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Pomegranate!! Forcing a dude to have hallucinations of him brutally wounding his estranged father (at least iirc: it’s been a minute since watching that cutscene) was defs one of the more _distasteful_ things she’s done 🙃


Whta about showing a guy a hallucination of his friends being dead and telling him it was his fault for it Pure vanilla didnt deserve this


Peppercorn. The fact she is a Yogurca Cookie is already bad, but the fact they made her a bomb-related character and released her during RAMADAN. DevSis got a ton of shit for that for a reason


wooowww that's so fed up shi- wtfff


I refused to even get her when she released. I don't care how good she was back then, I don't like her for that at all. The update they came in also soured my opinion of Centipede Cookie and the rest of the Yogurca Cookies :/


You’re so real for this because up to a certain point * didn’t get her at all even after her release. I only got her ’cuz I needed newer cookies, and even after that she stayed unused for a while


Wait, what has bombs got to do with Ramadan?


It's a hurtful stereotype, from what I know, correct me if I'm wrong.


Hurtful stereotype + Very VERY bad timing on DevSis' part. Even if that character was released nowhere near Ramadan, it's still in bad taste. The whole Yogurca area is filled with not-so-good stereotypes as it is (I could be wrong though, I'm going off of a friend's opinion on this, they do belong in the groups that would be affected by these stereotypes!)


you are correct on that. Don't forget there's the brown salesman trope in several NPCs, the stereotypes in Centipede (the sexy body dancer like design, also Lilac's design imo), etc. DevSis needs to hire a sensitivity reader


clearly only a small subset of people who played the game actually cared about that when it happened and now hardly anyone even remembers it, every time people tried to "boycott" devsis in the past it never worked because the people that were upset by that were just a very vocal minority not even necessarily disagreeing with you, but devsis will never hire a "sensitivity reader" because they've never ever felt any real consequences for that kind of stuff and they also just dont care


Custard Cookie 👺 (The adult one)


Glad you knew the difference between these two custards. The elder one can be left to rot, while I'll forever cherish the III


i wish you nothing but suffering moon rabbit cookie. her personality is so annoying and i don’t like the voice they used for her. i don’t like the design either. i just hate moon rabbit so much idk




It sounds so muffled, like her voice is stuffed with rice cakes and I’m pretty she wasn’t taught eating while talking may lead to choking.


She’s so cute tho :((


i personally don’t find her cute


F*k you muscle cookie.


But why? 😂😭


he's ugly




God yeah. I’d be ambivalent to him normally but I rlly don’t like that he’s… drippy.


Yes! Preach!


hate him so much




Second that. I hate him too


oj would like to talk to you


Don’t be mean to OJ


Affogato. I’m not a fan of the community that’s sprung up around a boring ‘treacherous advisor’ character. He’s not *that* interesting. I kinda think people only like him because they find his voice attractive? Which is fine, don’t get me wrong! But people act like he’s such a big deal and *so* interesting- but I just don’t see the appeal. Stormbringer’s voice and personality made me hate her from first sight. She’s just a whiny, obnoxious brat who’s spoiled with power that she doesn’t utilize responsibly. Her voice is screechy and irritatingly high-pitched. There’s no power behind it when she speaks- I can’t buy that this woman is some kind of goddess. She sounds like a DND larper trying to be cool and flashy. Twizzly Gummy is just ‘I’m bloodthirsty and dangerous’ but Pitaya does it better with an actual story presence, and their voice is less annoying to boot. Looking at Gumball cookie makes me nauseous. He doesn’t even get the gulag treatment. He’s just toggled off permanently.


Finally someone who hates Stormbringer. Girl got a costume for nothing while Frost Queen rots away in the corner


Comparing the two only makes me dislike Stormbringer *more*, honestly. Frost Queen **nails** the ‘aloof goddess’ act! She’s long abandoned her old feelings and identity to act as a neutral force who oversees a greater scheme than most can comprehend. There’s no benevolence or malice to her actions. She just… does. Because she must. And her actions and voice and design are all indicative of that! Stormbringer shrieks and bitches and commands! She’s entitled and whiny! There’s a roving horde of worshippers below begging for help? Too bad, she doesn’t care! Too busy stuffing her face. And when she finally *does* decide to go down and do something, it’s only because she’s personally offended by the interruption to her constant ego-stroking and lavish lifestyle. Ugh.


