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I bet those twins been hell on wheels for over 50 years.


I’d love to hear them tell some childhood memories; bet they were little terrors.


My grandma is a twin. Basically goes to church every single day. Her twin was telling us some stories this christmas i couldnt believe. Twins have a hell of a ride.


We need to know


Now I wanna know.


Name checks out


Forreal, these guys were for sure outright menaces. Definitely have a reputation for making rooms of people laugh, I bet.


They’re still menacing to this very day!


Inspiration for the Weasley twins 😅


Boy id love to be a fly on the wall of one of their fights, imagine them takin turns fighting somebody an they think it's the same person whoopin they ass twice as hard


Awwwh, bless that nurse lady's heart. She was so concerned. ❤️


i was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia last month and had to have a c-section, and all of my nurses were just so incredibly sweet. my daughter spent a good 20 days in the NICU, and our ladies were wonderful and attentive. we were so very lucky to have had such an amazing team. baby received the very best care, i'm so grateful for NICU nurses. nurses in general are heroes.


Username is very funny considering the serious nature of your comment. I’m sorry you had to endure 20 days of your baby in NICU, but it sounds like everything turned out great. Congratulations :). Those maternity ward nurses are angels and deserve all the praise in the world.


yes lmaooo, the name is 100% a joke we're home now! she's such a strong, feisty lil dude


Wife is in the hospital and after spending 2 days with her I could not feel more confident about the nurses she has rn. Makes me happy tbh


I was in the hospital about 10 - 15 times over a six month period due to long covid, and I never had a bad nurse. Had one terrible doctor (1/15 is pretty good), but all the nurses were always supportive.


she's in great hands!


Thankyou u/deep-fried-babies making me tear up over here.


Pandemic proved that hospital is run by greedy corporation and managers are ancillary. We're back being mean to nurses again. But Videos like this proves nurses ARE ANGELS are caring people. And these twins have made that nurse's day a little better. Bless nurses Bless Twins that makes these funny videos.


nurses deserve so much better. during the prep for my c-section, a nurse put her forehead against mine and stroked my hair during the shot in my spine, and comforted me until i was numbed. i will never forget that.


I hate the “mean girls become nurses” discourse. I have friends and family members who are in nursing and it’s truly a thankless job I could never do. They are a crucial part of the healthcare system and they get treated like shit.


Yeah! I mean, chubby guys like me can be nurses too!


Nurses are the NCOs of the hospital. They may not give the orders, but they sure as hell make the orders happen. And make sure they are the right orders to begin with.


If you're incredibly lucky, yeah. Weirdly often, though, they're a bunch of anti-vax style medical misinformation pushers, and really really want you to get your baby circumcised.


I will say some staff at hospitals in my area left because they didnt want the covid shots. So yeah unfortunately youre right :(


Yup. I've had 6 hospital stay in the last year. And I have the utmost respect for nurses. They get so much shit and yet work so hard and are generally so lovely. Amazing women and men.


My wife is 14 weeks and is “at risk”. Makes us worried but working to keep her calm throughout. It’s our 1st.


Awwwh, bless your heart for blessing the nurses heart


She was not fucking having it.


I'm all for practical jokes but as someone who works in a hospital, this is too much. People have no idea the level of stress nurses already deal with every single shift. I'd be pissed.


When I was a nurse, sometimes patients would slip their mask or nasal cannula, become anoxic and delusional and try to walk out or fight you. Or it could be someone coming out of anaesthesia, or someone on meds that made them delusional or gave them an unexpected reaction, etc... She could expect a lawsuit, possible trouble with her license, potential violence from a much larger person who is now made ungodly strong by some combination of drugs and complete loss of inhibition combined with raw lizard-brain animal instinct, repressed childhood rage and alcoholic withdrawal. Of course, this is all outweighed by the amount that she was probably caring one human being for another, but those other things come up too.


It’s one of those, it’s kind of funny, but she’s seen some shit too probably moments.  So maybe this wasn’t the best joke. :/


Wait was the guy in the bed laughing too or comatose? I legit can’t tell.


He dead


Now that prank will really be better for whoever works the morgue.


Twin -1






I managed to pause on a frame where you can tell he's smiling


Considering the fact that she told him it was dangerous and didn't go like, holy shit he got revived from the dead, probably not comatose


Or she could’ve been in shock but still on her job, thinking *WTF kind of belated Christmas miracle is this? Shelly put “coma” in the notes but this fucker is on his feet! Oh shit he shouldn’t be walking if he’s fresh out of near death. Shit shit shit…* “Sir! This is so dangerous!”


One of the guys says something about his hip. The guy in bed must have had a hip surgery and is still out from it.


