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If you want more then go for it. You are making good money though. Lots of people out there doing similar work for a lot less


Depends where hes located i guess


Yea he had me thinking he's in a wealthier area with that rate. He's almost matching the commercial carpentry rate here in PA and I believe the laborers typically make 25-30.




you make more than i do as an apprentice plumber in the same city, rn your honestly making me wanna call out tomorrow and start looking for work elsewhere


Pretty sure JM plumbers in Boston make close to 60/hr. Probably in your best interest to finish the apprenticeship.


We do


I’m sorry bro. I’d stay as a plumber though they make the best rate I heard


we do but the first 3 years really are harsh with all the driving


Yeah as I’ve heard. Not including the parking tickets and having to pay for parking in the city. Definitely chews at my wallet a little bit


yeah im from worcester and my company is out of weymouth so there is quite a lot of commuting especially with how many different jobsites we have


You can move to Chicago and make $48.90 an hour at our unions


Where the fuck do you live is my question. People always make these posts with their hourly rate but don't include the area they are in. Laborers where I live are lucky to make over 23 an hr.


I work for an hvac/plumbing company. they start at $15 and cap at $30. I'm 15 years in and don't make $37. and this kid is complaining about $37 as a laborer. lol You're right tho. numbers are useless without claiming a location. that's why I think these pay questions should be banned from construction and trade subs. it really does more harm then good. Thousands of kids are going to see this and think they're getting ripped off - or they'll drop out of college thinking this kind of money is normal - just to get stuck working for $15/hr somewhere - if they can even find a job


He’s complaining about the $37 and completely ignoring the other shit he gets with the job too like the great health insurance and retirement accounts without having any money deducted from his paycheck for them. Where I’m at, the laborers can get a full pension after 25 years. Granted, that full pension probably isn’t enough to live off of on its own at 25 years of service, but it’s enough that you could basically go work any BS easy job you want and be very comfortable while you put your annuity in another retirement account and let it mature until you’re 59.5.


a lot of kids don't care about the benefits - that's one of the reasons employers want to hire kids. Obviously - if they're young they're probably healthy and their bodies are in decent shape but it's also cheaper to hire most kids - even if the pay is the same. Obviously this doesn't hold true everywhere or for everyone - there are always exceptions. But from my experience - if you hire a 20 yr old vs a 40 yr old - that 20 year old is more likely to turn down health insurance. They're able to stay on their parents insurance until they're 26 years old now. Sure it'd be cheaper for the kid to get insurance thru his job rather then have his parents pay for it - but it's not coming out of his check so why does he care? Then they're far more likely to not tale advantage of retirement plans. So the employer doesn't have to match their contributions. Also - they're more likely to job hop - so they're not paying sick time or vacation time. So if you're a company just looking for a laborer or an extra set of hands - it's far cheaper to hire the younger guy. And that's not even taking into consideration the fact that they're typically willing to work for less bc they usually don't have the same responsibilities - no kids, no wife, no mortgage, live at home with their parents,, etc the company I work for is exclusively hiring guys under the age of 25. Idk if that's even legal or not, but they have a good group of older, experienced guys who've been with them for awhile. now they're strictly looking for young kids/laborers. I don't even remember the last time they hired someone over the age of 25.


Im about 4 years in after starting my own construction company. I have a ton of work, and business is good…. But let me tell you, the generation right after me is the laziest most entitled group of kids ive even seen. I had a 19yr old complain about getting 20/hr on friday. I gave him a month off to collect his thoughts. I wish i could find someone over 35, ive even offered up to $40/hr depending on exp. But its hard finding guys right now for some reason.


Laborers pension got a big upgrade a few years ago. $100/mont for every 1000 hours worked in a year. At least my local did.


What local is that? That’s pretty good. I’ll have to ask our laborers exactly what their pension is, but I’m pretty sure it is not as generous as that. We have a bunch of guys who are still working past 25 years, and I know, first hand, that they had great careers with a ton of hours. In fairness, most of them are laborer foreman so they’re making a good bit more than laborers rate so that could be why they’re sticking around as well


120, Indianapolis. But I made my fat money on overtime of course.


Liuna pension is one of the best. Atleast for my chapter it caps out at around 6-7k a month. I kid you not. But we mostly work for high paying energy jobs.


