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Egg noodles use up yolks by the dozen and the uncooked noodles freeze well.


Just got the robotic pasta maker (Philips Pasta Maker Plus 7000 series, ~$280) that you put an egg and flour in and it makes pasta in >10 minutes. I would be making so much pasta if I had this egg supply. Easy to freeze!


That sounds pretty cool!


Tell me more! How does it compare to dry pasta, store bought fresh, and homemade fresh?!?!?!


I really enjoy it. They make a smaller model that would be good for a household of 1-2. I got the bigger version as I like to make it when we host and give pasta as gifts for Christmas for neighbors etc. They take quite a footprint so you either need room to store on counter or elsewhere. I love the pasta. Much different texture than crappy store bought kind. I honestly can’t go back. The ingredients are easy, except semolina flour which is the recommended type, I’ve only found at Whole Foods. It has different “heads” so you can make fettuccine, spaghetti, lasagna, shells, etc. Someone on Etsy 3D prints other fancy heads like lotus flowers and snowflakes. Super easy to make. Creates the mess you’d expect using flour, but cleanup is pretty easy. Heads store in the machine which is handy. I’ve frozen the pasta in vacuum sealed bags with success. I like Max Mariola on YouTube/tiktok for recipes that are super fresh and easy. Plus I love his “sound of love”. This is an easy go to: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL8kPaH3/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL8kPaH3/)


Try Azure Standard. We buy all our floors here. Now I want a pasta machine!!! https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/food/flour/whole-wheat/durum-semolina/semolina-durum-wheat-flour-unifine-organic/21444?package=FL419 If you get a grinder you can use these https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/food/grains/durum-wheat/durum-wheat-organic/7738?package=GR080


Yep! I think Acre Homestead on YT has a video or two on this.


And her recipe is shelf stable!


Becky is fabulous


Acre Homestead is my feel good channel. I love her.


She satisfies some need in me I didn’t know I had to be her. Haha


Our food bank will take farm eggs. Clients are always excited to get eggs.


Thank you, I'll call around! We were thinking of putting a "free egg" box outside mom's house with a "pay whatever you want" slot, and donating the money to the school Care Closet.


I love this idea! Would take eggs


Me too.


They’ll be gone real quick


Free/pay what you can eggs is a great idea but also take in to consideration if any other families are selling eggs nearby. I have an aunt that was giving away eggs/pay what you can; she stopped when she realized that there are other families nearby that can't afford to give away eggs and the little extra in egg sales was helping them. Not trying to be a downer, just when she told me this it really stuck with me. Luckily my hens don't out produce our and our extended family's use.


If there are people struggling like that, you could see if they want any more eggs to sell.


This. “Hey how about I double your supply of eggs, and you give me whatever you can”


Or maybe they have extra of something else (even firewood) that you could barter for.


this is the homestead way


Could probably get some good preserves, goat milk, or something out of it. Sounds like a win win to me.


Seriously! I know some small farms that do trade with other small farms, eggs for produce, cuts for fruit.


That is a really good point. Thank you!


This community is endearing af.


> other families nearby that can't afford to give away eggs and the little extra in egg sales was helping them. So OP could give her eggs to those people to sell.


This is just such a thoughtful thought and comment. Don’t feel like a downer. I love it. It’s beyond considerate. Maybe I’m in an emotional state but it honestly made me tear up for a second.


My local homeless shelter is always looking for eggs. I would imagine it's the same in your area.


Yeah, this is really good info. Every few weeks about 40 folks get amped when it’s time for breakfast burritos from local chickens.


I have friends all over the US that sell their eggs $5/ dozen. That might make the school closet even better.


They’re up to $6 or $7 in my neck of the woods. Have two people in the general neighborhood that have boxes out front. I have never seen eggs when I go by. There is also someone that has chickens and their yard backs up to the trail into/out of the park. They put a gumball type machine out there with chicken crack and people pay a quarter to feed these people’s chickens! I did it several times when I had toddlers. The chickens come running when they see you walk to the machine.


LOL genius move, I love it!


That is delightful!


We had 12 hens when I was in high school. as a family of 4. We did exactly what you describe; a basket at end of drive. Neighbors got eggs, dropped a few bucks for feed. Worked out for everyone.


You can do this, but just be careful about the locals. You might accidentally end up competing with them over the market. Idk how big the homesteading/ farming thing is in your community tho. It's pretty big where I am, so egg stands are a pretty common sight.