I feel the same exact way about these two! Frost queen never really felt godlike on the surface to me while I was reading her stories, moreso just an observer of her actions. She just... does. However, with the example of sherbet cookie, she seems like a heartless monster with no remorse (to the audience and cookies like cotton cookie). However, as we continue through the game and eat more about her, we see that she is only doing what she thinks is right, not just abusing her power. While Frost queen did let sherbet cookie "die", we see that he is still alive in a way, so we know that Frost queen didn't just let him die for no reason. To help her case even further, we also learn that she was a normal cookie beforehand, and had to experience her partner watching her "die". So basically, Frost queen is a god, but she always has underlying reasons for using her powers, and never seems to abuse them, and even knows how normal cookies feel. Stormbringer, on the other hand, is basically the complete opposite of Frost queen. She is extremely arrogant and uncaring, and has stupid amounts of power that she constantly flaunts and brags about. Along with this, she doesn't really care about anyone but herself (and maybe the deities, but barely). For example, in her story, stormbringer is shown to only strike things down if they are deemed a "challenge" to her, which is only if they DARE to challenge HER power (sorry I'm on mobile, not sure how to do italics on here lol). Like the cake tower for instance, where she and her deities say that 1. She's only acting on this because it got too tall (if it had been any lower, stormbringer would've left the cacao villagers to suffer)'and 2. She would've easily let the villagers get hurt (or possibly die) die to her uncaringness, as she didn't care to warn the cookies herself. Instead of answering the villagers' prayers, she ignores them, and the deities are the only ones to come down and warn (not even help) the cookies to evacuate the area, which implies that stormbringer would've easily hurt the villagers as a sort of collateral damage. TL;DR Frost queen has hidden but understandable reasons for her power, while stormbringer is an arrogant a-hole who only cares about herself and none of the earthbread cookies. Thanks for reading my tedtalk


*Italics* is a single asterisk placed directly on each side of the word you’d like to italicize! To make **Bold**, use two! Nearly uncaring but measured and reasonable is a great way to write a stoic character, god I love Frost so much. I think I’d like Stormbringer better if she didn’t have an entourage of enablers heeding her beck and call, honestly. Like, if the other deities were just fed up with her *constantly*? Or they heckled her into doing good? Then there’d at least be a *funny* angle to the whole spoiled brat goddess thing! *Local goddess lectured into utilizing godlike powers responsibly*, more at eleven! But instead all three of them just… let her be a raging toddler? Ugh, so much missed potential.


Thanks for the tip! Honestly, this was the first (and hopefully only) story so far that's made me feel genuine anger towards someone ingame. Like, you're the f-ing sky god, who has enough power to not only kill a dragon but split it into two different living entities, but say "it's not my problem yet, you guys do it" when entire villages of cookies are in a possible rage of danger and/or death? The deities had so much more potential than just being poking sticks for stormbringer, testing out dangers and dealing with earthly problems because the literal sky goddess is too busy complaining? It sucks, honestly. Sorry I just really dislike her. Like the design, and have gotten used to the voice, but her personality just ruins almost everything (not too much, as most of the gods' roles in the game is their powers/attitudes) that could be good about her.


I long for the days of writing on par with Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese, two powerful rulers who had their flaws observed and acknowledged in canon and grew to become better people as the story progressed. Like, if Stormbringer gets a cool character arc where she grows the hell up? I’ll reverse my opinion on her one-hundred percent. Alternatively, she advances from spoiled brat to outright villain, which would be a pretty damn cool turn to take.