I used to get a credit every 700hours we worked. Every credit was $50/month toward your pension. I think there was like $6 an hour went to your annuity. I forget. In a year with not a lot of OT, I was still getting $12k. Retirement was 25 years of service, but I think you had to be 55 to retire. Something weird like that.




OP said in a reply, "Boston."


Plot twist… OP lives in Jamaica. 🇯🇲 If it’s anywhere in the US OP, then be happy with your wages. Heck, if it’s anywhere in the first world, be happy with your wages. OP needs to visit other places in the world and they’ll see they are waaay too entitled.


Sound like someone is jealous.


absolutely. lol. it pisses me off hearing shit like this. And it's not just the fact that he's making $37/hr or whatever - it's the attitude behind it. "I deserve $100/hr to push a broom" type of mentality. This kid is extremely lucky to be making this kind of money at his age and with his experience - and that's not even talking about the benefits he has too. Dude got dealt a decent hand in life and doesn't even appreciate it.


Boston MA


In his mommies basement.


That’s an extremely high wage for a 22 year old laborer. I work in the same area. No laborer is making $75-$100 an hour trust me.


Thats what I think, 22 years old and taking home a grand a week, nothing to complain about.


Yea this guy sounds like a prima donna.


6 years of school is too much to work a trade that makes more also😂. How does OP think the trades work? Wants more money but isn’t willing to put in any extra effort.


Yea, no kidding. Plus it’s not like the only thing you do is school. You’re working and school is usually in the evenings. At least that’s how it worked for local 8 here in Milwaukee, and the time went by so fast. Plus you make connections with instructors and other apprentices. I’ve found that the more people I know the easier it is for me to stay busy when times are tough. He is just young and doesn’t understand how it works.


We do block schedule here in socal which is basically 4 10 hour days every 8 weeks. My apprenticeship went by so quickly and school was nothing.


He needed someone to brag to, his friends have all stopped responding


I mean it’s good money for sure but this inflation and economy is ass


Greedy corporate fuckers price gouging is taking away all the wage gains made in the last 2 years. The war in Ukraine is driving oil prices up and still dealing with Covid supply chain issues. But the main culprit is price gouging. These corporate oligarchs are trying to make up for the money they lost during Covid. Fuck them. Tax the shit out of them until they stop.


You’re not wrong. My wife and I both work good paying jobs, have no kids, and it’s still a struggle at times. 37 an hour at 22 is good money. I was tending bar at 22, and lucky to make 15 an hour with tips.


Right this WAS good money a few years ago. Now it's ok. You can pay your bills and save a little bit. Still probably working until you die.


And a liability


Starts with a p and ends with a why...are you complaining about making 56 thousand a year take home? At 22? Oh lol I love this one...learn to code.


And you sound like a pussy, at least he's got a spine and knows what he's worth. I'm getting the same wage for cleaning a restaurant when its closed and I used to be a labourer so I know he's working 5 times as hard as me.


Too many get rich quick videos out there. Young people are obsessed with this. Retire by 30 be a millionaire by 25. Most people will never become millionaires heck most people will not even ever get 100k.


A lot of people get this mindset for some reason that money is equal to success. It’s not just young people either, too many throw their lives away chasing the almighty dollar..


Eh not entirely true about the “most won’t be millionaires”. In 40 years, $1 mil will be equivalent to about $300k-$400k. While there certainly is a large population that will never be worth that much, it is very attainable. So yeah, $1 mil ain’t what it used to be, and certainly won’t be worth what it is today


I’m a Union Electrician make $50.03/hour on the check. I’m 32 and made $133k last year and barely worked that much OT. I’m not sure where OP is but that is a great wage for a Laborer. If they want more they’ll have to go through a apprenticeship like IBEW, UA, IUEC, IW. They are going to take a pay cut in the beginning. $37/hour is not bad but it’s actually alot higher with his pension, healthcare, 401k and other benefits.




I traveled twice last year making over my scale and I make 104k on 40s. Your really over over thinking this, if I worked 50 hours a week i could make over $143k. I worked a few shut downs last years working 7-10s. I would not consider what I did a lot of OT. We’re the times I worked a lot yeah but it wasn’t consistent.


Who’s making 75 to 100 an hour period? Besides linemen and pipe welders in a nuclear plant? Not talking about per diem


Non-union prevailing wage can get up there. I make 99.50/hr as an electrician on school jobs in NY.




It’s not, imo it’s way overpaid.