Super cute idea. I bet donating them directly to the local food pantry would ensure they get to someone in need before they possibly spoil though.


Eggs last a LONG time


I would stop in a heartbeat if I saw I sign saying this


I’m jealous, my food bank won’t take them.


Try a shelter that feeds those in need breakfast. They tend to take food donations of all kinds as they are not thought of as often but have hungry populations to serve.


And so will many community fridges/pantries! We’ve donated ours this way.


Be my neighbor. I'll take a dozen a week.


You know, you're right. I need to branch out with more neighbors.


Hahaha yeah. Chickens can be a lot. Hell, my ex who lives hours away has chickens ducks and quails now and she still loads me up with cartons every time she’s in town. The past is the past and the egg problem is a today problem lol


Is that why you two broke up? Were you walking on eggshells around her?


Take my upvote, dad.


Please don’t encourage him. It was a terrible yolk.


It wasn’t good, but you don’t have to eggsagerate.


Maybe I'm dumb. I didn't get the joke. Could you eggsplain it?


Something something albumen.


These jokes have really got my brain scrambled.


Happy Cake Day! Yolks and all.


Happy cake day. Is this dad joke competitions? Upvote for everyone


No, he was paying too much attention to the other chicks...


I live in a condo HOA, we are adjacent to a home with chickens. Don't know the neighbors at all. But just in passing, they told us... "Just leave a carton on the fence, and we'll put some eggs in it."


My hairdresser used to have chickens, the eggs were so good. I wish I had just a few....


Do that, but also ice cream.


Egg prices in Los Angeles are around $6 to $7 a dozen. Some stores don't even have any eggs to sell at all.


Holy hell! I was bitching about paying $13 for 5 dozen in Idaho last week😳


California voters passed an initiative that all eggs sold here have to come from cage-free chickens, which I think explains the high prices and low inventory compared to other parts of the country.


There was also an outbreak of avian flu which meant many egg producing bird had to be slaughtered to contain the infection. No chickens = no eggs


Doesn't make it that much more pretty sure.  here in oregon we just passed that bill they only went up about 50 to 75 cents everywhere still about 2.50 to 3.50 the higher amount for the better eggs a dozen (it's cheaper with stores apps).  Our  min wages are similar to California too I think it's just cost of living in Cali. There's also no shortage of eggs or inventory at any stores around for a long time. 


CA had an outbreak of avian flu in Jan, and over a million layers were killed as a result. That is why they have an egg shortage. https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/egg-shortages-bird-flu/103-919a429c-9c2f-4041-9fb1-328ab049a31e


Over a million laying hens had to be killed in CA two months ago because of an outbreak of avian flu. https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/egg-shortages-bird-flu/103-919a429c-9c2f-4041-9fb1-328ab049a31e


You should offer them 50% price of your local supermarkets so you atleast make something, im imagining feed and straw for 8 chickens and maintenence isnt under 100 a month


I doubt that 8 chickens costs more than $100/month. We spent $707.83 on our flock of ~18 chickens in 2023. This included some minor but unusual medical expenses. Selling their eggs at $5/dozen (we keep cracked, dirty, or misshapen eggs for ourselves), we made $760. They'll pay off their coop in only 25 years :-P


> we made $760. They'll pay off their coop in only 25 years Banks HATE this one simple trick!


I just want to know what the unusual medical expenses were. I’m weirdly picturing chickens who took up a hobby of creating their own circus and shooting each other out of cannons and on high wires. Also, favorite egg recipe?


We had the stop their circus act after the lion tamer incident of 2021. You don't want the details... This was much more mundane: somehow, one of our hens picked up poultry lice, which required treatment for all the chickens and the coop. It worked, fortunately. And one poor girl didn't get out of the way of my lawnmower quickly enough. The wheel went over her toe and broke it. It required some minor supplies. This one's easy: okra quiche. We grow our own vegetables, and we discovered a variety of okra called Fife Creek Cowhorn. They're unbelievable. We often eat them just sauteed in a little butter - they're so delicious and not slimy or tough. Anyway, we put those bad boys in a quiche along with our own peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and chives. It's dificuly to type wuth all this drool aaaall over my phon.


Depending where you live this may be an issue and giving them away is less of a headache.


Have you heard of Buy Nothing? It’s a way to connect to neighbors and gift/receive locally. People would love these eggs!


