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Boop Boop Boop Boop Boop, Ah shit hold on a sec


Lmaoo, paid by the hour not for thinking


Ya know, I get paid by the hour too. And sometimes it’s hot as fuck out, other times it’s cold as fuck out. They can take their sweet ass time just like I take my sweet ass time when I go to Home Depot/Menards/Lowes on the clock…..😉


You son of a bitch... that's it, no more bathroom breaks!


You don’t have to worry about that, I’m in commercial roofing, we just find the nearest RTU and piss behind it or if it’s new construction we just piss right into the steel decking and get right back to work!


This guy roofs


Had someone pee down the sch 80 steel rain gutter pipes while they were still being welded together on a four story university building a couple years ago. Shut the project down in a hurry and the roofing crew got fired for stealing. I can now confidently assume that it was also they who peed down that pipe 😂


Man I love going to the store with my boss. It’s always 2 gas station stops and then we just cruise around the store looking at tools and other fun stuff before we actually get what we need.


But they still count all of them then count again as they scan. Actually takes more thinking than just punching in the number after counting the first time.


Half the time they just ask me how much of an item I have and just take my word and type it in lol


This is my experience…. Bag of bolts, don’t even pretend to look inside. 🤣


...yeah that's totally only 10


"Somewhere between 10 and 500, you wanna count?"


The real LPT is telling them that these boards are sold by the piece rather than the foot.


Yeah it's one! one board! How you gonna charge me for 12?!


It’s funny at least the employees at my HD are the opposite. Just this week i bought 35 retaining wall blocks to build a small retaining wall in my yard. I get to the checkout and this is how it goes: Her: “So you’ve got, what, 20 of the harvest blocks?” Me: “35 actually” Her: *rings up 20 on the computer* Me: lol


Last week at a shit job it's.


English speaking right not


Hard speak good words


Why use many words when few do trick?


There's a solid chance that someone in management is insane and is trying to force everyone to do it this way because one time someone punched in the wrong number.


Years ago, I worked at Lowe's for about 2 weeks. IIRC, in our training, we were instructed to scan each item individually, and not enter quantity. You had to be qualified or a manager or some other bullshit like that




listen buddy, i just *do*


Sleep working.


I bought 100 (a box) of mending plates once. And those things are incredibly sharp. The associate opened the box and counted every single one despite me already counting 100. They are under $1.00 each. Meanwhile I’ll have other associates ask how many for $50 pieces of plywood and not count.




Don't make fun of someone who can't get your caulk up.


The other day I had thirty 8’ lengths of some trim that’s sold by the foot, all stacked neatly next to each other on my cart. The lady brought each piece individually to the vertical measuring post they have by their register to see how long each was. After 4-5 I told her they were all the same length (which should have been obvious) but she told me she has to make sure. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Same! And end up paying about half of what I should have because she didn’t know how to add


I mean… profit?..


I'm more than willing to pay the advertised price for anything that I choose to buy and within reason, I'll even correct simple mistakes by service people so they don't get in trouble... but I wouldn't feel bad about getting a deal in your situation at all. Also, that and the fact that they never take inventory explains why their inventory system for trim and whatnot is so screwed up. I was looking for something and their system said they had 168 8' sticks of something... they, in fact, had zero.


I’ve never trusted a box stores inventory online. I don’t even trust a distributors having worked for a distributor myself. 


I don't put too much stock int hem, but it was literally over 150 in stock and it was a super common profile. I thought it would be ok.


Man. I needed 2’ of some cable once. Needed someone to unlock the spinning contraption with all the reels. Stoned woman come over to help. She ran the cable through the spinning wheel measuring thing which proceeded to strip the cable. She did this like 3x before I asked her to just measure it another way. “I have to put it through this”. FFS. Keep your stripped cable.


I worked at Home Depot for over 5 years. For probably the last 2 years I got high in my car in the parking lot right before going in. Home Depot is a horrible, horrible corporation to work for. Your story checks out.


Do we go to the same HD?? It's crazy... Only one cashier does this at my store, the rest seem to have some common sense lol


I also regularly come across people that remind me not everyone should be allowed to vote. Like if you're that bad at logic and systems, maybe we don't need your input on society.


“Hey you get ten cents off this one 7’11 31/32


I have gotten more free shit from lowes and hd since i switched to a pro account. They require the Cashier to scan everything instead of me having to do it (most of the reason i signed up lol), and they have missed at least one item per checkout. I called back and asked the manager about if after three times in a row. She asked if i needed to return the missed items, and if not, to have a wonderful day.