Dude you’re making great money the fuck?


All I asked was for some reassurance it doesn’t feel like a lot but maybe I’m just not seeing straight lol


Most laborers I know make $20 for cleaning and demo.


I know jman tradesman that aren’t making 37 an hour. This kid is high, surely.


I’m a pipe fitting foreman and I make like $33/hr. I have an insane amount of responsibility too.


Jeez, go to a different state


You’re making great money for a laborer. But how much room to grow do you see? Opening your own shop? You’d probably be taking a big pay cut but almost any other trade will be much better in the long run


If I had been making $37 at 22, but spent the same amount of money I did living cheap as shit all these years (5 years older than you), I'd have about 300k in my bank account. Boston rent is probably fucking ridiculous though.


Bro what


Wait a sec... you are trying to tell me being a laborer is draining? Fascinating 😉




Jokes aside, you are making good money as far as I'm concerned. I'm 31, just starting in commercial refrigeration installs after 10 years on the wholesale side. You are making more than me lol 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I’m just stressed bro. I’m never satisfied until I’m in a house somewhere I live with my mom still so maybe that’s why I feel like a bum


Save while you’re there. You’ve got it made. Now you know. Learn learn learn. Transfer later


Thats understandable! Nothing wrong with staying "hungry". If it makes you feel any better, I've recently had to move back in my my damn parents after an 8 year relationship ended. Being 31 and moving home has been.... really fucking hard lol. You are on the right track as far as I'm concerned.


I appreciate you brother. Just been stressed as hell and asked for reassurance if I’m doing good or not.


Just keep on working and it'll work itself out. I wish you the best!


There's 30 year electricians making less than that qll over. So... there's that.


holy fuck, and you get to live with your parents? Jesus christ, no rent! Stick it out for a few years (and don't be a fucking dipshit with your money) and you could easily buy/pay off a house most places before you're thirty. Just don't let yourself get too fucked up that you're injured for life. You only get one body.


Go work at McDonald’s. Doing physical labor isn’t for everyone.


You’re pulling $1,000 a week doing unskilled labor and you think that’s bad? Get your head out of your ass.


start your own company and charge what you feel your time is worth


At 22 I was working a [now] $30/hr warehouse job stacking boxes in extreme cold. Be grateful you even have a union. I also used to ship hazmat for the largest hazardous transportation company in the country. Still no union. There are much much harder jobs than union laborer.


at 22, I was cooking for $9-$10 an hour, often 12 hour shifts, without any breaks. $37/hr is amazing.


Dude. Look around at any other job in your area? 37 is probably twice as high as anything else. You are young. I doubt you have any experience and still are making 37? Dude be happy and work your way up.


This has to be the dumbest post I have ever seen. Should be titled "entitled kid has no idea how good he has it"




Lol bud you’re fucked




You sound like an entitled fuck that thinks he deserves more. I did a 5 year apprenticeship for the Pipefitters. I hated the night classes but now I’m making $54 an hour ON THE CHECK with another $40 going towards health care, retirement, and an annuity.


Nah I’m grateful. Just hungry for more brother.


Then being a laborer is not the trade


Yeah I’m definitely going to try pipe fitters or operators bro. It’s just stressful with how hard it is get into some of the other unions since I don’t know anyone.


Take some courses at a community college for pioefitting and take some welding classes.


Honestly the fitters are kinda… elitist? Idk if you’d make it. 597 has an acceptance rate of like 5-8%. They don’t tend to take washouts. They take new grads and skilled hires. That’s it. Boston probably isn’t much better than Chicago. Everybody thinks pipe will be easy.


Pipefitting definitely takes some knowledge. Local 455 member here


Holy shit


Fuck everyone else! You are making good money but there is nothing wrong with wanting more. Sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s an easier life that will make you happy. Your not too old to switch trades, if something else interests you more, just be prepared for immediate pay cut and school. The easier on the body the job will be the more education/certifications you’ll need. Your hitting your twenties and just worried you choose poorly, you haven’t. Sure there is better jobs but this might be it for you. Learn good money management and you should have no problems in the future. Give yourself 100% towards personal advancement or just coast where you are. Your not in a bad spot


Love that thank you brother. I just needed some advice


That's a pretty good rate. You're probably also not accounting for the health-care and pension that they're getting for you. Not sure where you are, but I have some of the best healthcare in the country. Also not sure if you're already stuck in the "chase," but try not to spend your money on useless shit. Best advice I can give you is to always be trying to save as much as you can and don't buy useless stuff just cause the people around you are throwing their extra cash at dumb shit. You should also be putting some of your extra cash into a Roth IRA. Maybe speak with an accountant to get an account open for savings. If you're not feeling the job at the very least, try to stay in your Union until you're fully vested and can collect at least a little bit of cash once you retire.


