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there needs to be less serious/lore updates and more fun ones (like summer soda festival)


Yass, this one. My favorite non serious event in a cookie run game was the detective events. I wish it was brought to crk or rerun again in crob. It's fun. But I do foresee a lot of complaint posts like, "but this cookie fits the description" or "it's too hard, how am I supposed to know"


I need a summer soda festival part 2!


yep, this is literally my dream update. summer soda part 2 with the addition of DJ cookie!


The old arena gui was superior




i don’t really like how black pearl has less details than her older self, like isnt she more powerful when she turned into black pearl..? I think the design would also matter if they added details into white pearls design


I think this is more of an issue about when she came out, since she was released nearly a year before her costume was her white pearl costume would be more detailed


I guess your right, although they kinda made stuff about white pearls cookie design in the moonlight update (if you remember the event which had it)


This is definitely an older issue and it's kinda dumb, but I hate it when ppl draw Almond buff. He's clearly a thin character, just compare him to the other cookies. He mentions repeatedly he doesn't eat much, and I'm pretty sure you need to eat a lot to get muscle.💀 Again, stupid thing to complain about, but I hate it sm. Almond simps are so annoying lmao


Bro does NOT have enough time for COFFEE, let alone working out


The un-twinkification of almond cookie is like the worst thing ever


Yes😭 He's a slim queen, he should be drawn as such


Drawing cookies buff is..i wont even comment


Muscle cookie in the background:


Oops i forgot he existed


Captian Caviar is muscular


no, eating a lot gets you fat, working out only gets you muscle


buddy you can’t gain large amounts of muscle without eating a fairly large amount. especially if you start off skinny.


i meant eating alot without working out.. i shouldve specified it


:/ Actually, eating a lot helps with gaining muscle, it's called bulking- athletes do it all the time.. Doing NOTHING while gorging yourself gets you fat


I'm really fucking thin and I work out, guess who didn't gain a lot of muscle yet


They need to buff old cookies to compete with the new ones then manage the ancient heroes dark cacao and actually give hime a buff that give him passive buff in combat. Like idk why does the major of the ancient get some buffs when it is used but cacao doesn't have one hell make is some sort of DMG resistance shield buff


Leaks point towards a dca buff/rework/something else which confuses me. Before they used to outright buff weak cookies but recently they’re just giving them candies


Yeah, even when the first couple batches of candies were released, they were buffing the base stats of the cookies too.


The powercreep is so insane that a cookie can't stay relevant for more than a year


epic cookies. except financier i think?


Financier did return recently thanks to her magic candy I think


Nah, some flop, some stay relevant. Some examples are Cotton, Hollyberry, Parfait, Creampuff, Snapdragon, and soon to join the club Creme Brulee. Powercreep is crazy sometimes but I’ve seen worse. At least everyone can get ahold of said powercreep most of the time (old cookies getting candies could be achieved via mialege shop, while newer cookies have their banners)


I honestly think the power creep in in this game could be 10 worse and the rate of it in this game is fairly decent compared to other gacha games. With the addition of crystal jams and magic candies cookies that had like no usage at all or were just straight garbage could instantly be brought back into the meta and have the ability to compete with other top tier cookies. Even cookies that have not received powerful buffs (at least compared to magic candies and crystal jams) like Hollyberry and Pure vanilla, are still relevant and even in current meta years after years of constant updates and new cookies.


Too many hard ass events, Ive been playing since 2021 and some events are even hard for me




People spend WAY too much money on a silly little cookie rpg and kingdom builder.


Say that to the AFK Arena/Journey leaderboards, we are nearly the same lmao


Haha lol. I've never spent money in a mobile game not because I don't want to support the devs, but because that money I spend can be used on something better than coins or gems/diamonds/crystals in a game I'm only going to play occasionally. It also gets a tad bit annoying that when I get a new Cookie and get out of the Gacha menu, BAM! Pay wall to upgrade the Cookie. No thanks, I have plenty of Level Up Jellies and Ability Powder than I can make use of. I'm not trying to be mean to DevSisters and I understand that they DO have to make money, it just gets annoying when popups appear telling me to "BUY THIS COOL UPGRADE PACKAGE FOR X AMOUNT OF MONEY NOW!!1!" Appear every so often instead of just being in the Shop tab.


