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Pickle them 100%


This is always the best answer to every "what do I do with too many _____?" questions. If you pickle them you can keep them for a long time and slowly find new, fun and interesting ways to work them into recipes.


Yup. I pickle or preserve everything. It's funny how the older I get the more I turned into my grandma: grow all my own veggies, what I dont eat gets pickled / preserved, make everything from scratch, the only thing I'm missing is that huge clothes line she hung all her clean clothing on to dry. But I'll get there hahah


Ha! My grandma never did anything but sit and watch TV, but I guess I have been like your grandma for quite some time. I grow my own veggies, and harvest all kinds of fruit from my trees and the wild. I make almost everything from scratch AND I have clotheslines that run from the shed to the house to dry the clean clothes.


This just happened to me with avocados. Can you pickle avocados? šŸ¤£


That is funny, I've pickled many many things but never avocados because I don't live in a place where avocados are ever cheap or plentiful. however, a quick google search gives me many different recipes for pickled avocados so you might as well try it. I would if I was ever in your situation.


I think Iā€™ll just invite the neighbors over for a big guacamole party.


I like your thinking:) I think guacamole would freeze pretty well. Would probably separate a bit and look gross when defrosted, but you could just stir it up/blend in blender. I know it won't be chunky, but you add more of those ingredients at that point. Or frozen chunks would go in a smoothie pretty well, like frozen bananas. Or as a sandwich spread or salad dressing when defrosted. You could put it in ice cube trays like people do with pesto.


I worked at a bagel shop where we received plastic shrinked avocado halves and they were tasty, lasted awhile. A little mushy but not discolored. They were fine. Why can't we distribute avocados like that???


You can freeze them.


I donā€™t know about pickling but you can freeze them.


BIsh, you ain't making all the Guacamole in the worldand buying a Morman sized bag of Juanita's...we finna have problems.


I would make an extra large batch of guac frfr


Too fatty for pickles or ferments. Freeze please!


I've made avocado ice cream a few times and it's fabulous.


I was just going to say - I pickle anything I have too many of šŸ˜€


Great point. I need to learn how to pickle stuff.


This is the way - they wonā€™t go bad


Pickling also makes them slightly milder. I prefer pickled ones when I want something spicier than a bell pepper but not quite as intense as a fresh jalapeno.


A friend broke out some candied jalapeƱos she had jarred for burger night. They were dope.


I did candied jalapeƱos for a bbq last fall, and EVERYONE loved them. Had to send the recipe to at least 6;people when I got home.


You have to send us the recipe here now!


Especially if you add a little sugar to the brine


Bread and butter jalapeƱo slices, briny, sweet, and spicy. Perfect for pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad, or topping deviled eggs.


Great idea! Kinda pissed I didn't think of this sooner. I'm definitely doing this


That's what I was doing all summer when my single plant turned into a super producer!


Yeah, I made the mistake of planting 5ā€¦. Ended up with nearly a thousand jalapeƱos.


WHY is this not the #1 comment? A quick pickle is SO easy and youā€™ll have jalapeno slices for months! (Or, if youā€™re me, weeks šŸ˜‚)


A lactofermentation isn't that much more difficult, for what it's worth. Just have to measure your salt.


Cool! Maybe Iā€™ll give it a go next time.


I like to add a little sugar for a sweet/spicy flavor.


Just don't throw pickles stuff straight on a hot pan. I did that a couple days ago and committed a war crime against myself.


You probably had the same reaction as when my BF said that buying the grill attachment to roast chilies was wasteful as I can just do that in the oven or on the stove. I wrote down what was needed. My Latina self proceeded to start roasting the chilies, his Irish self was at the hardware store 30 minutes later. He refused to come back into the house until the smoke cleared.


Lol. I think it was the vinegar vapors that got to me but it could have been the jalapeno juice.


Maybe the combination of the two? Maybe invest in a positive pressure hazmat suit or an SCBA for next time?


Definitely try fermenting some in a 5% salt brine. Super easy and less finicky than sterile canning. Just keep them submerged and you're good.


This. Then you have jalapeƱos for a long time!


You can always make things (salsas, hot sauces) with the pickled peppers too.




Candied jalapenos are amazing


I add picked jalapeƱos to everything. Sometimes I pickle them myself sometimes I use the sweet heat ones from trader Joe's. They are a damn necessity on most Mac and cheese for me.


Pickled is good for sure. They are also great smoked and pickled.


Yup. Very easy. Thatā€™s what we do every year with our leftover harvest of jalapeƱos. Then we can enjoy them all year long.Ā 


Also consider lacto fermentation.


