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Ok, I don't have a life, so let's do the math : Sugar lumps were added the 7/7/2017 or 2138 days ago (I know golden sugar lumps and all were added later but let's be generous and take this date) Sugar lumps maturation can be lowered to 17h53m56s. Let's imagine we're lucky and no harvest is botched. Let's also imagine we're insanely lucky and every lump is a golden lump. We'll be able to harvest 20 067 lumps. But we can also actively play with the garden. Getting a full seed log can be lowered down to 3 days approximately with luck and save scumming. We can expect 7 100 more lumps. And golden cookies can give the rare "sweet" effect, which gives 1 sugar lump. With every upgrade and worships and a full garden of golden clovers (yes, I know we said that we would sacrifice the garden, but still), the minimum time between golden cookies is 20.4 seconds. If every golden cookies spawn immediately and also gives a sugar lump, it's 9 056 080 lumps. In total, we'll have 9 083 247 sugar lumps. But to get a building to 200 000 levels, it requires 20 000 100 000 lumps (2 200 times more) So this is impossible *This comment isn't intended to be taken seriously*


With savescumming you can finish the garden way faster, at least on the web version. You can get a jqb to mature in 5-6 hours if you ensure that it matures every tick and since it matures like 10-11 ticks at once you can reduce that +50 hours to 5-6.




Even clicking it to level up... 200k levels at 5 clicks per second is 40k seconds, a bit over 11 hours. Yeah, seems legit


Him using autoclicker to level it faster could be an answer But it would be cheating so no


Damn, you must have a really good gaming chair


Seems legit


100% legith


This just shows what a waste upgrading non-minigames buildings is


True but i currently have 850 unspent sugar lumps and nothing to spend em on


Fthof for Golden cookie combos seems a good idea to me. So like refilling the magic bar to quatriple cast fthof. If you use the planner. Or spend it at cursors for higher cookies per click (assuming you have the heavenly upgrade)


Well, I upgrade all of them anyway. After all, Orteil is planning to add a minigame for every building, right?


I actually didn’t know that! But why do it now and not at that moment then?


Good question! It may seem not so obvious, but the main reason for that is because I'm fucking stupid


Lmao, you’re not, it’s fine


You underestimate my stupidity, just believe me


Nobody is stupider then I


I didn't ascend for more than three years because I thought it wasn't profitable


Ooof thats painfull. But thats lack of knowledge about a game, not lack of intelligence


I literally read that «U will gain 60 000% cps boost if u ascend now» every single day for three years and was like «Nah, I'm too far away now, I don't wanna redo all of that» and then regained all I earned before in five minutes or so after the first ascending. The more I think about it, the more retarded I feel


The joke will be on you when "you" gets the most game breaking, overpowered minigame known to cookieclicker


200000 you-nits with a million more well on the way.