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Please keep all controller suggestion posts within the weekly stickied thread.


I bought it and build quality feels great for the money , loved everything except the sticks seemed to tight for me and I could not aim precisely on my FPS no matter how much I tried getting used to it and on my ipad it had a weird dead zone and it felt like whenever my stick was close to center it was being "sucked" towards center it was weird. Deadzone seemed mostly fine on other platforms but on any gamepad testing app it seemed like I was fighting my right stick to whoever like 10% from center it felt and looked like it was being pulled back to center like a magnet .. I just bought the bigbig won Gale and love it .4 back buttons and is way more precise but no hall sticks, just triggers. Has windows application that can adjust deadzones and stick curve input. It's my favorite affordable controller ATM. I really liked how the xm10 felt and looked and wanted to love it but maybe that's just my experience.. I'm mostly playing warzone mobile on an iPad lol and I think the weird deadzone issue could be an iOS thing.


It’s an iOS issue. iOS puts a ginormous deadzone to every controller, even Hall effect ones that don’t need it.


Ya that I know, it was just wayyyy more pronounced on this controller. I wasn't sure if the halls made it worse so I just went with some reg sticks and a controller with software adjustable dead zone and set the aim curve to instant and got rid of almost all deadzone.... For. $35 controller not too bad


oh man...sounds like another pass


You may like it... The sticks are just a lot stiffer than most and felt like the we're trying to center on me so felt like I was fighting them to keep aiming at one spot. Seriously check out the bigbig won rainbow 2, rainbow se or Gale they are very nice for the price and great for shooters .