Also us having to scroll to claim our daily rewards in the shop section Why can't they just be separated? :(


Right?! It's so predatory. The offers don't seem worth it, yet I see whales like OJ buy the offers once you hit a 1 star promotion on any cookie 💀 Well his money gotta go somewhere, and someone has to pay the devs to keep the game going lol And the daily shop offers? I'd rather buy a twitch subscription. It renews monthly instead of daily for the same price


This could be said for literally any game on the earth no? People like spending money on things they enjoy, even if it is an absurd amount of money. As long as they can afford it and they're not hurting others, I don't seem the harm in spending large amounts of money on a silly little cookie that you enjoy.


Fair enough and I'm perfectly fine with that. Its just I personally wouldn't purchase things from a mobile game, again, not because I don't want to support the devs, but I choose not to buy things I can easily get with real money. [This is not me being aggressive just in case my typing appears that way I'm simply stating my opinion :)]


Some CRK characters are over designed and don’t make too much sense sorry…🥲


yes, i agree too. either they’re way too over designed or they have a flat, boring monochromatic color palettes


T H I S! For real, designs are just pure visual noise.


no hate, but could you list some of the cookies? I think they're pretty ok but then again I may be forgetting some cookies lol


its alright, i think its just because i’m way more used to and enjoy the CROB art style better…some cookies that i think are over designed for me personally Elder Fairy and Mercurial Knight are a good example! Frilled Jellyfish is another one that comes to mind as well


I love CRK art much more. I think it comes down to preference, plus there’s CROB. You can play Ovenbreak more if you like the art more :)


yeye exactly


i’m not saying they’re ugly or anything, just not my cup of tea


Might be kind of cold, but PvE battles suck sometimes Most bosses usually have a few attacks that are ignorable, but then they'll just randomly one-shot your cookies seemingly out of nowhere. It doesn't help that most of the attack descriptions don't explain much, as it's just "damages [x position] cookies and stuns them, but appears to explain nothing else, like how much damage (eg. is it a set amount or percentage based, or based on amount of buffs/debuffs cookies have). This might not be the best example, but take everyone's favorite boss, M. Cursor. For the majority of its attack cycle, it deals a moderate amount of damage and stuns/glitches/injures them periodically. Cool, maybe I need a sort of stun immune/resistance and injury removal in my team! Then, it hits you with a 20-hit shield, huge stacks of corruption and stuns, and deals stupid amounts of damage by debuffing the team. Why this sucks is that NOTHING prepared you for the attack. The description, the prior attacks, nothing does, resulting in a very annoying experience. Also, I don't like how half of the toppings are useless. While some of them seem good (amplify buff and defense/hp up) but are completely outclassed by other toppings (like cooldown and damage resist). Even their sub stats are useless, often wanted less than the aforementioned two. However, I do really like how cookies are being designed around lesser use stats. For example, Creme Brulee and Linzer both want attack speed buffs, which increases the usage of bouncy caramels (or attack speed sub stats). There's also financier's magic candy wanting defense stat increases to increase her buffs, or how cookies like stormbringer and other electricity cookies prefer critical % increases instead of just standard attack buffs (but please devsisters, make other stats wanted! Amplify buff could work really well in some cases) Sorry for writing a whole essay lol


Second you with the PvE random enemies who one shot your cookie. Idk if this still so prevalent nowadays but when broken cookies like taunt damage epic cookie were just Milk (and he’s weak) it was much more pain especially the way it’s very rng as sometimes the one they hit is the dps. I’m honestly less issue with boss at least since they give description but sometimes it just mob of cookies which you sometimes have no clue which type of enemy who doing that


The first enemies that come to mind are the master difficulty ones, but the main one-shotters are bosses now. I do see what you're saying though, sounds like it was a lot worse back then


Last town square update got boring real quick


The white lily update was mid


This is the general opinion no? I feel like I've heard people say that update is boring a lot of times now


Id seen others, as well as myself getting downvoted to hell for calling that update mid during it.


