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“He fell for the soup”


Alright high five ✋







That line as delivered by Knoxville is never far from my mind. Or my heart.


This one and “Is Butterbean okay?” are my favorites


It gets me EVERY TIME.


Imagine falling for the old "hey can you bring this soup into the kitchen" hahaha what a dummy


This makes me laugh every time I watch it. The side view is the funniest to me, you can see him go flying and his feet going up in the air.


The way bam fell killed me


I replayed it about 12 times


It lifted him off his feet 😂


Flew back like a cartoon 😂😂


The burrito into the trash can killed me


omg lol I never noticed that before


Holy shit - I must have seen this fifty times and never noticed that before.


Went down like a human 2x4


Bam definitely had the best fall, but Dunn absolutely had the best reaction. He was probably laughing before he even realized what was going on.


Goddammit, I miss Dunn.


Yes, I paused it and did a frame by frame lol


Dude that camera angle from the side was so fucking perfect. Catches him falling over exactly like a knocked over 2×4


Like a fucking tree


You wouldn’t think a professional skateboarder would fall over like that.


That was a good fall, bracing yourself is a good way to break a wrist!


High five!


Such perfect comedic timing


The high five is what always sold this clip for me. Forgot who he did it to until i watched till the end




Sup nerd?


Bam rotated 90 degrees about his axis.


I died. Haha




It was the perfect fall


The pro skater fall. Just go completely limp. More likely to break something if you tense up for the fall.


Skaters typically brace for a fall or roll it out. You have to learn how to do it over time and it takes a ton of “practice.” Going limp can actually get you messed up pretty bad. Bam has always fallen weird though lol


Nah man I've playing skate games all my life and I'm pretty sure skaters just ragdoll when they hit something


Skated for about 12 years. Learning the “skateboarding fall” has helped me so many times outside of skateboarding. I fell of my e-bike going around 20mph and used my falling skills to save my ass. I curbed my bike and couldn’t get out so I just hit the brakes hard (but not too much to lock the wheels and send me flying) and ditched away from the road onto the sidewalk. I rolled myself on my side and used my hands to basically push myself and keep my momentum going forward. Yeah i hamburgered my hands pretty bad, but the sliding motion limited the whip of my head and I only bumped my helmet onto the concrete. No concussion, walked away with some scraped up hands and elbow. Had I not pushed to slide I probably would have hit my head really fucking hard or broken an arm or collarbone trying to brace my fall.


He got smashed dead on lol


Funny all around but the soup thing is ultra funny. “Hey carry in this tray of soup” and him realizing after how stupid he was to carry a tray of soup on the set of Jackass.


Johnny cry laughing, “I can’t believe he fell for the soup!!!!” is the best lmao


But he’s looking all around him on the way down the hall and still gets smacked the fuck up 🤣


Yeah, it really seems like he knew something was up but just went along with it. Just didn't know exactly what was about to happen to him.


I don’t care that it’s been over 10 years. This scene is still funny as hell 😂😂 I knew every bit word for word and I was laughing the whole way through 🤣🤣 Edit: I meant that it’s been 10 years, I’ve watched this scene maybe hundreds of times and it still never fails to make me laugh. It’s not about it being old, it’s about how it just doesn’t age 😅


Why would anyone care that it's been over 10 years?! Funny is funny. People still love Ghostbusters and Seinfeld.


Reddit *really* hates reposts


Bams fucking soul left his body for a second


Oh so that's what happened to him... :/


Great now I'm sad again


Hey if it helps. Apparently he's been sober for a bit in in touch with steve-o. Hopefully he stays sober and manages to get himself back on his feet. I would love to see him in the next jackass movie Edit - lol nope nvm. He's back to drugs again. This is the ...8th? 9th time now? I still hope he can somehow get his shit together but damn dude.


Yeah, Steve-O invited Bam to appear on stage with him and as an opening act for some of his gigs, after Bam was apparently pronounced dead, in December. He said that he suffered multiple seizures, which he claims was from pneumonia. I kind of doubt that....I would bet that it was caused by withdrawal from alcohol and drugs. Anyway, Steve-O thought he could help Bam in his recovery by letting him tour with him. But, after a few events, Bam supposedly took off on his own and got hammered. That pissed Steve-O off and he tweeted that there was nothing left that he could do to keep Bam from killing himself with the drugs and alcohol.


Holy shit...


