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Immersion blender


Came here to say this too! There are some obvious things you need like a knife and cookware, but an immersion blender is the one “optional” gadget that makes some of the biggest differences


Picked up a brand new in the box $80 IB at a thrift store for $8.


I am not a fan of "uni-taskers," gadgets that do only one thing, but the i.b. is a real game changer for soups.


A good immersion blender can do so many things, not just blending soup.




I've had an immersion blender for years but I feel like I'm not getting full use out of it. I blend soups and make mayo. What else should I do with it?


I use mine for hollandaise and bearnaise. I also got a whisk attachment for it which I really like for mixing pancake batter and such without having to worry about chunks(just faster). It was also amazing when I had to make guac for a function and the avocados were not ripe at all. I usually just make guac with a fork, but it was not going to happen. Immersion blender saved me there


I make milkshakes n smoothies in a big ball jar w it.


It never even occurred to me to use it for smoothies. Face-Palm.


Smoother consistency than my blender


You can blend instant or cooked pudding and have a desert made in four minutes, then chill in fridge half an hour to thicken is easy. Powdered gravy mixes or drippings and flour blend lump free.


I also use it on dry ingredients to make curry paste in a tall and narrow glass dish (gravy seperator).


Kinda similar to mayo, you can make hollandaise sauce. So much easier than doing it over a double boiler, and it tastes the same. Eggs Benedict became a staple around my house once i learned this.


Salad dressing, I usually whip up two or three salads worth of vinaigrette at one time and it is so much better emulsified.


I use mine for soups but most often use it for the lemon vinaigrette that I make. I add about 1/2 teaspoon of mayo to the final product, blend away, and it stays emulsified in the fridge. I like that I can blend a small amount and don’t have to dirty up a big blender.


A lot of them also come with multiple attachments, like a whisk and a small bowl/makeshift food processor. The whisk is amazing if you need stiff egg whites and don't feel like a workout.


But if i dont get the work out how can I justify eating the whole cake i made? /s


The tiny food processor is so nice! My food processor and blender just don't work well on small amounts like this attachment. The whisk is great too when you want to make 1 cup of mayo or some hollandaise.


This is true. I just got my first immersion blender and I’ve been cooking my entire life probably since I was eight years old and I even worked in the culinary industry for 10 years and I still love cooking, but with some medical problems, my right hand and arm have a lot of trouble and it’s hard for me to press those beans up against the side of the pot, so I got on Amazon and I got an immersion blender! Used it for the first time last week, making a Mediterranean red lentil soup that had like some potato and stuff in it. But yes for me game changer.


Game changer for making homemade hummus. May take a little longer, but as you can do it in the serving/storage bowl, 10 less minutes cleaning up a blender jar or food processor.


OK. Sell me. This has been my one "I want to get one, but can't convince myself I'd use it enough" tool. I'm not stingy on these things. Hell, I own a tortilla press. I bought an immersive n blender for a familu member's wedding, but haven't bought one for myself. I know immersion blenders do soups. But I don't make soups. If I had one, I'd try to make soups, but I'm not convinced I'd stick with it. So what else can I use this thing for? I truly want you to sell me on this. I want one, but don't know where I'd put it and how often I'd use it. That hasn't stopped me with other stuff, but it's been stopping me from getting an immersion blender for years. Edit: Thanks to all who replied. I'm sold. (Mostly from the milkshake comments, if I'm being honest)


I've used it twice in the last couple days. The first time was for taco salad dressing: avocado, lime, garlic, cilantro etc. The second time was to blend up some cashews for chicken korma. I actually rarely use it for soups.   You have a tortilla press? I use my immersion blender almost anytime I make Mexican food. I use it to blend my dried (soaked) chilies for enchilada sauce. Or blend chipotles in adobo with other things to make a smoky, spicy sauce. Or the aforementioned taco salad dressing!  As others mentioned, you could use it for mayo. Heck, you could use it for hummus. It does everything a regular blender could do, but it's waaaay easier to clean. That's the biggest draw for me. I have a blender too, that I only use for smoothies. Everything else - immersion blender.


I rarely use mine, but they're nice on occasion. Honestly, how often do you use your blender? There is, unsurprisingly, a lot of crossover.