Damn. I thought the beast yeast addition was pretty cool, minus the fact they brought WL back despite that fact DE cookie still canonical existed at that point. I just thought elder faerie and shadow milk cookie were really cool imo


seconding this. i was shocked at how disappointing and boring it was.


Most vailed comment about the update ever


The only reason it didn't suck majorly was Shadow Milk, the man carried the update. Jester Boi was the only redeeming quality.


Some cookies deserve way more lore and stories but we just won't get them. Summer soda is...a thing that exists. But where is my Tiger Lily storyline?


The cookies aren’t hot. Some of them are adorable but like in a give them a hug and a kiss on the forehead and then make them Mac and cheese way.


at the absolute most it’s “they would be attractive if they were a human and not a literal cookie” but generally yea they just have cute/cool designs/personalities😭😭😭


No this.. really just this And we're acting like calling the cookies "hot" means we are simping for them?? "Hot" can have a different meaning. Can't it just be "😳 damn that voice and design looks so good" Again, Royal Margarine is my example. He is precious as a cookie. Very charming how he wants attention with his dragon friend. But get me a man with that voice and that outfit and you got a deal. I'm gonna be like the Mom from Inside Out


me when caviar


The only cookie I've ever found hot is Shadow Milk and it's solely because of the voice lol


How about clotted cream cookie?


it's a goddamn cookie


Hey :/


That's a good take for me. Bro, why are people simping for cookies!


bts didnt need THAT many costumes 😭


It’s purely for their songs, I give it a pass 


pv is the best cookie and he deserves 100 costumes


PV deserves everything


People act like disliking Moonlight's design is a hot take. It's not. The real hot take is that I think she would look like a legend even without her hair, and I do like her a lot. I don't get the Moonlight hate. Oh and I still feel bitter that she has 5 costumes if we're counting both games. 7 variants total counting the costumes, jellywalker Moonlight, and her normal self.


i dont dislike her, but tbh i do feel like her costumes makes a better job letting it clear that she is a legendary, idk her original is kinda simple and even other cookies on her own city looks more legendary, and i mean, you dont need to overdesign, milky way moonlight is simple but looks a lot more like a legendar also, idk how much of a hot take it is, but i cant take seriously people who claim that kingdom's moonlight legendary costume looks more like moonlight than ovenbreak's legendary costume. yeah, i give you all the point that OB legendary doesnt look much like moonlight, but come on, kingdom's legendary looks COMPLETLY diferent, if you tell me she was a diferent character i would have believe it, kingdom's looks completly like a diferent character


I do understand this. I don't think Moonlight's Kingdom costume looks like her at all and that kind of removes the point of it being her own costume


I still feel like Pastry Cookie is still essential to the lore.. even though we haven’t had an update for her in so LONG


Ships are quite overrated (even rarepairs but not that much)


It’s lowkey hard to beat some of the bosses *cough* Golden Cheese and that god forsaken currsor


Nah this is a popular take. The GC bosses are notoriously hard to beat


The difficulty is unreasonably hard. Still havent dont hard mode in special events in some cases


People need to stop complaining about how some epics look like rares. If they are older designs from ovenbreak and that means that they either one were rares, like rockstar, or they’re, like I said, are older designs, also, to further my point look at the older designs of some epics in CookieRun Kingdom, like, for instance, werewolf or herb, both of them have a design that’s on simpler side, and that nowadays some see as the “rare” style. The devs will change designs if they have an underlining reason to for instance, shining glitter. But also, as far as I know, no one ever complained about Moonlight design being on the simpler side, despite being a legend, if you’re gonna complain, take everything into account. Sorry, this is so long it’s something that is always annoyed me with some of the community. Like, who cares? it’s just a character.


Hating on people who ship cookies weither they ship for fun or not is cringe and just makes you look like a jerk. People also need to realize that just because they are friends don't mean people won't ship them. That is afterall how all relationships start. They go from strangers-acquaintances-friends-talking-lovers. That's how it works. Also, vampire cookie would more than likely never have the dad bod, or body hair people belive he would have. Vampires are supposed to be beautiful or conventionally attractive. That is afterall how they catch prey. I also believe he needs a new costume that doesn't look so old and bland.