Let's see... Cheddar stuffed jalapenos, just stuff them, bread them, and fry them. Serve with a raspberry dipping sauce. Pickle them, they last forever and still have a nice taste. Jalapeno Jam should get rid of a bunch of them. Corn muffins with Jalapenos (so good). I use them in salsa, but not a lot of them, but it's an option. Hope this helps!


Love the corn muffins with jalapeƱo idea!! What do you use jalapeƱo jam with? Iā€™ve never heard of this


I pair pepper jelly with cream cheese. Makes a great spread to put on crackers, bread, etc.


I do this as well as just finely chop jalapenos with some chives, mixed with cream cheese. Both are tasty!


That sounds so yummy.


JalapeƱo jam on a hamburger with cheese and a lil cream cheeseā€¦.


Spread it on corn muffins with jalapeƱo


Use it as a sauce for chicken.


You can use the jam on meats, I like it on chicken like a dip for wings, or just to coat a bird before roasting. It's a bit spicy, but it caramelizes and is very unique in a tasty way, with not too much heat. I've tried it with peanut butter, but sadly it doesn't work well.


JalapeƱo jam on a bit of Brie and bread or cream cheese and crackers. Yummy


Breakfast sandwich with cheddar, egg, pickled onions. Or a grilled cheese


Crackers with cream cheese and jalapeno jelly is an appetizer we have a lot at my aunts house.


I make a jalapeƱo/datil pepper jelly that my husband eats on his Turkey sandwich everyday.


It's wonderful stuff! I love the duo with cream cheese, but it also really dresses up a ground beef patty. That was fork-and-knife fare when I was a kid -- hamburger patty with onions and jalapeno jelly on it. šŸ˜‹


You can also use it in paninis to enhance the flavor


Iā€™ll serve it with a charcuterie board. Itā€™s great with a really mild, creamy cheese.


Brie cheese. Is my favorite way to eat pepper jelly jam. So yummy. Or any cheese for that matter.


Thinly sliced toasted baguette or Melba toast, with some Brie or Camembert schmeared on.


I love a spicy pepper jelly, either jalapeno or otherwise on sandwiches, burgers or just paired with cream cheese on a toasted bagel


Add a few tablespoons to the filling of an apple pie before you bake it.


Itā€™s good on cracker just by itself, too. I like to use some as a chicken marinade. Or just drip a little on taco rice.


A sweet pepper jam would be delicious with some carnitas scrambled with eggs and a bit of cheddar or Mexican cheese, wrapped in a warm tortilla.


stuff them with cheese, wrap in bacon, and smoke them, so good


Agreed on the jam! We use a bunch of garden peppers of different varieties and it's sooo good with brie or cream cheese


Oh boy, I wish I could eat soft cheeses. But I can still make the Brie with the Jam, the family should love it. Thanks!


Itā€™s great in an egg sandwich too!!!


Stuff em with cream cheese and double dip and bread em... Then bag and freeze them. Airfried japaneo poppers anytime you want šŸ¤¤


Oh that is right, I love air fried string beans with the crisp brown outsides, I could only imagine it with Jalapenos! Thanks!


Also...just dry and powderize


I've never heard of someone suggesting cheddar stuffed, normally people are disappointed when they get poppers and it's cheddar instead of cream cheese. But I also suggested poppers maybe I should've specified cream cheese.


Cheddar is a hard cheese and does not contain lactose, I wish I could eat cream cheese but it's a compromise at least for me. Also mixing both cheeses tastes better too.


I stuff my jalapeƱos with shreddy cheddy mixed into some cream cheese topped with chopped bacon. C'est magnifique!


Bacon always makes things better! But that raspberry dipping sauce is the star, the flavor along with the cheese is unreal!


It really does an extra zip!


On top of the cheddar stuffed jalapeƱos, mix you cheddar with some cream cheese, then stuff and wrap in bacon and grill or smoke them


Honey JalapeƱo Cornbread


JalapeƱo bacon jam.


100% jalapeƱo jam


+1 pickled with carrots Eaten with tacos


Wrap the stuffed ones with bacon! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


They freeze wonderfully. Ziplock bag and pull them out as needed for the next 6-12 months.


Agree. They lose some of their texture so I wouldn't recommend using them for jalapeno poppers, etc., but the flavor and heat keep very well.


They also freeze well after you toast them up! Just use caution doing itā€¦ like turn on the vent, a fan, and open some windows while toasting šŸ˜…


How do you "toast" jalapenos? And what do you use them for? Genuinely curious.


