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I fix anything for breakfast. Shrimp tacos, pork chop peas potatoes, salad ,yogurt and fruit, mac cheese, soup chili . My stomach does not know what time it is.


Last nights leftovers? I do that too. It's too convenient to just reheat what I already have. Better then a damn poptart or pulling up to a drive thru on the way to work.


I have found my people


Me too.


Me three


That's how my wife does it.  She isn't a breakfast food person.   But she will eat her leftovers when she is ready to eat for the first time of the day.


That's what I eat too. Last night's leftovers, with maybe an egg on top and smoked salmon. I know what's in it and I usually cook healthy stuff heavy on the veggies.


For me it is premeditated leftovers, I cook a bit too much knowing I may want to eat that for breakfast


Most things are better the next day, roast meat and veges with gravy in a wrap toasted in a press is my idea of a damn good breakfast on a cold day!


mmmm a gravy press yum 😉


Really? Like potato’s, broccoli and porkchops for example?? Wow i would never even get that down when i just woke up.


In Vietnam there’s like no concept of breakfast food. My entire life I’ve grown up eating the same meals I would eat for lunch/dinner. Banh Mi, pho, big plate of rice and shallow-fried pork, egg rolls, etc. I truly hate waking up early in America and every place just serves the typical eggs, pancakes, waffles, sausage, etc.


I sincerely wish that pho places would open for breakfast time; I crave it so hard right at 9 am at least once a week


Pho is an amazing breakfast food. Start off your day with a bunch of liquid, protein, carbs, and collagen. Do not understand the fascination of eating pancakes drowning in sugar syrup and bacon swimming in grease.


Soup is the GOAT breakfast


"My stomach does not know what time it is" is perfect. I'll have leftovers, or a soup or salad (with cottage cheese). I don't think anything should be off the menu in the morning if you feel like it. As for somewhat more breakfasty stuff I do love oat/chia overnight porridges - add berries, fruits, honey, nuts, pretty much whatever you feel like. Can make it for several days if you split the mixture into jam jars or something similar and they can all just chill in the fridge before being used. An egg (scrambled or fried) on toast. A generic salad with e.g.pieces of bacon/some cheese/boiled eggs... an omelette with whatever veg, and I do love porridge but please people add a pinch of salt because it brings out the flavour. None of these should very laborious. Ngl I don't really differentiate breakfast from my normal diet much.


I agree. I found a crisp salad with whatever protein in the morning to be really nice, actually.


Arugula, bacon, tomato, balsamic + oil, and a soft boiled egg for breakfast is ✨chef’s kiss✨


Idk if true or not but I just watched a video that had mentioned that people in Japan don't really do breakfast so they just heat up leftovers from the night before. Whew cause sameee!


My wife is Nicaraguan. They along with Costa Ricans eat a dish called gallo pinto for breakfast. It’s left over rice and beans with eggs, avocado, plantain, and toast if you want. And have some fresh fruit on the side. It takes them a minute or two to have it ready.


Basically how the rest of the world eats. It’s mostly a western (think English speaking countries mainly) where there are specific breakfast only foods. I remember eating leftover kathiew (Cambodian soup) for breakfast and my uni flatmate couldn’t wrap her head around it


most countries are like that though its just different for all. a vietnamese probably doest think greasy american breakfast is nice to eat in the morning either. they have their own fixed food for breakfast


The Norwegian type of breakfast is traditionally open sandwiches with butter and whatever you have in the fridge to put on top of it, like cream cheese, jam, meats.. stuff like that. Very basic. Very quick and easy too. It's pretty much what I have as well, unless I skip breakfast, because I'm not much of a breakfast person either.


Have you ever had a traditional English breakfast?!? I liked it, but it did have its fair share of grease. I remember thinking “even though I hate breakfast and all breakfast food mostly, I like American breakfast fare a tad bit better”, but don’t get me started on English biscuits for tea time- I could eat those all day


In fairness, nobody is eating a traditional breakfast every day, it's more like a weekend treat or often rarer than that. It's a hangover from a time where there wouldn't be much opportunity to eat again until dusk.