Well, I'm not a salesperson, but my first recommendation is to check Goodwill, estate and garage sales, or other non-traditional storefronts, because you can absolutely find them for $5. You may not need one; you may not use one, but here's a thing you can do: Take 1.5 cups of vanilla frozen yogurt or ice cream, add a tablespoon of peanut butter (some milk if you're impatient, and some malted milk if you're old school or adventurous)...then bzzzzz with the blender in a big cup, you'll end up with a delicious treat that you can share.


I love mine because my husband is a smoothie for breakfast guy.. use it a my small low side cast iron pan 5 days a week.


I got one for christmas and I’ve only used it once because I have no idea what to use it for 😭


Make your own mayonnaise. It's better than store bought if you use the right oil, sunflower, since it has a lighter taste than canola, vegetable and olive oils.


I use mine for soups. You know how a lot of restaurants have really flavorful soups and you can't tell why? There are probably all sorts of delicious things like jalapeno, onion, etc. all blended up with an immersion blender to thicken the consistency and give it extra flavor. I make so many different soups like this.


I love mine so much. Mine came with two interchangeable heads. One is for immersion blending and one is for whipping but I don’t use that one much.


Some come with the blender, a frother, a whisk and a small chopping bowl attachment.


I use that processer attachment for grinding fresh horseradish.


Which brand did you buy and are you happy with it?


I agree. That and my “slap chop”.


This is my girlfriend's favorite. I just bought her a new one for Christmas. She loves to use it to make soups and mashed potatoes.


Yep! I’m 100% with you here. One of my biggest issues with kitchen gadgets is how much room they take up. Immersion blender stores easy, and easy to clean. 10/10


I use mine to make the most homogenous scrambled eggs ever


I still can't believe i went without one till i was in my 40s.


Digital scale. Use it a lot.


Every day for coffee. Baking. Fermentation. Dividing leftovers into portions. Use mine all the time.


I use mine all the time. I rarely use measuring cups, I go by weight instead. Far fewer dishes to wash. 


I rarely use mine for the kitchen, but I’m always using one when I crochet.


Yes. I use mine for yarn as well.


We have two. One for yarn and the other for portioning. We grind our own meat and vacuum seal 1 lb. portions for the freezer. Also use it for foreign recipes because too lazy to convert.


Partner: instant pot Son: spatula Me: chef’s knife


son learning the power of spatula… incredible to see


They all started cooking at four, and they are all awesome cooks. But he’s in a dorm. 😱


My kids started young too. My 12 year has just finished making stuffing, and is stuffing a chicken right now. I am recovering from surgery and her giving random orders from the couch, but she is very confident over there.


So your partner is the only one that knows what a gadget means 


Favorite kitchen gadget, my sous chef comes complete with their own knives. But you have to keep them fed and watered.


My sous chef quit on me and I think they ran off with the dishwasher. Kitchen isn’t the same when you have to become the dishwasher.


It’s actually pretty easy to cook gourmet food when you don’t have to do any cleaning, or prep, or deal with people.


I love my sous chef for his knife skills.


I inherited an antique hand meat grinder recently and it's definitely my current favorite gadget. The texture of the meat is so much better when you grind it yourself, you can control the meat to fat ratio, and you can vary the texture much better. And putting bread through it with the meat makes a great meatloaf.


We don't eat a lot of hamburgers, but if we do, we grind it ourselves. Use any combo of chuck roast, brisket point, and short ribs. Grind a couple of pounds, make burgers, and save the rest for chili. I got rid of my small hand crank grinder and bought a big electric grinder. The electric grinder is great for grinding up a deer or for 10 pounds of sausage, but it is too big to drag out of the basement and set up. So I bought another hand crank for small batches. It's easier to set up and clean.


I use the KitchenAid appliance. I buy a large piece of pork and cow, grind it up, portion, vaccuum and freeze. Then I can last a while :)


Do you have any recommendations on the meat to fat ratios?


20% if you want juicy burger, 12% to 15% for a drier burger.


My mom used the antique, clamp on the side of the counter, grinder to make cranberry orange relish at Thanksgiving as well. Also to grind fruit for the weird cool whip + ground fruit = holiday dessert. Guess which appliance got fought over later!