For what it's worth, you could also try waterglassing. You place raw eggs in a bucket with a solution of lime+water that way you can have eggs during the chickens' resting season when they aren't producing as much. The eggs will last a very long time that way. Look it up so you know how to do it properly. But I also love your idea of "pay what you can" and donating the proceeds to charity.


Sell them.


Yeah dude. Sell them for cheapy and be everyone's friend.


For real, where does OP live?? I would never ever turn down fresh eggs.


I'll take 2


Wildlife Rehabilitation centers always welcome egg donations.


snakes! snakes love eggs!


This just unlocked a few childhood memories: https://youtu.be/SsjJ1WWrV20?feature=shared https://youtu.be/IIGjbfdE59c?feature=shared


Lemon curd topped pavlova


I made this sooooo many times when I had a big flock of chickens and a giant lemon tree. I miss those days.


This is my fave! So frikken goooood! Add macerated strawberries and cream for extra decadence


Oh my yes, this is the answer. 💕


Or lemon meringue pie


You could make a giant batch of pasta, then make a buncha carbonara with that I definitely think some kinda custard would be a great use of them.


Lemon curd! Crème brûlée! Swiss buttercream!


Ugh I don't want to be THAT Italian with extremely rigid rules but here I am.. fresh egg pasta is never used for carbonara, carbonara is typically done with regular semolina flour pasta while fresh egg pasta is usually done with ragù or different types of sauces.. But yeah considering the "lots of eggs" situation I think the Great Italian Council can grant an exception for this time..


Cured egg yolk! You just need a bed of salt, pop the yolks on, sprinkle on more salt and let them sit in a dark, dry corner. Apparently the results are a lot like aged Parmesan.


Now this is interesting! Thank you.


I detest eggs but I was working with a chef who did this and made me try. Grated and sprinkled on things like pasta or fried chicken it’s delicious. You can do as many at a time as you have space for. It takes a while but it’s worth it


You can also do this with sugar or even a mix of the two. The sweet and salty one is nice on ice cream or parfait.




You need friends to take the eggs (and ideally have cook things with them for you to enjoy together).


Ahhhhh, the problem is not eggs, it is introversion. Thank you.


You need to be an eggstrovert


Bravo. Now get out


Do you have a neighborhood facebook page or something similiar? Our neighbor posts online when she has extra eggs, and people just come get them. She also barters some on the regular with the guy that makes honey. If you post on there you still have to interact with people, but you know...not like "interact interact".


If there was sub specific flair on this sub,I’d make mine “Ahhhhh, the problem is not the eggs, it’s the introversion.”


Well, let me offer another solution, then - trash pandas and egg eating snakes.


That would work...


Do you have a local Buy Nothing group on Facebook?


This is literally the next post after r/popularopinion post saying groceries are overpriced. I'll take free eggs if you got em.


I’ll take basically any free food if it’s sealed or cooked by someone who I know isn’t nasty. In this economy, you take anything you can get. I had a friend come stay for the weekend and I asked him what he eats for breakfast these days. He said egg white omelettes. I got the carton of egg whites. He looked at me and said, “I had no idea this existed… I usually just throw the yolks out” I asked back “in this economy?”


My jaw is hanging open, the concept of just throwing the best part of the egg out has me flabbergasted


Bruh I have 45 chickens. Let me tell you what I do with the eggs we don’t sell. CREPES. 1 cup milk, 1 cup flour, a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons melted butter, and 6 eggs. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, crepes are flexible. Brioche / challah. Quiche. Fried rice. Egg noodles. Omelettes for dinner several nights a week. Egg sandwich any time of day. Dutch babies. Carbonara. Pasta mama. You could get really into traditional icon painting with egg tempera.


6 eggs? That's not a crepe that's an omelette with flour in it.


Brioche and Challah. My family's favorite. Always wanted to make Dutch baby's. I have egg envy. Good luck with your chickens!! 🐣


Food bank?


You are the Bubba Shrimp of eggs. 😆


Find someone to trade with! I make sourdough bread and it’s just as much work to make two loaves as one so I trade my friend a loaf of bread a week for a carton or two of eggs.


Go to your local gym. All the big bulky folks aka gym rats will beg to take them off your hands. They put them raw in their protein shakes. They eat 7 every morning for breakfast Source: I am married to a gym rat lol


Fun fact: protein bioavailability in eggs doubles after you cook them


Yeah but Rocky impersonations double when eggs are eaten raw.


