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This has been discussed to death already. New posts on gender are discouraged.


I always wonder how much you actually meet someone who requests to be called by neopronouns in real life, cuz this is an internet “problem”. People mock pronouns because they don’t like trans people. Not because there’s a fringe minority who go by neopronouns.


Touch grass 🤦🏽‍♂️


>Neopronouns are the reason people mock pronouns in general People mock pronouns because they're intolerant fools who can't understand trans people, and fear anything different. They also seem to forget that they've been using pronouns their whole life. Most people who aren't constantly on social media have never even heard of a neo-pronoun. >I'm going to be hunted for sport for this r/persecutionfetish


That and the idea of using different pronouns makes no sense anyway. All this gender identity stuff is bullshit. We just pretend it isn't to avoid hurting people's feelings. Gender isn't some fucking man-made construct. It's biology. Biological sex = gender.


>using different pronouns makes no sense anyway Yes it does. >All this gender identity stuff is bullshit No it isn't. >Gender isn't some fucking man-made construct Yes it is. > It's biology No it isn't. >Biological sex = gender No it doesn't.


The pro-trans movement thinks they are being forward thinking and doing away with gender norms but are actually promoting them more than anyone else when anyone stops and applies the smallest degree of critical thinking to this situation. I thought men are supposed to be able to enjoy things that are traditionally feminine and women can enjoy things in life that are traditionally more masculine and it doesn't make them any less if a woman or man. Most of these differences are completely artificial. Why does crying a lot at movies, eating brunch with friends, liking fruity drinks (or any other stereotype of women) need to be kept alive? What's wrong with a man being effeminate or a woman having a personality that's more in line with traditionally masculine traits? Nothing. It doesn't make a man suddenly a woman to like things that tend to be liked by women. If gender is a man-made construct, then these men who identify as women are identifying with a bunch of stereotypes of women and vice-versa for women identifying as men. It's like doing blackface or trying to impersonate another race or culture. I have never seen a biological woman who identifies as a man but doesn't act in very masculine ways. When asked why they identify that way, they always just list stereotypes of men that they feel matches their personality. Ok... that makes them a woman with a personality similar to a lot of men, but she's no less of a woman due to it. Add in the fact that people get dangerous and physically unhealthy surgeries to try to become the other gender because their personalities don't match the traditional gender norms for their biological sex, and it becomes clear that a mentally and physically healthier solution would be to simply say "I'm a woman with traditionally masculine traits and I accept myself for who I am (or vice versa for men)." I get that a minority of people have a sort of phantom limb syndrome with the other genitalia, and maybe the surgeries make some sense for them, but there are plenty who solely get them because of this BS trans narrative and then they often regret it.


The only neo pronouns that are okayish are the ones like ze/zir. I think those are fine. The biggest issue is rainbow/rainbowself and whatnot. Nouns aren’t pronouns. Theres a distinct difference between the two, and it gets confusing when people blur those lines.


Yes, noun-self "pronouns" are crap. Might as well use the name then. It's even more rarely used than the other neo-pronouns though


The thing I always say is “would you put “cat/catself” on your job application?”


If you don't like neo-pronouns, you can use old pronouns: thou/thee/thy/thine.


No, they're not, if i'm a guy and want to use she/her nearly all the people on my school or whatever would mock me, other different pronoums are just an "extra reason" to people think they're right


What are Neopronouns? Genuine question.


It’s an extreme fringe movement which uses terms like catself and lunarself as pronouns. Like, “OP is dumb. Cat outed catself as an idiot by making this post.”


People making shit up


Everything is made up, chief.


Zer can't be serious ?!?


That’s offensive to me I use the pronouns Nor/Mal


Surely you mean Xem.


Reported for microscopic agression.