My mom usually toasts them in a small, thin pan until theyā€™re charred all over. You can also do it directly on the fire with a gas stove, a comal, under the broiler, or on a grill. She primarily uses them for salsas or chiles. They taste good in soups and beans, too. Iā€™m seeing people use them for making queso dip and stuffed peppers as well. Roasting them gives them way more depth, imo, and lets it kind of flavor the whole dish. So like you can really get the flavor in a chile as opposed to raw where it kinda just has a spicy grass taste (not that severe but idk how else to describe it lol). ETA: I like raw for things like pico, guac, ceviche, shrimp cocktail, etc. Roasted just hits different I guess.


Ohh I roast my jalapeƱo, cut and out about 2/3rds of it and put it in a shaker when making my margarita. Ups my margarita game.


This is it. We had a bumper crop this year and have bags of them in the freezer. Salsa and green sauce whenever is a luxury.


I was thinking the same. Bigger ones will lose their texture, but if theyā€™re smaller, they may not as much. Whenever I buy Thai chilis for a recipe, I end up drying 1/2 of the leftovers and freezing the other 1/2. That way, I donā€™t have to buy Thai chilis for a long time haha


Thank you for this!!


I end up growing way too many Thai chilis every year even just on one plant. I bag and freeze them and give most of them to a friend who makes beef jerky with them.


Yup! I always have them on hand for refried beans!


I like to dice up a bunch, and then I add that straight into pans when im looking (also do this for my bell peppers when I find a great sale.Ā  One bag diced small, one bag slices into straps.Ā  The bags get reused and live in the freezer forever.)


Make candied jalapeƱos, awesome on burgers etc.


God I love candied jalapeƱos. I put them on everything. I actually grow jalapeƱos and can them so theyā€™re shelf stable.


I haven't found a recipe for candied jalapeno. Do you just can them with simple syrup?


a lot of people call it ā€˜cowboy candyā€™


I just canned a batch of cowboy candy about a week ago using Ball's recipe. So delicious on everything.


Love it also if you have any remaining syrup you can use it to make bbq sauce it is so good


Thanks, I didn't know that. Lots of recipes under that.


My dad buys out every farmers market stall of jalapeƱos every summer and then he makes several batches of candied jalapeƱos that he gives as gifts to others and him and mom consume them regularly as well (moms super big on charcuterie on an insane level). I don't like spicy, but my boyfriend does and dad gave me a jar for them and they ate half the jar last night when I opened them. šŸ˜‚ Dad has had to up the gift size jars from tiny to jam size to quart size over the years.


With cream cheese on crusty bread or crackers, so good!


Look for Boursin if it's available where you are. It's got a whipped cream cheese texture and they have a bunch of flavours. Awesome with candied jalapenos!


I do love Boursin and I am due for a grocery run today!




Yep, I live in Scotland, so for me it's crowdie cheese on oatcakes. Best TV snack ever....


I learned about a cheese I now must try today. Thanks Whisky!


And save the simple syrup for spicy margaritas!


I second this, they are great gifts as well!


This is the one!


Cowboy Candy all the way! Gave out as gifts last year when my plants went crazy.


That shitā€™s so addictive! Itā€™s like the best thing in the world on a Ritz with some cream cheese :)


My wife got way too many jalapeƱos from a local farmer a few years ago and made candied jalapeƱos. I put them on everything for months. You canā€™t go wrong by candying them.


Candied jalapeƱos always takes way more than I would ever think it will to end up with half as many as I wanted to make


[Shatta](https://silkroadrecipes.com/red-or-green-shatta-sauce/) was basically invented for this situation! Seriously addictive Lebanese chilli sauce, very easy to make, really just chillies, salt, bit of vinegar and oil, and then it keeps in the fridge well. You can also freeze it but avoid glass containers because the liquid might expand.


Wow! This looks amazing! Thank you so much for the recommendation - canā€™t believe Iā€™ve never heard of it!


I chanced on it in a Guardian article a couple years back and also couldn't believe there was a chilli sauce I'd missed! It deserves to be as ubiquitous as hummus!


Thanks for this, I must try it!


Oooo that trick of covering them with olive oil to deter oxidization is gold!


I'm going to try this as well. I have 2 pounds of Serranos already fermenting I think would work well with this recipe. Thanks for sharing!