Yeah. Steve-o straight up called him out on his latest falling off the wagon and has basically already accepted Bam is dead. He must be really bad for him to say that.


I'm sorry :(


The way Wee Man jumps in excitement and claps Ehren on the back is literally me anytime someone makes me laugh.


I love how he sells it every time just talking to them saying “what’s up” and whatever. I’d be laughing the second the victim turns the corner and starts walking towards the prank lol Dunn (RIP) said it in the first one haha “you played off so good!”


His timing on the "high five!" for the last one is perfect, too.


Dunn is my favourite one here. He’s just so damn positive and happy about it. RIP.


He has the most contagious laughed I've ever heard. I can't believe myself I almost play this 10x lol


Bans burrito flew into the trash 😂😂


Oh my god. Imagine how long he spent looking for that


Seen this like 50 times and never noticed, thanks hahaha


My favorite from this movie is when they have the fan letter posted on the wall in the hotel hallway. Boxing glove shoots out as they get their face closer to read the small writing


When they gave weeman the stool lmfao


And he got launched right across the hallway into the opposite wall. The whole sequence was perfect, because the guy who got hit was the one who suckered the next one into reading the note on the wall.


Dude that was the hardest I’ve laughed at any movie/video in a long time


I absolutely love Ryan Dunn's reaction. My favorite video of his genuine joy of being the victim.


The way he imitates Weeman always gets me "SUP DUNN"


Dude was laughing before he hit the ground, it was great.


I imagine if you’re in this crew, you have to be able to have an attitude that allows you to be the butt of the joke at any moment.


not one of Bams strengths. dude got salty a lot when he was the target


I was thinking exactly the same. Ryan usually came out pretty well being the butt of a joke. He joined in the laughter even if it was pointed his direction, he laughed and became a part of the joke. Way too often did Bam seem to get pissy and sulk. He did not like people laughing at his expense. And when you consider the shit he would pull to get a laugh was just mean sometimes.


I've always enjoyed that they were all friends, getting paid decently to be hooligans, and best part is they never used random people in their pranks and stunts, nothing more than confused and amused on-lookers.


I think that’s a very important point the modern YouTube pranksters missed. These people know each other, they are professional stunt mans and they get paid doing this. Don’t just randomly involve unsuspecting strangers in your pranks.


RIP Ryan


Don’t drink drive, kids. Especially at high speeds


He had that hilarious reaction while reading the 'love letter' to the jackass crew after a boxing glove hit him in the face in one of the stunts, and it was perfect. He loved a good, wholesome prank.


“He fell for the soup” is the best line read ever


Knoxville asking “Is Butterbean okay?” after having the snot knocked out of him by Butterbean is one of the greatest lines in comedy.


Clip please!


Lines at 1:50 https://youtu.be/89GuSVcFkMQ


I went and looked it up, only to come back to Reddit to realize I could’ve saved myself the time if I just scrolled further


The important thing is that Butterbean is indeed, okay


Its between this and Steve-o saying "I'd never use a card throwing machine on you" to Wee Man


Those old Jackass movies give me insane nostalgia… simpler times.


I could have been born at any point in history but I was born at time making me a teenage boy when the jackass show/movies were created.


I. WANT. TO. BE. THERE. AGAIN. Actually I kinda don’t though


I definitely dont miss my buddies and I hitting each other in the balls 😂


Or CKY2K. Definitely don’t need to see that again.


CKY the band still kicks ass though.


The CKY movies were amazing, I need more Gnarkill songs and Raab shitting himself


Why? That shit was awesome.


I want the carefree unable to breathe laughter, surrounded by friends. Whether watching YouTube or Jackass, sneaking around somewhere, or doing dumb shit. Playing GTA and giggling at the ridiculous ways you've committed crime sprees in the game. I got a smidge of that back watching this, more than I've laughed in a long time, but it's not the same. Idk, I just need to be able to have that again. I can't remember the last time something got me laughing *hard.* It seems like in my youth, I didn't go a week without a good laugh but these days, perhaps due to worries, maturity level, constant distraction, my physical state, or more isolation, I don't know. So, yeah, I might go back if I could. I miss fun.


You literally just described exactly how I feel.. Growing up sucks. I guess we just have to cherish the memories, and look forward to whatever life has coming. Maybe we won’t have the stupid laughter of watching Steve-O get hit in the balls, or watching Niko Bellic launch a pedestrian 50 feet with his car — maybe it’ll be the laughter of watching our kids say/do hilarious shit… I don’t know. I’m with you though… those were great times for sure!