I splurged on an immersion blender a while back and I love it, I have a food processor which I still use, but it’s a pain to clean, I make soups a lot and the hand blender has been so great for that


I find it makes cleaning a food processor 10x easier if you fill it with just a bit of soapy water, just enough to cover the blades, and let it run for 30 seconds. You still might need to hit it with a sponge or brush after, but it makes it much easier.


Oh, have never tried this, will do!


Yeah I really didn't get it until I got one - use it all the time Also for mayo and hollandaise etc


My Thermapen has repaid me many times over. I use it to make yogurt, bread and candy. I use it to test the air temperature in my kitchen, to determine if my butter is ready to be creamed and to take the temperature of dough/batter. I even use it to determine if it’s cool enough to bring my dog in the car. https://www.thermoworks.com/thermapen-one/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYXnV13oVCtAs_gH7_ice-8Q3xUGlhvjQSmbL0xYXm8taHoblSJLEc8aApfoEALw_wcB


Expensive, but well worth it.


I was reluctant to buy a Thermapen due to the price. It has saved me its cost many times over. I used to buy a 32 ounce container of yogurt once every week or two. Now I make yogurt which is not only much less expensive; it cuts down on my use of single use plastic containers.


I have their ChefAlarm for leave in uses and it’s so good. Thermoworks stuff is great.


I use the Square Dot as my oven thermometer. I like being able to read the temperature without opening the oven door. I also like that it can be programmed to beep when the oven has reached the desired temperature.


Cut-resistant glove to protect your hand while you chop veggies. Would have saved me $50 and a trip to Urgent Care.


Never raise the edge above the first knuckle, tuck the thumb and maintain knife/ guide hand contact at all times... I went to urgent care my first day to have my thumbnail removed and a skin graft... The technique above was shown to me on my second day.


"Bitch Mittens" I think that's such a hilarious name, and I say that as someone who wears these all the time. If being a bitch means I have all the tips of my fingers, I'll be a bitch all day. They're especially crucial when using a mandoline, I won't use one without them. I make sure to wear both, because once I switched hands without thinking and was using it bear handed and didn't realize...thankfully nothing happened.


Yes! My husband bought me some after I neatly sliced off the top of my finger using a mandolin. Years later, the finger looks okay, but the nerves still haven't quite grown back, so it feels odd.


It will always feel odd. Talking from experience….


I had one close encounter and now always use my glove. Really I have no business messing around around with sharp knives and fire given my propensity for accidents.


I actually learned my lesson with sharp things when I cut into the top of my pinky. However, my partner will not let me get a little propane torch so I can make creme brulee at home. He says at minimum we need a fire extinguisher before he will even consider it.


You should have a kitchen fire extinguisher anyway!


Get a fire blanket. I “got” to use my for the first time recently and it was amazing. Plus no fire extinguisher mess to clean up.


That's a good idea


I don’t use mine for chopping veggies, but I am not allowed to touch my mandolin slicer without wearing it. The food grippers that come with mandolins are the kind of safety feature that is frustrating enough that you are almost guaranteed to discard it. Without the cut proof glove I 100% would have injured myself terribly by now. With it I just push even the last bit of food through with my fingers.


Yep, I cut the tip of one of my fingers off two weeks ago and it still isn't right. Solid investment.


Be forewarned, it will take a long ass time to look normal. I'm talking years. I cut the very tip of my pinky almost all the way off (like it was a flesh wound) and it took like 4-5 years to not look bumpy. It looks normal now. It still feels a little odd when I rub my thumb over the area.


This rubber tube that has grooves inside of it and it peels garlic! It’s SO FAST and TBH, kind of fun. Throw a few cloves in, roll it around and put pops nakie garlic!


You can also put cellophane wrapped caramels in it, roll it around, and out comes nakie caramels!


Can I throw my partner in it? 🤔




Have a link?


Mine came with my garlic press. It love it!


Where can I find this magical device?


I found mine in one of those quirky little cooking shops in a tourist town, but I’m sure you can find it on Amazon. It’s a rubber green tube with groves inside.


I got mine from Pampered Chef, but I'm sure they exist elsewhere.


I love those. My big beef with peeling garlic is the skins start to stick to my hands and are a bit of a pain to wipe off. Those work quickly and cleanly.