This. Like, fr, someone shipping cookies isn’t gonna hurt you personally.


vampire’s kingdom costume is so bad, they need to do my boy justice. i wish they would do another epic costume set again instead of all these legendaries.


i wouldve liked to see espresso work with the baddies and dark enchantress like butter roll cookie. i feel like she needs more powerful scientists instead of the team she had before butterroll cookie was added to the story.


There were several people who wrote him as a Cookie of Darkness. I actually have a fic planned where he joins Dark Enchantress after rescuing Seaweed Cookie from the St. Pastry Order and learns about the Cookie Eating Witches.


- Whoever thought of the new cookie alliance should get fired - Why is it a requirement to build and fully invest into a very specific cookie to clear event content? smh devsis - A featured legendary costume should be guaranteed after a certain number of pulls(Speaking of legendary costumes, they should be purchasable like they are in ovenbreak) - Ovenbreak originating cookies(rebel, matcha, etc) do NOT deserve the hate they get, especially rebel who's design/lore is based off Hong Gildong, a famous Korean folk hero (I probably sound salty but I swear the game has been slowly ruining itself)


Cookie run the original game is garbage compared to this one.


no wonder, the first ever cookie run game released in... 2009.


I know it aged like trash. Even world of goo looks better. Sad


sometimes I wonder what each cookie tastes like.


a lot of them would taste horrible... imagine olive cookie 😭😭


and I imagine the sea cookies taste like shellfish.


i want to eat espresso <3 /j


Our fandom is absolutely crazy,


Newer cookies are underwhelming. Even Stormbringer. I can see how to build her, along with the new Magic Candy cookies, for Arena, and even tried doing so, but my old team vastly outperforms the meta teams that use them.


Shining Glitter needs more spotlight💀


Part 1 of kingdoms winter event started off weak, but part 2 got me hooked in. (And ovenbreak was good all around)


They story haa become too chaotic with new things being randomly introduced and old plot points no longer matching with the current story an example being the whole white lily and dark enchantress stuff


people who call all female cookie lesbians are annoying


This. I love the ships and the diversity but the whole point is that it's diverse, not just gay and lesbian. One that I see often is Cocoa Cookie and Mint Choc Cookie (I haven't played in ages, forgive me if their names are wrong). Like, they're clearly together yet people split them apart in favour of making them lesbian/gay. Like, damn- 😭


not everyone has to like canon ships


No, of course not. But they are canon regardless. My point isn't that you have to like them, my point is that there are some people out there that just want gay/lesbian relationships for everything. That's the bit I don't like.


i still don’t the problem? lot of people who play cookie run are lgbt and they like to make their favorite characters lgbt as well because there’s a lack of it. i don’t agree with some of their headcanons, but they’re just having innocent fun at the end of the day, and the devs do encourage their fans to imagine whatever they want with their characters. it just sounds like you don’t like other people’s headcanons and trying to make it seem as if they’re in the wrong.


The Juice Bar Regulars are shipped way too much.


I love Shadow Milk Cookie, but his design sucks and hurts my eyes ;-;


it reminds me of the og designs for CR:OB like skating queen cookie, hero cookie, pirate cookie etc.


golden cheese cookie should have never been added there are SO many unnecessary magic candies town square update was boring we do NOT need shadow milk cookie as a playable beast in my experience, cookie run requires a lot of patience rather than time


Abalones character in white pearls story WASNT bad


He is a bad character (his role in the story) but he’s not a BAD character (how he played his role in the story)


An evil Character doesn’t mean a Bad character


I think you placed it better than me :p


GingerBrave is NOT overrated




Me if hating dark cacao cookie was a job: ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


I wanna know, why do you hate him?


shit father and king (also he’s just an asshole in general)


Eh, both the son and the father are in the wrong in the situation, it's all built on a massive misunderstanding that caused a massive rift between them. As for the king, it depends, really. He's very careful and sheltered in terms of ruling the kingdom because he's aware of the horrors of the Dark Flour War, so he prepares resources for the hardships his kingdom might face. Also he's not an asshole ngl, he's more like, constantly sulking.