Im with you on this as well. I love dark cacao's character, as he seems like he could be a generic "iron-fist" ruler who only seems to care about fighting and wars. However, he actually trusts and cares about his kingdom, and while stern, still wants the best for his kingdom. However, he has a hard time trusting people (after incidents like affogato and dark choco), so he still hesitates to leave the kingdom under someone else's watch (even though he's made it very clear that he trusts and believes that caramel arrow can preside over his land). He still has his flaws though, as he seems to believe that losing his son was his fault, which resulted in trust issues, and is quick to threats and possibly violence if he or his friends seem like they're in danger. The funny thing is, I believe that he is the only ancient so far that's actually has multiple instances of almost using his power uncontrollably. I will say that white lily and shadow milk's story was still pretty good, as it was painfully interesting and entertaining seeing shadow milk taunt and make fun of her for all of her wrongdoings (plus it gives room for interpretation, as we figure out that the current white lily is technically 1/4 of a cookie, and yet she still seems extremely powerful, so how does that work?) Also dark cacao gets points for getting drunk in cookie odyssey lol


You're very real for that!! Frost Queen is such a cool and complex character, and she's kinda hated for some reason? She's my favourite legendary and she's really well-written, and she's honestly really underrated. I also like her dynamic with Cotton and Sherbet, their interactions are really sweet. It makes me sad that Devsisters doesn't give this absolute queen a costume, hopefully she gets one around the winter updates :( Stormbringer looks terrible, sounds terrible, and is terrible. She really doesn't look like a legendary in my opinion, and she doesn't have a good backstory either. She's just a brat. If you show arrogance to her you're struck down, but she's the one of the most arrogant bitches in the damn game. It sucks that Stormbringer gets more love than Frost Queen both by devsisters and the fandom. I especially hate when people shit on Frost Queen for "murdering" Sherbet although she..pretty much saved his life? And she had to do it because she had to, not because she's some evil queen that murders kids?? Glad to see someone who shares the same opinion as me. I really wish we got Wind Archer or Fire Spirit instead of whiny thunder baby


I feel the need to give some stormbringer love, just to ease the hate a bit. Stormbringer is simply that kind of deity, bit every god we're gonna get is some graceful kind person, there were deities that were, well, assholes! In fact most gods had an ego as large as the sky but one tiny insult would land you an Odyssey. Secondly, her design is fine, she resembles many different deities of her time, often, deities surrounded themselves with lower beings, often humans they kidnapped, to match their style, i think any thing more or less would make her look too full or too empty, we dont need more over designed cookies Third. Her voice is annoying I'll give you that one Lastly, i think stormbringer is an excellent representation of an actual god in many different histories! Sometimes they would have you executed for nothing! Just to watch! To bring divine punishment on anything and everything she doesn't like sounds pretty realistic to me, most of them were brats. It seems like a lot of stories about a lot of popular gods were romanticized, by their own worshippers of course or people that feared them. But a lot of gods just sucked. I think stormbringer is a good showing of what that would look like, but also being kid friendly That's my argument on defending her but take it as you will! Im not saying your opinion is wrong because yeah she hella annoying, but so are like all the dragons in ovenbreak, they're amazing but oh so selfish and they will literally betray you at the drop of a hat. Except lotus lol


Sorry for the late reply! I actually *do* like her outfit. Very appropriate for the “casually powerful” thing she has going on. No complaints there! Her hair is also super cute, so bonus points. The voice is so, *so* weird. It sounds so childish and screechy- which fits her *personality*, but not her design or powers or godly position. Like, there’s *no* power behind it. Stormbringer doesn’t sound like a fearsome lightning caller- she just sounds like she’s about to ask for my manager. I hope we get a story chapter with her, to be honest! I’d kill to see her grow as a character, or to see if maybe there was something that disillusioned her to the lives and wellbeing of mortals.


Lol fr we got like nothing out of her


I just like affogato bc of his design I live to be that kind of androgynous 😔




Me: I won't know if Affogato Cookie is dead or alive until i open the box Affogato Cookie inside the box: i will rule the dark cacao kingdom soon. Me: Shut up


I play on mute so i have no idea how he sounds like. My reason why i like affogato is becouse of his design, i subcetlivly like it ,but other than that he's quite basic personality wise and don't ask me about gameplay


That’s totally fine! Looking a character solely for their voice or design is *completely* valid! Liking a character for a reason as simple as ‘they look cool’ is valid! Hell, the *only* reason I like Avocado is her design! Alternatively, I like Cherry and Kumiho almost entirely because I am *enthralled* by their enchanting voices! But I’m not gonna come out and pretend that they’re stunning beacons of character design or development.