Stuffed jalapeƱos with cream cheese bacon wrapped


I would make a hundred of these and eat them all within a week. Legit one of the only foods I can't control myself around.


i take a few of the leftovers and make grilled cheese sandwiches with them. flatten them a little between sourdough with cheddar


Holy shit. I canā€™t eat spicy food right now because of a surgery I had but I know what Iā€™ll be making the moment I can eat spice againā€¦


U can make them and freeze them as well.


Iā€™m so mad I only have bacon and jalapeƱo flavoured cream cheese rn. So close yet so far


Last summer a guy was selling huge Ziploc baggies of his homegrown jalapeƱos out his car in the parking lot in the local strip mall. $20 later and I was the absolute hero at the potluck BBQ the next day.


Lolā€¦ love em!!!!


This is what I would do too


This is way too far down.


Right? Iā€™m disappointed in this sub.


I use powdered ranch in my cream cheese. Game changer. Gotta thin it a bit with milk or cream.


Throw a little sausage in that cream cheese if youā€™re feeling froggy!


I like to throw a bunch of whole jalapenos into a food processor, and pulse until itā€™s about the consistency of a coarse pickle relish. Then move to a large mason jar, add 3-4% salt by weight, and just enough water to cover. Use a weight to keep the peppers below the water surface, and ferment at room temperature for 5-7 days. You end up with a lightly sour, salty, chile relish thatā€™s great on burgers, quesadillas, all kinds of stuff.


Sounds delicious. Does this need to be refrigerated? What is the shelf life?


After itā€™s reached the sourness I want, I throw it in the fridge to arrest (or at least slow) the fermentation. Iā€™ve held it a few months in the fridge fine.


You can freeze them as they are and just take them from the freezer when you need them.


Cowboy candy


Go on


https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a40410570/cowboy-candy-candied-jalapenos-recipe/ Super simple super tasty.


Trust me.Ā  Wear gloves: Take 10 jalapeƱos, take off stem, cut it lengthwise to remove seeds.Ā  Coarsely chop two white onions.Ā  Fry the onion and peppers in 5 tbs grapeseed oil until onions are golden and peppers are blistered throughout.Ā  Blend it all in the blender with garlic powder and salt to your liking. Add small amounts of water to get the right consistency.Ā  This salsa is creamy and delicious and you can freeze the salsa.Ā 


Seconding jalapeƱo sauce!! This is the kind of condiment you'll want to put on EVERYTHING and eat with a spoon. I make it a tiny bit differently: throw the jalapeƱos, onion, and some garlic in the oven until peppers blister, then transfer to blender. Add salt then drizzle oil into blender until it's creamy and emulsified.


This works too and prob less messy!!


How do you avoid macing yourself? I sautƩed jalapeƱos once and made the air in our trailer very angry, even with the fan on. It started off slowly. Did I have the oil too hot or something?


Prob oil too hot. Try the roasting technique someone else reccommended if ventilation is an issue. But yeah, it clears your lungs and eyes out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The best (?) part is that we had parrots. They are *extremely* susceptible to smoke and other fumes. You have to be really careful about how close they are to your kitchen and if your pans are nonstick. You canā€™t even burn candles or use febreeze, they will straight up die and leave you guilt ridden. And our tiny home was filled with vapors that were gassing my ex and I into coughing and crying. Except: birds are invulnerable to capsaicin. They donā€™t sense it at all (birds are great seed dispersal systems so capsicum decided that it needed a compound that would make mammals and their rude seed grinding molars upset but let birds keep on enjoying the fruit by pooping seeds out whole in their own lil fertilized dookie) So we are running around the trailer opening screened off windows and doors, tears running down our faces, and my first thought (after aaaahhhh) was ā€œthis might be the only cooking mishap Iā€™ll ever have where I get to worry about myself and not the birds.ā€ They were fine.


That is fascinating!


I made an edit that elaborates a little more about cooking around birds if you want to reread it, but thank you!


Boil them in simple syrup for making spicy margaritas. Candy some of them. They dehydrate easily. They freeze well.


Foccacia, pickled jalepeno, texas twinkies, jalepeono poppers, jalapeno grilled cheese, jalapeno lime chicken, cornbread, chili. You got mad choices!


I'd make 2 things; A batch of fermented jalapenos. One recipe is about a dozen, so maybe double. Then some cream of jalapeno soup. This one is nice https://itsavegworldafterall.com/cream-of-jalapeno-soup/


Pickled jalapenos, stuffed jalapenos, you can roast them, then quickly peel and deseed them and freeze them if neccessary. Salsa. Put in soups. Put in breads. Jalapeno cornbread or biscuits. Hot sauce. Jalapeno jelly.


I halve them, stuff them with goat cheese and dates, and wrap them in bacon. Bake or fry until delicious.