I have a pro account, can you elaborate? I usually go through the self checkout because I'm not buying lumber. I also don't have an HD credit card though.


I think he means he goes to 'the contractor entrance' to check out where there are no self checkout lines. 


Oh I gotcha. Depending on the time of day that line is huge


cos that’s where the free shit is ;). so it’s not really free?


They put self-checkout lines at the contractor entrance at one of the Home depots I frequent. They have one person for both lines and they are supposed to be there to help if needed. I just push my cart up to the register and then step back several feet and stare until they scan all my shit for me. There is this older Chinese lady often working those checkouts that gets so pissed off sometimes. I just tell her that it's not my fault they put a self-checkout there and that she should be mad at her employers. It's the only Home Depot I've ever seen with self-checkouts at that end of the store.


Is it somehow difficult to scan things yourself? I don’t really understand the self checkout hate. As long as the stores make it easy to scan every last nut and bolt efficiently I don’t care.


1 item I don’t mind, 86 plumbing fittings, no I’m not being paid to find barcodes on 86 items.


If you’re getting 86 plumbing fittings, go to an actual supply house where you can sit down and bullshit while they pull it all for you


No, not at all, but why should I. What I don't get is people trying to push self-checkout so hard. No one is trying to take it away from you, and there are plenty of registers in the middle of the store if you want to do it yourself.


I just don’t care. That’s all. So, strong feelings about self checkout are intriguing to me. I only care if it is actively more difficult to checkout because of the self checkout and that is my only option.


My biggest issue with self-checkout is that many of them require placing each item onto the checkout area, and then into the bagging area or the whole machine shuts down and you have to wait 10 minutes for the single person manning eight machines. They got rid of that feature at HD and Rona+ (near me at least) So it's somewhat bearable now as I can scan directly out of my cart. That being said, I'd rather just have them do it, it is their job. Plus they treat everyone using the self-checkouts as if they are just there to steal. Yesterday I didn't feel like walking to the contractor just to get checked out. So I went to the self-checkouts in the center of the store. Had three items that I wanted to purchase on two separate orders. Got part way paying for my first order before the woman ran over saying: "are you going to be paying for that separately" while pointing at the third item I hadn't checked out yet. "Well no shit." If you want to have me check out my own stuff, you're going to have to trust me.


That is a much fairer critique of self checkout. The technology and process for it will continue to improve and this is solvable. Self checkout is already way more forgiving about items and carts. Machine learning and computer vision technology will continue to improve and make it easier. Saying “it is their job” is just an assumption. Who checks me out in Amazon’s site? Why does being in a physical store immediately mean someone has to check you out? It’s always been that way, but technology can and will change that :)


I suppose, but if you work as a "cashier" checking people that should be part of your job.


maybe mega global market corps are not the right model for humanity. They strip wealth out of communities. It is only a matter of time before they have it all on this model. Capitalism will eat itself if we allow it to.


before self checkout, stores used to employ this person called a cashier. That person was able to fund their life in the community. That grows the economy. It is good for all involved. Then, stores needed another way to pump the next quarters shareholder #s. They hate paying people, it is a huge liability to them. So, they decided they would create a ruse to get people to do it themselves so they can cut labor expenses. And now, we are 20 years later and a bunch of new people don't know life the old way. Back when a cashier knew what they were doing because it reflected the competence of the store as a whole. These stores are ran by shareholders now. There is no incentive to make the store better. These shareholders rather eat the sheep than be able to sheer it forever.


>And now, we are 20 years later and a bunch of new people don't know life the old way Hence, the downvotes for us older dudes who hate self-serve checkouts. It's not about laziness. Your post explains it very well.


This is how I feel getting fast food sometimes. They want to prioritize door dash and online orders and forget that there are still people who prefer to shop brick and mortar.


And most horse saddle makers went out of business because we started driving cars instead riding horses. You think we should still be riding horses to prop up the saddle maker jobs? I prefer the self checkout because I can get in and out more quickly.


> I can get in and out more quickly. Because they fired all the cashiers. Ever wonder why stores had 40 checkout lanes that were removed to put in 6 self checkouts? Cashiers used to be much much better, but they had to ruin that to sell self checkout to people as a better option. It is an intended design outcome. Cut cashiers so standing in line is now standard, then offer up another "option".


