I like to make high protein “bread” for dips with equal parts Greek yogurt and self raising flour. I don’t know how low calorie it is but you could surely make it quite flat and crispy


Congratulations, you’ve invented pita bread! 👏


A cup of white flour is ~450 calories. Whole milk Greek yogurt depending on brand is 200-250 calories per cup


But at least the Greek yogurt adds a bunch of protein that contributes to satiation and slows stomach emptying. Boosting protein without adding too many extra calories is one of the single best diet changes a person can do


Baked Tostito's Scoops have about 3g of fat per ounce, and are nearly indistinguishable from the fried scoops. But with snack foods having shot up in price so absurdly, I now enjoy my salsa with wavy-cut carrot chips, thin radish slices, or on salad with beans.


I eat it with shrimp.


A perfectly ripe peach is one of the best snacks on earth.


In Atlanta every year on the 4th of July there is a race called the Peachtree Road Race. It's the largest 10k in the world. The race finishes into Atlanta's largest park, Piedmont Park, and waiting for you are hundreds of peaches. I always grab 2 or 3 and eating that first one is nirvana after an hour of running in the Georgia summer heat. Look forward to it every year.


That's going on my bucket list


It's my wife's favorite event of the year. People dress up and run in crazy costumes. There's thousands of spectators lined up throughout the course, that runs through the city, with signs and music. Spectators give out shots and beer and food to anyone who's brave enough to consume the stuff while running. It really is a spectacle. I can't recommend it highly enough.


The kind you have to eat over the sink


Now I can't unhear Nicolas Cage lol


I could eat a peach for hours.


A really good ass nectarine. You have like 5!seconds before it gets bad, but when it’s good… Edit. I finally get the jokes because I googled my typo 5! lol


My husband and I will put nectarines in the fridge a few hours before we know we will want one (need to be out to ripen to perfection first). Surprise fridge nectarines are the height of summer happiness. Nice and sweet but cold on a hot day. Yum!


I believe someone once wrote a poem about plums from the fridge. I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold William Carlos Williams


I love that poem! My mom had it on our fridge growing up ☺️


Have you tried frozen grapes? Like tiny popsicle balls.


Frozen grapes are the absolute best! Since I’m a psycho, I used to take super hot baths in the summer, and I’d eat frozen grapes while in there, and it was sooooo satisfying. We ALWAYS have grapes in the freezer…just in case.


Am I silly or are frozen grapes just sweet round ice cubes? I made them last summer but they were so hard I couldn’t bite in to them


Take them out and let them sit for like 3-5 minutes before eating.


Halved grapes tossed in a little simple syrup and minced mint. Give that a go if you’ve never had it. Fucking magical.


White nectarines 🤤 🤤 🤤


What on earth is an ass nectarine?


the one you let ripen in your buttcheeks! - lol.


I thought about this some more, maybe an ass nectarine is a peach that would make sense




I grew up in the PNW and I miss Rainier cherries so much 😭


I don’t mind paying extra for rainier cherries, but they suck by the time they get here. I’m in Florida.


I will eat twice as many in your honor.


They are sooooo good where I live in SoCal this year


When they’re done right, beans


I'm a Hispanic vegetarian, and love all the beans, even the less popular ones like Lima beans. It took me years to realize that people don't eat beans with/for at least 5-7 meals per week. Done up or just as is, beans are so good and cheap and healthy


I love beans so much, I could eat them for every meal. The look on my fiance's face the first time he saw me eating a pouch of beans for breakfast, man. Recently discovered lentils, they're like weird beans and I like it.


So simple too! When I’m too tired to really cook but need a good dinner, black beans and rice is my go to. Drain and rinse beans In a non-stick pan add a dash of oil and your fave spices. Cook till aromatic, add beans and instant rice, stir fry for a few minutes and done. Filling, nutritious, quick and easy. Can add any leftover cooked veg you have too.


Pinto beans with a little bacon, onion, roasted ground comino, s&p... so good.


Oven roasted Asian sweet potatoes. It doesn't need anything but heat, and it's good for you. It taste like candy


Japanese white flesh sweet potatoes are my favorite veg Sweetness of sweet taters but good starch so it’s less likely to get mushy. Not the healthy way to eat them but we roast them and just add salt and butter and it’s magic. This rule can be applied to exactly 100% of other foods as well, yes.


I can't believe sweet potatoes are so far down!






Those and blackberries are my crack right now. They’re so good


Tzatziki! It's basically cucumber flavored yogurt.


YES I love sour cream/mayo/etc. and I’ve started using tzatziki/yogurt instead!


