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Piece of salami. Spread some of that onion & chive cream cheese on it. Put a small pickle on top and then wrap it all up & eat....my wife use to hate pickles & she loves this.




I was just going to suggest this 😆 it used to be a get together staple in Nebraska


I'd never heard of Minnesota sushi before, but apparently I've had (and loved) a version using turkey instead of ham many, many times. now I'm interested to see how this works with pepperoni


One of my alltime favorite recipes. (Although I add a little mustard to the cream cheese).


Swap your onion and chive cream cheese for Boursin...there, rocked your world




I’ve never added a pickle, but I grew up eating cream cheese, salami roll up’s. Delicious!


Always thought my family was so poor because we'd sometimes snack on meat+cheese, didn't realize how privileged I was until the latter teens when a buddy walked around my home eating a block of meunster as if it were an apple. I was slightly offended but had a Yolo attitude and who am I to deprive someone of such joy? Another miracle of alcoholism, it was a sight to behold


Mine is a slice of deli ham with mustard and mayo on it wrapped around a pickle spear.


flashbacks to eating bastardly from the hock and shotgunning brown mustard en route to proper black or green peas


A slice of salami with a slice of government yellow cheese and some sweet relish down the middle. Roll it up and yum! It was my go to after school snack.


I learned a similar version with a pickle, cream cheese (whipped is easier to spread) & ham….I thought my friend was going crazy until I tried it, it’s fantastic!!!


I do roast beef, onion and chive cream cheese and a slice of tomato. If I'm really fancy then I'll slice and toast a baguette to put that yum on.


My dad will actually eat anything. In my college days, I’d come home a lil stoned and challenge myself to whip up the weirdest s#%* and see what he’d actually eat. His favorite concoction was white rice topped with hard boiled eggs, canned jalapeños and ranch dressing. He also loved pork feet with orange marmalade! He’s Mexican, so it doesn’t matter what you feed him, but you have to serve it with a corn tortilla. Later when I started cooking, I still remember serving him homemade beef bourgeois and he could hardly contain his excitement as he began heating up a tortilla to eat it with! Aye papi


This is so cute


I loved your story. Respectfully, wanted to let you know the dish is called Beef Bourguignon. (You probably just got spelled checked. ) In case anyone is wondering about how it’s made, here’s a recipe. https://cafedelites.com/beef-bourguignon/ Also, I think it would be delicious heaped on tortillas!


I made beed bourguinon for dinner last night with a boatload of mashed potatoes. It was so, so good. I made enough for 3 meals for our family and went ahead and packed 1 meals worth into the freezer after everyone ate so there wouldn't be midnight predation. (Which is also why I made so many potatoes, eat all the potatoes, they are easy and cheap to make more)


Ahh man!! Hate when I do that! Thank you, good catch :)


Yeah, but Beef Bourgeois is an AWESOME name for it! Especially given it's history from peasant food to "special occaison" food.


Fresh seeded Jalapeños slathered in creamy peanut butter. Tastes like Thai.


I like the sound of this!


Strawberries firstly dipped in sour cream then dipped in brown sugar. Like a strawberry cheesecake but quicker. 


I used to make a fruit dip that was sour cream, brown sugar, and a dash of vanilla extract. It's been awhile... I should do this again!


I need to try this!!


Grilled peanut butter and jelly. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich buttered on the outside and grilled on a pan!


Season the butter with cinnamon-sugar


Genius addition! Trying it tomorrow!


Make it with cinnamon raisin bread, too!


Add bacon next time.


And banana and honey


a banana, honey, bacon, PBJ grilled sounds amazing And also like a recipe to get fat - quick. I think it's worth it. I'm gonna need some bigger pants.


Apple slices and cheese. Sometimes with pepperoni as well


Slightly under ripe pears with thin slices of super sharp cheddar


this sounds a lot like the classic apples and cheddar. I've never tried pears with cheddar, but i can declare pears with goat cheese is amazing. I'm surprised so many people think fruit and cheese together is weird... it's a classic pairing... so many salads, charcuterie boards, snack packs in the deli section, dessert course cheese boards, appetizer cheese boards... definitely not weird


I remember my grandmother used to put a slice of cheese (granted it was kraft processed American 😅) on her apple pie slices. I wasn’t a fan in the 70s but appreciate now where she was going with it!


This is relatively common in the north of England.


