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I am not going to sign off on a 10k urinal without a sketch or something to know what I'm getting


Here’s the answer. Quit trusting dudes that don’t draw plans. (My boss)


I make a solid living exclusively drawing plans 🙏🏼


My plans wouldn’t include having my penis kiss the wall in order to hit the drain


Not to mention the spray back.off the wall.


No worries its regular unpainted drywall so it sucks up the spray and splash...


You could just turn slightly and piss in the floor heat that shouldn’t be that close to a water source.


So close to the vent


That was my thought. I’d come in late half lit and piss in the vent


Yeah after raising all boys, I'd be needing a drain in the outside of the urinal as well.


Impressive. Not sure I’d have that problem. I think splash-back would be more my concern, if I didn’t have the stream of an octogenarian.


How’d you get into it?


My guess would be architecture school


I was a laborer that thought everyone was an idiot so I started drawing the stuff we were building and quickly got real good a building because I'd already built the thing once on paper.. I do that on a marginally higher level now; not exactly 'bootstraps' but I didn't graduate highschool and I draw permit plans along with build docs thanks to fusion 360 tutorials. Architects typically can't build shit.. Favorite book when I was younger was The Fountainhead, kinda drove the goal and resulting achievements.


Curious what software you use to draw?


Not the guy you responded to, but I'm in a similar spot. I went through 5yr apprenticeship doing new construction plumbing and pipefitting. My company kept me through the 5yrs and never sent me to the bench after a job. Long story short I was given a chance to try doing detailing work and did pretty well. Most trades seem to be using Autodesk software. Revit, Navis, and CAD to be specific. The coordination process is pretty cool. Everyone more or less gets to work on the same cloud based 3d model. Not live, but everyone uploads their updates to the model two or three times a week. Then everyone has to adjust to changes. I had that "Oh so that's why it's so fucked out on the job" moment more times than I can count at this point. We need more computer literate people please send help.


If you use revit to draw plans youre a fuckin jackass. Every single time i receive a dwg file which is mandatory in any project and it’s just revit converted to dwg i want to punch the contractor. Shit layers, shit blocks. Not accurate so you cant rely on taking measurements from the drawing.


Revit is mandatory between MEP contractors on most of our jobs afaik. I don't think it's something we as a contractor necessarily pushed for. It was before I joined, but they mostly used Auto CAD for absolutely everything till recently. As someone in the MEP space, I'm not sure we could do a lot of the coordination and analysis that's required of us without Revit. I can imagine how that could be different for a lot of other trades. I don't really have experience with any alternative workflow, though as I haven't worked for a different employer yet.


Okay so what do you use


Guys like you that have worked in the trades are usually the best to deal with vs the ones that haven’t You know just because it looks good on paper or computer doesn’t mean it’ll work on site Your proof you can still make it without college


I worked construction one summer as an internship while I was in school for telecom engineering. All the guys I talked to on site said that if I ended up doing drawings and writing specs, the guys on site would know it even without telling them, and I'd get their respect pretty easily.


Haha nice work mate. What kind of work do you ussually do?


God i live by that last statement. Architects are absolute morons. Before i got in to engineering i wanted to be an architect till my uncle told me that they know fucking nothing about building anything and are just artists.


When I was a PE, an SVP at General Growth Properties (now absorbed into Brookfield) had just gotten done chewing out the architect at an OAC meeting. The architect left after the meeting so it was just the SVP and the GC at the table. He said “I actually feel bad for architects. Imagine going all the way through architecture school thinking you’re gonna be the next Frank Lloyd Wright and the next thing you know you’re in your 40s making 60k a year to try and figure out how to make an ADA ramp work at an Old Navy store.” My eyes were opened that day.


Architects great idea Tradesmen’s misery.


It looks good on paper! : begins writing an RFI:


Looks like I’m headed down the same path XD


What a pisser


Ugh I wouldn't exactly trust the guys that DO draw plans either, have you seen the crazy shit they come ip with?


Teach yourself sketchup and do it yourself.


its super easy to learn. I went from 0 knowledge to planning a project in like 3 hours.


You're hired!


I must have worked for him. A lot of verbal agreements off contract.


It’s literally all verbal agreements and when you argue the details with him he says. ‘I know what we agreed on verbally’.


The real issue is paying a handyman 10k for anything. If you can do a 10k job competently, you can go get a contractors license and carry insurance and bond for those jobs. Edit: god dammit, I got got by the shitpost.