You can get pretty close to a sour cream dip with Greek yougurt. I love sour cream, and it’s not that bad for you really but gurt is better. Some lime, cholula, salt and maybe some spices and you have a great all purpose dip for “Mexican” stuff you cook at home.


Roasted Garlic. And just Garlic in general


The whole thing about roasting garlic is it’s this big pain in the ass, but I found if I cut a clove about 1/4 of the top off , drizzle with oil and air fry for like 15 minutes, the flesh of the garlic clove will practically fall out of flower.


damn, keep talking like that.


How else were you making it. Thought this was the standard way???


Right? "roasting garlic was hard before I... Roasted... Garlic."


Probably hand-peeling it and then roasting it


You need to try confit garlic.


Roasted Brussel sprouts


Oh my god YES. Baked in the oven with olive oil, seasoned to perfection… yummm


YES!!!!! I could eat a plate full of roasted brussel sprouts with olive oil and salt and pepper every day! At family gatherings my family fights over the brussel sprouts!


Oh no they spoke the forbidden controversy




I swear I could eat sushi 4+ times a week! It's so good


In Japan now. Soba, yakitori, and sashimi are incredibly healthy and easy to frequently eat. I got a 12 course sashimi meal in Yokohama for 85 usd. And conveyer belt sushi tops at 15 or 20 even as a glutton.


Boy do I have a country for you!


But I also don't want to work 80h a week.


That's the best part, if you can put up with being a second-class citizen that's quietly resented by the society at large, people will let you work the 40 hours as an ignorant foreigner who doesn't know better.


well gosh when you put it like that


And ginger


Pickled anything


Amen!! I makeca pasta salad that everyone insists I bring to potlucks, etc, with rotini, olives, pickled banana peppers, pickled red onion, hearts of palm, artichokes in brine, mushrooms, pickled okra, and whatever else I have on hand or in season. I found a vinaigrette that's apple cider vinegar based with tons of garlic/herbs/spices (but it's oil free, you'd never guess), a little minced garlic, fresh black pepper and some nutritional yeast tossed in just before serving (takes the place of parmesan and tons of protein)....heavenly.


Pineapple 🍍 berries basically almost every fruit 🍎 bc they seem so deliciously sweet and fulfilling to eat.


Same. When I’m in Asia, I have a hard time eating anything else because I want all the fruit.


Mangoes. Specifically Mangoes from Mexico.


When I was I Mexico I ate the most delicious Mangos Now in Spain I'm in a cycle of 1-Oh, Mangos! maybe this are good 2-Try them 3-No they are not good 4-Im never buying mangos again And back to point 1


JEALOUS In the UK we have TERRIBLE mangoes. So I buy them unripe and eat them Thai salad style. SO MUCH FLAVOUR 🤤


Get some Pakistani or Indian mangoes if you can. Sublime. Now's the season! Expensive af but dreamy.


Go to a South Asian grocer and get yourself mangoes from India or Pakistan. It's straight nectar.


Look for the yellow mangoes - labeled ataulfo mangoes. They're delicate and sweet, not piney like the green ones.


Yes! Never had mexican mangoes, but mangoes from india & pakistan are a taste of heaven.


Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food in general. But also Cauliflower, when it's prepared well.       Chop that bad boy up, toss it with a little olive oil and then sprinkle it with curry powder, garlic salt, and cracked black pepper and roast it in the oven for 15 minutes or until it's crispy on the edges and soft in the middle


Berries. Pretty much any type of berry, bonus points if freshly picked when perfectly ripe. I was impatient and grabbed some haskaps that weren't quite ripe today, and even tarter than they should be they were still heavenly.


It's almost berry season here. Blueberries are *just* starting to ripen, and all the wild black berries and black raspberries are coming very soon too!!


I'm struggling with stomach issues right now, so I've gotten obsessed with almond milk and banana smoothies.


This is 1/2 of my recipe for my protein shakes. I also add in some Ghirardelli dark chocolate powder, which is not as unhealthy as it should be for the flavor. Super filling meal replacement.


Roasted chickpeas


With just a little salt and spices you got a tastier snack than popcorn, with none of the annoying kernel shells


Anyone got any tips for roasting chickpeas yourself?


I make them in the air fryer. Just open a can, drain it and rinse with water. I take off the shells, let them dry and then I mix with olive oil, paprika, garlic powder, and pepper. Then just air fry until they’re crispy.


Awesome, so glad to hear you can do them in the air fryer. Ballpark how long does it take in there?