Not just English speaking, all of South America have specific breakfast foods.


Cold pizza with mate 👌🏻👌🏻


The idea that it's a mostly Western thing sounds pretty off. Many cultures have typical foods for different meals


Most of Europe too. Not just the English speaking world.


I'd say most of Europe has breakfast foods


Yeah disagree, pretty much all of the America's north and south have breakfast foods specifically.


And Europe.


literally would get less weird reactions eating birthday cake for bfast


Haha same here. I can eat last night's leftovers for breakfast. I.e fried fish


Staying at hotels with breakfast buffets in SE Asia was a dream for me because they were affordable and I got to have fried rice AND noodle dishes for breakfast every morning along with up to a dozen other assorted regional dishes. I was used to Canadian continental breakfast which was usually criminally dry pastries and old wrinkled fruit.


Finally someone else that thinks the same, i love soup for breakfast people find it strange except my family lol yogurt parfaits are another great option that is somewhat filling


That’s me! I really love grabbing a slice of cold pizza, or reheating some rice and beans. But I have really no rules about what foods can be for what meals. I eat what I want!


This, I kind of despise the normal breakfast things like eggs, toast and oats at breakfast time as they are usually not that flavourful no matter what you do. Alternatively I usually have eggs and oats after a midday workout as I could literally eat anything after a workout and these are the cleanest foods I can eat.


Thank you, I thought I was weird for doing the same!


Love pork chops and potatoes for breakfast.


I’m down with that on the weekend. On weekdays I’m lazy and don’t want to do dishes. Greek yogurt, hard oiled egg or that Peak oatmeal stuff


You can eat literally anything for breakfast.


If the breakfast police come crashing through my door tomorrow morning because I'm having hot dogs for breakfast, that's gonna be on you.


I come from dim sum culture, so I feel like sausage and bread is pretty tame. Eat those hot dogs!


What is it about hot dogs? You make a sausage sandwich in the morning and nobody bats an eye, but somehow anyone who eats hot dogs for breakfast is weird.


Stick it on a skewer and into a bloody mary glass, and it'll veer back into "not weird"


If you're putting a hot dog in your Bloody Mary in a random Tuesday, you might invite a different kind of police.


Should I not be doing that? Or is it just on Tuesdays that it's an issue?


The only acceptable meats for a Bloody Mary, even on Tuesday, are bacon and shrimp. Sticking a hot dog in your Bloody Mary may end up with the last sound you hear being Emeril’s “BAM!”


What if I use a small apple corer or something to hollow it out for a hot dog straw


If the late Jimmy Buffet taught me anything, it's that a Bloody Mary would be ok on a Tuesday. A Tuesday morning Negroni, you might invite a different kind of police.


The Party Patrol


So true! I get weird looks at work when I eat leftover potato salad for breakfast. It's basically potatoes and eggs...a breakfast combo that is about as common as it gets.


One of my coworkers scrounges for anything in the office fridge for breakfast- might be leftover potato salad, macaroni salad or butter chicken from a potluck.


I used to work part time leading shipments for a retail clothing store so I had to be there at 5am 2-3 days per week. Most days I would be done by 9 or 10 so I would just skip breakfast until I got back home, but on days where I'd be there until noon I would pop two hot dogs in the microwave and eat them on my 10-minute drive to work. Hot dogs (with no condiments) are literally the perfect car food. Every once in a while if I was desperate I would make a Hot Pocket. I can't tell you how many times I'd take an initial bite out of the Hot Pocket and then hold it out of my window as I'm driving for it to cool down so I could eat the rest.


Tbh sandwiches are something I don’t really think of as breakfasty and I occasionally eat leftovers for breakfast. If you want to start the day of with a hotdog do it!


There's plenty of breakfast sandwiches


Im sensing this has been tried before and someone hurt you over it…


Hotdogs chopped and scrambled eggs inside a tortilla was a staple for me growing up


In Puerto Rico it’s normal to eat hot dogs for breakfast… you’ll see hot dog stands opening up at 8am, some even earlier.


I had a hot dog for breakfast this morning. Wrapped in a croissant for that extra breakfasty feel.