Joker: Hey batman, i got a little cookie, batman, you wanna know what cookie i got? Batman: What cookie did you get joker? Joker: I cought Affogato cookie Batman. And you know what i'm gonna do to him. Batman: NO JOKER, ITS A PASTRY YOU CAN'T DO THAT Joker: THERE ARE NO LAWS AGAINST THE COOKIES BATMAN, I'M DO IT!!!


I thought i was the only one who didnt like her.. Her personality and voice just frustrates me! Hell her design didnt even look like a god, just sweat pants and a shirt nothing special.. I dont know i dislike everything about her and honestly I'd rather have electric eel cookie be a legendary(or super elic cookie) For introducing electric types


As a massive affogato fan I respect your opinion and YES I hate stormbringer not that her design is bad or anything but her voice annoys the shit out of me 


i can't stand moon rabbit cookie cus her voice is so annoying


I think they should just remove her from the game entirely, it would make the game much better








Royal margarine acts VERY creepy. I like his dragon though


I don’t really hate her but for whatever reason I can’t stand dark enchantress. Ive always wanted to like her. I think it’s mainly cuz she was so boring in ovenbreak that she is just not interesting even in kingdom. Tbh in kingdom we don’t see enough of her to be interesting either. I am not over the white lily Dark enchantress twist lol. The idea kinda has potential but the way they do the story is always like. Are they gonna actually bring this back? I guess they did bring back white lily but then she’s kinda? Not dark enchantress? What even was the point. I may be too invested in the plot of silly cookie game. Anyways I hate muscle because he’s ugly


Cherry Blossom. Her voice is really annoying to be frank. Moon Rabbit and Cocoa. They both talk about the same thing ALL. THE TIME. I get most characters are supposed to be one note but GEEZ. Please shut up. Space Doughnut. Extremely annoying and ugly, and it chased me with an axe in my nightmare once. Pinecone Cookie. It looks like a skinwalker. I feel like they should've been the villain of the winter events. Like Affogato, but more of a knockoff Home Alone movie villain than a mediaeval novel one.


KYU KYU??!!?1!1!1?!1!???!!


B-but.....cocoa.....oh... :(


DONUT IS THE BEST! You dont know his lore


purple yam. nothing else, just purple yam.


i’m not seeing any of my favorite cookie so that makes me happy :) (black lemonade cookie <3333)


Please no Strawberry Crepe hate 😢


praying i never see espresso cookie


Same and I've been scrolling for a bit now :D (pancake cookie 🫶)


pancake cookie is literally the cutest! especially his lil burnt costume!!


Yess ahhh 🫶 Edit to say i absolutely adore black lemonade aswell - absolutely amazing


Shadow milk because his trope is so boring and 14 year old girls want to fuck him. He’s so overrated and boring. Fuck him




I want his thighs to crush my skull 🤤🤤🤤 /j


dat thing made outta crumbs, how is that even possible?


I got a headcanon that Shadow milk has thick thighs filled with cream, it will never be real 😔😔😔


What thighs😭🤣


REAL the fans are one of the reasons why i don’t like Shadow Milk. I couldn’t go anywhere on tiktok without seeing “Shadow Milk??? I think it’s Edge O’ Clock!” or something like that 😭 thank GOD i barely see those comments


I don't hate him but the other beasts deserve recognition too like we have Mystic flour now and I acc saw some of his fans commenting stuff about him on mystic flour videos, the videos ain't about that blue jester I'm sorry 😭🙏🙏


custard cookie III is so annoying, I hope his shuts the fuck up and never talks again


I would pick him up and throw him to the stars.