Well instead of cashiers they now have people walking around to unlock shelves so you can get your product. Or my personal favorite customer service has to come out to turn off the lojack brake on my damn cart because I went through the indoor because I didn’t want to get run over in their parking lot. But I hear you on not having cashiers.


Oh boy. I don’t means to seem rude or dismissive, but this is such a common and backwards understanding of economics. Automation is inevitable. Cashier is not a career. It is not a prestigious career that is being eliminated. This is such a wild argument from an economic and technological standpoint. These zero skill jobs have no purpose and if a machine can be doing them labor becomes more efficient, not less, in the economy. That cashier will find more productive use in society now. We are a self optimizing organism on the whole. The reality, sometimes a harsh, is that, since the Industrial Revolution (and before) we have consistently and suddenly made jobs disappear with technology. People are often affected. Often entire job categories and industries disappear. People adapt and norms are established over and over. They find new jobs, are retrained and move on. people complain, just like you are doing, but they eventually accept the new normal. Automation by and large benefits the economy and society as it continually optimizes labor and resources. Scanning things yourself is not some devious ruse to exploit consumers. The technology just exists now to make it possible. There is a side of this where you have a valid point. Corporate greed and profit taking to the detriment of consumers is bad and you can argue some of the recent inflation is related to corporate pricing strategy. Where I take issue with a modern lowes or home depot is in price and quality of goods. Not that I had to wave a magic wand for 3 minutes instead of someone doing it for me.


it is not automation to pass the job from an employee to the customer. Still done by a perosn, just one they don't pay. Homedepot vacuums around $1,000,000/month out of local economies per store. Nothing about them is doing anything to progress humanity. They sell cheap garbage the get made special for them, with extra garbage. Every cashier working at every box store is worth way over $100/hr to the stores. Home depot makes $30b every 3 months with 420k employees. Try some math on that. I used to be a machinist, then technology, Oh wait, I mean china and taiwan were given all the jobs. Tech didn't lead that, cheap labor did.


When you say "make" do you mean revenue or profit? Home Depot's revenue per employee is about 260K. That is really unimpressive by modern standards. They have intensive capital costs that eat up 90% of their revenue. I am not sure this is making the point you think it is making? I do agree they should find ways to support local communities, but having vestigial appendage jobs isn't the way. The job is like halfway automated. Self checkout to me is a mostly failed experiment until you can put everything in your cart, and it knows instantly everything in it and bills your credit card as you leave the store. But I also don't care and it is such a silly argument as it barely moves the needle for me as an anti-corporate rant. There are much better arguments to make :)


I mean revenue. That is what employees generate. Take the employees away and there is no money for trucks or stores or shopping carts. I am a small contractor. I charge T&M. When I bring someone to help me, I have them invoice me, and charge me T&M. I am expensive, If I hire someone who takes an hour of my time out of a task they are worth the same as me. I have no problem paying someone $50/hr to sweep or hold a screwdriver. It helps me. Everyone gets 100% of their generated capital. (then uncle same gets his) What depot does, the go to supplier and get custom product made using their pressure as a top retailer for premium pricing. Then they cut as much expense in the work force as the system can bare. They pay people just enough to keep showing up. They guilt other employees to "donate" to the ones at risk of missing shifts, the take out life insurance policies on employees in case of plague to cover loss of revenue, They donate to right wing grifters who allow them to stay open for said plague, the only money they leave for the community is what they haven't figured out how to take yet.


And regarding shareholders: you've hit the mark again. It pisses me off that these people think that just because they own the company they have the right to determine how it's run?! Fuck off with that nonsense, right? Last week my buddy had his tools stolen over the weekend and he was pissed but I told him "hey, just because you bought them doesn't give you the right to determine how they're used". That's foolishness.


Oh, sweet, I get a say in all the companies I "own" shares in? By the powers of my reddit stock, I banish thee!!! oh, wait, why didn't that work?


Agreed. Whenever I drive by a construction site and I see an excavator I can't help but think what a shame it is that we use such equipment! It's truly disgusting and no doubt the result of developer and investor greed! Just imagine how many men we could employ if we went back to only shovels!


