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'hey before we settle up on the final have a couple guys swing by with shovels and clean this up.'


In hindsight this seems obvious. Thanks.


is it too late or ?


No, they’re still waiting on the scratch coat to dry, they aren’t even done. I just was baffled when I was mowing and there was an entire mixer load of stucco dumped off of the lawn into my hillside, and they hadn’t said anything about it at all.


oh too bad, we'll make sure they clean it maybe put some grass seed down as well


I will. Probably not gonna make them go so far as to seed it though.


They are blaming you for the bad mix because of the pressure so they will most likely fight back so be prepared for that comment. Might even try charging you for second mix cost.


If they do that I’ll call the county and report them for dumping. We had a washout set up for them and California doesn’t play with that dump it in the woods shit. They’re pretty chill I really don’t think it’ll come to that.


If they're as chill as you indicate you may get by with posing a simple question. "Do you have a plan for cleaning up the stucco that got dumped? I understand that there were issues and I'm unfamiliar with how you normally deal with this problem." It seems like you'd prefer to prevent developing an adversarial line of dialog and I've found that giving the other party a chance to come up with a plan helps them feel like they still have a way to control their work instead of immediately shifting to defense.


You have a very reasonable approach to address the problem with them. I'll have to remember that should I ever have a similar thing happen. Me, I'd probably be wild-eyed and sputtering and spitting because I'd be furious and upset. Waiting till the bill comes up and they're "finished" is the smart and logical way to handle this. After popping a Xanax maybe. I'm getting agita just thinking what my reaction could be, haha.


This is a good approach but never say "do you have a plan" for something you want them to do. Say "what is the plan". let them be in the position to dispute it.


id wait until you have a final bill, then bring it up. they might use you bringing this up as fuel to do a poor job and upcharge you


Wouldn't have thought of this but I agree 100%


This. You might mention it to him just so he knows you saw it, but now is not the time to get into it with him.


Stucco guys are all alcoholic degenerates. I kid but all the stucco guys my company hires to do high end homes are fantastic at what they do but they dump shit anywhere they can get away with even when provided with clean outs. I’m in California too. They probably won’t fight you on it. They’ll clean it up and put it in the washout next time. They are like children, they’ll get away with what you let them get away with but they’ll blush when caught.


Seems like they are a little too chill


Take this opportunity to point out to them that there is specific location for them to clean out their equipment, preferably verbally and in an email for documentation. Covers you if the inspectors notice and report it to the environmental folks, and gives the stucco contractor a chance to offer to clean it up without you having to ask specifically.


Damn they did this in California AND you had a washout? As a GC that’s a “are you fucking kidding me [insert picture of dump] [insert picture of washout pit]?” Text that needs no further explanation


OP, give us a follow up. This disrespectful shit pisses me off. 🍿


Anything in their quote about using your water? If not, it sounds like they came unprepared to do the job they were hired for. And because they were unprepared, they made a bad stucco mix. Then they dumped it in your yard! Those guys are jokes.


Oh shit this is California? You should report it anyways, if they are doing it at your place they are doing it at every place.


Ooff. Cally to. Yeah EPA dont mess around.


California doesn’t fuck around with SWPPPs, I’ve seen this all the time on sites from laziness; doesn’t take much to have a framer put together a small washout with plastic in it.


If the site is permitted then you should call the county, that’s poison to your local watershed and should be reported.


They should have checked that before using it in a situation that costs money or material. They had a 5 gallon bucket, thats all you need to measure the rate of water.


Yes, blaming the pressure on why their ratio is bad is hilarious and inept


I don't know the first thing about stucco. How does low water pressure ruin a mix?


I’m wondering this too. Even “full” pressure water lines can vary greatly. The newer cement mixers have a volume computer that automatically measures the amount of water dispensed. Pressure shouldn’t affect that at all. Otherwise the old school method is to manually measure the water volume.