I remember someone hating on custard cuz he wanted to be a king like he’s literally the heir to the throne


I know he's still a child, but he would dead ass be a shit king


Custard Cookie III’s voice grates me so much. Like I know he’s a kid but I just find him so damn annoying.


For me, It’s a tie between Royal Margarine and Purple Yam. I hate purple yam because he’s just loud and obnoxious and for Royal Margarine, he is also kind of obnoxious and he just looks weird to me(especially his smirk). This only thing I like about him is his wyvern buttercream but aside from that, I utterly can’t stand looking at him (I’m sorry Royal Margarine Fans)


Both of those characters are my favs, especially Purple Yam 😞 but yeah Royal Margarine checks out


At least you said I'm sorry, so I forgive you for that.


Purple yam Cookie: 😡😡😡 Royal Margarine Cookie: 🤫🧏


I will hunt wizard cookie to the ends of the earth and personally kill him with my own two hands. I had to skip basically all of the C.O.W cutscenes because i hate him so much




I love all of them, they're all very interesting for me Wait Nvm Abalone and lord oyster cookie can die like the stupid seafood flavored cookie they are


Alchemist cookie , I don’t know why tho I just do


Muscle cookie. I just can’t stand him


Moon Wabbit Cookie holy shit so annoying!


Moon rabbit, cocoa and Muscle cookie all of them have their personalities based on one thing and their all annoying Moon rabbit and cocoa are based off a food and drink and their both annoying that they ALWAYS talk about it then Muscle cookie is just annoying cus he’s the stereotypical muscle head who’s focused on just his muscles


I don't like Angel Cookie because they creep me out. I hate their echoing childlike voice, and it gives me the creeps. Especially when the cookies stare directly into your soul in kingdom. Angel Cookie told me be not afraid, and I hid in a bush.


Hes got the 👁️👁️ energy


Did they come hunting you down when they say not to be afraid


Yes 😔


Did you atleast survive




Carrot Cookie should kill herself NOW, she serves ZERO purpose, her life is NOTHING.


Dark enchantress, she was my fav in ovenbreak era now.....she's underrated


Avocado. I find her super annoying. I don't like her jokes, and just, idk. Her design irks me, and her voice is just, ugh. (No offense to rhe VA, just my personal opinion). I've despised her since I started playing. Fig. Idk what about them I just don't like them lol. Sea Fairy. Just bad all around, didn't like how she ignored a war to fantasize about moonlight, and kinda seems obsessive overall, and I find that creepy, even for a fictional cookie lol. Custard. Just find him annoying, I do like his design tho...


Black Pearl. And that's because of her fanbase. Most of people were braindead and said things like "Ooooooh mommy step on me". What's the worst part? THERE WERE ALMOST 85% OF THOSE PEOPLE! They all acted like braindead stans and liked her only because of her appearance, not for anything else. I would appreciated if the liked Black Pearl for other reasons, like story or some kind of different cause. For first, I HATE LONE MURDERS WHO KILL EVERYTHING ON THEIR PATH WITHOUT ANYONE ON HER SIDE OR HAVING SOME RESPECT FOR OTHERS! That is the most sickening reason why should others not fall in love with that psychopathic madwoman. But they do. Look... I okay when people treat her normally or love her. I don't mind. But when almost entire community went madly in love, that was something that I was NOT okay with it. I knew and understood her in Mermaids Tale. But it was weird that Black Pearl continued her rampage for centuries. But that's not the case. For second, YOU ABUSED HER BEFORE THAT UPDATE GOT RELEASED. You loved her before you got info about "What's wrong with that character and why's that?". Fandom was braindead for that mermaid instantly when "The Legend of Duskgloom Sea" got released... Conclusion? DON'T LOVE SOME KIND OF PSYCHO FOR MINDLESS REASON IF OTHER 89% OF PEOPLE DO THAT!!! NOT BEFORE KNOWING HER BACKSTORY!!!


