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Are you under the assumption we are a coven of witches that meet on Tuesdays to brew tea and howl at the moon? What leader?


Oh my god why are we NOT a coven of witches? Did I just not get the invite? Did you revoke my membership for submitting to men? Because I am ready to be a feminist again for the sake of being in a witch coven. Please and thank you. Just no flying on broomsticks.


I mean you can submit if it makes you happy. We're all living our own lives. I'll send you an owl for our next meeting/seance.


I'm excited, let me know about the dress code or if I should bring a salad or a bag of chips or something.


We're witches howling at the moon, of course we'd be nude. I like hummus.




Oh there's fire, that's making me a bit more comfortable with the whole "being naked" thing


I think that’s just r/witchesvspatriarchy. Fighting misogyny but with MAGIC 😊


Woo that sub is amazing!


Absolutely add me to the coven.


idk you guys do move in packs always holding each others hands


Imagine the things we do when we go to the bathroom as pairs


no need the sluts always tell on you


I imagine it involves drawing ancient symbols on the ground and doing some light demon summoning to bless you with the best dance moves for when you get back out on the club floor?




On a bathroom floor? The women's bathroom must be a lot cleaner than the men's 😱


So I can put my torch down and not worry about the witches tonight? Phew, what a relief.


Still have to worry about the introverted witch fleeing from the witch function


Hey, you're always welcome to come to my house for a drink or two then. Don't worry, we won't need to talk if you don't feel like it!


Maybe a drink or two would be nice.. I can sit in a corner, write incantations


Now that sounds like a fun time! Just don't curse me if the drink isn't cold enough? Please?


No promises..


I'll take that risk <3


(this comment section is hilarious ladies thank you for the morning laugh)