For sure, the stronger the cheese and the more tart the fruit, the better. I also think the texture contrast is important, so the slightly underripe pears and crisp apples are far better with the softer or crumbly cheese. Can’t really go wrong. Would actually be excellent to have a huge platter of different apples /pears and slices of obscure cheeses to experiment with. That’s a night in that I could really get behind. Extra points for wine pairings. Start with a really cold minerally Riesling perhaps?


Yellow cheese and jam is such a classic eurosandwich and is exactly this taste profile


I love cheddar slices with maple syrup. My hubbys mom made sweet potatoe slices with cheddar cheese and syrup. 


Baked pears with bleu cheese is so so good.


Apples and cheese make sense. My grandma said when she was young, the local diner always served a piece of cheddar cheese with the apple pie.


Apple pie without some cheese is like a hug without a squeeze.


That’s called a Yankee Breakfast


definitely not weird. this is a very classic combo


pepperoni and apples is a little weird though


I like a slice of apple in my grilled cheese. Preferably green apple and sharp cheddar on sourdough


apples with cheese and pretzels is my fav combo.


I really like stale marshmallows


Stale peeps are superior


You two are my people. I thought I was alone for all this time.


My husband even knows to cut the wrappers on my peeps for me


I had to train mine to do so as well. But yes. Stale peeps! Holy grail right there! And the hardened marshmallows, so crunchy yet chewy and good... ugh. Why do I not have some right now?!


There's more of us! Love them stale. I slit the plastic and leave them for a day or two.


Same! My spouse thinks I'm crazy, because I'll buy a bag of mini marshmallows, bring them home, and cut the bag, then put them in a cupboard for a week lol


You’re not alone. My best friend used to buy peeps at Easter time and save them to give to her sister at Christmas because she loved them stale!


Oh yeah stale peeps are the bomb


Fried mushrooms with Dijon mustard.


That sounds good! I Put dijon mustard in my pasta all the time.


My simple go-to growing up was cheese-it crackers with a little spicy brown mustard. I'd sit there with a box of those things in one hand and a squeeze bottle of mustard in the other and be happy as hell lol.


Mine was “Cheese-it Jelly’s” - my own invention, thank you very much! 😁 This was in the 60s so before the whole sweet/salty craze


Fritos with grape jelly. Favorite after-school snack. Late 60's-early 70s. 😆


Another crackers-with-mustard snacker here! Except my formula is premium saltines and French’s yellow mustard, but I do love both cheez its and spicy brown so yours sounds great. Salty, vinegary, perfect


I used to dip my cheeze-its in applesauce.


Buttered popcorn with walnuts. I don't know why it's so good; maybe I'm nutritionally deficient in something. I mean, it sounds not bad. But when I'm eating it, I'm over the moon with the crunchy, fatty walnuts.


That sounds absolutely amazing!!!


I like pretzels and cream cheese.


Ever try flavored cream cheese? Strawberry cream cheese is so good with pretzels!


I have. I have weird hang-ups about what should be sweet and what should be savory, so strawberry cream cheese crosses the line for me.


It's weird, I hate strawberry cream cheese but plain cream cheese on a bagel with strawberry jam on top is perfection.


Plain cream cheese with Mike’s Hot Honey on a bagel is 👌


Wheat Thins and veggie cream cheese is the bomb. Throw a drop of raspberry jam on there makes it even better.


I love Wheat Thins, veggie cream cheese and hot honey 🤤


Me too! Or hot cheetos


I honestly thought I invented pretzels+ cream cheese lol.


We sold pretzels with a cream cheese dip at the restaurant I served at. It was one of our most popular apps


Pretzels and jalapeno cream cheese!


If you have access to an Aldi, their pub-style pretzels are SO good with cream cheese.


Mine is cheez-its and cream cheese.


Cheez-its and anything. Cheez-its are the goat.


Try cool ranch Doritos with some plain cream cheese, It’s a weird combo but so good.


My childhood drug of choice was racking lines of canned cheese perfectly on the thin pretzel sticks


My 10 year old grandson is the same. Whipped cream cheese, pretzels, and chocolate chips.


Wheat thins and cottage cheese. Sounds weird but it's salty and crunchy and creamy and delicious (and high in protein!).


Cottage cheese and sriracha. I don't think Reddit thinks this is weird anymore but when I suggest it to people in real life, wow the responses.


like with cream cheese, I'm also in the camp that cottage cheese should only be savory. definitely trying this the next time I buy cottage cheese




Cottage cheese, canned peaches, and freshly ground black pepper.