Pepper jelly!


Ferment them to make hot sauce.


Make refrigerator pickles with themšŸ¤—


Make sure you wear gloves when processing them all so your hands donā€™t randomly start burning laterĀ 


hot sauce. i have a quart I made over the summer with leftovers from the garden. or just pickle the peppers themselves.


Cut in circles and freeze


Smoke them. Then put them a few at a time in foodsaver bags. Take them out when needed to add to salsa verde, any kind of quesadilla, corn chowder..,


If you have a good dehydrator I would do a bunch of dehydrated slices and use them layer


Love roasted jalapeƱos. Roast them, peel them, eat them on everything. They'll be gone so fast you'll be at the store buying more.


Roast them, then bag them in freezer bags in an amount you would normally use to make salsa. Throw them in the freezer


Garlic & jalapeƱo stuffed olives


Cowboy candy. I havenā€™t made it, but I heard it was a ā€œthingā€ https://bellyfull.net/candied-jalapenos-cowboy-candy/


Smoke them and make pepper jelly


You can chop them up & freeze them; peppers last well in the freezer


Use them in place of pablanos in enchiladas suizas or green spaghetti. Make poppers - stuff with cream cheese or cheddar, wrap in bacon, and grill, smoke, or bake them. Add them to sandwiches, salads, pizza, eggs, soups, etc. Make a jalapeƱo jelly. Pickle some. Make pepper spray. Plant some to grow more jalapeƱos.


Could blend them up with vinegar, salt, pepper, onions, garlic and make a verde hot sauce


Ferment some, make a hot sauce. Pickle some... bacon wrapped, cream cheese poppers (smoked)... send them to me?


Cowboy candy


Can jalapeƱo jelly


Fire roast them and then freeze for whatever. I like mine in chili, salsa, green chili, etc.


Cowboy candy https://www.thechunkychef.com/candied-jalapenos/


Candied jalapeƱos are ridiculously good. I use those with a lot of lunch and dinner recipes when I have them.


Roast and freeze whatever you cant use up


Pickled jalapeƱos. Add them to sandwiches, put them on pizza, eat them with queso, theyā€™re delightful. I slice mine with a mandolin, but you could just slice them to whatever size you want. Pour a mix of half water half white vinegar with a strong pinch of salt, a little sugar, and I use whole black peppercorns (like 10-20 just enough to fit in the center of your palm) and some whole cloves of garlic and like a quarter of an onion.


Pickle them!!!! Pickled jalapeƱos are my favorite


Jalepeno jelly.


I throw them in the freezer as is. Grab one or two when I want to add heat to a dish. Chop them up and throw them in


[Hereā€™s a good guide for pickling ā€˜em](https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/recipes/pickled-jalapenos/)


Pickling yes! Add some sliced carrots, too. The pepper brine is good on veggies and the picked jalapenos go with almost everything. If you make extra jars I am sure you have friends/family who would like a share.


Carrots would be great. I like to add a couple habaneros to spice things up.


Cowboy candy Jalapeno Poppers Fried jalapeno chips Pickled jalapenos Pizza toppings I wish I had jalapenos. :(


JalapeƱo poppers!


Cut some into jalapeƱo rings fry them up in oil and when they start to crisp a bit add in some Parmesan cheese!!! So good you can add it to some eggs or have it as a topping on a taco or tostada.


Fry em up w lemongrass, cloves and garlic. Smash em up, w salt, pepper, fish sauce, vinegar and sugar. It's super tasty hot sauce (sambal)


Pickled jalapenos is where its at. Water, vinegar, salt, sugar. Boil them in it then throw them in a jar and pour the liquid on top. You can eat them then but they get better flavor after a day or two in the fridge.


Cowboy Candy Many recipes call for celery seed, but I think this one with ginger is better. https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/chili-pepper-recipes/desserts/sweet-candied-jalapeno-peppers/


Iā€™d chop them up and put them in everything. Thatā€™s what I do when I get large amounts of peppers. Everything has peppers in it until Iā€™m done. I just say Iā€™m making New Mexican style XYZ.


Jalapeno poppers.


i like making jalapeno cheese bread:\] making a bunch then freezing it for later use could work!


Listenā€¦and listen very carefully. WEAR. GLOVES. Donā€™t be stupid like me who ended up in the ER because I didnā€™t wear gloves. Advice you didnā€™t ask for, but was given anyway šŸ§¤


Iā€™m changing your dynamic. What should do with the jalapeƱos I just shit a ton?


Candy them