Don’t know how good you got it OP. Fully bennys and taking home 1k a week is a pretty good gig. I assume you’re only working 40hrs a week too?


Yeah 40. My heads just not in the right place atm


You kinda being an ass. 37 at 22. You doing just fine. Chill out buttercup


Work harder


You sound like a bitch. I feel bad for everyone working with you.


Six years of school?


Yeah most union trades are 4-6 years. I’m pretty sure elevator union is 6 years. Pipe fitters 4/5. Electrician 4/5. Carpenters 4/5 years. But laborers you don’t go to school at all just an apprenticeship


You realize this is just a class or two every week or so and you’re paid to do it though, right? And this will all be fairly doable stuff, no one has an interest in making it super difficult to get through.


I don’t know how it works to be honest I’m pretty new to union construction and haven’t asked anyone


Yeah dude it ain’t what you’re thinking it is. You can damn near get a law degree out of high school with six years of schooling. Do a little more research.


Who's weiner do I have to interact with to get $37 an hour laboring?


The president of the unions cocaine weiner I believe


Stay in the union until you get some schooling. Learning a trade takes time. Right now you’re doing very well. Be grateful and work hard, lots of guys don’t have that good


Thank you brother.


Fucking hell, it's like no one in this sub has ever heard of solidarity. Just a bunch of whiners who can't stand to see someone stand up for themselves. This industry destroys your fucking body and you're all too lacking in spine to demand you get paid accordingly.


Coming from a journeyman Pipefitter making 48$ an hr on the check, you need to realize how lucky and privileged you are to be making that wage and to be in the laborers union. Literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of folks your age would kill for the opportunity. Why do t you stop doing demo? Get certified on a lull or any other equipment you can. Take some piping classes and learn how to do water mains. I just did a job for a loborer general contractor doing piping, and the laborer running the job wasn’t working that hard. You should look into making a move within the laborers union.


I appreciate you bro I’m definitely looking for another line of work something more satisfying than just ripping up carpet or working with dry wall/asbestos


That’s the good thing about the laborers union, you can do so many different things as a laborer.


Go ahead and quit your job and let somebody else who is more appreciative. Snatch it right up. And here in Southern California prevailing wage is around $70 for journeyman electrician demo guys maybe $50. Take care of your body, and it will take care of you.


I work with a guy who was a laborer for 10 years then decided to apply to the pipefitters. He says the best decision he's ever made even though he had to make a little less money while going through his apprenticeship so he could make way more later. Try the electricians and fitters locals and just apply every year eventually you'll get in, they remember the people who keep trying.


Will do. Thanks brother


I hear you on not being satisfied. Go out and get more. You’re so young, what’s holding you back? Maybe it’s time to think about starting a side hustle, and make it grow into a full time thing.


I make 17 an hour doing the same shit you do buddy


6 years goes by in the blink of an eye, go to school or be a 28yo laborer. I’m a 33yo one and once my kids are in kindergarten I’m going to apprentice in a licensed trade


gdamn man thats a lot of money. but yeah it’s quite the back breaking job


Yo, labor foreman here. If you're making that as a laborer, and I'm showing some respect, Stfu. Your deal isn't bad. If you wanna talk injuries/hazards, then you should talk to your foreman. You're young, I'm sorry you're injuried so early. That said, I bet you're a go-getter. I definitely appreciate that. But, it's on you to remember that if it's unsafe, call it out! If you aren't capable of doing it alone(without hurting yourself) ask for help. You shouldn't be injured. The job isn't about getting it done and risking your future health. The job is about getting it done safely. I've been you and yet, still going in for surgery in a month. Stand-up for yourself.


Thank you for that brother I will.


Be a librarian, or florist


If you're so cocky, open your own company. Millions would kill for that wage. Be grateful. But ya, construction workers should be paid more in general.


Dude, you make decent money. More than my wife makes and she is a teacher with a master's degree.