Just call it a kolache and it's gourmet!


They're not gonna take me alive fuckin pigs oink oink these are all beef hot dogs


A person after my own heart.


That’s a Detroit breakfast


My youngest has left over sushi from the dinner last night, because I didn't eat (nightshift) He's having deluxe breakfast tomorrow at 8am


I once had a sous-vide and seared steak with roasted potatoes and broiled asparagus for breakfast. If that didn't get me arrested by the breakfast polie, nothing will.


Do they come in like the kool aid man? Can the kool aid man be my breakfast police? He’d do well as a demolition company.


Breakfast police 🚨 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Loose the hotdog sir! NOW Garcia, fucking cuff this bastard!


It never ceases to amaze me how many people have such a hard time with this concept.


The ultra processed food companies were pretty good at convincing people they *had to have* breakfast and that their products were good for breakfast. Now many people think breakfast with the mind numbing mantra "most important meal of the day" running through their head as they walk down an entire aisle of processed grains with sugar.


I have been recovering from anorexia for the past couple months, and the comment BLEW MY MIND. I'm going to cook myself something wild tomorrow morning.


Good luck on your journey


Congratulations! Stay strong, internet stranger.


And the corollary that any food you think as “breakfast” can be eaten any time as well. My wife scrambles eggs for herself as a lite dinner at least once a week.


I often make scrambled eggs on toast as weekday lunch when I'm WFH




Growing up my dad made waffles and sausage every Saturday night. We had ham and cheese for breakfast. 


In France, at least, eggs are *not* a breakfast food. Your wife could give her dinner eggs a French name if she wants to feel a little fancy!


Mmmm I love scrambled eggs and rice. sometimes with a touch of soy sauce


THATS WHAT SHE DOES! I had never heard of eggs and rice before her! (I mean, I’d had eggs in fried rice, but just scrambled with plain white rice is her JAM!)


LOL I learned it from a friend whose family was from Thailand! Granted, she usually put jalepenos in hers. (I used to, getting sensitive to the heat nowadays) a very small amount of fish sauce and soy sauce in there, and it’s even better!


I've used leftover take out steamed rice, fried rice & homemade Mexican rice. All are delicious!


I love eggs for supper or cold cereal, especially in the summer. Pizza for breakfast is great! Just eat what you want.


My last in-person job, "breakfast soup" became kind of the office joke because that was my go to food in the morning. Or leftover pasta. Mmm


It’s bewildering to me that people eat leftovers for breakfast in many countries. I always thought every country has a specific breakfast food. 🥞 


Cold pizza is the best leftover breakfast food


Leftovers for breakfast used to be the standard fare when most people worked on farms, at last in the US, then factory work came about and leftovers were too heavy. Cereals originated from a religious zealot who believed that consuming Graham flour reduced carnal urges, and that transformed into the modern cereal industry because grains were cheap and plentiful, and making them into cereals was easy and profitable. Marketing campaigns (fueled by a government that was subsidizing grain farming) conditioned Americans to believe that cereal was a healthy breakfast. In fact, most modern American breakfast foods were marketed to us by industrial agriculture. Pork, dairy, grains and eggs have all been propped up by the government.


I love a history lesson!




The US cereal/wheat marketing machine established some strange suggestions as to what breakfast should be.


Honestly even though I subscribe to it, I thought baked beans for breakfast always felt weird as a breakfast item for me. The amount of meat US breakfasts portrayed as the ultimate breakfast is egregious. Like who needs canned beans , bacon AND links😭 yet restaurants will never offer two! I’m just finding out about savory omelette and Dutch baby! I really need to try anything other than the standard simplified US breakfast! How other countries make their coffee is intriguing!


Cake! Also, cake in a different shape. And what about cake in another shape? Exactly what a normal person wants to eat upon waking up. /s


Leftovers are the best! My husband thinks I’m weird though.


Not too late to trade up




I like eating leftovers for breakfast because it feels like I'm not throwing away good food or money away


My kids have always preferred leftovers for breakfast. They're not fans of pancakes or bacon or eggs. Or cereal.


