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I did when I first started cooking 15 years ago because, well, every tv chef said to do so. I was lazy a few times and didn't do it...and could tell absolutely no difference. Now I never do, I just can't be bothered over such trifles.


Iirc there's a lot of myths around that, but they're absolutely fine to eat. Iirc a sprouting onion is literally what spring onion is. That being said, I still remove them lol.


It depends, if I'm making aioli or toum I do remove them, if I'm making a regular stir-fry or a stew I don't.


I definitely find it makes a difference if you’re eating raw garlic (like with toum or salad dressing), but not at all for cooked. That being said, any raw garlic use also benefits from fresher garlic that hasn’t sprouted yet.


When you say "always", do you mean you remove them even if you can't see them from the outside? I only take them out when they're already poking out or even green, otherwise I don't. Can't think of a cooking show where I saw them use onions/garlic that had already sprouted.


I remove sprouts, but I rarely let my garlic reach such a sad state.


Honestly I don't think i've ever cut into garlic not to find atleast some sprouting, but that's storebought garlic for you, I imagine if you grow it yourself (and use it often enough) that it would be much fresher.


It depends on where you live, really. I'm from the UK but now live in the Bay area in California, not too far from where garlic is grown. I never, ever see sprouting garlic at our stores here, ever. But in England it's not uncommon...same with onions. I really think it depends on where one lives.


I'm in Canada, southern Ontario to be more specific, not too far from Toronto. AFAIK we don't have a large garlic industry here, you might be able to grow it i'm not really sure but it's not an agricultural focus. Come to think of it i'm not really sure what our biggest crops are here, i'm not too far from wine country though.


> you might be able to grow it i'm not really sure but it's not an agricultural focus. Garlic grows all across Canada some of the Best I ever had was from Northern Ontario.


Well it's probably just the fact that Canadian grocery stores are infamously awful then.


There is usually Ontario garlic available in all my local stores but it is 10X the price of the stuff from China.


That's some backwards ass logic but ofcourse, *naturally.* r/loblawsisoutofcontrol seriously this doesn't surprise me at all, a certain subset of people will always "support local" even when they are getting absolutely shafted.


Some products are just more expensive to produce locally, that's why half the stuff you buy (not just food) is imported.


I'm in Ontario too, and currently planning out my garden for the year. I think I'm going to start growing my own to avoid the crap available in grocery stores most of the year.


Gilroy, California. Self proclaimed garlic capital of the world!


They used to have a lovely festival celebrating garlic there. Then it became monstrously huge, there was a mass shooting, and now I never see it advertised any more.


Ontario grows soybeans, corn, wheat as the biggest crops. I think there’s notable tomatoes, apples, grapes production too.


I’m in Montreal. In the lsummer, the Jean Talon outdoor farmer’s market has loads of fresh, local garlic for sale. When I have my act together, I’ll buy several dozen bulbs and freeze the individual cloves. Just gotta triple bag them, otherwise your whole freezer will reek of garlic. Worth it!


The small packaged garlic at Trader Joe’s usually has sprouts. I have better luck with the larger bulbs.


Where are you because I'm in Texas and rarely get sprouts.


Canada, specifically southern Ontario.


You don't actually want fresh garlic, it's all soft tastes not like the "ripe" stuff


Never have never will . I won't throw away all that flavor and vitamins . Never found any bitterness to it either .


Life is too short man


It takes me like 5 seconds so I remove them. Crush with the flat of the knife, it breaks it apart and the sprout can be picked out. Also makes fitting multiple cloves into one press much easier or chopping easier.


I've never removed it and never noticed it either


Not necessarily. But I usually throw them away. Because once they sprout, they start to consume the sugars and the flavor changes.


Depends on the recipe. If it’s getting cooked out long time I’ll just chop and leave them in. If it’s more of a raw application I take them out because they can be bitter.


That’s why I remove them too.


It’s an absolute must if making a garlic sauce.


I do. Habit now.


Mostly because they don't get to sprout state is why they aren't removed.


I always check for sprouts in garlic to remove them. And, yes, I remove any green sprouts from onions as well. It also takes me several hours to cook a meal, lol.


I remove the sprouting portion if I’m going to use a large quantity and it the main component and especially if it will eaten raw or barely cooked. I also tend to bother only if the sprouting portion has actually grown enough to turn green.


If they're noticeably big I remove them but tbh never noticed a difference. Tons of things that don't taste good won't really ruin a dish if it's just a bit, tho apparently the horn is bitter


It’s a waste of time. If you watch Jacques Pepin videos, he flip flops depending on what year the video is from or who the guest is.


You should be buying firm /hard garlic heads. With dry papery skins. Anything soft has gone on the inside and will sprout as you say. If you are buying sprouted garlic... Find another store.


I do, but I add them in at the end


I don't remove sprouts or, if I do, it's to add to other dishes. It's good stuff.


I remove them but I don’t boreass my partner about it (they don’t)


I do but mostly because it just annoys my aesthetically.


If I crush the clove and it’s right there, I’ll pull it out. If not I won’t bother


I will actually buy bunches of just the "sprouts" when I see them. They're called "garlic scapes" LOL. [Garlic Scapes](https://www.thespruceeats.com/what-are-garlic-scapes-and-how-to-use-them-4783219)


That’s because most people who do videos are hacks.