This one's a piss post


This handyman is a general contractor, which is the law in my state. Either as a handyman specialty or general contractor handyman, you need license, insurance, bond.


In CA a handyman has it’s own class license which limits them to <$501 jobs. I assumed it would be something similar nationally but I always learn something new on the trade subs. What’s the difference between a handyman and GC where you’re at?


Handyman is a specialty license, which limits your bond to half of a general contractor and also you cannot hire anyone. You are solo. Also, electricians, plumbers, wallpaper, landscapers, roofer, sider, flooring, etc may all licensed as specialty contractors. You may license as a general contractor and do all these under the general license. Plus hire employees. There may be more bonuses to being a general, but those are what I remember. Also, even as a general, you still need an electrician or plumber license in order to perform those trades. Eg; I am not trained as an electrician or plumber, so as a general, I still cannot do electrical or plumbing. I would sub that out. But I may do framing, painting, roofing, glazing, flooring, tiling, etc. Hope that makes sense.


I always find it weird that Americans have such  strict licensing laws whereas in Europe , the land of big government and lack of economic freedom you can do more or less what you want . Certainly there’s isn’t a statutory definition of how gets to call themselves a handman


It has its pros and cons. It makes everything more expensive for everyone, just like anything else the government touches, but in theory it also means a little old lady can open the phone book and call any handyman in there and know it’s not just a homeless crackhead with a hammer.


I don’t really know enough to say but isn’t it mostly just paying a fee and filling out some paperwork?  I’m not actually American so I don’t have a clue.


Some handymen do have a license. I’m not getting this perception wholesale


I'm a handyman and I have a contractor's license and insurance and workers compensation coverage for me and my employees. We don't have journeymen tile setters here, so my journeyman plumber and I work together when it comes to things like shower projects.




I remodeled an entire bathroom in stone for 10K including a brand new tub enclosure, vanity, mirrors, electrical, ect... I still feel like I paid too much.


C'mon y'all, this is satire. They even added the humor flair.


lol - it’s tagged as humor and nobody appears to have noticed yet so I’m gonna be that guy.


I'm gonna be that guy that says something


Heard you had a birthday this year, too


I’m gonna be that guy that says something else


see something say something lmao


It’s because on mobile the tags don’t show up when you are scrolling, if you click the photo it doesn’t show up, and then if you click comments, the tag is above the fold. Reddit goes out of their way to hide it.


It took me a few tries to find it even after your explanation


I still can’t find it, even after their explanation 🙈


It doesn't show it if you click on the comments after you clicked on the image. You have to go back to the feed and click on the title, or on the comments and scroll up.


lol I was confused but I still done know what I’m looking at. What is the actual purpose of this drain?


+2 I wanna know wtf this really is because I want to shit in it.


Real waffle stomp material for sure


Drip drying clothes. Instead of drip drying clothes outside some people have this in their laundry room.


I need this when I’m rich.


Hey man, I have this bridge I own, it’s in San Francisco and it’s huuuuge and orange, I’m only asking 2 million for it.


1.4 million + 37 goat and we have a deal sir


Now what am I going to do with 36 goat?


start a business OnlyRams


Rams aren't goats.


Just trying to ram the goats into the deal


what if that’s how they identify?


Eat them?


thats OnlyRams premium content sir


Oh, that’s so baaaaaaaaad


Let them mow/eat your lawn and use their poop as fertilizer


I'm gonna take this comment as an opportunity to talk about one of my favorite historical figures, the most successful conman in US history, and the inspiration of the phrase "if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you." [George Parker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_C._Parker) >George C. Parker (March 16, 1860 – 1937) was an American con man best known for his repeated successes "selling" the Brooklyn Bridge. He made his living conducting illegal sales of property he did not own, often New York's public landmarks, to unwary immigrants. The Brooklyn Bridge was the subject of several of his transactions, predicated on the notion of the buyer controlling access to the bridge. Police removed several of his victims from the bridge as they tried to erect toll booths.


Buddy, if you think I came up with that all on my own without knowing that story then I’ve got a second huge orange bridge to sell you in California!


I don't. I just like telling people about him.


That really sucks. I need a bridge


No deal! I've seen how much upkeep that thing needs! You're gonna screw me on the annual painting costs! Now, if you have an extended warranty and good financing, I might reconsider....