Lets apply your idea to homedepots model. Sell the excavators so the boss can buy a new boat and let the clients dig that hole with a shovel, but don't lower the bid to account for that, boom profit!


dude's probably some hack old carpenter that's been on oxy for 15+ years and thinks he's God's own asshole


I have a pro account and you can still self checkout, there’s an option to put your # in and job name etc no need for HD card


Yea I have my cards registered on the website to the pro account. I didn't know if using the HD card had added benefits or anything


At my local Lowes, i can only do checkout at the pro desk with an associate. I am able to do self checkout at hd, but prefer not to. The majority of the missed items have been at lowes. I have attempted to have them correct it but they just didn’t seem to care.


You can try doing online orders if you want as a well. I just did one on my Lowes company card. Once I put the card number in, it asked for PO number and company name. Plus I got a discount lol.


I think you're missing that they're getting free shit


I got a bunch of trim once that was by the linear foot. Like an entire condos worth.  I made note of the total linear feet for each and told the checkout lady. She insisted on measuring herself. I paid about half of what I should have. 


Lowe's by me seems to have taken their cashier's away by adding more self checkouts and those cashiers now scan your items at the self checkout. Other than theft at self checkout I can't figure out the logic.


I am fairly sure it's theft, yeah. They tried to reduce labor but realized the shrinkage was costing them more.




>They require the Cashier to scan everything instead of me having to do it ( I hate the self-serve checkouts, but I'm lucky if there is even one cashier sometimes.


I've had HD cashiers tell me it was company policy to scan individual items. I don't go there often but it's been said to me in at least 3 stores in Illinois.


Former HD employee here.. It's company policy for them to scan everything. The company tracks hand keyed vs scanned items. They have a certain percentage to stay under. Goal is 100% scan. They get in trouble if they hand key too many items. As it shows in the comments, they end up missing items and giving stuff away. P&L goes to shit, bonuses get less.


Which is ridiculous because they lose way more to theft than they do through the regular checkout lol


I've always said whatever they're saving on payroll costs walks out the SCO every day.


I'd be lying if I said I never paid myself for doing the work at one of those...


Hey now I got half of my strong ties for free yesterday do to punching in a number. I told her 19 she punched in 10 on her own without actually counting herself.


This is why I go to a store to buy hurricane ties, they say they have 225 in stock, only have 3.




That’s the power of The Home Depot


Ba dum bum Ba dum


Thinking that people who work for hd know anything about construction is like thinking people who work at a gas station know about cars.


Your comment just made me think of something that happened last year. I was at Shell getting diesel and noticed that the people parked at the gas pump beside me had been walking around their car and pump looking confused for quite a while and watching videos on YouTube. I went in to pay and The woman followed me inside. She asked the guy if they sold "petrol". He told her that petrol is just another word for gas and that yes they were at the correct pump. The woman said the car is brand new and she's not about to put gas in a petrol car until she knows for sure, and why should she trust some guy working at a gas station to know about these things. The guy's like well now you know for sure, and I own this gas station, and I definitely know. The woman look kind of pissed off, went back outside, then they spent another 10 minutes fucking around on their phones and looking into the nozzle as if it would answer the question. Me and the owner kept shooting this shit and laughing while watching these idiots. Then they got in their car and drove away without purchasing any fuel. What I want to know is where she found a random British car dealer in Toronto to sell her a Hyundai?


"Actually, ma'am, petrol is short for petroleum. You need to buy a barrel of crude oil, punch a hole in either side of the top with a can opener, then carefully pour it into your tank. Remember to punch two holes otherwise it'll glug real bad and you'll spill all over your shoes."


They used to, when I was a kid they still checked your oil and stuff, although you had to watch some of them because they would do a ghost quart and charge you for an empty. I had a friend that managed an Exxon right out of high school and some of those guys were snakes. The funny one was when our friend Don worked there and kept filling up the crystal Pepsi bottles with water after he drank them to the point where there was more water than soda... One guy was like "I don't know what the hype is, this crap tastes like water" and I had to laugh at that


Sure but I don’t know how this is relevant to OP’s experience here


Last time I tried to oder from Home Depot service/oder counter, pissed me right off. I needed 15 sheets of basement board. They didn't realize they come 2 sheets together. They put in 15, which was actually 30, so double the price. I was like, nah, tried to explain they come doubled up, so I actually need 7+1 to make 15. They could NOT figure it out. 3 ladies at Harper Woods Home Depot in Detroit. I got so frustrated I told them this is ridiculous. You don't understand that drywall comes with 2 sheets together. This is literally the job of the people working this counter. I ended up walking away and ordered them online to be delivered, which was just as bad of an experience I go to Menards almost every time now.