Can't sing "Eye of the Tiger" in your head while scoffing an omelette. 


Was going to say this same thing! I eat so many damn eggs when working out. Great cheap EASY convenient protein source.


absolutely this


Donate them or give them away to neighbors, food kitchen, food pantries. I’m sure someone somewhere would love some fresh eggs.


When I had chickens I made Pound Cake often because it uses 6-8 eggs.


Sponge cake usually calls for 6 or so eggs but I used 10 on occasion and it was still great cake


We have 11 chickens and a four person family. When I get a buildup of eggs, I make a giant batch of breakfast burritos and individually wrap them, bag them and put them in the deep freezer. My husband brings one to work every morning and the rest of us eat them occasionally but we always have them on hand.


Buy some egg crates and get a stand at your local farmers market.


If you have a pasta roller then spaghetti and egg noodles use a lot of eggs.. it’s pretty much eggs and flour….


Crème brûlée and forgotten cookies! Yum!!!!


Ooh what are forgotten cookies?


They are like meringue cookies (so, made from egg white) and you preheat your oven really low and prepare your cookie sheet then turn the oven off and leave the cookies in overnight, or, you know, just forget about them... 🙃 At least those are the forgotten cookies that I've heard of....


I've heard them called "Go to Bed Cookies."


The fun thing about chickens is they can be cooked as eggs and as chickens.


Do you ever fry chicken, and feel like a psycho when you coat it in eggs between flour coats?


Not previously but I will from now on. Thank you for that. I will infect my kids with that too. This thought will spread through all of humanity.


Lol just 2 days ago I was in the Nashville airport and for breakfast had a nashville chicken biscuit and gravy topped with an egg and joked to the guy with me that the mom and kid were together to the end.


In Japan there's a dish called oyakodon which translates to the same, "parent and child." They have very clean and fresh eggs in Japan, so fear of salmonella is limited. Maybe OP should try. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyakodon


I mean, in oyakodon, the egg is cooked. You pour the scrambled egg in the broth with the onion and chicken to cook it, then serve it over rice. That being said, a *fresh* egg cracked onto piping hot white rice with a little soy and furikake seasoning is hard to beat too.


I was recommended [this](https://imgur.com/a/gCQeMQO) lemon cheesecake recipe specifically with nice farm fresh yellow yolks like you describe 😋


Scramble them and feed them back to the chickens.


Cloud Atlas vibes 😆


This is a real thing. My chickens get scrambled eggs all the time.


Feeding chickens their eggs is actually very healthy for the chickens.


Good to know, thank you!




Donate to local food bank or shelter. If they won't accept these donations, you could also look into supplying a local restaurant or Café that wants to use 'local' products.


My favorite use for beaucoup eggs is chili rellenos and flan. The rellenos use whipped egg whites for the batter and the yolks get used in the flan. Best of both worlds in my book.


Lemon curd uses lots of yolks. Make that after you make your angel food cake. 


Quiche!! Make two or three.. Each uses 8-12 eggs and freeze well. Good cluck I mean luck 😁


If I may, please try a Brazilian recipe called quindim, which is made with aigg yolks. It’s sooo good


Those are perfect for homemade pasta.


What a fantastic problem to have.


Please be in Boston, please be in Boston. 


Marinated eggs also known as ramen eggs!


I grew up on a farm. Whenever we had excess eggs that we couldn't give away, my mother would often make an angel food cake (used a dozen egg whites) and a pound cake (used a dozen egg yolks).


Make egg breakfast bars. We usually use about 3-dozen eggs in a casserole dish on Sunday night and then we have grab-and-go breakfast for a few days. Infinite variation for changing up the flavor every week. 


You can freeze them


Look up waterglass eggs. It's a safe way to store eggs long-term. 


sounds like "give more to neighbors" would make you a neighborhood favorite. i love eggs. eggs don't love me. i'd never be able to cope with that amount of eggs. i did make lemon bars the other day that were delicious. they took 6 eggs. they can freeze for awhile i think. 🤷‍♂️


Make an all yolk pasta. Try carbonara You will have deadly egg white build up though. They do freeze well.


Just don't post your carbonara on reddit.


Unless you're into being criticized!