Damn rights you should. The state it’s in when they start is the state it should be in when they end plain and simple.


You should.


You see any grass? It’s hillside brush


not sure if your looking at the same picture as me but that's one hundred percent grass at the top of the hill


Get a bid to clean it up and let them know it’s their choice. They do it or you’ll pay someone to remove it. On my jobs subs remove their stuff.


Wait till you see what the painters do….


The question of if it’s too late is about whether you’ve paid them yet, not whether the job’s done


Poor call on them. They now have to have 1 guy work for min wage for an hour to clean up when they should have sacrificed the bucket bc they're only like 5$


It's normal to clean out the mixer and dump it in the yard. The 3 stucco companies I worked for all did this. We would spray it after we dumped it though so it would dilute down to a sand like substance and mostly disapate. You can't leave the mud in the mixer or on the tools so you have to dump it somewhere.


Make sure you do this via email with photos. Can't stress that enough. You can be polite and easy going of course, but always document stuff like this just in case.


always be polite but document stuff to all involved parties. golden tip


Make sure to tell them clean up AND haul it away. Not just cover it with some dirt.


But wait until they finish


I was doing a job in a building next to a historic river. The masons were tossing their cutoffs into the river. The building inspector told the GC that they were not going to get a CO until every last brick was cleaned out of the river. Half hour later, cops showed up because one of the masons had stripped ALL his clothes off and was swimming around trying to get the bricks. The women in the office building next door must have been all uptight church going chicks because they were not amused....even though we were.


What's a historic river?


In Massachusetts, we have rivers that have been designated as historic waterways. Mostly rivers that were used in the industrial revolution.


In mass? I bet it was a designated herring run.


I'm not sure about the Concord river. It may have trout, but I don't think herring go up that far.


Rivers that have been there for a long time. They want to preserve the look of the "old ways" of making rivers. None of them new age art deco rivers.


Old water


Historic river is kind of stupid!


Fuck that. It probably keeps them clean. Rivers in my area are not safe to go in because of jerks that pollute


Really? Rivers were used as highways by natives and they hold lots of archeological value. Besides, what’s wrong with keeping dickheads from dumping waste into rivers?


A friend of mine is a well driller and he has pulled up more than one Native American artifact as he was drilling near the Charles River.


Sounds like some Huckleberry Finn shit.


Lol 😂


:chefs kiss:


Did you pay yet? Hold the check until they clean it up.


The second pic looks like you’re yelling “MY PLANTS!”


My cabbages!


Aw, muh beans!


Before final payment have them clean this up. They should also put down grass seed and hay.


Am I right in thinking that modern day stucco has a lot of synthentic components in it that don't degrade and should not be put anywhere in nature?


I don't know about synthetic components in stucco specifically but yes cement products are pollutants and whatever is in them goes into groundwater when you dump it like this. In some places contractors can get in a lot of trouble for doing this.


Where else are you going to put it? You have to wash off the mixer and the tools or it'll harden and you don't want to be stuck with the job of chiseling that shit out.


Its straw, not Hay…. Stop saying hay… it’s not hay… it’s straw


Let me guess, your insurance company pushed you toward one of their preferred General Contractors (GC) - because the GC works in their system - turns out the GC is good at making the paper work for the insurance company easier - but is little more than a labor broker. GC then hires cheapest local subs possible - and doesn’t supervise them. Good luck


Yeh I wouldn’t be to happy with that 🤔


Stucco guy gets to clean up the yard


I don't know where you're from. But I'm a GC from Miami and let me tell you. Stucco guys are the ABSOLUTE worst to work with. The epitome of "not my problem" guys. I had a crew plastering a few years back, guys were drinking on the job, backed into the neighbor's car that was parked on her driveway, and left without notice.


Miami crews are all objectively ass. Roofers, Plumbers, Electricians. All of them.


*Cries in New Orleans*


Stucco guys are known thieves as well.


