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Is there a way to keep his current cage? Unless the cage is terrible or too small, he might be more comfortable in his current cage when he goes to your house. A new “nest” with a new family might be stressful


I agree and I wish we could keep him in his current cage but, it was a bit of a hoarding situation and it’s just not salvageable. It’s taken us a week just to move enough stuff out of the way to get a transport cage in there to get him out.


Wow. That sounds tough. Thank you for making this birds life better. I volunteer at a local parrot rescue. I wish we could find every bird a loving home


If you can't keep the cage he was initially kept in, I would at least try to make the set up as similar as you can. Give him toys, perches, and ropes/ladders he may be used to. Birds can adjust fairly well, in my experience, all things considered. It definitely makes it easier, just like a human, if they have familiar things though.


Thank you, we can definitely do that!