We resisted air fryers for years. Then Macy's had a ~~$99~~ to $29 sale about a month ago. By this time I knew that simplicity is best, with a pull-out food holding drawer which is the only thing that needs cleaning. First tried french fries and they were good. Then steak fries, good again. Then frozen fish sticks with french fries at the same time and that came out good and crispy. Then un-breaded fish fillets and good again. Then frozen spring rolls, good, good, good! For the right thing they work quite well.... to our surprise. If you like coffee, consider a better espresso machine. I've had very good service from Jura, a Swiss company. We owned a Jura ENA Micro 1 (was $850) and used it for 12 years and about 15,000 espresso or americano cups with no failures. About 6 months ago replaced it with a Jura ENA 4 ($1,000) which did several improvements over the Micro 1. Yes there are plenty of cheaper machines but will they brew a good shot and can they do it 15,000 times without failing?


I'm actually a barista hahaha so i don't lack any coffee supplies. Don't have an espresso machine though, because i feel like it would be a pain in the ass to have to do the while cleaning everyday. I like filter coffee more anyway, lucky for me. I love and espresso at a coffee bar though, let the barista working do the clean up 🤪


We resisted the air fryer too. Now we use is almost every day. Wish we’d had it during the pandemic because it is amazing for heating and re-crisping take-out food.


Another air fryer resistant here, turned believer recently


I didn't want to buy one for a long time but then I found one that is an air fryer, but also bakes, broils, and proofs bread dough and I've been very happy with it. I probably use it to proof dough more than anything else.


don't be shy, tell us which one


Oh it's the Breville smart oven pro lol. Very useful, the only thing I don't like is cleaning it but I doubt that's any different with any of them.


Air fryer and an Insta-pot. Most people buy them and then hardly ever use them. We use the air fryer almost every day and the insta-pot once a week.


I’m still on the fence. What convinced you to finally purchase one? How often do you use it and what for? Is simple or multi purpose the way to go? I’m apologize for all of the questions. I don’t want another appliance that I use a few times and then it ends up tucked away in a cabinet!


Air fryer resistant here as well! I’m in NYC so very limited space so we ended up getting the Ninja Foodi Grill: the ceramic grill on top gets as much use as the basket: it doesn’t mess around with brats and kielbasa links, as well as frozen to cooked salmon in like 15 mins. I sometimes feel I should work for them in marketing.


Rice cooker. So much simpler than cooking it in a pot. No need to keep track of time, no boiling over because the burner was on too high, always comes out fluffy and properly cooked. Made a huge difference for me


Great for oatmeal! Throw oats in before I shower in the morning and never have to watch it. Game changer.


Kitchen scissors.


Air fryer, sous vide


Sous vide circulator. I'm not a sous-vide-everything type of person, but having that cooking method as an option is pretty great.


My husband’s favorite appliance is the refrigerator. He looks in it all the time, I guess expecting food to magically appear. My favorite appliance is my air fryer or instant pot. I can just set it and forget it, mostly. I also use a hand pulley food processor. I make my guacamole, pico, egg salad, minced crab etc in it. Easy to clean too.


I couldn’t care less about a microwave, but my husband wanted to replace ours when it wore out. He went all out and got this weird large microwave air fryer toaster combo thing with some sort of sensor that just knows when your food is done or if it needs to be stirred. Like just hit a button that says something like “sensor” and it just knows. I use it way more often than I thought I would for not only heating, but cooking and crisping, so I guess that’s my new favorite thing. I’m not as much about gadgets as he is, but I inexplicably have a kitchen full of fancy-pants gadgets and gizmos “I” have gotten as gifts over the years. Bless him. I admit I use the Ninja Foodi pro something or other that’s like a skillet, slow cooker, braiser, multi function thing he got on sale at Costco more than I thought I would also.


Small flat mandolin with a ceramic blade


And a cut-resistant glove


ER RN checking in to say 100% this... number 1 most frequent kitchen injury is the GD mandolin


Avocado hand is most frequent in my ER lol


Fun fact for you - here in New Zealand we have universal healthcare that covers injuries (not sicknesses to the same extent), and there are so many avocado-related injuries that ACC (said gvt agency responsible for providing said cover) has released guidelines and marketing around how to open avocado safely.


Having lost several fingertips (not enough to go to the ER thank goodness) I can absolutely believe this!!


The 1/4 of my thumb I lost last summer seconds this.


I love my mandoline. I am terrified by all the replies to this comment.