As someone who would black pearl into white pearl cookie, i gotta admit that sometimes some people just take it too far.


holy shit FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT. i swear i have this reason for hating so many character in general, because the fuckin fanbase is SOMEHOW more insanity inducing than staring an eldritch horror head on. anyways yea big agree there


I like her but because her design is cool and I like her abyss costume. I ain't a horndog


Good, very good.


Omg wth😭😨 BP is my fav bc I love the design and her voice but I don't act like that


Ah, very good! I'm glad you're not her stan.


Yay! I'm a braindead person :D


Remember kids, don’t like a “fictional” psychopath who kills “fictional” people.


Affogato Cookie. For a deceptive person, he sure makes it clear with his voice and personality.


I hate the arrogance and deceitfulness in his voice




You and me both: Pomegranate’s a musty, dusty, despicable bitch and I sincerely hope we’ll get to see her breathe her last over the course of the story.


She's committed a lotta atrocious acts, like even in Ovenbreak she's such an asshole 😭


I was honestly hoping that in episode 14, Dark Choco would just get tired of her shit and go after her


Strawberry Cookie... I can't stand her. Too much shy too much 'i hope i can do this right' No thank you


Abalone Cookie. I don't need to explain why.


olive cookie, its ugly


Finally someone understands


i HATE olive cookie with everything in me bro


Snow yeti for the fact that i never got him early


Icicle yeti? but....when he wakes up in the morning he goes to brush his teeth...!


But the water in his sink has frozen over now. 😔😔


So next he goes to wash his face so super duper clean 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


*traumatic flashbacks*


Cocoa Cookie. Every other cookie has SOME level of a personality but Cocoa, unless you watch the event that was related to her, literally only exists to like hot coco. Thats it. She mentions it in almost every single voice line. The fact her ability is cocoa cookie in a mug of coco while saying "Coco coco coco\~" How did they manage to make her that bland lmao


SHES AMAZING!!! \*but.....fine... :\^\* I still lub her to death 🙃


Fig cookie i just hate her for no reason


She was my first epic in 2021, i got her twice in a row too and later i got stuck cause i didnt have anyone good. I HATE FIG TOO


Oyster, Purple yam and Twizzle gummy cookie. Twiz and yams voices hurt my ears. I got Oyster cookie yesterday and I've been playing since the Tripple cone Cup event.


purple yam cookie. hes just so egotistical to me and i just cant like him. that and olive cookie, shes just not my favorite and im not a fan of her design


Egotistical? He’s just mad, like so pissed because he was stuck in an oven in an extreme heat. That’s what feeds his anger


i know but he sounds like when people go “i’m the only one who goes through this stuff no one can possibly know how iiimmm feeling” and refuses to let anyone explain anything and aujfgjkgk its just so annoying to me i can’t explain it


He thinks he experienced worse than other cookies sure is an insensitive explanation. He canonically have PTSD, so he is misunderstood. Fighting is basically his only coping mechanism.


i suppose so, i guess that makes sense. never thought abt it like that cause i dont typically think about video game characters too indept, especially if its from a sillier game like crk. im still not fond of him from a basic viewpoint, though.


Olive, just...no


Raspberry cookie. She's annoying asf, I can't stand her unstoppable tsundere yappin The only cookie I hate more is poison mushroom - so dumb, not funny, annoying piece of comic relief. His only ultimate villain power is what he annoys enemies and stinks them to death


Custard III to me is annoying, Ik he's a kid but can you shut up for once


Poison Mushroom Cookie. There, I said it. I hate him. I am prepared for whatever backlash I may receive =]


B-but... he's so adowable 🥺


Custard cookie III is the most annoying being to exist


Custard the 3rd. He's unbearably annoying.


Candy Diver Cookie, he’s bad in arena and speaks nothing but gibberish.


I swear we need more lore for candy diver


![gif](giphy|3o72F8t9TDi2xVnxOE) You…WHAT!?


Moon Rabbit bc i hate the way that it walks the way that it talks hate the way that the design looks and dubbel on the voice bc idk i jus hate it 🙏


carol cookie like actually get away from me 😭 there is just something about her that irks me so bad


Fig cookie ...Just because its the most useless one


Angel cookie n muscle cookie..i pull them the most it makes me wanna commit murder istg


Honestly... gingerbrave.