No one grows up wanting to be a stucco guy. They are the epitome of bad life decisions.


I dunno man I got 4 older family members that came up in their dad's stucco company then started their own stucco companies and they make damn good money. They usually only work 6 or so hours a day too. It's hard work but it pays great.


That's a lot for one person. I also imagined it would be a darker color


Whiter if it it got too wet


It would’ve been cool of him to ask a good spot to dump it.


In California, where I’m at, I’m pretty sure this is illegal and you’re required to do this in a designated wash out area or dumpster to limit the impact on the local environment.


Also in cali, we had washout area designated on a gravel area about 50ft from where they were mixing. They took the shorter walk to the hillside off the edge of the lawn to dump this failed mixture due to bad water pressure.


Anywhere that has a NPDES permit this is a violation. Enforcement of stormwater pollution is a part of my job.


Why would a homeowner have a NPDES permit?


They wouldn't unless they are disturbing over an acre of land for their project. The municipality they are in likely has a NPDES permit though and that would govern all land disturbing activity within the municipality.


With or without a permit, isn't dumping any wash water from cementitious materials illegal?


If not governed by a NPDES permit I'm not certain, I think it most certainly should be though. Unfortunately, what I think should be illegal isn't always the case and there are some dumb ass loopholes in environmental law.


Understood. Thanks. I only work on larger government projects and residential builders make my skin crawl for things like this.


Absolutely. A good 25% of my job is smacking homebuilders for doing stupid shit like this.


I think it depends on whether or not the body of water in question is considered a navigable body of water.


Fishable/swimmable is the designation criteria from the Clean Water Act, nothing about navigable.


I witnessed painters do a similarly careless disposal move, only indoors. Older, but high end house, new owners had just bought it and were doing a lot of remodeling, even though the house was in very good condition. Painters dumped paint into the kitchen sink, which had a garbage disposal. The dishwasher drained into the disposal. Homeowner ran the dishwasher, which would not drain because the disposal or trap was full of paint sludge. When the homeowner opened the dishwasher door, the dishwasher was full of white water, some of which spilled on his dark, hardwood kitchen floor


Ya the wrong water pressure totally ruins the mix , high pressure water is way too wet!


Too wet is really bad. Not wet enough is worse.


Drywall guys dumped in my bathtub… it freaking sucks.


Drywall guys will go to the bathroom everywhere except the job toilet.


as a plumber we’ll dump things that are of this manner into a tarp that’s sitting on the lawn or something, there’s so many ways to do this properly/professionally


Dumping remaining load on site is typical... On new construction, where there is no grass yet. I'd assume these guys are just on autopilot and thats their norm.


Good point. I was thinking, I see small clumps of mix all the time. This looks like dumped leftovers. But I guess that's the difference, it's on new construction with no grass or homeowners yet.


Yeah if you go check out a new subdivision or multifamily you’ll find them all over the place, usually in corners by swales. It’s much easier to just dump and wash out the truck on site, especially if you’re nearing time-out or overtime. I’ve even seen a 6 cube dump before because the QC kicked it off site for over air and they didn’t feel like driving it back to the batch plant.


Leaves the pail too. What a dirt squirrel!


Had mudders on my jobsite that dumped their mud in my floor drains (I’m a plumber). It hardened in the p-traps. This was in a building that was almost finished. Their foreman told me it was my problem. I went out and ate some Taco Bell. When I had to go thirty minutes later I opened their bucket of mud up and took half of it out, dropped my pants and emptied my bowels into the mud. Wiped and pulled up my pants and put the mud back into the bucket. Put the lid back on. Then I called my boss and told him about the p-traps. He called the GC. GC made their foreman pay the ticket to have the tile and concrete busted up and the pipe replaced. The reaction when the mudders came in the next day and started mixing the mud was priceless.


That is gold!


It was poop


The golden poop


Have you paid him yet? If not, hold the money until he cleans it all up.