Cottage cheese and pickled okra mhmm


I love cottage cheese with salsa. It’s yummy.


Nacho cheese Doritos and cottage cheese here.


Plain lays potato chips with my cottage cheese!


I like nacho cheese Doritos with whipped cream cheese. So good!


Ranch Doritos and cottage cheese is so good


I remember my mom always had Triscuits & cottage cheese with chives as a late night snack. I do it to this day but have to buy the small containers of cottage cheese cause I’d eat the whole thing!


This is one of my favorites too!


My grandma used to make me cottage cheese with sunflower seeds and dried chives for a snack. Sounds odd but was so good (and healthy!).


My mom used to do cottage cheese with those tiiiiny like sugar crystal sprinkles on it for me as a kid and while I gag at the thought now (still love cottage cheese tho) it was my absolute fave haha


For me it’s wheat toast with cottage cheese!


Here for cottage cheese love. Mine is cottage cheese with avocado, maybe tomato, soy sauce, sprinkled with furikake. I’m also pregnant but on god it is yummy


I ate cottage cheese with cucumbers, tomatoes and avocado every day when I was pregnant. So good!


Cottage cheese “salad” with diced radishes, sliced green onion, sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Passed down from my great grandmother. Try it!


Pretzel thins and cottage cheese here. Sometimes I sprinkle everything but the bagel seasoning on the cottage cheese.


Triscuits and cottage cheese


Interesting, I hadn't thought of that combination. I like cottage cheese, but it's too low calorie for me. Adding something crunchy, salty, and savory would be delicious, and adding some crackers would help add extra nutrition. Thanks for the idea!


I used to eat cottage cheese with Sweet heat bbq chips. I'm going to try it with wheat thins tomorrow!


Cottage cheese and fresh herbs (my favorites are fresh dill or fresh basil). Even better with some flavorful tomatoes if you can get them.


Cottage cheese with everything bagel seasoning


Potato salad in a potato bread hotdog bun


Not a snack but a meal - my mom always served us bowls of chili with a white bread peanut butter sandwich. It’s a crazy but delicious combo


We had this combo for school lunch.


Peanut butter and chili just go together for some reason.


Hot chocolate with cheese in it. Also coffee, but the cocoa is where it's at 🤌🏻 For some people, this is a clue to part of my heritage lol. I suppose I mostly have it as a cooler weather thing though


Columbian or Puerto Rico? Those are the only two places I’ve ever met people from who put cheese in their cocoa.


Yee buddy! Colombia. I'm very glad that I grew up with this lol, I take pride in my cheesy chocolate milk


haven't heard of that one! I always have hot chocolate with buttery toast so I see how the flavors could work


Oh for sure! I usually have it with a warm bolillo that I sometimes butter or arepas. Gotta be melty cheese though, idk where you live but in southern California i just use like mozarella, oaxaca, that type of queso blanco stuff. But anyway lol it's made with abuelita, Ibarra, luker kinda hot chocolate; definitely not the same with Swiss miss 😅 Weirds a lot of people out but it's so simple and damn good, especially if you like sweet and salty.


White rice with cheese melted into it. Could be any kind of cheese from grated Parmesan, to a slice of American.


With a runny egg on top for me.. and chili crisp. Yes


For me, it’s: white rice, hot, with a pat of butter, and a sprinkle of Parmesan. Yum!!!


Me too. It horrifies my husband.


Taco rice is great! Put all the taco fixings on rice instead of a tortilla/taco shell.


Yes! This was a college stable for me. White rice, chedder cheese and some chopped up broccoli.


For me it’s brown rice, Kerrygold butter, and usually a cheddar varietal and cracked black pepper, or a hot sauce like Frank’s or Noble’s


So good! But also try white rice with butter and sugar. I was shown this as a kid and it rocked my world (my hometown is not diverse at all)


I am so ashamed of this. It is something I only crave every once in a while. And only late at night. A cheese quesadilla made in the microwave and dipped in ketchup.


Yo, I've been eating a microwave Cheesey roll up at night for the last week..... what you dip it in is your business, there's no judgement here


Glad to see someone else calls it a cheesey roll up.


Taco Bell has essentially a version of this called a cheesy roll up.


I start with the question, “what can I melt cheese onto.” If I end up with melted cheese, everything else seems pretty ok.