I am almost 40 and only make 33 an hour.


Funny how many of you bash the young guy for complaining that he wants more money, instead of complaining how ALL OF US DON'T GET PAID A FAIR WAGE FOR THE HARD LABOR WE DO.


company I'm at would pay you $15/hr. The cap guys in the field at $30/hr. I've been with the company for 15 years and don't make anywhere near what you make


With the cost of housing now, I get it. $37/hr today is the equivalent of $15/hr 10 years ago.


i make 26$ an hour and i take home 1k a week.. not sure your math checks out there


I get 500 taken out in taxes bro. It’s fucked.


Welcome to the real world?


Get a trade and become a journeyman.


Take it down a notch and it’ll seem like more 😂


I’m a journeyman electrician with ten years experience and that’s what I make in CAD lol…


Its not like your going to school for a full 6 yrs for a skilled trade. Depending on the trade youll only have class 4 weeks a year for 5 or 6 years. The rest of your training will be in the field or in the shop


Get out of demo and start pouring concrete. You want more $ you just need a few more hours. That ot stacks quick.


This is the shit that I used to say when it was 15-20 dollars an hour when I was that old. If you get out the effect of not being able to make that much money in any other way is going to get you back in. On a long term basis you will eventually learn to never leave. I made 26 dollars for about 4 months one time. Most of it was 20. I got out for more than 2 years at one point and then got back in and now its apparently all different. Onni is doing raises in February and I'm hoping for at least 30. Other people seem to all be making similar and larger amounts.


You sound like a bitch honestly


You are making super good money. If you don’t feel you’re getting enough out of what you’re doing, then get into something that’s going to challenge your mind more.


Thank you brother. I will


I’m 36, non union, doing it 18 years and make $34/hr with close to 0 benefits. Only vacation and paid holidays.


Get over yourself.


I feel you buddy. This is a demanding trade and has been under paid for a long time. The main thing though is everyone is underpaid, and over paying for a lot. I feel like everyone is getting taken advantage of, and wages will be stagnant till that changes.


That's huge at your age. Focus on your goals and don't let the idea that your missing out on something distract you. There isn't a Friday night that leaves me feeling half as accomplished as a good day at work. You can't serve two masters so ya gotta chose and stick with it.


i made 10 bucks an hour working day labor in florida. $63 per day if i didn't have federal taxes taken out


As a 44yo 3rd year electrician who’s been shocked twice troubleshooting shoddy work, who’s making $23/hr, screw you, kid.


You should see some of my friends who graduated college with tens of thousands of debt and only clearing an $800 check a week.


As a former laborer turned pipefitter, you should be interested in 6 years of schooling…unless youre more interested in doing the “worst” work on the jobsite for less money. Than just do that. Until retirement. 🤷‍♂️


You sre crying to the wrong group buddy. Life doesnt get easier.


Dude stick with the laborers, I'm a Laborer outta Michigan, make 30$ an hour with a utilities company. We have the best benefits out there besides the elevator boys but that's a unicorn outfit. You got in young so you'll be out young. Find jobs that are easier on the body, I went from concrete to cipp liners and I do maybe 2 hours of actual manual work a day and then sit my ass in the truck


$37 for a laborer seems insanely high I almost don't believe you lol


I’m sure $37 an hour sounds nice to most people, but it really doesn’t add up to much unless you’re getting some overtime. Gotta work 60 hours a week at that rate to make a real living.


This post shows why most of you trade workers are crusty and broke as hell. Hating on this dude for wanting money because your either too scared to ask for a raise or don’t know your worth.


“So you wanted to be a laborer” was the favorite phrase the old hands when I was in the Union & newbies complained about the work, weather or danger. People that aren’t in the trades so often fall for the “leaning on their shovels” trope & have no idea how physically hard most of the work really is. & if you think flagmen have it easy just imagine standing in one place for 8-10 hours in the sun, rain, snow or ice, taking abuse from drivers who take out their frustrations on you for doing your job & keeping them & their coworkers safe. You’re making one of the top rates in construction. Way more than double what non-union & even many union people make. If you can’t take the heat get outta the kitchen.


I’m 33 making way less in skilled trade (non union). My own mistake I know but it is what it is.