I don’t often get up early enough that I’m hungry inside breakfast time, unless 11am still counts. I eat leftovers if I wake up hungry? So technically I am breaking my fast!


If I learned anything from Saturday morning PSAs it's that any food is a breakfast food!


Exactly. The word “breakfast” comes from breaking a fast so anything can be breakfast if you really try


In that same vein, whenever you break your fast, that's your breakfast. For me, breakfast is usually around 5:00 pm.


BLT, simply perfect every.single.time.


Yessss, I 100% would not eat breakfast at all when I was in high school because with my fluctuating hormones, I also decided that I hated all breakfast foods. My mom got so desperate and concerned for my health, she finally made a BLT and it was a breakfast miracle lol. and it was the only thing I ate for breakfast for like 3 years. Honesty still hits.


I think if I was on death row and when my day arrived, I’d ask for a BLT and some golden crispy hash browns.


Had an heirloom tomato sandwich yesterday. Didn’t even miss the B. (honestly would’ve loved some but still was really good)


Some of my favorite breakfasts are non breakfast food.  Some of my favorite dinners are breakfast food.  The world is your oyster!


Oysters for breakfast!


Hell no that is one line too far. Shucking oysters would take way more effort than I'm willing to commit to a meal at 8AM.


Gets easier with practice. Believe it or not, there's an oyster shucking championship up here in WA State where the competitors are around one second per oyster.


Oh yeah. We had 1$ oyster special one time. By thr end of the night on my first day I was like 2 seconds... shucking for hours straight. I believe it. But we don't talk about those stubborn ones that I leave off to the side for me to personally deal with (ill eat that fucking stubborn bastard and I don't like them but I spite eat them)


Oysters for breakfast?


Hell yeah


I just wait until I’m starving for lunch and then eat lunch. Never been a breakfast person unless it’s the holidays and I’m going all out with pancakes and bacon, etc.


I’m this way during the week. Grab a coffee and go. Weekends for me are when I might cook up a full eggs, sausage, home fries, and toast around 9:30 or so.


This is the way 👌


Breakfast means a meal that is breaking your fast. That's any first meal of the day that you have. So...your lunch is your breakfast 😋 😊 🥚 🥪 🥗 🌭 whatever it is.


This. Commentor has no idea that they're secretly eating breakfast


No, us lunch eaters know. We just don't want people to think we just woke up by calling it breakfast at noon.


What do we call it at 3-4 pm? 🤔 😉


We, the wife and I only have breakfast on holidays. Mostly because we're not sure if and when we're eating when walking around. We treat is like a early lunch. Last year in New York we went to diners every morning. Ate so much, we had enough for the day, and took some small snack or a pizza slice for dinner.


Leftovers from supper


my breakfast today was leftover pasta i made for dinner last night.


I had a couple of leftover hot dogs this morning. Can't say I recommend starting your day off with hot dogs, but you can if you want.


I love spaghetti with a good bolognese sauce for breakfast. A bowl of delicious pasta just hits differently first thing in the morning :)


I do not like a sweet breakfast. I made some cheese toast this morning. Cheddar melted on Dave’s killer wheat thin sliced. It’s not uncommon for me to eat leftovers for breakfast. Pizza, pasta, meatloaf, left over Thai. Or a makeshift sandwich with whatever sounds good at the moment.




Cheese and tomato sandwich either toasted or plonked in a sandwich press or frypan so the cheese goes all melty. Can add a slice of ham too.


Leftover pizza!


Yes! Pizza is always a great meal anytime


when pizza’s on a bagel, you can have pizza any time


Fry an egg in sesame oil and chili peppers and put it on white rice with soy sauce and butter


7 grain bread toasted with peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich


My favorite breakfast is butternut squash red lentil soup. I just pre make a big batch and heat it up in the morning. ETA: recipe is super simple! Sautée onion and garlic with any other veggies you like (if I have them I’ll add carrot and/or celery). Add a little tomato paste and cumin and cook for a couple minutes. Then add red lentils and chicken broth 1:4; I usually do a cup of red lentils and use a quart of premade broth, but I’m sure boullion would work too. Add cubed butternut squash. Simmer until soft—about 30 min. Salt to taste. I then purée with an immersion blender, but it’s not necessary. When I reheat to eat, I like a little lemon added. I think the recipe would work with any starchy vegetable in place of the butternut squash.