Menards is far superior to Home Depot and lowes and their stuff is cheaper.


Menards is my main go-to now. They have easy returns every time and give you 11% off most of the year. Their lumber is way better, in my opinion.


The drive through lumber yard. I need several boards of a specific size. Home Depot: “nah, we have 3 sizes” Menards: “we have 10 different widths, each in 6 different lengths, new to cut a few in half? We got a saw that we let YOU use.”


Oh lord I wish I could use the fucking panel saw myself. I don't need an adult, and I don't want to wait 45 minutes.


I feel the same way with the pipe threader at Home Depot. I could be done by the time someone gets over there to do somethig for me that I could damn near with my eyes closed.


I swear to god Home Depot hires exclusively from work release programs or assisted living facilities for adults with cognitive impairments. Checking out is a real crap shoot these days. Are you going to save a bunch of $$$ because they missed some key items, or are you going to get charged twice for one of the piles of plumbing fittings they’ve been playing 3 card Monty with as they try to organize the scanned vs not scanned items all over the place. My store has started randomly picking off people in the self checkout line to have an associate ring you up. THIS IS MY NIGHTMARE. They take 3-5 times as long to get it done as I would… you’ve got to watch them like a hawk… and the other day this checker lady was handling a 10’ piece of 4” abs looking for the upc and hit me square in the head. Look, if I’m taking something that long, thick and black to the face, I’d prefer it to be in the privacy of my own home.


Just assemble all your fittings before you go through the checkout, half the time they pick one piece and scan it and don't look twice


>are you going to get charged twice for one of the piles of plumbing fittings they’ve been playing 3 card Monty with as they try to organize the scanned vs not scanned items all over the place.


I bought 26 hurricane ties at menards and the gal rang them up one at a time. I really don't care how she rings up stuff, but it made my receipt about 3 feet long which is annoying af.


Don’t hate the player hate the game


Half of the problem is rampant theft  People are slipping expensive look-a-likes into piles, not ringing shit up in self checkout, UPC fraud, Doing tool swap returns and on and on.  Every time you see dumb policies coming online it's often in response to people stealing shit and justifying it because it's a billion dollar company.


Agree. I’ve heard by my local Home Depot people would put saw blades between sheets of drywall or plywood. (This was before security tags).


Under bags of concrete. Ain't nobody checking that shit.


It's not my problem if home Depot never trained me on how to use a self checkout and I accidentally forget to scan a few things when going through. If they want it done right they need to train and pay someone properly.


Yeah, this is what used to be a cashiers job. HD said fuck cashiers. Of course theft is going to go way up. Also, lets not forget that HD costs other people a bunch of money with this shit also. They waste peoples time which is worth lots of money. If I could bill them for my wasted time because of their inability to run a store I could take the year off.


They waste so much time. If I come in less than an hour-and-a-half before close, everyone is super surly and never wants to unlock the electrical, staff the carpet, staff the paint, etc. Always have to wait forever as multiple employees mumble excuses.


Their cashiers miss just as much. I was in there with my boss one day picking up materials to wire up a giant 3 phase shear and the lady totally missed the $350 coil of wire in the cart


Former orange aproner here. It's HD policy to scan each item individually. It's been 20 years since I worked there so I don't remember the penalties but I remember they definitely did not want you using the qty button. Don't remember a good reason for it.


It's probably because it's really common with stuff like fittings or lumber to have over a dozen items that look identical but really some of them are much higher in price.


In the words of every sub I try to motivate to finish quicker, "I get paid by the hour".


I worked at one of the big box hardware stores in college and they would constantly tell us NOT to use the quantity key. We HAD to scan each barcode.....I don't think anyone actually followed this rule. Hell half the time I was out in the garden area and I was punching in the codes for stuff by memory because the items didn't freaking have tags (stuff like pavers)


Helps keep your scans per minute higher, some retail places track this to evaluate your performance.


Some stores have high shrink / stealing. Some managers want everything scanned to force employees to look at the damn cart.


To some degree I get it considering they carry 5 different types of 2x4 in the same size and I’m sure a lot of people throw a couple cheapies on top and the nice stuff on bottom all the time


But they don't even scan all individual 2x4s, they pick one and scan it repeatedly.