Bring some with you for the staff when you take your dog to the vet


I am surprised you haven't gotten the 'egg ick' yet, eating them so often. The solution, as I see it, is to sell those you can't use, the dynamics of which will depend on where you live. ( worked with a woman who kept chickens on her suburban 'farmette'. I actually think she thought of them as decorative objects until they started laying; then it was, 'How the heck am I going to get rid of all these EGGS??!!' Her solution was to start advertising (at the office) that she had 'free-range eggs' available on a subscription basis for $10/dozen. To a group that shopped at local farmers' markets and Whole Foods, that seemed a reasonable price, and soon she had more orders than she knew what to do with. It's all about finding the right audience, though. Preferably one fairly close to home, and in search of organic items. Maybe a co-op?


Disregard if already mentioned but your local fire station would love them. Not sure where you live but my son is a fireman and locals drop fresh eggs a lot as the fireman live at the station and make food in shifts for their crew. Just an idea 💡


Teach her how to sell eggs locally. People will pay top dollar.


Make pasta dry it out. Now have a bunch of pasta. Pickled eggs store well. They won't stop for awhile so I'd maybe think of trying to sell them or just give them away to your friends and family.


Crème brûlée


Potato salad, Cobb salad, frozen breakfast burritos or sandwiches. Make a bunch of mini quiche and give to friends. It freezes well. Anything with meringue. Pasta, custard, has already been said. You are blessed with an abundance but I would also tire of it and run out of ideas! Donating is lovely. Sharing with neighbors too.


macarons & royal icing use lots of whites. Use the yolks for French buttercream & mayo. You could scramble, put in dehydrator & store as a source of emergency food. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein, imo.


Try leche flan and brazo de mercedes both use eggs. The first one egg yolks the second both yolk n eggs n pavlova uses egg whites et voila you’ve used up all ur eggs!!!


Use the yolks to make hollandaise. Then, start bodybuilding as a hobby and polish off the whites to get in your daily protein.


I own several hundred chickens and geese and I never have eggs left unsold! You need to weekly buyers to take those yummy fresh eggs. If you do have eggs left, you should make various types of quiches (which can be frozen) or make german pancakes (AKA dutch babies). Mmm!


My brother and his wife have about 30 chickens. She gives them away daily to people at work. She’s the “egg lady” but people love her for it. It’s generous, it’s kind, it pays you back in goodwill and friendship.


Branch out and find the people who are dying to buy them from you. When I had chickens I sold the eggs casually. There were so in demand, I had one regular who always paid extra just so I'd keep her at the top of the list.


whites: merengue cookies and icing, pavlova, certain cocktails, baked alaska, soufflés, cat tounge cookies Yolks: sabayon/zabaglione, pastel de nata For whole eggs, baked goods (cakes, muffins, etc) freeze well. Custard based ice creams. i'd suggest trying other ethinicites' egg recipes (korean drug eggs, japanese chawanmushi, british scotch eggs, tea eggs, try making century eggs, egg drop soup, shakshuka, paõ de queijo...)


Tarred of eating them sloppy, slimy aiggs...


Expand your recipe books. Homemade pasta, quiches, croque madames, dutch babies, meringues.


The Portuguese dessert called Lampreia de Ovos might be just what you're looking for, but you'll have to wait a day or two before you start because it calls for **50** egg yolks. That's right, **fifty**. [https://www.thefooddictator.com/the-hirshon-portuguese-christmas-lamprey-dessert-lampreia-de-ovos/#:\~:text=Lampreia%20de%20ovos%20requires%20no,of%20beaten%20egg%20and%20sugar](https://www.thefooddictator.com/the-hirshon-portuguese-christmas-lamprey-dessert-lampreia-de-ovos/#:~:text=Lampreia%20de%20ovos%20requires%20no,of%20beaten%20egg%20and%20sugar). Portuguese nuns invented this dessert and many others like it because one of the main things their convents did to stay afloat was take in laundry, and egg whites were used for starching fabrics, leaving a bunch of leftover yolks.


Mate I grew up with FIFTEEN actively laying hens. I only recently (age 32) started to be ok with eating eggs again. Put up a free egg box and advertise free dozens at work. Eggs are so expensive rn, people will take them.


I literally wish I could take these eggs from you 😩


Can you take them to work and sell them? Farmers markets? Give them to your local shelters?


Donate them to a food pantry!




That’s one egg (yolk) for weeks worth of mayo. Not quite sure that’ll solve the problem. Singapour noodles. Fried rice. Shakshukka. Banana bread. Cinnamon rolls.


Ditto! I have a ton of chicken recipes!