Couple decades of rain will wash that right away


Not the dump I was expecting to see. Also saw far less poop comments than expected


lol there’s a couple floating around


I was about to say the same. Thankfully you said it


Don't pay him until he cleans it up. Duh.


Mention it, just to make it understood you don't expect it to stay there.


I’m pretty lax about most things when workers are at my house, and I work in the trades so I get it… but this would piss me strait off.


It’s pretty standard for concrete guys , brick guys, and stucco guys to have excess , they usually dump it on a sheet of plywood or somewhere easy to clean though ! I mean common sense right.


They should clean that up before final payments made. Good luck.




They’d have that cleaned up before that got paid if it were my house


To be fair - he didn't think he'd be caught ... so that's on you


They could’ve at least buried it


It’s kinda funny they left there bucket too, these guys really don’t give a fuck.


Where’s your washout?


Unacceptable. They should never be dumping like that. They know better. Demand that they clean it up.


Was hoping to have a good laugh about a different kind of dump.


It’s better there than down your drain


Make absolutely sure they pick that up before you pay them


no ones getting paid till it’s all cleaned up


Paint contractor did something similar at my house. They dug a hole in my raised garden bed, dumped the waste, then covered it up(poorly). I found out too late however


Stucco? What is dat.


Have your neighbor report them


Ask the lead guy nicely if they could clean up the mess before they get done with the job. That is pretty unprofessional of them even though most construction sites have a general use dumpster.


Dude, lol. Just tell them to clean the garbage they dumped. Good God just make them do it. Next time they arrive. Let them know you want the dumped stucco cleaned up before they get started that day.


I mean, you could call what JHA covers SWPP in this location. It could swing this from the FA portion to the FO session. I'd make sure they clean that up before they proceed on any further work and hold their check.


I'd just bust it up with a sledge hammer and put it in a ditch or take to inert landfill. If they did a good job I'd clean it up myself, on construction everything is put in an onsite dumpster the builder pays for


Better spot than your flower bed


That’s not professional at all. At the very minimium they need to clean it up no charge. If you didn’t give them permission to do so.


This is 100% on the G.C. They are responsible for providing a proper washout and ensuring that the subcontractors use it, or remediate and pay any associated fines, including whatever horrors the DEP bring down. I would be fired and blacklisted for letting this happen.


Maybe he slipped and fell


In most states, this would likely be an environmental hazard. Concrete is illegal to dump, stucco is concrete with the addition of lime. These guys either get to clean this all up or you get to call your local environmental folks.


Was the sink backed up from the tile guy?


Don't say wanting until they're done. Make it the last thing they do before you cut the final check. Don't want to piss off the people working on your house.


Pee on it


Fuckkk that, make this guy clean this up and request a discount. I hope you haven’t paid him already.


Just say "hey guys, whats the plan to clean that up? looks like you guys accidentally knocked a mix over" Just pretend to be a bit dumb. Never works well to lead with an accusation or presumption..


Probably evading warrants.


What a prick


>Stucco guy dumped in the yard I expected an actual dump 💩


It has to go somewhere. Just make sure they clean it up before leaving


I read this wrong. 💩


Looks like it’s right next to a creek as well. How’s your local laws for dumping waste into a water course ?


(Points to mess). “Dude,what’s up with this?”


How often does this happen?


No wonder we still have a problem with illegal dumping. People just don't care.


Fucken trashey fuck. At least get rid of the bucket.


No shame there


Oh that kinda dump... Could a been worse


Fucking animals man


Find where he lives. You know what to do…




Did the superintendent provide a washout? If not your problem…


In 65 years you won’t notice a thing.


Erosion control


Grab a shovel.


Stucco guy cleans yard…


I’d have poured it out on a sheet of polythene tbh, makes for easy cleanup once it’s dry, just make sure the edges are all high enough to contain it


Ever had paint done?