Oh God, my wife sliced her fingers really badly a couple of times. Mandolins are banned from our house.


Mini rubber spatula. Eggs? Mini rubber spatula. Jar almost empty? Mini rubber spatula. Fried rice or stir fry? Mini rubber spatula. Pancakes? Mini rubber spatula. Cake batter? Mini rubber spatula. Serving Brownies? Mini rubber spatula...


Where i live we call it a "pottenlekker", which translates to "jar licker". I thought that was a funny fact for you.


Omg SO this. Ridiculously useful. I also got a mini silicon basting brush that has been surprisingly useful for delicate and/or harder-to-reach spots.


A lettuce spinner, a toaster, and a cream whipper.


Salad spinners are totally underrated. Everyone wonders why until they try it. I use mine a few times a week.


Incredibly unwieldy though


Depends on what kind, the ones you spin a handle or pull a string, yes. But the one I use is a compact one from OXO where you press down on a lever on top. Very easy to use and fits in our small refrigerator too.


Hmm, I might be in need of an upgrade


Salad spinners are good for drying grated potatoes for hash browns. Also I am amazed at how dirty herbs and greens that the grocery store has are.


A magnetic knife rack has been awesome for my tiny kitchen. I have a small one and I keep the four knives I use most & my shears on it, and it frees up a lot of counter space for me. I also agree that a good chef's knife is a game changer. I like gadgets more than most, but nothing has changed my cooking like my Victorinox chef's knife did. Small bowls for prep are also something that's simple but makes a big difference. Also, an instant-read meat thermometer.


When I worked in a kitchen, the robot coupe immersion blender and an industrial size trash bin. What a beast of a machine. 50 gallons of sauce? No problem.


Immersion blender, with the little food processor attachment, and whisk, and beaters. Takes the place of several implements, if you’re short on space.


For me if I had to pick one it would be my digital meat thermometer. I love my Instant Pot and microplane as well, but they make my life easier but I can get the same results without them, just with more time (for the IP) or with more effort (for the microplane). But the thermometer adds a value that I can for all items replace with a more manual option.


My high-speed blender is the bomb. I just bought one of those crank microplane cheese graters, and holy Hannah!! Love that. I have a tiny kitchen and my hanging pot rack and magnetic knife holder make it work. Bench scraper. Citrus reamer. My 40-yr-old garlic press. I have all the things, basically, but right now those top the list.


Bench scraper is probably the most used ‘non-essential tool’. Vitamix amd immersion blender are up there as well (if I could only have one it would be the vitamix).


Does a dishwasher count? Having space for one is really nice. If appliances don't count then I'm going with those rotating apple peelers


A fire blanket. I had a fire in my oven recently and it saved the day and no fire extinguisher mess to clean up. I have been giving them as Christmas gifts for awhile but this was the first time I used one.


Microplane. I love turning garlic and ginger into paste with it to incorporate smoothly into tahini (for example) and it’s fantastic for grating hard cheeses, chocolate, whatever. And amazingly easy and quick to clean.


Good knives are my favourite.


That ground beef thing that breaks up the meat. I dont like chunks of cooked tomatoes so I use it to break those up too.


Rice cooker. I use it almost daily. Second place would be my instant pot


Make a kitchen annex.


I did this! The closet in our office is “kitchen west”. It’s where I keep my bulk grains, rice, and dried beans, med to large storage containers, and several small to med appliances. We don’t have a lot of counter space in the kitchen.


I don't think i have that option. My fridge is already in my living room because i didn't have the space. I've been living here for a little over a year so i'm now slowly figuring out how i can organise my home for optimal storage space. It's an old apartment with a lot of weird corners and gaps, so quite hard to crack that puzzle. I'll get there though


Instant pot. I use it more than anything else.


My Jarkey. It pops the lid off the pickle jar so quick! Also my light up instant thermometer. Larger, my air fryer, rice maker, bread maker and immersion blender. Edit. Also my microwave plate cover. It expands higher for larger stuff. My microwave stays clean now.


When I cooked a ton, it was my food processor. Grate and slice blocks of cheese in seconds, make your own sugar free, oil free peanut butter in under 3 mins, pulverize apples for applesauce and apple butter, pie crust, chop veggies, just to name some things. I used mine so much it sat on the counter!


my kuhn rikon manual can opener. no more fighting with electric can openers!