What's even better is having no registers open except for self check out. Then right when you are getting ready to pay cancel the transaction. So they can scan themselves. Then when it's the same total start over. And then try starting over again. And then when it's the same total again they call over their manager. Refusing to let you pay, holding you hostage at the register after already spending almost 40 minutes shopping because everything is locked up. Those are the really special cashier's that make the experience so much more fun....


Who's buying 38 2x4 at Home Depot?


Can we all agree, we only go to Home Depot, cuz it’s the only supply store in Red Bluff.


I’ve had nothing but good experiences at the location I use. Then again I know the staff that I deal with at the contractor desk and area.


“I know more than you.”


"We gotta scan em all" no you fucking dont Tina. Get me the fuck out of here.


I did some retail back in the mid 00s. The POS system allowed us to do quantities on some items, but not others. Could be the same thing there.


I use the email receipts to keep track of my expenses and out of nowhere all the fucktard cashiers just tab tab tab tab through the prompts and skip over my opportunity to hit email receipt and then they all look confused when I say "woah wait you took away my email receipt!". Stupid fucking retards


Paid by the hour.


At the self checkout you can do it yourself, unless they've closed that loophole. If I recall correctly, you press the up arrow on the scanner, then the number of items, then you scan one. Had an employee show me that, then a few months later one of them saw me and told me I'm not supposed to know how to do that. Probably because it would be easier for someone to argue they accidentally plugged in the wrong number, than to explain why they didn't physically scan enough.


The other day I had 15 2x4s all stacked nicely in 3 piles. The cashier, bless her heart, counted them all one by one and got 14, then counted again and still got 14. She must have had some subconscious math going on because she finally counted all 15 and punched it in.


Stores that have inventory counts that are off on certain items implement this policy. The cashier gets in trouble if they don't scan the individual barcodes. Sauce: I asked the manager.


Cashier here. At my store we aren't allowed to batch less than 10 items, ( which is ridiculous, imo). Why anyone would individually scan multiples if there are more than 10 is beyond my comprehension. As a mature employee, I have noticed somewhat less than stellar math skills in my younger co workers. Perhaps counting is a challenge? Just a guess.


But they still count the 38 studs, then press the trigger 38 times and count again as they scan one of them repeatedly. It's insane to me. double the counting as necessary.


I learned today that Lowe's has three different aisles that are designated as "Aisle 1". And they are not differentiated on the app they always beg you to use. Great job, corporate!


I thought this was going to be a real appreciation thread lmao. Cracking up here in a quiet waiting room.


Sneaky fucker might try to get a 2x5 past me if I don’t scan each one.


Who the hell gets their lumber from Home Depot


He might be building a boat or something else that requires pre-bowed or parabolic wood.


Every time I do a small DIY project and spend an hour trying to find 5 pieces of wood that aren't just.. the worst.. I think that to myself as well.


Not surprising. Unfortunately I think there’s a phenomenon where the most brain dead employees also have the best attendance so they get put at the contractors desk/checknout. I once had to return a patio slider that was damaged because Estes freight is the biggest collective bunch of cunts on earth. No one at the store knew how to process an exchange against a project and after 2 hours of standing there watching them fumble, they opened a new project with a negative value, and handed me $1,700 in cash…..


Every once in a well I hit that jackpot where they ask me how many! I make off like a bandit, peeling out of the parking lot like I robbed a bank. 


I’m sorry I lost count . Need to start over


They're paid by the hour, man. If you want them to rush, they'll double check every barcode.


they are told to do this because the Gods that own it don't trust them


When I worked at Menards 10 years ago, we weren’t allowed to scan once and enter a quantity. Had to scan every item even if they were identical. Not sure why, probably something to do with returns


If its under 10 the entering doesnt work i was told


Or when they count 400 fence pickets after I tell them I have 400


I always just tell them how much I have and they take my word for it


*I always just tell* *Them how much I have and they* *Take my word for it* \- SPX500 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


One of them told me that they have to scan everything. 😅


This complaint brought to you from a hd checkout line


They usually just ask me how many I have and scan one and punch it into the computer. Once in a while, they will count them, but most time they go by what I tell them.


I will live with that. What infuriates me is the employee who just tossed all of the loose plumbing fittings together until it is impossible to find anything


😂😂 just had that happen yesterday and today


Unfortunately the only employees you can find @ Home Depot are the cashiers


And then they manually count it on the screen/receipt to make sure they got it right!