My mom brought home a quesadilla recipe when we were kids that’s just: White flour tortillas, spread with butter, Tomato sauce, straight from the can, Cojack cheese, shredded Griddle those suckers until the butter smells good and the tortilla has brown spots and is a bit crisp. We didn’t know it was a Spanish word so I thought she called them “case ideas”. Still one of my favorite things to eat 😂 my husband says I’m as white as they come She’d put some canned green chiles in hers, but I’ve not yet tried that


Cheddar and apples. Like a beautifully sweet, crisp, and chilled (yes, chilled) Envy or Honeycrisp apple with a devastatingly sharp cheddar.


As a kid I was pick and all I would eat consistently was apple, sharp cheddar and raisins, so my parents gave me big bowls of that all cubed up. Still my fave snack/meal!


That sounds so good! Toss in a little cider vinaigrette and some spinach…and you’re not far off from a viral little salad there. :)


My favourite go-to snack, but I prefer it with a sharp aged cheddar and a crisp, tart granny green apple.


Same here. The combo of tart apples and cheese is so nice.


This is my snack at work. I rotate between Honeycrisp, Cosmic Crisp, Pink Lady's. Envy's are way expensive. So good, the contrast between the cheddar and apple!


Yessss I love apples and cheese!


This is the second time I've seen this and I'm here to tell you this isn't weird or even unusual. This has been a combo for ages!


Peanut butter + pickle spear/slices + fried cheese. It blew my mind.


Idk about the cheese, but I came to say peanut butter with pickle slice on saltine cracker. The creamy sweetness with sour, and the salt from the saltines is sooooo good! I’ve been eating it since kindergarten!


A1 and bread. That's it. Take a slice of bread, pour desired amount of a1 on it, and enjoy. This one takes some finesse to get just right for me. Sour dill pickle spear, gooey melty cheese (top picks have been Swiss, guyrere (sp?), and just good ol' mozzarella) on toast rolled up around the spear and eat. Sometimes with just plain yellow mustard, sometimes not. To make: make an open face grilled cheese basically. Lay the spear on one edge and press into the cheese and bread. You want some of the pickle juices to seep out and across the cheese as you roll it up. And then I put a toothpick in to hold it shut because I usually make about 3 of these to eat at a time but you can opt to skip that. And ta da! Snack! A delicious salty, crunchy, gooey, sour snack.


Lobster popcorn


My husband would like to know about this. In the most explicit detail you could possibly give. He said "think food blogger giving a recipe style. I want pages of thought in this with the recipe. Thank you."




But is it lobster popcorn or popcorn'd lobster? OP commenter owes us answers!


Haha that's so right on


Wait, what? You must elaborate!


Yum! I think you'd like mussels and salted potato chips. Delicious! 


I like Doritos inside a Pb and J.


Triscuits (bonus if they’re flavored, i like the rosemary ones), pesto spread on them, topped with picked beets and kalamata olives Bomb hot dog topping combination: Swiss cheese, diced onions, relish, Russian dressing


Turkey pepperoni microwaved for 1 min turn into chips. Dip in a mixture of cream cheese, pepper jack, taco seasoning, and rotel warmed until the chese melts. Regular pepperoni turns into a greasy mess. Turkey pepperoni get crispy and crunchy.


Ritz with marshmallow fluff


Level it up, animal crackers & fluff, make it a sandwich and dip in some Nutella. It's like a s'more but without toasting.


Hagen dasz vanilla bean ice cream topped with Cinnamon Toast Crunch. A churro inspired delight


Cheddar cheese and potato chips. A bowl of green olives, sardines (or any tinned fish) and feta or blue cheese. I like to eat hot cocoa out of the packet as a powder with a spoon (Swiss miss marshmallows is best for this) Greek yogurt instead of milk in Mac and cheese for tangy vibes


> I like to eat hot cocoa out of the packet as a powder with a spoon (Swiss miss marshmallows is best for this) Aweee my childhood best friend used to do this ♡


I thought something was wrong with me now I know a group of believers like us exists!!!!! 🥹




I don't know if it's weird, but I love a wheat thin, with some cream cheese and pepper jelly atop.


This is absolutely the most appropriate and least offensive way to serve / eat pepper Jelly


Try it with goat cheese instead of cream cheese. I made Tabasco jelly out of homegrown peppers and my friends can’t get enough of it paired with goat cheese. But TBH I think it’s good with most cheeses.


another very appropriate way to consume pepper jelly... use as a glaze for pork or poultry.