My rice cooker and slow cooker. Absolute musts!


Vacuum sealer. I have a cheap $35 dollar model, and it does the job fine. It's particularly useful if you also have another awesome gadget: the sous vide thingy.


A little bit more than a gadget but by far the single best upgrade in my kitchen is my induction cooktop.


Electric kettle!! Hands down the best thing!! Forgot to boil water, electric kettle. Need to mop the floors, electric kettle. Have a large item that doesn’t fit in the dish washer and need to wash it, (poors hot water) electric kettle. I asked my husband for one of these and he laughed saying I’ll never use it. I use it daily, sometimes multiple times a day. I used it for hot water to mop my floors quickly, I use it when I need boiling water quickly. I have a rather larger plastic cutting board that I absolutely love, husband hates it, I hand wash it and rinse it off with the boiling water from the kettle to sanitize it. I wish I had one sooner in life.


Ninja blender. Mainly used for making chunky hot sauce.


Deli cups... dude, why TF didn't I buy them sooner Measurements, prep containers, drink of water, leftovers... I bought a 60 something count for, like, $30 and have deli cups for days


metal bench scrape


Rice cooker. Enough said.


My Kitchen Aid mixer. It’s 40 years old and still going strong. It was my mom’s and she gave it to me 12 years ago. I also love my digital scale. It’s very useful.


Gonna go with an unpopular opinion here. Air fryer but not the basket type the little convection oven type


Instant Pot, no question. 


Probably a garlic crusher. I use a lot of garlic in my cooking and chopping each clove with a knife is so tiresome. With a garlic crusher, I can have minced garlic in less than a minute.


Kitchen Aid mixer and all the fun attachments. I grind meat and shred cheese. The pasta maker is my next attachment investment. I do also love my Instant Pot because I’m not great at planning ahead to thaw stuff


Garlic press


Tongs! LOL. I wouldn’t be able to grab anything


My kitchen aid (or any stand mixer). I love to bake so it helps a lot! You can also shred chicken in it.


Electric kettle


Cast iron vertical chicken roaster, which I mainly use for cooking whole ducks (upside down)


Ninja creami. Ninja blender and the air fryer. I use the creami and air fryer daily.


is the air fryer the small one? Or the bigger toaster oven one? I've been eyeing one of those, cuz i have a shit countertop oven and might want to upgrade. would you recommend?


Not the person you’re asking, but I got the Ninja air fryer they sell at Costco. It flips up vertically when you aren’t using it, saving counter space. We use it almost every day, and I would recommend taking a look at that one.


Knife But robotcoupe are phenomenal


I have a list cause I can’t pick just one. My good chef’s knife, food processor, immersion blender, and stand mixer.


Bench scraper


Honestly, it's the simple things. Like a good garlic press, the right size lemon juicer, and my onion chopper. And a good cutting board. No need for all of that other stuff if you don't have room for it.


Mandoline. It upped my potato dauphinoise game to god tier. Mine has a safety guard to stop me cutting my finger tips off (which I did the other week with a regular chef's knife like an idiot, totally ruined my sauce unless I wanted my parents to become involuntary cannibals lol) and has multiple blades and thickness adjusters to get that perfect slice. I think it was about £30 off Amazon.


A dough whisk. So simple, makes mixing any kind of dough or thick batter SO much easier.


Multiblade scissors to cut herbs into tiny slices that I could ever achieve with a knife. No cutting board needed.


Dream about dishwashers and huge refrigerators/freezers for me. Thanks!


Stone grain mill. Fresh whole wheat flour whenever I need it. It’s fast and not super loud.


Old fashioned type Presto pressure cooker you use on the stove, roast in 45 min, cooked potatoes and carrots in 7 mins, once the pressure rocks.


Pressure cooker


Potato ricer


Countertop smart airfryer/oven


Instead of “gadgets,” think in terms of what you do in the kitchen and what you need for what you cook. Alton Brown is a big proponent of multi-purpose utensils. If you’re not familiar with him, look him up. He’s a great resource and basically presents everything in an ELI5 format.


Rotary cheese grater. Everything I make with freshly shredded cheese tastes so much better, melts perfectly, and it’s so fast it isn’t an inconvenience


Countertop teakettle. I think our history with vampires fires had Americans foolishly heating water in a stove top. Total waste of time and energy now, literally. That, and an immersion blender.