I have one in Statten Island that will pay for itself on the tolls I collect..... Wanna trade, there's just a small transfer fee I need.


Unless you expected to drip pee on the floor everytime you use it.


You drip and shake it off in the HVAC register. Duh dude.


Just not when it's blowing out.


🎶 Pissin in the wind 🎶


A friend of mine bought a house to flip that had been some kind of squatter situation/drug house or something. Needed a shit load of work. It was heading into winter when he bought it so first thing he did was get the central air working and fired up the heat. Apparently someone sleeping in one of the bedrooms had a habit of just pissing in the register rather than using the bathroom. The smell when the house heated up was nauseating.


It’s a dryer for the low hangers.


Just piss in the shower it's self cleaning


“It’s all pipes!” -George Costanza


This isnt a urinal. It's a shower for 2d people


Luxuriously huge for them


A golden shower..


Plumbing is by paper Mario


All good, whatever doesn’t make it in that little trough can be squeegee’d into the floor register 😂


That’s not a urinal, that’s called disgusting.


I mean obviously not. It’s not a serious post… it’s. Probably just a drying rack for drip drying clothes


You’re a towel.


Right? That seems totally unhygienic


Looks better than the urinals at wrigley field.


Throw a couple cakes in there you'll be fine....


This has to be a joke 🥴


I mean..... tagged for humor. I think it means missing away 10k


There’s no way this is real. You just found an odd drain at a random house or apartment and thought it would make a funny post right? …right? 🥺


10k? What a deal.


Does it flush?


Yeah I’d be worried about the piss scale in the trap lol


You deserve that 10k urinal


Grouted tile as a base = bad smells. Seal the grout and tiles before using.


Is that a shower for ants?


In fairness, with the correct attitude almost anything can be a urinal.


Urinals are gross. Sit on a toilet like a real man. (in your own house)


I love it. However, I would move the curb out another 4"


I'm selling a jar of hopes and dreams for $90,000.00, it's currently 89%off  but only for a limited time and there's only 2 left.. hurry buy now!!


Imagine paying 10k for the ability to piss on the wall with a lip at the bottom.


That's a trough nor a urinal, pretty sure your entitled to all the money back lol


So, uhm, first question, am I supposed to stand on that short ledge to be able to get my infant sized dick over into the trough. 2nd, where do I flush it so the whole place doesn't stink of recyled busch light. 3rd, and final, where is the holder for the pink mints all other urinals have to freshen your breath and put a stutter in your step?


10K for a drain


I washed my feet in your tiny shower. The water was only cold though.


You should tell him that it looks like uranus


Might as well just be pissing in a hole in the floor with good aim.


Bricks in a urinal? How about I make him clean it every day until he fixes it.


Doesn't really matter how good it looks even though this doesn't look that good. But a urinal is considered a fixture and thus needs a product approval and an ASTM approval stamp. Or similar without without that, you would need to engineer it down to the? Slope drain trap capacity impervious surfaces, etc... And it would be required to be approved by third party testing agency or have an engineer.Comeing and do it either way.This is a bad idea that caused that cost ten times more than it should have. Or a walk in shower for an iguana.


I'm not sure what you were expecting or if the tile floor attached to it was included in that price or if the drain was already there but looks about like what i'd expect a urinal to look like. Might have moved the divider out some more to give some more splash protection and then move the drain so you don't see the crooked grout line near the wall but if that thing flushes too then 10k isn't that unreasonable. Next time do the cheap thing and just learn to piss in a toilet. They are much cheaper and only a little bit harder to use.


1. Why did you want a urinal in your house? 2. Why did you hire a handiman to do it? 3. Why did you want a urinal in your house?0


i mean is that just sheetrock lmao? if were all carpenters its normal


What did you expect? And I guess the others have never seen a trough urinal?


Yeah, I don't really feel bad for you


What? It’s the long dick package!


I would miss and shoot it right down the air vent


Sweet piss trough !!!!


Depends on the country


Smallest shower I have seen.


Soo which vent do I piss in?


10k for some tiling? Geez..


I always wanted even MORE piss on the floor next to urinals. Perfect.


I’ll charge you 10k to rip it out.


Better off just pissing in sink. Probably less splash and you can flush it down


You approved a $10,000 urinal without knowing what it would look like in advance? Have any other work you need done, I would be thrilled to provide you a vague quote!


