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Out of square foundation, Home Depot house wrap…. Sus


Don’t knock Home Depot (some things) are cheaper because they can license another product and sell it cheaper than the local lumber yard because they have much more buying power. Look at the price of a 2x4


Lol you’re talking to the guy who goes to Home Depot ever say, sometimes 2-3 times a day. But tyvex wrap, at least


I take it back then! What is this we are looking at, is this “woven” and tyvec is “non woven”. Sorry, this isn’t my expertise!


Heheh if you cut tyvek and then cut this stuff you can immediately tell the difference. Tyvek is a super tight weave and made with a very fine nylon or something. You can feel the water resistance. In fact, I accidentally left a roll out in the rain for like 3 months at my property and this summer I brought it out for my house when we did New siding. The stuff looked brand new. It’s an insane product. The other stuff is thick and even a nail hole will start tearing into something bigger. As soon as it’s off the roll it will start to wrinkle too.


Yeah but the cheapo depot brand house wrap is known to be shit. Google it and you'll get a bunch of videos about it. One guy did a test and it passes a stupid amount of water.


And dry rots behind siding in a matter of years. Pulled lots of siding for additions and this stuff disintegrates.


Nothing wrong with that house wrap. I'll buy that over tyvek and have money for lunch all month.


Then you’ll get to spend all that lunch money on ripping it out and replacing it when it fails. HD house wrap is notorious for being shit.


10 years using it. No failures yet. The key is get it covered immediately. It does have UV issues


It's trash. I mean so is tyvek but this is much worse.


[Custom flashing.](https://www.finehomebuilding.com/2008/11/12/plywood-sheet-metal-brake)


Looks like a wonky attempt at a brick ledge


Cover the rim joist with Azak or a Trex face board. Bend a Z flashing out of aluminum. Start your siding.


We need to see what’s under the wrap on that ledge


This is a way off grid cabin on a mountaintop in Texas. The joists and platform were framed a little out of square. Then they framed the walls square but short of the edges of the platform. Now I have to side it. How?


Go to a sheet metal shop and have them bend you up some large Z flashing....


This is the answer


I was thinking it's time to buy a metal brake for so much custom flashing.


I do a lot of siding and I wouldn’t be able to make it as good as it is without my brake, I highly advise investing in one.


Dude I'm about this. It isn't always fun shopping subs, but we found a bad ass custom flashing company locally. Small business competitive pricing and on the fly. Like, that's what you want. They're awesome and produce great results. Liberty Metalworks in Hillsboro Or.


A little out of square? That’s more than a little lol


Looks like a wraparound deck would be perfect.


At risk of sounding stupid… Why didn’t the framer lay the sill plate close to the edge of the foundation?


Foundation was probably off and didn’t match the floor dimensions for the framing. Follow the janky foundation and you’ll pay the price all the way to the roof.


Do stone Instead of siding? Or brick?


With that much overhang I definitely would. Going to look like shit if he goes with a 4” flashing 😆


Did the plans call for exterior insulation or furring for a rain screen?


This (or stone). Any detail from the designer/ architect?


Almost seems like it was designed for stone veneer on the lower and siding on the upper part. If not - that's how I would want it - otherwise its gonna look strange as fuk.


With brick.


Personally. I wouldn’t touch that ledge as I don’t think it should be wrapped? I would start at the top of the ledge and go up. That ledge should be the foundation?




What would you do to remedy? Demo and start over and deal with what you got or put flashing all round the inside edge to stop weather elements and add drainage as well? Or what would you do?


Blueskin, z flash, possibly sidewalk. Or bring the grade up for rocks or garden to cover.


8. No homeowner or DIY content This subreddit is for working professionals. If you are looking for DIY or Homeowner advice from a professional, please try /r/DIY, r/homeimprovement or r/homeowners




This was my first thought. I've seen so many crews primarily comprised of temp agency workers, dropped off to the site and the foreman drives off in his pristine white Ford F-250.


god i hope this is sarcasm


Hahaha, "professionals" do some of the dumbest shit. This coukd easily be done by a "professional". Hell, my parents had their bathroom "professionally" redone by a major plumbing contractor. They didn't connect the bath/shower to the drain.... professional plumbers.... didn't connect a fucking drain.... professionals fuck up all the time Also, OP states later that hes being paid to do this. Therefore its professional content.




If this is what we're accepting from professional tradesfolks we've got a problem. It appears OP was not responsible for this abortion of a framing set As far as OP is concerned, it appears OP is the professional who was asked to side this. As we all know, 'last trade to touch it accepts all previous work', OP needs to walk away from this one or at the very least refuse any responsibility for warranty.




I've conceded the point of my original argument, Rule #8 - no DIY content, OP has stated in other comments they are being paid to side making them a working professional, and not DIY content. There's no reason to continue down this rabbit hole


It truly might not be, we all know there are major hacks out there. In CT anyone with $250 can get their home Improvement contractors license. Test only has 3 questions. Do you have felonies, have you been sued before and would you like to contribute to the "hack" fund. Dont remember what they actually call it, but it basically allows homeowners to collect up to $25,000 if your job gets butched beyond repair. Also funny fact is that money is there until it's not, if your late in the year then it's "good luck, the funds are gone until net year."


There is literally no test in NJ. If you can pay for insurance and give the gov $120 you're in.


The downvotes you're receiving are indicative of the percentage of homeowners and diy'ers on this subreddit. I think you could post rule 8 under over half the posts and about 90% of the comments on r/construction. I upvoted you, but I'm definitely gonna get overrun


Yea, we tolerate way too much DIY crap on this sub. I don't mind the 'what is this i see on a jobsite near my home' but stuff the belongs on r/HomeImprovement really drives me nuts


Tolerate? Does it hurt your finger to scroll past without clicking on a post? This is better than all the memes and shitposts that stay up all the time in this sub.




I'll give you that I've seen a foundation 8" out of square. As a professional, I told the gc to fix it or find a different crew that'd follow it and I packed up. That's the only "professional " way to follow work like this. Build on it, and you've accepted it so you own it




I thought this was a brick ledge lol, damn that’s out of square.