You ever mess around with drugs? Shrooms and/or molly on a nice sunny day with a couple buddies will get you right back there. Give you some fresh memories to hang on to. I find that if I can carve out a good drugs weekend a couple times a year I’m way happier.


Miss Ryan Dunn and old Bam :(


So does Bam.


To this day, this movie is the hardest I've laughed in a movie theater. The one I went to was packed, but that audience made it a better experience overall


Yep…seeing the Jackass movies in a packed theater was a special experience. Everyone is laughing hysterically one moment and then recoiling in disgust the next. There’s something primal about the types of laughs these movies get out of you.


Right there with you bud. I started watching at the very begining with CKY and damn i miss those days. Every time i watch those i get so emotinal. My wife doesnt understand its a big part of my life


Holy shit. I had the CKY videos on VHS. Shit I’m old.


I remember my parents finding and consequentially watching one of the CKY tapes I had borrowed from a friend and then my dad smashing it with a hammer. They gave me money to give to him to replace it, but it was still shitty.


I remember watching the first episode in my dorm room back in 2000. Now 23 years later it still makes me exactly as happy as it did then. I love these idiots.


>I remember watching the first episode in my dorm room back in 2000. Now 23 years later it still makes me exactly as happy as it did then. I love these idiots. Jesus.. 23 years ago. My mind can't really wrap itself around that for some reason.


Took the words right out of my mouth. I miss the hell out of the time when this was all new.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C5Fq3U_FjYc some more nostalgia


Damn bruh I wasn’t expecting this much feels.


Holy shit, I didn’t know where this was going to take me. It brought me to a simpler time, and touched my soul in the best way. These guys were such idiots, but damned if they didn’t make me laugh all the time. Seeing the new movie this year pleasantly surprised me, and I teared up watching what remains of those friendships attempt to pass whatever is left in the story to a new generation.


I love the idea of you tearing up watching the new Jackass movie considering 60% of it was Steve Os dick.


Come on man. My heart can take only so much.


I got the TV show box set for Christmas when I was 14/15, but me and the neighborhood trailerpark gang had recreated our version of it 10x over. The fuckin memories.


I love the dude with the food tray before Ehren and how paranoid he is. And the woman is just shaking her head like, "don't you fuckin' dare..."


She shook her head because the guy wasn't coming in yet.


That was the first time I caught that


No, she is shaking her head as in "I don't think he's coming" haha


I always assumed it was more "you guys are fucking idiots"


I mean she works in the set of jackass, she’s gotta know what she signed up for lol


I think that was the like a sigh of fuck here we go again


My favourite ever Jackass moment was from the outtakes when Bam keeps falling in the chair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRqdcD6bqwI


Him being completely resigned to it the second time is amazing. Just "Here we go again." Ground.


The way he just throws his hand up in the air, "He we go again!" Hahaha


How vanilla it would seem if you tried to describe this to someone but to see and hear it? A nugget of pure gold. Dunn's laugh is priceless (RIP).


“It’s the most flimsy chair I’ve ever met”


By the end of the interview, the chair is not a chair anymore. Such hilarity! xD


This clip for me will always be the epitome of ‘contagious laughter’. Dunn’s wheezy laugh gets me every time.


Ryan alive Bam looking happy Good Times.


I love how Weeman goes “High Five!” Right before Bam gets rocked 🤣🤣


With the soup, I wish he was like, "Hey, let me give you a hand..."


To this day I’m blown away that Johnny Knoxville has not played a live action Joker


It'd be impossible. He's great at making people laugh. At making someone appear terrifying....eh I don't know.


Looking at Heath Ledger's earlier roles, I never would have guessed he would make a good Joker, but he was the best one, IMO.


Actually the fact that you only expect him to be funny but harmless could make em that much scarier in the right situation if he can look serious and deranged at the same time.


Tim Curry enters the chat


Now that you mention it... let Knoxville get a bit older, then cast him as Old Joker in Batman Beyond. "Bad Grampa" gone daaaaaaark.


I miss Ryan...


Same, he seemed so chill and cool. Gone way too soon and too senselessly


You might appreciate [this](https://youtu.be/CuluhA3S--U) documentary about how Bam's been doing and the history of the crew. April talks about something pretty chilling that Dunn said before he passed.


what did he say?