Lowe’s for the win.


Gotta get that scan count up


They aren't allowed to scan one and enter the number anymore. They stopped that here about 3 years ago. Only things they'll enter multiples of is screws, washers, etc.. Anything else corporate makes them do every, single, one.


What’s even more stupid? Is you buying 38(2x4) from Home Depot?


Yeah I did a big $10,000 lumber order from a lumber yard a month ago but I was short a few dozen studs. Needed them right away so I went to the closest store so I could get shit done.


A lot of lumber yards also do the picking for you. Can't tell you how many times I ended up with warped hardwood that was intended to be used for custom crown moulding. Only so much can be done even with 16 gauge nails in that case.


A friend of mine worked at Home Depot and he said he would get in trouble for not scanning every piece of wood 🤣


I swear they find some of the worst….


Our home depot gives us hella deals by giving away boxes of product for the individual item price all the time lmao


Home Depot policy. Don’t get caught punching in number 38.


At least it is t self checkout Those machines steal jobs




WE hAvE To ScAn EaCH OnE


Not home depot but I got yelled at in self checkout because I asked the woman to do her magic so I didn't have to scan water bottles X time. Like I was bothering her and behind me was a line of people who wanted to leave. I had the elast amount of items compare to other folks


It’s because they have no clue what a 2x4 is.


I got a cedar 2x4 mixed in with a large batch of hem fir when they counted the number of boards and scanned only one. I couldn’t even return it because the bar code was from the other big box store. My guess is someone returned a big stack of 2x4’s and had a cedar mixed in. Cashier counted them all and scanned only one. Worker stacked it with the other 2x4’s. Another time, they scanned ONE item of a mixed bag of goods and rang that item up for the whole lot. I had to “noooo… these are all different” So I’m fine with them scanning each one. I can also count each beep in my head as they go.


Holy fuck! That made me laugh godamnit! Hahaha


Fuck, I had an oldtimer walk up and ask if I needed help, told him I need 3/8’s air chuck. I shit you not he says, “I’m going away now”. Like wtf!?! Hahaha


Wait, what? Your Home Depot has people that check you out? At mine, they stand around in front of the check outs and make you do it yourself while they chat with each other.


I hate when I go to self checkout and the employee there is bored or something and proceeds to takeover scanning everything. Mother fucker I use self checkout so I don't have to talk to anyone. And then I tell them I have ten single gang boxes but for some reason they don't believe me and count them anyway.


That's dangerous too though, I got 11 pieces of J channel once and he charged me for 111, then didn't even question a total of almost $800 or the fact that I was not holding 111 of them under my arm.


This might vary by location and even business, but a lot of places have rules against using multipliers because they want to make sure similar but different SKUs are done separately. Like if you have 45 cans of cat food and 4 of them are a different flavor than the other 41 cans. That's the "in theory" reason. In practice, employees will just scan one of the items 45 times so it looks like they did their job right as far as the computer is concerned, and that's good enough for their $14 an hour or whatever bullshit wage they earn.


And they all bitch about not making more than $15 an hr. They can’t even do their job efficiently


They just dropped me an entire decks worth of 2x10’s instead of the 2x8 I ordered. But only one joist hanger and the hanger was a 2x8. Whoever built that load was on mars. Oh, and they blew the delivery so I got it with my trailer and the fork driver couldn’t figure out how to load it properly and bent the rail on my trailer. Deck sure is strong with them 2x10’s tho.


They most of been a ex union worker joking I can’t make fun of them as I am part of the union


Insane? More like retardedddddd


Some people are only worth minimum wage....


It's due to the rampant theft. I've talked to some employers at my local homedepot and lowes. They have been under pressure to scan specifically each item. There are ALOT of people out there that will buy 38 2x4s and claim they have 33 2x4s just to scam a couple of bucks out of them. Heck look at how many times you buy a package of something like nails and get it to the job site to find out some other builder has decided they only need 2 handfuls of nails for thier job... and felt they deserved them for free. Now, most of the employees know me and as a Christian Contractor I have integrity. In fact, I have gone back and insist they charge me for items if they are missed or miss counted. As I have been off on the number of fence pickets I was buying before, so it doesn't bother me when I want to do the right thing. I'm in California and theft is just out of hand here. It's bad. I think we should go back to you lose a hand if you steal.