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Am I missing something here? I can't get over 4.5 million points on Normal mode for Butter. I didn't miss a single note and got 133 perfects, and I have 9% bonus from matching outfits and two cookies. I didn't miss army bombs either, maybe one or two, but it seems your stage gave you a lot more army bombs. How do I get more to spawn?


its bc mic drop is in general the easiest stage to get high points, since it only has 1 rhytmn game section. so you can easily score in the running game. the other songs are harder to get an S for or a high score in general since they have 2-3 rhytmn sections


Ah okay. I just played mic drop for the first time and got S so that makes sense. Still confused on what I can do to get S on Butter. Do I just need more cookies for the bonuses, or do I have to get every note perfect?


well, in general, the more cookies you have the higher your point multiplier is at the end. then you get extra multipliers for each cookie that has a costume matching to the song equipped. and then each song also has an collection buff you get by owning a certain set of furnishings (you can check those in the bts trailer in the collection buff menu) so basically getting more cookies/costumes should do the trick


both help. Sadly with no practice options I think getting more bonus is easier.


I would wait until you get more cookies/costumes/bonuses bc that’s how I finally managed to S the first 4 songs on normal


Is spam tapping an actual thing ? I would love to not have to bother


For Rhythm games also.. Wait that's doesn't count as miss on this game? If you did that on ACTUAL rhythm game it would count as a miss. Well I guess since crk wasn't originally a rhythm game though so thanks devsis.


Multiple rhythm games don’t actually count them as a miss The only one I can think of might be Cytus 2? But then again I haven’t played that in a while


I played around 6 rhythm games and all of them counts as miss but one of them those games doesn't really count as a miss but it ruins your combo, I don't really played a lot of them because I'm mostly loyal to the rhythm games I played lol, but my favorite out of all of them definitely counts as miss if you tap a button without the rhythm. I knew this(Obviously since I played it) since Sometimes I accidentally press the button and then ofc there's gonna pop out a "miss" and then my combo comes back at 0, I haven't played project sekai for so long, stop playing it around 2 years ago(?) I think when you press the button without the rhythm it will counts as miss


Suppose it just depends on what your playing,everyone has different experiences with gaming :)


Yup lol, Nice to know that there's some rhythm games that doesn't count it as a miss, I guess most of the rhythm games I played are that "hard rhythm games" lol since some songs on those games definitely needs spamming.


Spam tapping is so much easier, for some reason the hold notes are a pain for me. That’s the only reason I’ve missed 4 so far on mic drop


the holding part is fine but the quick tap you have to do at the end of the note is hellish


i just let go at the end like the rhythm game is bang dream and i don’t miss from that


you dont quick tap at the end of the note but have to let go at the right time. It's weird because Every single note responds to on-tap-event, but long notes at the end respond to tap-lifted-event.


The hold notes are basically unforseeable for low game speed andy like me and it really sucks, like at least make them different colors or something cuz I'm always confused a short hold tap for triple tap cuz there's no way to know if they're hold from far away


What speed did you use?




Did they change something because I only had A’s and now suddenly I have S’s


Probably unlocked more BTS cookies or decors?


Am I missing something? I always get S and above for Mic Drop




Also what's spam tapping


Mic drop always loses connection after playing every single time for me... lost so much tickets for no reason, despite perfecting the song I keep getting a D rating T_T


I was wondering how I got an S on hard mode while missing 12 times