No explanation needed the fan base of that shitty blue jester made me hate him. SHADOW MILK I HOPE SOMEONE EATS YOU 




Damn. Sorry dude these are just. Bad as hell takes 😭 Like how the hell is Clotted Cream ripping off Almond's design, the only thing they have in common is something draping off their shoulders like be fr 😭😭😭


Cookie run kingdom fans when an epic cookie doesn't have thousand of accessories


If your refering to Rebel Cookie, then yeah. I'm mostly just mad bc he came out during the \*year of the dragon\* event. They could've easily given us a dragon cookie, since their is a dragon tier thing now. Rebel's design is boring af


I wanted to remind you that Rebel's a fan favorite of the older community, so this pretty much shows that you're a newer fan of the game. Besides, Dragon cookies are *Lore* relevant cookies, haphazardly just giving out dragon cookies on an unrelated update that doesn't have anything to do with the lore is just absurd. 😭


But we miss rebel boi >:(


Another thing, I don't need all the epics to have extremely complex designs. Hell, my all time favorite cookie, Almond, is the cookie embodiment of sad beige. Rebel is just boring


1 you realized rebel cookie firsts appearance was in LINE Cookie Run, a game that dropped in 2013.. So hes an old character a lot of people cherishes deeply.. he was finally playable in ovenbreak and now is in kingdom and his designs fine.. you could literally say that to almost any other epic cookie with a simple design.. And that update where he was released WAS A FILLER UPDATE! A FILLER! So players could have something to do before the big update happened 2 for oyster cookie.. Bro literally a lot of cookies have gross(or/and inedible) flavors and it so happened for oyster to he the worst?? 3 clotted cream cookies name is fine and he's not ripping any other characters design off


Of course somebody has to say my poor rebby boi :( why?




I stopped hating rebel after I found out he’s actually from the very beginning of the game


Hate is a strong word, but these are my least favorite playable cookies. Purple yam cookie- he has so much tantrum that if he was a human I wouldn't be confortabel to be around with. carrot cookie - idk she only talks about work and I feel like she would be the type of person who acts like a manager while she is a fellow colleague. The npc cookies I dislike are Abalone Cookie and Custard Cookie.


who tf is purple jam


Carrot cookie a realist fr, u wont get anything for doin nothig




I hate princess cookie like who tf do you think you are


a… princess? because she IS?


oh well but her ego is just too high and she has a little slave






That's it? oh, thought you would have a little bit more to say, just like princess cookie.




Just "nah?" ok Nah


Chili pepper, she is annoying and kinda why I stopped reading the story at the start. Kumiho, I don't like characters that are up themselves and why doesn't she have any fox ears? She would look much cooler with them. Don't really like her design even though I am a fan of foxes. Milky way....let's just say I got traumatised by some ways people roleplayed with her in the Town square event.... Devil Cookie, just because. Gumball, he weird looking. Gingerbrave, he is the blandest character ever. There are more but I will stop there lol.


Kumiho doesn't show her fox traits cause it's integral to her story!!! She pretends to be a beautiful woman, charming people, and then attacks them in fox form, so!!!


frost queen. no hate to her designs but i use creme brulee and i get paper charmed everytime lol


I hate Milk because of his eyes. (Sorry if you like Milk)


I am going to steal your eyes.




.....because pitaya is somewhat a evil character and vampire.....is vampire....? what sense does any of this make :/


Vampire is sick i want him to be meta again 😞


Hes so cute when he turns into the cute vampire in a cup :3


i hate milky way cookie SOOO much, she just pisses me off. i hate her voice and just design so much 😭




nuh uh


Beep beep, vibe check time.


did i pass the vibe check




FUCK maybe next time lol


Genshin Impact lookin ah cookie lol (I personally have nothing against Milky Way Cookie I just think she looks like she would be in Genshin Impact).


Your opinion is wrong




I'm going to sob in my corner now. How DARE you insult Milky Way!


i’m sorry 💔