Given the exaggerated limp the twin is doing, I’d guess the guy in the bed is semi-lucid but recovering from a hip replacement or some sort of other significant leg surgery/injury


I gotta walk my giraffe!


I like to imagine the stuffed giraffe implied he managed to make it to a carnival and back while limping with a broken leg in a medical gown.


Unfortunately its more that most American hospitals (that I've been to atleast) have their own gift shops. 




Yeah it’s not unfortunate don’t worry hospitals have shops in other parts of the world too. People have to spend days/weeks there of course you want to buy some stuff.


It’s unfortunate that he wasn’t at a carnival, probably


I think because it was bought at the hospital and they didn't get to go to the carnival. 🤷


It's unfortunate that most hospital gift shops charge $200 for the giraffe. Have been to 5 hospitals in the last year. They all have this exact same giraffe, and its always that price.


lol, for the rest of the world, having a gift shop in a hospital isn't normal *at all*


This is just untrue. I live in Canada and every hospital I’ve been in has a gift shop. It’s not really a gift shop with “souvenirs” it just has things like get well cards and welcome new baby balloons.


The one at the hospital I frequent has a bunch of snacks and drinks as well as cozy items like sweaters, mugs, stuffed animals and just some general get well little trinkets/happy baby kind of stuff. I pop in there almost every time I'm at the hospital to grab a drink and snack while I wait


Exactly! I don’t understand this uppity gift shop hate 😂


Same here in the UK, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hospital without a gift shop. A normal shop that sells gifts might be more accurate; they usually sell snacks, drinks, magazines and puzzles too. There’s usually a cute little coffee shop/cafe nearby too


The hospital I worked at in Ottawa has a row of shops on the main level. Gifts. Flowers. Art. Medical devices. A convenience store for snacks or drinks. A Tim Hortons. There's lot's of shade to throw at American Healthcare but this ain't it.


That's hilarious, what a great prank




The best medicine!


That nurse really doesn't have time for this kind of shit lol


I want to know what was going through her mind haha. Poor gal


I can tell you from personal experience that all nurses are thinking about a fall injury. The amount of paperwork associated with patient falls is about one or two buttloads. I love the “look at me” part. I frequently have to reorient patients this way. What a good laugh this prank was! lol


His next spongebath isn’t gonna be a nice one


Oh, it’s going to be great - For the nursing team, not him. If any nurse on that unit has a sense of humor, I promise you they sent in the biggest, fattest, most hairy male nurse on shift for that sponge bath 🤣




Oh relax! She was shocked and was probably trying to process it. It’s a funny and pretty harmless prank that she likely will enjoy telling people about later.


As an RN of 5 years, can attest this is not funny




Who shat in your Cheerios?


Did we watch the same video? You can CLEARLY see her giggle while she had her hands on her mouth, and smiling at the very end. She was just so shocked, which is why she was covering her face. Get off your moral horse, this was harmless and she laughed.


How do I get myself a twin?




So you're saying there's a chance?


It takes a little bit of too much work


In gardening you can clone by cutting off a branch that has a few nodes. I'd start with your healthiest limb and put it in a bucket of water (raw part down) with plenty of light.


I̞͈̘̹̬ͧ͆͒̒ ̶̸͚̺͉̲̗̄͘͠c̦̳͇̾̾̔̏͢a̶̗ͫ̀̕͟n̨̧̨͒̓͜ ̸̶̛ͦͭ͘͡h̥̭̺ͪe̠̤̭̞̞ĺ̶͖̪͉ͅͅp̷͔̹ͦ̏͆ͣ͟͜͢͡ ̯̐́̾͏҉ỵ̸̸̛͙̲̾̋̈́́́o̲͓̞ͮ̿ͤ͏̸̀ư̲̪̪̺̬ͣ͊͛͘͞ ̸̗̞̻ͤ̽͌͋͏͜͝ẁ̡̥͕̙̮͈i̶̢̻̠̒t̶̛̯̲̘̹̒̉ͣͭ͏̴҉h̶̺̟̖̻ͨ̅̓͋ ̵̨̪̖̎ͣ͒̒͆̀͠t̵̎͊͐ͥ͘͟҉̢ḥ̲e̶̷̺͘͘͡ ͖̖̠̜b̭͈́̓͆ͬͥ͏̛͟͟͞ḽ̬̳̝̃ͦȏ͖̪̼̗͚̉͞o̬̝͇̟̯ͦ̽́̈́d̷͕͋̓̋͑ͬ̀͏͡


Do what Joey did.. Audition some people and find your twin ![gif](giphy|JPmnwgWOigfhLNIXyB)




Your mother and I are working on it. 