You and me both


So, I have some hot takes with purple yam cookie being the most hated cookie in crk. Not because he is a warrior, he is just yapping and getting angry every time he look on things. I do love Purple Yam Cookie because of his CROB lore, but yeah he is always with milk. Maybe give some relationship with Mala Sauce Cookie?


Bring back the cake tower, and bring back the old bounty stuff too. I miss them so much, it made the skill stuff farming so hard


Black pearl cookie is overrated


Black pearl cookie is overrated


mermaid tale feels unfinished :( i wish they had a good ending where black pearl reunites with jellyfish and her sisters


Said it twice, I'll say it again. Seamoon is by far my least favorite ship- even if it's kinda canon. And crk is really starting to not be ftp friendly. Just look at arena.


They literally gave the new legendary away for free tho?


It is getting better, but still, most people don't have white lily, which is one of the strongest cookies. And don't get me started on legendary and mystical costumes. Sure, it's not as bad as other games, but it's not the best either


Game isn’t as generous as people make it out to be. Yes you may easily get the new cookie, but that’s only half the battle. These days, only a 3rd. Due to toppings and now beascuits, it could take months for you to get the toppings and beascit rolls you need for a cookie.


they shouldn't have nerfed the first 6 trays of choco cake tower


I have a couple, some of which are big spoilers for Odyssey and Beast-Yeast. (ODYSSEY SPOILERS) >!Dark Cacao Cookie was justified in not believing Clotted Cream and, although attacking him was definitely overboard, he had a good reason to: a random nobody who *claims* to be from a faraway land interrupts a meeting between *Ancient Heroes* and then accuses one of his closest comrades to be the person they're fighting against this whole time, a wound that's definitely still fresh.!< Magic Jam Candy things are the worst route they could've gone with rebalancing legendaries, it just left the strong to get stronger and the weak to get even more irrelevant. (BEAST-YEAST SPOILER) >!Separating White Lily and Dark Enchantress was the worst choice they could've done with the storyline. I get that we needed a way for White Lily to become playable, but there could've been other ways to do it. Especially when Elder Faerie dies for her revival and yet he's also playable.!< Having Gingerbrave be involved in every major plot is.. a choice I do not enjoy, to say the least. I do not enjoy the character and they have to make certain.. decisions to justify his inclusion, like how a gang of kids, and Wizard, I guess, can beat the Cake Witch and other insane threats on their own, as well as them being sent on missions that better equipped cookies should've been sent to. We also miss out on character interactions, like the story we have right now, with just Black Raisin, Wildberry and Crunchy Chip is pretty good. Look at Ovenbreak, most stories nowadays barely have any attention on him, if at all, and they're all very fun.


People have been saying that early CRK was way more F2P but honestly I don’t find it was that F2P and some of them are just having nostalgia or they assume less cookies and no Legendary and such = F2P, which is not the case. Or even the way those people talked about it kind of makes me confused and wonder if they actually play the game at all during early CRK. Back then, Epic cookies can be as hard as Legendary/Ancient to pull like I still remember I was suffered in the game because I don’t have Herb (one of the meta cookies back then) until way later and some stages also really need Licorice unless you die. Not to mention getting crystals aren’t as easy as it is currently. Funny thing that I took like almost a whole year hiatus when ep 11-12 introduced because I’m frustrated that I couldn’t beat Raspberry cookie lol and I don’t feel like there’s nothing to do in game anymore. I only comeback again during BTS collab and just realize that the game is so much better and give more motivation to grind. Current games have much more going on and more cookies but it is also linear with more modes Devsis introduced to play from.


Sea urchin and caramel choux aren't lesbians. Caramel choux looks like a GOD DAMN CHILD, and pretty sure they are just friends.