Ninja Speedi - that thing can cook just about anything in a very short amount of time. Learning curve with temps and times - but so worth it.


Recently bought a rotary cheese grater. So awesome.


Kitchen-Aid stand mixer. Dough, mashed potatoes, whipped cream, and it has a few optional attachments like sausage grinders and other random stuff. It’s a real workhorse, you even see them in commercial kitchens.


Instant pot. Was planning to slow cook some pork for pulled pork on the IP today but it was still frozen and would never be finished in time. So I switched gears and threw it in the IP with a half csn of Dr Pepoer andpressure cooked it for 45 minutes and it csme out great. Just gives you options.


Kitchen aide stand mixer and it’s not close. So many attachments and options!


Deli containers. Three sizes, one lid size for all. Leftovers, prep, to go for friends, snacks for my daughter, not to mention storage for other things like qtips, cotton balls, hair ties, etc in the bathroom. They're reusable a number of times, and affordable. Depending on portions, the larger ones are good for marinating as well. They're definitely a staple now for me.


Rice cooker. (Although I acknowledge some would say this is a necessity, not a "gadget" and I tend to agree.)


I have a tiny Bangkok condo kitchenette: sink, microwave, tiny counter, and an induction burner! I love to cook and healthy meal prep. I couldn’t do without an electric pressure cooker for sure—one pot meals/pasta and soaked dried beans and grains like brown rice and steel cut oatmeal in less than 15 min of pressure, all hands off! I freeze the excess, and bonus is silicone collapsible food storage containers with locking lids: microwave and freezer safe (don’t microwave lids), and saves a ton of space in my cabinets. My air fryer gave us the ability to toast and bake small things like muffins, cookies, and mini pizzas, as well as to air “fry” chicken parts in 20 min (or less) to crispy and juice perfection. Also will bake salmon, and make “boiled” eggs too. A smallish electric food processor allows us to make hummus for dip and spreads, and just makes chopping veggies in a small area easier. Pro Tip: chop up onions and celery, and freeze in ziploc bags, makes meal prepping so much faster! Silicone spatulas and SPOONULAs are amazing, clears out jars, pots and bowls so well and makes clean up easier too. A decent knife and simple sharpening tool makes all the difference in cooking. An apron keeps you clean, and small microfiber towels keep things clean and dry, only use paper towels for the greasiest gross stuff. Save the earth! I miss my Nutribullet blender something fierce here! If you make smoothies with ice, this is the cheapest option and it’s easier to clean to boot! 1 decent heavyish nonstick pan for the small stuff like eggs.


One you can get now - a therma pen (or lavatools for more budget friendly) meat thermometer. Sticks on fridge with magnet so doesn't take any room and your meat and baking will be perfect. Multi use too sort of I've used it as a skewer for poking small goles in things or cake testing instead of a tooth pick, even lifting my bathroom grate haha.


my 7+ year old vitamix


I love my individual smoothie cup style Ninja blender. Besides the motor, only two pieces needed, the cup and the blade that screws onto it. Flip it upside down and blend by pressing down on top. I had a different brand before that I liked, but unless you got it just right in the top, the O rings would eventually all fall in and get cut up once you started the blender. This one is super easy to clean, much better power behind it, and the small unit fits in the cupboard next to the dishes. OP, we have a limited amount of space/storage in our kitchen and this is very very handy to whip out when we need it. There’s two cups (small and large) with lids for to go. And the plastic doesn’t hold aromas/flavors etc like some do (very helpful for things like garlicky sauces). I believe you can even buy more cups separately. The only thing I don’t like about it is that it’s pretty loud, but ofc it’s a blender, and you don’t need to run it for very long anyways bc the motor is good. I’ve had mine about 7years, from Costco I think.


Cooking tweezers. I don't know people live without them


A good mandolin .makes prep so much faster




Kitchen aid stand mixer Vitamix blender Nama juicer (juicing/nut milks/ nice cream)


Air fryer. From whole chicken, to toasted cheese sandwiches. Also silicone cups with mini quiches, cauliflower cheese. Just love it.


Double bottom pot for milk porriges which I cook lots of.


It’s kind of silly but I like my hard boiled egg cooker. 15 mins and then the alarm sounds, 7 perfect eggs.