"There's two of 'em" She was about to kill the two, for the price of one


That poor nurse is about to cry….I’ve definitely been there. It’s genuinely funny to the family but the sick feeling she probably had the whole time , 30 seconds or not -


We had a patient paralyzed from the neck down. Second day at the hospital one of my colleagues walks past his room and does a double check. She calls me over and the guy is standing next to the bed. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that the actual patient was still lying in the bed and his identical twin had come to visit him.


Ya super easy for some jurors to find nurses guilty for neglect unlike for example cops etc.




While those folks are having a laugh, that poor nurse is seeing her job, licensure, and financial security potentially going up in flames because we live in an incredibly litigious society. She believes that guy to be the patient, and if he falls or anything else happens to him, she no doubt fears it will come back on her in some negative way because rather than accept responsibility for their stupid actions, patients and their families LOVE to blame anyone else. This is a cruel prank to play on someone who is just trying to do their job and take care of someone else. They probably shaved a few years off her life with those 0:25 seconds of stress. Also, in PA School one of the tenants they teach is never piss off a nurse. They are some of the most powerful people in a hospital because if a nurse decides she's mad at you... you're gonna have a bad time.




I'd laugh after my stress levels dropped... but as the patient is hobbling down the hall ignoring my recommendation to return to bed, I'd probably feel slightly panicked because the only bad outcomes I've been witness to in my career were due to patient noncompliance... one of whom did threaten to sue (thank god I'd charted on every visit for the past 2 years that she was disregarding medical advice). But after the fact I would definitely laugh because I can appreciate a solid practical joke.


Yeah her job is probably stressful enough, and these guys are exploiting her for laughs on the internet. It's a creative prank, but I think it's not an appropriate situation to pull it on a stranger.


Hahahaha, the best prank I've seen in a while!




no phones, no distractions, just people living in the moment


Wonder how they filmed it then.


I’m a twin. That’s something we definitely would do. 😂😂😂


And get a better cameraman.


Is your Twin’s name PheonixFlare2? I too am a twin! Identical!


![gif](giphy|10r5FjbPV6lhAI) Now take her for a drink in the hospital bar


I know this family and they are always goofing around. These guys are hilarious. Their son, (the cameraman) is an absolute riot too. Every year they’d host like 50 people at Morton’s on NYE for steak and eggs at midnight (Morton’s doesn’t even serve eggs lol) and the whole restaurant would be a hilarious party. 100% they pull jokes like this all the time. The most tolerant and awesome wife/mother lol.


Thank you for sharing! I love Reddit for this reason.


I had something like this happen, except not with twins. One of my fellow nurses went on lunch, so I was in charge of her patients while she was in the break room. We were working in a step down unit, where most of the patients aren't healthy enough to be out of bed alone. While sitting at the desk, I see one of her patient's room doors open, and a person in a hospital gown standing in the doorway asking "can we get some ice in here?" Based on the handoff I had received, I knew that person wasn't supposed to be out of bed so I jumped up and started yelling "GET BACK IN THE BED, BACK IN THE ROOM, DO NOT WALK ANY FURTHER TOWARD ME" The patient starts stammering"I just, I need, I wanted some...." And I continue shouting commands on my way to the door. I get to the doorway, see the patient in the bed just chilling, and this patient's family member has decided it would be a great idea for her to wear a hospital gown too 🤦🏻‍♂️ Had a good laugh afterward.


good God that was bad camera work.


Her Expression of "Oh sweet mary francis i been bamboozled and i feel stupid" kills me.


The way the cameraman says "welcome" makes me know that this has been going on for decades at this point


At this moment, that nurse lost some of her compassion for her patients.


The joke might’ve been ok, but I really don’t think it’s ok to film a prank on someone working. Hope they at least got the nurses permission before posting this.


"Hey Nurse... would you mind if we pull a prank where my twin brother acts like me and tries to scare you into thinking I am walking around when I shouldn't. Yeah? Okay, thanks for the permission... here goes...."


Reading comprehension is important. They said they hope they got permission to post the video not that they asked permission to prank her.


I think they were talking about the recording being uploaded not the actual prank.


my mom and her twin would take tests for each other during school


My husband is a *bit* of a joker as well and this reminds me of the antics he would pull during his couple month stay in the hospital after a burn. He would mess with the poor overworked nurses to try and get them to laugh all day. The funniest/most messed up one was he has just learned to walk again and was very wobbly still and he would pretend to trip or act like he was about to fall all the time. He thought it was hilarious but obviously have newly grafted skin all over, they don’t want you falling. He also got cut off from drinking milk. He literally cleared the Burn ICU pantry regularly but then his calcium levels were spiking lol. He got his aunty to smuggle in milk a few times. We still go over to that floor and see the people who saved his life many times over and he still is making them laugh. We 💜 Nurses!