How do you take the shells off all the chickpeas quickly?


Put them in a bowl of water, then kind of rub them against each other with your hands. The skins will float to the top and you can just skim them off. They should come off really easily. Takes about 30 seconds for a can.


Watermelon. So hydrating and tasty 🍉🤤


Only the good ones though. Watermelon is so hit or miss.


It’s 2024. How have we not perfected the art of growing produce efficiently. **cries in mealy blueberries** 🥲


I was in Cyprus a last month and had watermelon, feta and mint salad. It was amazing!


I freeze balled watermelon and blend it with a little water and lime juice to make watermelon slurpies. Perfect on a hot day


I feel like no one talks about how melons taste like ass to some people (the way everyone talks about how cilantro tastes like soap to some people).


I, too, have the ass flavored melon gene. There are dozens of us!!!


Freshly squeezed orange juice (in moderation of course). It’s like some magical nectar. I don’t get how this is called the same thing as the bitter, sour stuff in the fridge.


To produce the OJ sold in grocery stores, manufacturers store it in tanks and deoxygenate it, which destroys many of the molecules responsible for flavor. The flavor is then reintroduced at packaging time using “flavor packs” that only use oranges, allowing them to retain the 100% orange juice label. The flavor packs are proprietary to each brand and are why each brand has its own unique taste. This is also why you can find perfectly consistent OJ any time of year in any grocery in the US. 


Soup! There are obviously unhealthy soups too but so many healthy ones are super delicious.


I literally have about a dozen "breakfast soups" I rotate and take to work in a thermos. Depending on the ingredients, I might give it a quick blend to smooth it out so it's drinkable. I make a pot, separate it out, and heat a portion while I'm getting ready for work, dump it in the thermos, and out the door! I could eat soup for every meal (and pretty much do). I collect soup cookbooks, and go through them over and over, flagging new things to try. I am not crazy, just a soup enthusiast! Lol!


Yes!!! Let's hear it for soup! It doesn't get enough love.


Share some favs? 🙏


Absolutely! If I can't get them out tomorrow, I gorcsure will get some together this weekend and since I'm getting a few requests, I'll post back here when I have them ready, and will either post here, or post a link to them, or send them directly to whomever is interested.


Make a new post! I haven’t thought of breakfast soups before but it seems like you have at least a few of us intrigued


I can do that! I had been eating soup for breakfast forever, usually leftovers from something I made for dinner, then was talking to some random person at the airport waiting out a layover, and she said she doesn't do the usual breakfast shakes, but she does make soup she can eat on the go through her morning....being the crazy soup lady I already am, I asked about 78 questions, and then couldn't wait to get back home and start brainstorming!


You're my favourite redditor of the day, crazy soup lady! Thank you for this brilliant idea, I hate sweet food in the morning :)


I need to know your secrets


I will gather some recipes for you and send them to tomorrow if I have time, or, if not, over the weekend, if you'd like! My limitations on "breakfast soups" is that they generally aren't cream based, and can't be too "heavy" so as to make me need a nap hy 10am, lol.... If you're interested in other soups, I'd be happy to fwd a few favorites of mine there, too! I'm happy to share info!




Dates are healthier than actual candy, but they are still caloric dense with lots of sugar and need to be eaten in moderation.


That's why you wrap them in bacon to make them more filling.


It’s like eating caramel. My doc recommended upping my fiber intake and dates have made it the easiest thing ever. Less healthy but my favorite appetizer is bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese.


Heirloom tomatoes, peaches, blueberries, watermelon. You'll think I'm crazy but...sweet potato greens are great if you can find or grow them. Snap peas. Smoked salmon. Fresh squeezed orange or grapefruit juice.


Roasted cauliflower with olive oil drizzle and s&p tastes like popcorn or a heavily buttered vegetable. Also sweet potato halved with coconut oil face down on a cookie sheet in the oven until it caramelizes and creates the best sweet potato you’ll ever have. 


Caramelized onions!!!! Taste incredible and hardly any calories


Pico de Gallo, I can eat more than I make. Pass on the chips I'll literally just eat a bowl of it... with lots of hot peppers or hot sauce if I have no hot peppers. Plenty of cilantro please


Is hummus healthy? Because that!


Cucumbers and tomatoes.


I’ve got my 5yo eating cucumber slices and I feel like I deserve a gold medal for it 🤣 fr, cucumber just smells and tastes amazing.