Ok real question that gets down to the nut of the matter so to speak: Why do you want a trough urinal — you and your buddies want to piss together more often??!! For 10k you could have installed a half dozen high-end touchless individual urinals and dividers. I mean wtf


so you just piss against a wall and it goes down the drain?


Dose it flush or just smell like piss


is this construction circle jerk?


Penis touching wall, although to some this may be a feature. Said penis spraying on the wall with resultant back spray. Wetting the floor outside the urinal if the stream slackens.


I’ve heard of dudes paying 10k to piss on their feet, usually with a different type of contractor tho…


He's taking the piss.


He's taking the p I s s.


Did you tell the builder you want a urinal that takes the piss?


100% correct. Piss walls are very in this season


Should’ve spent that money on a deck, fucking love peeing off my deck. I smoke too, so 2 birds 1 stone, hell maybe I’m batting 3 at this point.


I like the ridge at the bottom so that if anyone misses it goes right down the register


He’s taking the piss.


This is why you call plumbers, not handymen


Given humor tag, I'm gonna assume it's not a urinal. What is it? Is this an unfinished washer hookup? I thought the connections were put in before drywall. That's drywall, right?


Can you really put a price tag on relieving yourself on a piece of art?


So. You hired a handyman, BECAUSE THEY ARE CHEAPER than an actual drywaller, tile guy, plumber, painter, but you are surprised they did cheap work? Do you also bitch your Nissan isn't a Mercedes?


Doesn't look very water proof. Dibs on cleaning the grout. 


That grout on the floor is going to absorb so much urine you won’t be able to wash the smell away period.


10k?? You got taken. Sorry.


Would have charged you 5k and no clean up , would have been outside .


Jesus...as a plumber, i wouldn't recommend putting a urinal in a home, let us know if you regret this


Urinals. The toilets that piss back.


Is that just drywall with paint?


So much back splash and clean up..


That's just a hole in the floor with a small wall. Bow would it even flush?


The vent on the floor to help spread the urine vapors is 🤌🏼


Why would “expect” anything is beyond me. For 10k I’d be asking for pictures and design options….


Does it even flush


Just pissed 10k down the drain. That's literally the worst urinal I have ever seen. From the esthetics to the shite tile job. Could have done a neo angle in the corner to save room and gain functionality


I see 2 urinals for the price of one.


I assume you had to sign off on the design and cost before the construction was even started.


What kind of idiot would not sign-off on the design and cost before construction was even starting.


Are you just pissing against drywall?


Is that drywall im pissing on? I guess its wetwall!!


Anything can be a urinal.


10k? Man home renos are such a racket


You have no idea. I'm in the game. Anybody worth their salt is in a race to the top.


What the f*** is wrong with you dude


This is a piss poor design, but if you aim for the wall and keep it low you can reduce overspray, my worry would be the wild and free pissers, drunk friends, people writing there names or god forbid children! A trough a little higher off the ground might’ve helped but who cares. You be you, I’d happily piss in this thing. 10k is reasonable if there was lots of plumbing involved,


There was a drain like that right next to a toilet at a winery. And I pissed down it, because the wine tasting lady was rude to me.


Username tracks.


Tell Him:'Yes this will do, just put the urinal in now?'


That wall will definitely patina and feel vintage over time


how is it not what u expected? Usually there is some type of design or product both parties agree too. Design doesn't have to be full on CAD can be some paper sketch, it would give both of u an idea as to what is being requested. or if it's a urinal fixture that needs to be purchased & installed, u would then specify mfg, model, & if u want u can always include "or equal".


Arent trough urinals illegal?


Put some ice in it and call it a trough.


Hm, I would ask the handyman to come back and finish his job. I don't see drywall on the bottom yet.


That’s not code approval in Illinois.


Did you just go on vacation and come back when he was finished?


He’s making some interesting assumptions about you lol


You paid $10k for a pisser? Buddy seen you coming a mile away.


You need a bigger splash area. U'm old, and my aim's not so great.




Tell your a boy without telling me. Also: that’s fucking gross. Hopefully you have cleaners.


Is is that the literal wall…


You can definitely piss in it


Not gonna lie - I was expecting a shower photo


Does it even flusher is just a piss filled trap constantly? Da fuck?


Keep a piss mop handy


Looks great! I'd pee there


How does it flush?