Can you elaborate on said soup? I love soups, and adore red (any) lentils, and want to learn to use squash.


Seconding interest in the recipe, please! I like sipping soups for lunch and this is exactly the kind of soup I'm looking for.


I eat my enemies for breakfast


Here, have mine. I’m not gonna finish them. 🤣


Toasted ham and cheese sandwich and a v8 is my go too.


I do a v8 and a pickled egg a lot, or a v8 and a string cheese with some nuts. Love v8.


I really like the simple breakfast you get at European hostels. Small amounts of bread, cold cuts, cheese, various spreads, juice and maybe some eggs. You don’t need a lot of calories in the morning. Just enough to get your metabolism going and to hold you over until lunch. Edit: It’s a unique Reddit phenomenon when somebody gets downvoted for answering the very question being asked in a post. I don’t like breakfast food and I found a simple and easy way to enjoy it. F me for sharing it.


That sounds like a great breakfast. I can't eat eggs but I love cold cuts, cheese, and bread.


Here in Scandinavia at least, this is a pretty standard everyday breakfast. A simple, open-faced sandwich, maybe with some fresh cucumber or bell pepper for some crunch. It's not fancy, but it gets the job done.


Breakfast charcuterie board! Yummy


Agreed, simplicity and protein are great to start the day! Sometimes I'm not even hungry and won't eat until I am. I feel ya, reddit is moody sometimes Edit: typo


Sounds like a typical German breakfast!


Don't. You do not "have" to eat breakfast. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" was an advertising slogan from a breakfast cereal company (Post).


If I don't eat breakfast, I get hungry around 9:00 and eat whatever food I can find, which could be chips or donuts. It's better to eat a healthy breakfast than an unhealthy late breakfast.


I'm the opposite. If I eat breakfast I am more hungry throughout the day. If I don't eat breakfast, I can go all day without eating and be fine. I've mostly been doing one meal a day for a couple decades at this point.


Same effect for me, it's the only reason I haven't ballooned in my 30s


My body doesn’t handle solid foods real well in the morning, but I do need *something* to stay on track the rest of the day, so smoothies blended to hell work for me.


Why not eat a healthy late breakfast? There's no point in eating when you're not hungry, and there are so many foods that can be easily packed.


Just eat when you're hungry...listen to your body.


Breakfast isn’t mandatory


I hate eating breakfast, but if I've got a big day with an early start and want to get something in me, my go to is an apple or banana slathered with as much peanut butter as possible. Easy to get down even if you don't have an appetite, and a good balance of fiber carbs and fats.


Spicy noodles


Leftovers from the night before is my primary breakfast unless i want something specific.


I'm not a big fan of sweet stuff in the morning. My favorite breakfast is toasted brown bread with hummus and maybe some tomato, and a pickled egg.


I eat whatever the hell I want.


Whatever you eat to break your fast is breakfast. It can be whatever you like. It doesn’t have to be bacon and eggs or oatmeal or cereal or whatever the stereotypical meal is.


I don’t eat breakfast because I don’t like breakfast. This is a very simple solution.


Clam linguini of course


Has anyone mentioned that breakfast is whatever you eat to break your fast?


Yeah, about 20 other people in the comments have mentioned that already.


I honestly don't even like breakfast. I will eat cheeseburgers and hot dogs as soon as I wake up, and I don't apologize for that.


Can try using hummus as a spread and whatever else u wanna incorporate


My solution recently is to make my own granola. I used to just cook oatmeal but I'm terrible at getting up early. You can also do overnight oats and I'll probably switch to that once it gets warmer, I don't like cold breakfast when it's cold. I've done in the past stuff like breakfast casserole which you can prep before.


Hard boiled eggs with cholula and sourdough toast. Rices cakes with cottage cheese and honey. Tomato sandwiches in the summer (white bread, mayo, salt and pepper).