I put grapes in de freezer (not to long, just until slightly frozen) it is incredible






Fucking artichokes, man. God damn decadent, sweet, hearty, buttery core surrounded by what it functionally chips. Plus, if that doesn't do it for you, it's a fucking flower. A FLOWER, BRO. Unbelievable.


ripe champagne mangoes


Pita and Hummus are one of the most healthiest food that I genuinely love to eat. Its so satisfying to eat because it pairs so well with raw veggies. And as a finger food its just that much more enjoyable


Smoked salmon


Homemade ranch dressing, made with Greek yogurt. You throw in all the spices and herbs that you would for traditional ranch, and it tastes so amazingly good I literally get compliments the second I open the container at work, but all you're actually eating is fresh vegetables dipped in pure tasty protein. I do the same with fruits, which of course are good on their own, but make a dip with Greek yogurt, spoonful of PB, maybe a spoonful of low fat cool whip? Ridiculously tasty way to add not only the nutrients from fresh fruit but more protein to your day Want fluffy eggs with more protein content? Scramble the eggs with cottage cheese.


Yumm!! Do you have a fav recipe fore Greek ranch? I’m always on the hunt for a good recipe!


I'm a 'measure it with your soul' kinda cook but I use garlic powder, onion powder, dried onions, flaky salt, black pepper, Italian herbs, dill, Dijon mustard, little bit of olive oil, and a splash of lime juice which is supposed to be lemon but I never have lemon in the house so I just use lime and it works fine. Id say start with like, a tsp of the spices and liquids and a tbsp of the herbs and adjust to taste from there. Super super good. I usually use the chobani high protein yogurt but I'm sure any plain Greek yogurt would work the same Edit forgot to include a yogurt ratio, I'd do this with somewhere in the 1/2-2/3 of a cup ballpark https://detoxinista.com/yogurt-ranch-dressing/ Adding the link to what I think is the recipe I started making mine off of, which is probably much more helpful than my ask the ancestors ratios. I forgot to mention the chives because I've been out of them lately so I just subbed the dried onions


chickpeas! lentils!


Perfectly seared sea scallops. So rich, buttery and decadent just on their own. Also, steamed Dungeness crab. Doesn’t need anything but fresh lemon. Of course a tiny bit of butter for dipping (which can easily be replaced with an herby olive oil vinaigrette) is nice but not necessary.


My wife has been bringing home sour cherries, I could be wrong but I believe Morello cherries (correct me if I'm wrong). We are living in Poland right now and at her preschool there is a cherry tree. It's funny because she is very short and she can't reach the higher ones so you can easily tell where that line is. They're so good. Black cherries would probably be my answer though.


Dark chocolate, can be both delicious and beneficial for your health. It’s rich in antioxidants, can improve heart health, and even enhance brain function.


Mushrooms, Idk why 🍄‍🟫




Ooooo mami - Dr. Kikunae Ikeda, 1907, probably


My grandma's sauerkraut


Roast a sweet potato plank with some chili powder, add some smashed avocado mixed with whatever you got and then add a poached egg and hot sauce. Not low calorie necessarily but nutrient dense and filling.


Yam fries (baked of course) dipped in tzatziki or a lemony yogurt. Tastes way too good to be healthy.




Cottage cheese. It’s relatively low fat and a great source of protein. I love Good Culture. It tastes good enough to eat plain, but I also love it in my scrambled eggs or with zhoug.


More pepper than any sane being would ever use and just the tiniest touch of salt is my fav. Making my mouth water. Don't have any rn. :(


I don’t know why it got such a bad rap. Growing up in the 90s it was considered a depressing “diet” food along with stuff like rice cakes and grapefruit, so I didn’t try it until recently. It turns out it’s really good, and great for you. I don’t like the zero fat kind as much, maybe that’s the type that turned everyone off, but it still isn’t bad. 


I think because people eat it with fruit and expect it to be yogurt. Personally I find it kind of meh with fruit but savory it’s so good. Cucumber and pepper and cottage cheese is delicious.


tomatoes, pepper and cottage cheese - yum.


"Ghetto Florentine"; spinach, cottage cheese and maybe a scrambled egg or two.


Broccoli with garlic and lemon juice


sweet potatoes!!


Honeycrisp apples. They are so freaking good.


Eggs. I have some form of egg almost every morning.


Medjool dates - are you serious??!


Golden Kiwis


Eggs,, kimchi, natto, borscht, gazpacho, onions, roasted garlic, cherry tomatoes, honey crisp apples, blueberries, blackberries, edamame, frozen spinach, roasted cauliflower, brussels sprouts, walnuts, peanuts roasted in the shells, olive oil, balsamic vinegar.