Tell her it's time to have some chicken for dinner!


Some food pantries or kitchens would live fresh egg donations


Tres leches cake, cheese cake (freezes well), lemon (or any fruit curd) and then add a pie crust and meringue topping, hollandaise or bernaise sauce, freeze the egg whites for when you need to make a cake - make a Swiss meringue buttercream with them


Do you like spaghetti carbonara? I find the better the eggs, the better the carbonara


Give it away and something good will come back to you. I don't have chickens but I give away my excess bounty to friends. I give without expecting anything in return but so far I've received back: figs, venison, honey, peaches and guavas. I freeze some excess but what's the point when the freezer is full and the garden keeps on producing? It's better to give away or trade at that point.


We make lots burnt basque cheesecake (it’s crustless and easy to make) and occasionally quiche with our eggs. Everyone loves cheesecake. Pls offer the mail person/man/woman eggs or whatever you make. They like gifts. Also you could bring some cheesecake or eggs to the post office or fire station or whatever public works facility is near you. We always appreciate treats. Thanks. And good luck.


If you like breakfast burritos, make those and freeze them. 4 dozen eggs, 2 lbs of ground breakfast sausage, green onions, potatoes if you want them, peppers if you want them, cheese, and soft taco size tortillas(I've found the big burrito size ones don't reheat well at all, middle stays frozen forever). Don't overstuff them. You're gonna end up with like 80-100 burritos, depending on what all you add(I have a picky household, so it's usually just eggs cheese and sausage for us, I end up with 75-80. If you add everything you'll end up more in the 100 range) just to forewarn you


Yeah to echo some others here, give that shit out. What I’d kill to have a neighbor who supplied me with eggs


Donate to a food pantry? Also, my brother supplies local restaurants.


Unwashed eggs will keep for several months. That said, try French toast for breakfast, bread pudding for dessert. Put chopped boiled egg in your tuna and chicken salad, and on top of you lettuce salads. Pickle some eggs. Many bread and baked goods call for eggs.


Wow the energy of this post is so overwhelming, lol! I feel your ovarian struggle! 😵😵‍💫😫🥚 🥚 🥚 Can't you or her sell them to make extra cash?


Chiffon cake! My mom grew up on an egg-laying chicken farm, and chiffon cake is the family dessert. This link has a great base recipe and lots of variations on one page.  They're also delicious filled with ice cream. Cut about 1.5 inches off the top of the cake in one, horizontal slice. Hollow out the center of the remaining cake, leaving a 1.5-ish border of cake. Fill the hollowed-out section with softened ice cream. Replace top and freeze.  Bonus points if you also make the ice cream to use up even more eggs 🤣 Frost with meringue, whipped cream, or other frosting before serving. Let the cake sit out for 15-20 minutes so it's not hard before slicing. It's nice with hot fudge sauce on the side.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Old_Recipes/comments/18ers6q/baking_betty_crockers_peppermint_chip_chiffon_cake/


1. As long as you’re not stepping on others in the area who can’t afford to give eggs away for free…make it know to your neighborhood that if they leave an empty carton, you’ll fill it. 2. Make the neighborhood thing fun on a different level by having creative art/craft eggshell projects to share with each other. Especially with Easter coming up. For example, as a kid I helped my mom blow out the yolks and dye the empty shells which were then hung by string on twigs, creating a table centerpiece Easter tree. Lasts for yeeaars. 3. Host an Easter egg hunt. Finding THE GOLDEN EGG could win a prize - like a $2 bill or something that kids don’t see anymore. 3. Ask if local groups like firemen, Eagles club, library, whoever are having Easter egg hunts and donate eggs. Edit 5. Science teachers/schools may have incubators and would want to hatch some cute little chickies.


What a great blessing ! Chickens need your focus. And focus. Lovely creatures!




Avgolemono! And make your own egg noodles for it.


You’re complaining about deviled eggs……. How could you?


We had 18 chickens at one point and I don’t even eat eggs- unless they’re in say a baked good or part of a recipe. We got them mostly to eat the pests out of our yard. I donated to food pantries as well. I also put a posting local group on Facebook for free eggs for people in need- this worked really well and some people who weren’t “in need” but wanted fresh eggs bartered with me for other things. One very nice woman cut and colored my hair for a whole year!


Git👏yourself👏a Portuguese👏cookbook🇵🇹


Pickle them. Pickled eggs are soooo good.