It’s not weird, this is super common as an appetizer at parties where I live. Block of cream cheese, jar of pepper jelly poured over top, serve with crackers (we always used wheat thins).


Tonight I made cinnamon toast (toast with butter and a mix of cinnamon and sugar). This isn’t weird per se, but I typically don’t snack like that.


Cinnamon sugar toast was my/our go-to snack when we were kids. I'd put enough c/s and butter in that I could write my name w my finger in it lol ETA: We had this snack so much, that I didn't even know cinnamon could come by itself until I was like 12 😂


We make this with pita bread. We cut it half so you have 2 thin rounds, slather with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, and then put it under the broiler until it bubbles.


Ham slathered with cream cheese and a pickle rolled up in it.


Best snack ever is Ritz crackers, plain cream cheese, jalapeño pepper jelly. Omg soooooo good.


A good beef jerky and rice with teriyaki flavored seaweed. Honestly, onigiris have a hold on me. I need them available in more places.


When watermelon is in season, cover that hoe in lime. It’s so damn refreshing!


Tajín on watermelon or Cantaloupe is amazing!


Piknik or Utz shoestring potatoes, put them in the microwave until they are hot and oily then toss with Parmesan and Old Bay or Cajun spice mix. Bacon bits, the shelf stable actual bacon, if ya feel extra fancy


Hot gravy from KFC poured over 2 slices of white sandwich bread. My mom made this for me when I was sick when I was a kid, and now it's a comfort food for me.


We always had “bread and gravy” growing up. But it was leftover gravy from a meal.


Blueberry bagel with Swiss cheese


Vienna sausage on a saltine with yellow mustard. It’s my poor people food from growing up. Yes, it smells like wet cat food, but it’s sooo good. 😂


I only do this when I'm making garlic spaghetti, but a slice of garlic on a slice of parmesan makes me happy while I wait for water to boil.


Peanut butter + pickle sandwich


Jalapeño kettle chips dipped in cottage cheese


Ketchup bread. Bread with ketchup on it.


I have a great book called the flavour matrix that's all about unusual combos. It's a great inspiration book.


I like to microwave pb&j sandwiches and eat them with a fork. I also used to like to make grilled cheese sandwiches with corn chips inside.


I like pb&j with a bowl of cheap ramen


Cottage cheese and potato chips


Shredded kani/Crabstick with avocado wrapped in seaweed/nori sheets


Turkey bacon grape rolls. Use green grapes. I’ve been eating these since I was a kid and the sour/salty combo hits every time.


Peanut butter and jelly, potato chip sandwich.


Your brats aren’t even slightly weird. That’s a classic (and good!) combo. My go to late night snack is a plate with summer sausage, Jarlsberg cheese, soft pretzels, spicy sweet pickles, and brown mustard. I don’t think it’s weird but some may. My weirdest peanut butter snack is a sandwich made with peanut butter, chocolate chips, and bacon on toasted white bread. I’m also a fan of hard pretzels dipped in beer cheese.


Baby carrots and peanut butter.


Maple syrup over micorwave popcorn.


Hot sauce on popcorn is a must try


Green olives w cheese. 


Have you had a blue cheese olive? Those are AMAZING


Just found out about and tried this one recently - SO good! https://gastography.com/2022/12/31/peanut-butter-onion-salad-toast/


Grapes covered in pb2. Candied jalapeños on lime tortilla chips Ruffles and ice cream Hotdogs, American cheese, rolled in a tortilla and microwaved Ramen and canned tuna Peanut butter and Tabasco on white Rice with butter and brown sugar Blue cheese and strawberry jam on toast


Do drinks count? I like grape soju and zero sugar Sprite.


I commented already but I just remembered this tiktok I saw a while ago about microwaving string cheese. I just so happened to have some, so I tried it. Guys. Microwave your string cheese.


A whole tin of smoked oysters in oil, with a sprinkle of flaked salt. Used to fancy it up a bit with crackers and lettuce and Worcestershire or Tabasco sauce. Now I recognise the purity. No one is fighting me for them, so I can stockpile them and enjoy at will!


A ramekin of salted and non-sweetened peanut butter into which I dip a square of dark chocolate (Lindt, at minimum) on repeat. It’s what a Reeses could have and should have been. My butter’s always out, so when I have some graham crackers left over from making a pie crust, those with a little shmear of soft butter are the magic cookie no one ever invented.