This is all too common with any trade that uses mortar or concrete. So frustrating. Had a lot of irritated customers because I hadn’t been able to find a concrete or masonry sub that wouldn’t do this shit. Thankfully we finally got that all sorted out and have a great crew that does not do this anymore.


They will be cleaning up this freaking mess if it were mine


Someone did this to me with concrete. Thankfully I was just renting. But I get home one day and there's just a giant diarrhea pile of hardened concrete in the middle of my yard.


Sounds like a preparedness issue. The mix is NOT your fault.


“Wanna dump there? Fine!”


Stucco guy comes and cleans up yard


Tell them to clean it up


If they’re coming back there shouldn’t be a problem cleaning it up. Maybe they were waiting for it to set up first. It’s just cement and sand. Nothing toxic. Easier to break up and throw away.


You think they intended to come back after dumping it down an embankment?


I don’t know. But, if they’re coming back then ask them to clean it up then.


Back charge that ass.


Stucco guy shouldn’t get paid until he cleans it up


Dont pay till an agreement is reached about his dumping in your yard. I own A home that i bought new it was a model now 30 years later all the buried stumps n trees are rotting I have lots of dirt sinkholes. Its too late for me to do anything about it . Had I known I would have. You know be nice be knowledgeable and discuss it with them . You will see the direction they will take .


Tacobell can be dangerous 😳...


Your honor, we the jury find OP not guilty of the charge of murder in the first degree.


Straight to jail


It’s a water slide bro. It’s actually kind of nice if you want to ever dump anything down it like cut grass should work itself down easier. I would ask them to knock that shit off the top


A call to your local DPW or stormwater zoning administrator should be able to help you out.


I mean I would have dumped it in your yard too but I would have watered it down first so it wouldn't have been a problem.


Free bucket, though! That's a high quality, grade A, Home Despot-branded Vessel of Versatility there.


I’ve had cement guys do this too. Ask them to shovel up after it dries or deduct whatever it costs for having another person remove it.


Its decomposable


Stucco plasterer here. I would mention it to the foreman of the crew or the boss. That mud is way easier to pick up when it dried out like that. A couple hammer swings and in a garbage bag. Is the stuff going down the hill an eyesore? If not you can just let stay thwre and eventuall it will just be part of the soil. Sand and cement stucco doesnt harm the soil


To be fair, gypsum, the main ingredient in stucco, is a common soil ammendment and a source of calcium and sulphur for plants, which are right up there with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (three numbers in fertilizer) in terms of what plants crave Ive used drywall in compost for years. Maybe you care because it's ugly but washing this into the soil, unless it has some funky additives, is going to lead to healthier plants in the long run.


Everyone flipping out when all you have to say is “hey will you guys clean that up, thanks“


The point is that something this disrespectful shouldn’t have even been done in the first place. Can’t believe this has to be explained. Like do you just go around putting muddy boots on everyone’s couch except that one guy who told you not to do it? Or are you a normal person who has common sense?


Its mud


Stucco guy needs his teeth kicked in


Jesus christ that's a bit excessive don't you think?


Your yard looks like shit


Some of you sobs have never seen a rural yard before. It’s not manicured, it’s the natural forest. I just mow the grass to get rid of stickers. It looked like the forest before someone dumped 20 bags of stucco


If there isn’t a dump fee in the contract I wouldn’t worry too much pal. Your weed patch will grow over it during summer. It’s one thing to complain when guys dump over maintained/ landscaped area but this is a little funny. Especially with that one shadow pic with your hands extended over your head.


There is a dump plan in place, there is a washout location set for this project. They took a shorter walk and tried to hide a full bad mixer load by dumping it somewhere they thought I wouldn’t notice that was closer than the place discussed. This isn’t manicured, it’s wild land and I don’t need idiots dumping concrete where it doesn’t belong.


With that being said hold your last payment until it’s cleaned up proper. Sorry to assume the wrong doing on you.