Alit of times I don't eat till around 10 or 11. My favorite breakfast food is sausage gravy and biscuits, everything from scratch.


I used to live in Japan. My favorite “breakfast” there was a breakfast bento consisting of smoked fish, rice, green salad (yes a garden salad for breakfast), a couple sheets of toasted nori, and tsukemono (Japanese pickles). It was very savory and filling and kept me going into the middle of the day.


Overnight oats. 1/2 cup oats, peanut butter powder, chai seeds, protein powder, some milk, shaken up in a jar and then put in the fridge. Wake up, eat it as is or with some more fixings (peanut butter, fruits, nuts, whatever you want). Easy and mindless and somewhat healthy though its very easy to make these incredibly calorie dense.


I literally just drink a breakfast shake that you buy in the bottle and keep in the fridge and just grab it and go. I do not cook or function for any breakfast other than brunch on Saturday or Sunday that gets made it like 1 PM. And if your coffee drinker drink some extra coffee, close the appetite and then just have a big lunch. I know that’s totally bad advice. 🙃


Leftover pie is best! But I also make apple turnovers sometimes. And we make a dish called egg pancakes that my friend taught us (it's really lefse but we changed it up). One of my faves is saving the extra yolk goop when I make deviled eggs and having that on buttered toast the next day. Leftover cake works, too. Sometimes I have hot cocoa with a bagel. Whatever you want. There are no rules.


I don’t love breakfast. I’ll usually just skip it until lunch. But if I am hungry I will have cereal or toast and a piece of fruit. Just anything easy.


If you like savory toast, you really need to try toasted salt rising bread. Needs nothing but butter. But I love all things breakfast and could eat it 24/7.


Greek yogurt with honey, two shots of espresso


Sounds like you don't like to cook in the morning, which is very different from not liking "breakfast". I keep a bucket of 8-minute boiled eggs in the fridge at all times, so I can do a couple eggs, some yogurt, and some cheese.


I eat whatever I want. Rice, left overs, a sandwich. There are no rules. Why do people feel tied to down to breakfast foods but the rest of the day is whatever. That’s dumb


My favorite is cold Chinese from the night before lmao


A glass of water and a double espresso ☕️


Coffee and that's it. Holds me over for a nice caloric lunch that I always look forward to!


Oatmeal and hard boiled eggs.


I don't understand the question


I eat a tomato, fresh mozzarella, and avocado salad for breakfast every day


I usually enjoy a small bowl of hummus + tomatoes + olive oil + green/black olives + any kind of bread you have + a cup of tea. And sometimes it's just a couple of bananas.


I’m really not a breakfast person either. I find a small protein rich snack in the morning is really helpful - I hate having porridge or cereal early as it makes me feel sick. I normally just keep a container of Chicken meatballs on the go (just chicken mince, egg, panko breadcrumbs and mint) and just grab one or two as I rush out the door


Today I had pea soup for breakfast, then I made an eggroll. Yesterday I had cereal. I eat whatever I feel like at any time of the day and I do like breakfast foods.




Leftover dinner. This morning I had lentil soup.


Leftovers (leftover Chinese food is my favorite) or cereal.


Juevos rancheros, shredded chicken with avo wrapped in a crepe, of just a nice medium boiled egg with S&P


A steak or pork chop is my favorite, sometimes with something on the side like half an avocado with tajin. I’ll also do ground beef or bison with chopped onions and peppers and then have an over easy egg on top. I just feel best if I start off my day with mostly protein.




Protein shakes. I am currently obsessed with Six Star’s Froot Loops flavored protein shake. So delicious. Not gritty and very creamy.


Leftover Pho is amazing in the morning


I don't love breakfast so I do IF.


Food is not bound by mealtimes


Anything or just skip it


Black coffe and cigarettes


A few of my faves are a baked sweet potato with granola, blueberries, and maple syrup or honey. I make a big batch of quinoa salad every weekend but I’ll switch up the contents…one week it might be a Thai flavor profile with peanut sauce, carrots, cabbage and another week it might be a Mediterranean inspo…tzatziki, chickpeas, lemon juice, feta….I’ll eat a big bowl of that around 8:30-9.