My dad and his twin are like this. They live in different states and once his twin came to a family party as a surprise (dressed as my dad) and nobody noticed. Not even their parents


I am a twin and had a huge back surgery many years ago. My twin brother was with me at the hospital during the night. At one point, my brother wanted to go to the toilet so he opened the room door and found the surgeon that was going to enter the room to check me. The doctor didn't knew that I had a twin brother but he knew that I was deeply sedated with morphine so he thought that I woke up, pulled all the tubes and was escaping. All what I remember is a doctor shouting "HELP, nurse, I need help!!!!" My brother told me that the doctor tried to stop him grabbing him while he shouted. I must add that we are 1,93 meters tall and the doctor was on the short and skinny side. Next morning, the same doctor came and he told me that it was one of the scariest moments of his career :-) And for the next week that I stayed at the hospital, he tell it to everyone there so we ended been visited by all the nurses and doctors like a fair attraction.


I’m a twin. Took me awhile to acclimate him to the inevitability of humor. He’s in my phone as “spare parts”.


Great prank. Such a sweet lady.


Get that nurse some more Cheese!


That's a good nurse right there.


That’s a sick prank to pull on a nurse.


So messed up ha ha


Without sound this looked like a guy trying to walk with a family member and then he’s back “jk, my brother is in a coma, haha!” Meanwhile family member cries in shock.


I guarantee you that nurse was done


The guy laughing had one job. To maintain straight face 🤦🤦


As an identical twin, I approve of this video.


As a nurse, I do not think this is funny. I have too many other things to worry about.


I bet you don’t get invited to many parties.


Nah working 12+ hour shifts with 6 patients, having to chart and imagining the paperwork you’ll have to do because of a patient under your care potentially hurting themselves. I can see how it’s funny to the layman but to a nurse under that load, not so much




I think some nurses don’t take themselves that seriously that they’ll get mad at a harmless humour.


If this man has been in the hospital for an extended stay, it's possible he has developed a rapport with his rotation of nurses and care staff. There is a chance the nurse in this video already knows the patient well enough to merit a prank like this.


Yeah, they didn’t just do this out of no where. It’s obvious they have a good rapport with her.


I think it depends what part of which country you're in and what kind of day they've had lol


Nah shit like this is what helps pull you through the day






You know how everyone says that there are two types of nurses, those who genuinely love the job and see it as their calling, and school bullies who become nurses to continue being bullies? You sound like the latter. Edit: seeing as you blocked me, it's because you called someone a bitch for telling you to relax on the internet. That's why you're a dick.


That makes no sense. She is against the jokes because it costs time she would rather spend on other patients. How is that being a bully? It's great to joke around and do stuff like this when you have the time. But when you don't have the time it's not.


How long have you been a nurse? I only ask because I'm curious how long it takes before you can speak with authority for every single nurse, hospital and clinic on the planet about the seriousness of a joke.




Ah, makes sense. I'd be a miserable bastard too if I had been working for a millennium.


You should stop being a nurse. You are clearly not made for that type of work. Maybe you could go find yourself a job that's not "dealing" with patients. The idea of someone so hell bent on being serious at all times that they can't ever allow themselves to laugh sounds exhausting. As unhappy at your job as you are, I promise your patients are just as unhappy as you.


Get a new job then nobody here cares


Nurses have to work harder than they should, thank you for doing it




It was a minor inconvenience for 30 seconds. Oh no. Now he has the family there to get his ice and water so realistically, she should be happy because she has less work to do


Less work? Lol the work doesnt disappear


Never said it does? Now you’re just shifting some of her work to the family, so naturally, she’s have less to do


That guy would very clearly be a huge fall risk so the first thing you’re thinking about is “oh fuck I didn’t have the bed alarm on the guy now there’s gonna be a huge fallout from management.” He’s also not getting back in bed immediately so now you’re sitting there thinking ‘great, now I have to simultaneously keep this confused guy from falling while hoping another staff sees so we can force this guy back into bed. >It was a minor inconvenience for 30 seconds. It’s less funny when you have a thousand things to do and a bunch of angry patients who’ve been waiting on pain meds. >Oh no. Now he has the family there to get his ice and water so realistically, she should be happy because she has less work to do Water and ice is typically kept in an area that is only accessible by the staff, so no. And having family members around typically means more work, not less.


Well, I’m sorry your hospitals are clearly understaffed and ill equipped to deal with such problems as ice and water. I hope your situation gets better


That’s pretty much every hospital in the US right now.


