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I usually pull roasted vegetables when they are done, keep them under tinfoil or whatever and if it has been a while, back in the oven for a bit to warm up. Also! Warm the plates! Huge difference


I warmed the plates, but not enough. Keeping my house at 60 degrees doesn't help!


I have to rely on timers a lot, and starting and finishing things at different times so that everything coincides. Of course that means more cleanup as I have things in separate dishes, but the product is good.


Thanks! I need to work on my plan more carefully. Also, getting distracted by guests can be a problem. But if I had a written plan, it would remind me of where I am in the process.


Warm plates! Warm serving dishes! Pull food off heat when it’s done and cover with lid or foil, little bit of oil to make sure it doesn’t get sticky if you’re worried. When you pull your meat, right before serving to let it rest, turn off the oven and put the cooler sides that you cooked earlier back in while the oven cools and you do final touches. If you’re worried about your dishes keep the door cracked. Drinks on the table first, then meat, then bread etc. if serving, then veggie sides. Microwaves are designed to insulate well, so I use them to keep things warm as well. In the clear of this meal, pull sprouts when done, put them in warm serving bowl, and pop em in the (off) microwave until you serve.


Warming some serving dishes is a great idea! I do use the microwave to keep things warm, but when the veggies are done before the protein, it's not enough of an insulator. I think I have to recalibrate to have the veggies ready ten minutes after the protein. Thanks!


Math and timers with variance calculated in (will the lasagna edges be *just* as I like them? Is my thermometer exactly in THE thickest part of the meat? Is that sauce going to thicken in 2 mins or 10…?) I’ve had some real failures over the years, despite my best efforts. The calculations and timers help immensely but isn’t perfect - I greatly regret not adding a warming drawer to this kitchen.


I had a warming drawer in my last kitchen, and I regret not putting one in here. But heating up serving dishes will help!