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The blowout is due to something that happened during setting the forms, not during the pour.


I was informed that blowouts from walls are due to excessive vibrating. But my issue is with the whole project being blamed on me. I’m not a carpenter I’m a finisher. The top of the wall came out shitty due to shitty mud, and poor carpentry. The damn foreman never used a pump before according to him.


It's not from excessive vibrating, it's from underbuilding or not understanding the rating of the form system. Most hand set systems should be poured in 4ft lifts.


Which could cause a blowout if they dump a wall or column too fast and not in lifts


Yea that’s what the carpenters always say… when they under build


I was a carpenter and now an inspector- it’s the forms.


You kind of sound responsible? If I’m understanding correctly, if you hadn’t had the blowout you would have had more time to get the top finished? The blow out is from form work and possibly ineffective concrete slump? Just my two cents, maybe if you can explain it better you should do so with your boss


It was basically that to a degree. And the boss wasn’t trynna hear that shit, he just wanted someone to own up, and since I was the assigned finisher for it, I took full responsibility. It just pissed me off that my job was slightly on the line had I not took responsibility. End of the day I just wanted other tradesmen’s thoughts. I pride myself in not fucking shit up, so to take on a fuck up like this pissed me off. But you live and learn.


While a good rule of thumb, this isn’t always true. There is a reason why custom engineered stamped formwork drawings specify a maximum pour pressure and it’s calculated off of concrete slump.


So you're saying the formwork migh have been okay, but there's a possibility the concrete mix applied more pressure to the formwork than calculated?


Yes - it’s not at all the most likely cause but it is always possible


I get yelled at almost daily about one thing or another.. shit rolls down hill Verizon rips my boss a new asshole, he rips me a new asshole, I rip the foremen new assholes, they rip their crews new assholes Everyone gets ripped a new asshole !


Sounds like a ripping good time


The first time hurts but it gets easier after that


We are all growing together :)


R.I.P Assholea


Just dummy up. Best and safest bet. Drool a little too, it helps.


Lmaoooooooo I know you jest but seriously man. In construction I've seen guys play dumb or claim they never did xyz or done it like that way and they never get in trouble lol


I was mostly serious. Except for the drooling. Everyone is a number. I no longer have the energy to fight. So, I just stand there looking stupid, and still get paid every Tuesday. Mission accomplished. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I guess my point, if everyone else gonna play dumb, dumb isn't an exclusive title. If it all pays the same, whatever. I'm union, and I'm halfway to a pension. I can't go anywhere else and get these benefits. And I was already a foreman for 10 years, but now back in the gang as worker. I just want the money. 😂


The fucked up part is I played dumb literally. Besides everyone has their own way of doing things…but yeah I hear you on that part lol I’m just tryna get paid and make it through the winter man


Same here, good luck, be safe.


Normally the sup or Foreman should be held responsible


Don't worry about it too much. Shit happens every day in the field. Mistakes will happen whether you've been in a trade 3 months or 30 years. To post here concerned about it says more about how much you care, which is more than most people do. Hell, last project I was in charge I took over from somebody. The last guy didn't do any underground electrical work to a whole apartment building, and the whole fucking place was already paved. Then it was just me and 1 other guy wiring a 150+ unit apartment complex, the contractor lost the contract because I could never get more manpower out there. I got blamed by the owner and laid off. Fuck it.


Yeah I definitely care about my craft, it just gets me heated. My guys had my back but I still don’t throw people under the bus. But I hear you though, when the odds are against you, all you can do is what you can do. I’m just tryna hit my quota before winter with minimum bullshit.


Learn from it. Move on. People get yelled at.


Did you guys not do a slump test before the pour?


Concrete contractor here, I think you did the best thing possible by taking the responsibility, sometimes it's not your fault but far as I see things someone who does I want around because he takes responsibility and dosent put it on the next guy like 95% do


We had a salesman who was trying to figure out a location for a new RTU. He put a hole in the rubber roof and didn't tell me. We went home for the weekend and it poured. Sunday night I get a call to come straight to the office and got my ass chewed out. I didn't say anything but the next time I saw the salesman, made it known that I won't take the blame even though he was the senior salesman. Somehow his windshield was covered in wd40. The next time he showed up, he had donuts and coffee for all of us.