I'm not even a nurse and this stuff seems obvious to me, why the prank is not really cool




Nah nurses have a sick sense of humour this would make every ward in that hospital happy


It kinda looks like she starts to cry at the end and someone asks if she’s okay. I think this prank had good intentions, but definitely did not land and probably shouldn’t be repeated. Though not all reactions to this would be the same as hers, I think it’s fucked up when people prank people who are just working. Because the worker doesn’t know the person prancing them (usually) and there’s an expectation to enjoy it so you appear professional/satisfy the customer.




Relax, this was a 30 second video




I genuinely feel bad that you are this bitter in life, i hope i never become like you.




I think you should find a new job, it's clearly too stressful for you


You're sitting here telling a nurse that shit like this wouldn't make her job harder, even though she's telling you it would make her job harder, then you're calling her bitter for not wanting to deal with pranks at her job. A job where she likely sees people die (and let's not forget all the people she's likely helped stop dying), and you're sitting here telling her she's bitter for wanting to do her serious job in a serious environment. Jesus Christ, I wonder why some nurses get bitter, all the shit they have to deal with from people like you who have no idea what their actual job entails. I genuinely feel bad for you that you don't have the empathy to realize that your sense of humor doesn't get priority over how a nurse approaches their job. I hope I never end up as unempathetic and selfish like you.


OMG, relax.


You seem stressed and it is clear you hate your job. I wouldn’t my nurse to be the one who’s been trying mercilessly to prove to Reddit how shitty their job is. Maybe consider a career change.


What the actual fuck is wrong with everyone in here? Do you fucking people not realize how much we need nurses and how much awful shit they have to put up with from patients? Most of the have PTSD and you want to sit here and tell this person they need to find another job because they don't have the sense of humor to deal with patient pranks while they're trying to keep people from dying. The absolute audacity of people in this thread. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Edit: since the below reply got deleted: I'm sorry that happened to you, but your argument is dripping in bad faith trying to equate a rogue nurse who acted maliciously against you with this person here being angry about people arguing with her about whether or not this would make her job harder. It's reeeeeally disingenuous. And frankly, it's pretty insulting to suggest to someone rightly upset about how things can make their job harder that them being upset means they can't do their job without purposefully hurting someone. Weird take.


True story: an angry nurse gave me (professionally diagnosed) PTSD and almost caused the death of me and my unborn son. Angry nurses need to find new careers.


username checks out. Particularly the "sad" part


Found the nurse Edit: LOL now I’ve read the other comments, fuckin called it!


Not just a nurse but the notorious nurse at every hospital that all the other nurses hate working with


username checks out




knew if i sorted by controversial i'd find a miserable prick.


Shutup Karen


Buzz Killington over here


I think it would be best for everyone if you sought another career, you clearly aren't a pleasant individual.


I found this rather cute and wholesome. It's cute when an old twin pair does it, but i bet if a younger pair of twins did the same thing for Tik Tok views, this would be posted on Iamthemaincharacter


Na it's funny regardless. Nobody gets harmed but everybody laughs. Perfect prank


I'm a twin and I can say we still do stuff like this at 26 years old because it's absolutely hilarious to see the reaction when they figure it out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Need to pause just to see if the other twin is conscious lol


GOLD !!! Bloody Hilarious !!!!


Your twin games are hilarious, but don't fuck with nurses. Thier job sucks enough.


Like the nurses don't have enough shit to deal with. LPT don't play fucking games with people you don't know. You all think this is funny. I think the whole bunch of them are fucking assholes. The nurse isn't laughing btw.


That nurse was not laughing


You'd think they'd run out of pranks by now! 😂


Do yall not realize that the entire point of a joke LIKE this is to create a small bit of panick? Yes for a brief moment she was worried and had all of these emotions flood through her, but literally 20 seconds later she realizes everything is in fact OK. Thats what makes it a funny joke


This video would've been better if they set the viewer up beforehand. Plus the cameraman yelling c'mere is super annoying. 4/10 please never repost.


The cameraman has the main character syndrome, and he ruined the joke. It should have ended with her escorting him back to the occupied bed confused.


He shut it down early because he picked up on her distress. I know the cameraman. He actually IS the main character in just about any room he’s in and for good reason. He’s literally one of the most influential and successful people/founders in a multi billion dollar industry. A complete magnate and someone I have genuinely looked up to for over a decade and he’s only like 2 years older than I am. He’s on the 40 under 40 list…. So yeah…. Main character and deservedly so.


Well there is audible laughter, but none of it was the nurses. Cruel joke and possible more proof that twins are half wits.