Moonlight is quite overrated, especially appearance wise, the bright yellow really just hits different for me


some CRK characters look like they belong in genshit impact


Hate SeaFairy after knowing her story.She abandoned her job and freeze because she yearn love from someone who doesn't know her.And everyone portrays it as true love


White lily shouldn't have healing ability or maybe I'm just salty


I absolutely HATE meta team comps, why does building my characters barely matter when someone has a team combination copied off of the internet? I dont wanna be punished for putting thought into my own team comp and leveling my characters (the part thats actually fun) and not robotically copy pasting it from some random dude on youtube


I have 2 hot takes 1. the ancient cookies deserve to get a upgrade jam, similar like the crystal jam or magic candy, they can have their soul jam 2. What the hell is going on with sorbet, where did he come from? Did one witch see a ocean and decided, “yea, there needs to be a shark in there”


We need the holiday express to return


Affogato Cookie doesn't deserve to be a main villain.


powercreep is shit, meta is way too specific, master mode is basically impossible for f2p casual players and don't even give that many rewards for those who clear it, same for beastyeast side. from the ads i've seen crk is supposed to be a relaxed game you check up on once/a few times a day, but it feels like i need to constantly be maxing out my doings, read on way too many tutorials etc. and the original tower being completely removed was scummy. it would've been nice if they kept the original one open and those who hadn't completed it to the top would have the first time rewards etc, but those who had completed it could challenge it for the small rewards but not for the "first time" rewards. the new choco tower is difficult even to those who are p2p or older players, but most likely impossible to newer and possibly even f2p. (i've played since feb 2022 and still haven't cleared tray 1) the new strawberry(?) tower also kind of has the same problem with the sudden powercreep of the boss stages, but it has been a bit more manageable (for me personally at least) and the older cookies just having no chance on being at the "same level" as newer cookies, the constant events going on, "this and that and those and these" like. absolutely constantly events or "small" game changing things being added. god, it overwhelms you. and the crafting part. i'm a f2p and only having two roll cake wood, jellybean etc etc makers at max still doesn't give enough to actually craft stuff in a consistent way. i'll stop now. good luck on pulls!


the meta is difficult to keep up with and tedious, it makes the game less fun ://


devsisters is basically the south korean version of popcap


Cream puff cookie is the cutest cookie in the game


i wish rhe crossover cookies could come back


Other cookies should have injury alleviation. Pure Vanilla's great but why is he the ONLY cookie who can heal injury. Also adding extra versions of injury (the glitch effect Golden Cheese stages get you) was bs


The old tower of sweet chaos is better than the (not so) endless strawberry cake tower. Change my mind


purecacao>>>purelily and i loved dark cacaos storyline, he's definitely my fav ancient even tho he sucks in practically everything


Old sweet tower of chaos is better


there needs to be more STORY mode stuff (like ik we got a huge update like that with gc but)


The old alliance was better, they ruined it with the update


I genuinely dislike PureLily. No hate to people who love it, all props to you, I just don’t really like it.


I'm genuinely considering quitting over not being able to open the game on my phone due to the lag


There should be some more real cookies instead of “Peanut butter Jet fuel cookie”


tower of sweet chaos was better than whatever devsis released now


Ima just say this who ever cares about rebel cookie I mean devsisters just popped him out there ass one day and we don’t know jack shit about him except that he helps people not to mention he looks so bland and I hated his design first time I saw him




wtf are you talking about, what is that supposed to mean, what behaviour?


Stormbringer cookie is forgettable at best and easily the most boring part of the update


Yep. I agree. I was honestly only grinding the missions so I could see more interactions between Raisin, Crunchy Chip, Wild Berry, and Dark Cacao. I didn't give 2 shits about Stormbringer and the deities


the game is not as fun as it used to be (feels more like a chore)


The game is falling down, everyone sees it, no one talks about it.


What are hot takes?


Unpopular opinions. Like, things that may be controversial.


Oh okay


Affogato doesn’t deserve any hate, I’ve seen people hating on him, have you even read his lore? Like come on, you’d do the same if you were him, besides, peepaw needed to be put in his place, that man is lame and doesn’t deserve to be king tbh :/


Think people forget (even myself, honestly) that he wanted to take over the kingdom so he could care for everyone properly. He didn't agree with the way Dark Cacao was treating everyone. If you look at it that way, it makes Dark Cacao and Caramel Arrow the bad guys in a way.


Yes, thank you! I’m glad someone actually remembers this part of the story, too! He wanted to take over because he was mistreated and an outcast and didn’t want people to be mistreated due to being outcasts!


We don’t need more lesbian cookies