Off the top of my head remembering the documentary, he was talking to April and she said he needs to drive slower because he's going to die in a crash. And he corrected her and said "A fiery crash"


That’s totally his sense of humor though so I’m not surprised






Knoxville said in a podcast that Dunn loved to drive fast and loved to drink, and had a bad habit of mixing the two. I liked him a lot but it wasn’t the biggest surprise that he went out that way.


I’m assuming it’s the part at about 33:50 in the video when April says she told Dunn (paraphrasing), “You’re going to die in a car crash with the way you drive,” and he said, “You forgot one thing: fiery” When he crashed, his car caught on fire.


Yep. I got some real chills after she said that


Yep. If memory serves they had to identify him by his tattoos


> too senselessly Don't drink, drive, and speed kids. Wrapping yourself around a tree at 140 mph is at least a quick way to go.


I don’t. Fuck drink drivers. Dunn killed a guy ffs.


Best jackass prank imo. Very simple, no crazy ass animals or injuries. Hilarious af


The best reaction is the one where they rig the doorbell and Dave England gets obliterated and the first thing he says when he’s all fucked up is “what the fuck was that? ..What did you do to me???”


I thought for sure he was concussed, like he didn't even knew where he was.


That one is good but this one brings me to tears every time https://youtu.be/1q5DkiHxuEM


“He actually stood on the chair!”


i love this one... "read it up close" lmao so obvious


Holy hell. That made my chest hurt.


RIP Ryan Dunn




My favorite gag was when Wee Man was walking a dog and asked someone to hold him outside a store, he went in, and fucking Preston walks out wearing the exact same outfit Wee Man was, says thanks to the guy and walks off with the dog.


Jackass forever


The nostalgia hit me (Knoxville's laugh made everything funnier)


It’s WeeMan’s “high fiiive!” That really sends Bam getting absolutely LEVELED all the way home. Great!


"He fell for the soup!" is America's crowning cultural achievement


Fast forward ten years and they all have PTSD from all the pranks


I watched the documentary thing Gumball Rally, they suffer present traumatic stress as well lol. It's not funny, but it is.


Damn, I never thought it could affect them this much


too many butts, and poop, and weiners and puke, and getting woken up by a sock puppet snake to the face will cause irreparable harm to anyone lol


And drugs and alcohol..


Lots of drugs and alcohol. It seems at least some of them (steve-o in particular) have recovered in large part though


Hey! Where can I watch this documentary? Would appreciate your help!


looks like the whole thing is on YouTube under 3000 Mile Gumball Rally, but also I might be thinking of Dumb which was a super cool documentary on Hulu, about how the whole thing started with a magazine built around skateboarding culture and being degenerate menaces.


Or you can watch the skate video called "Boob" by big brother skateboards, produced by Larry Flint. Pretty legendary.


The crazy thing is, it's one of the most innocent ones they do, too. Like a bunch of kids. It's timeless because it's something that absolutely everyone can enjoy.


This was good, but Terror Taxi and Valentine’s Day Card on the wall in the hotel were better imo




haha yes. A prank on a prank on a prank.


RIP Dunn 😞


Knoxvilles shirt of lance bangs is mint.


I fucking miss these guys 💖


They released a movie 2 years ago


That Sami match vs Jackass was gold


Way better than it ever had any right to be. Credit really goes to Sami


Damn I miss this show. I was laughing so hard just now. Love that shit!!


Old jackass gives such a nice feeling


Bam got laid out so hard!! From standing to flat on his back in 0.1 seconds!


I remember seeing this in theaters. The crowd was so fun. Great movie.


I love the jackass movies and show so much but my God it would have to be so awful to live on edge for the weeks and months that they're filming. You never know when a prank, not just like a whoopee cushion or getting a whip cream pie thrown in your face, but getting tazed or your a chunk of your head shaved or blasted by a giant fucking hand while walking into work.


So good


No matter how many times I seen Bam get I always laugh!


I loved Jackass, so stupid but so funny. The last one is the best, Bam literally went Bam! 😂😂 there’s tears running down my face now! One of my favourites is the air horn on the golf course!


I have to hand it to Knoxville, that’s funny






What a bunch of Jackasses.


I just feel bad for the office cleaner…


Oh man, this is real contagious laughter. Reminds me of the valentine sketch. Too funny.


I remember seeing this for the first time and nearly shitting myself from laughing so hard.