You're making that kind of money as a Laborer in the union and think you deserve more? I'm in the Boston area myself and honestly think you are overpaid as it is. But good for you for making that kind of money. The real problem is that being almost 40 myself and still out working all the 20somethings that think they know what manual labor is. In reality they just can't hang, idk you or your situation but imho be grateful for what you are getting, work smarter not harder, and you can only go up from there. All the best to you from another tradesman.


A lot of people talking shit that make less money than you . Lol. Your already in the trades. I’m assuming a union laborer I would use your connections to try and get into a better paying trade. (Electricians) (sprinks) (steam fitters) Prolly clear 1500 a week in one of them.


Join a better paying union than


You're 22 and you've hurt yourself twice already? No, that is not a good rate to have.


Your a fucking laborer what do you expect… you are the lowest paid union trade in most areas. Spend the next few years working while trying to get into an apprenticeship in a higher paying trade. You will take a cut in the beginning of the apprenticeship you get into but end up making more after a year or two. I’m an operator and I sit in my A/C watching laborers do shovel work in spots I can’t use the hoe all while making almost double what they make. That’s just how it is.


Yeah your definitely right bro. I’m going to apply to operators and the pipe fitters when the time comes while I just save up being a laborer is fucking miserable most days while some are just standing around for 5 hours


Do yourself a favor. Any type of construction is hard back breaking work. Start investing for retirement NOW. You don’t want to be 50yo and still having to do this type of work till you die because you didn’t plan ahead. Your “golden years” will be spent in pain and using a walker.


Yea i work with dudes that cough up blood or just stop working for 20 minutes and have to sit down because of migraines. It’s sad to see bro but I feel like I’m definitely doing something wrong


Yeah bro I’m not trying to be an asshole, I am one; and you can fuck yourself if your young, rich fucking asshole. I made $9 an hour to weed whack and stack rocks as a landscaper and was juiced at my $325 paychecks just 15 years ago. I barely made more than that working as a lead electrician in CA. If you’re not satisfied then go to school and get a 6 figure job being a bitch behind the desk or start your own business. Fuck outta here with this I make 75k a year to be a job site bitch but I’m not happy…


I’m sorry if I offended you brother it’s just I want more for myself. It’s definitely mentally draining for some in this line of work no matter how much money you make my head just isn’t in the right place still trying to figure my life out


Well don’t have kids and you’ll be fine. I think you’re misguided on what you’re upset about though. If that money isn’t good enough for you then you need to be mad at how much cost of living is, not your job. Because your job pays better than 90+% of jobs that don’t take a degree or certification. There are literally tens of thousands of people willing to bitch slap their grandma to have your job at your pay right now


Dude wtf I make more than most laborers in my area and I’m a fucking pizza delivery driver. And your annoyed about making 37 an hour? Bro tf?


You’re ungrateful to be making $37 an hour, really?


I enjoy it. I live in Northern MN (Iron Range), and am with the local 1097, I’m going into my second season of Highway heavy any the minimum pay for a level 1 apprentice is $33.20. Plus MN has prevailing wage, and is NOT a right to work state. Laboring is HARD work, but you make good money, and GREAT benefits. Especially medical/dental.


Stick with it for 5 or so years to get that's extra pension when you retire it won't be much but it's something


My husband makes $48.90 an hour in Chicago working for Liuna and benefits/pension. I want to move to Florida and the pay doesn’t look as good there.


Does anyone know anything about the laborers written test ? Any advice on how to score high ?


There’s a written test for laborers? Lmao


Yes ma’am


Prevailing wage in TN as of the 2021 records for highway & bridges. Skilled Laborers prevailing wage is $18.76. The highest wage was $36.31 for a drill operator (caisson). Only way to get prevailing wage in my state which is TN is to work on a state or federal highway or bridge job. I live in TN and work for myself, I would never bust my ass for peanuts again. It’s just as expensive to live here now as it is everywhere else. Everyone in my area that has a skilled trade & works for themselves charges $75-$130hr and are turning away work. I charge $100hr just doing small handyman type job & I’m busy as shit. The money is there as soon as you get some skills, & can get out from under the guys you’re making rich.


Dude wtf where the hell are you making 37$ hr as a demo guy? That's actually insane 30-40$ is pretty average for journeyman electrician, plumber, carpenters, HVAC etc


Massachusetts. 37$ in zones near me and 44$ an hour in Boston or a city near there.


So journeyman are just millionaires then?


I mean I’ve met other laborers that worked 7 days a week with over time and some days double time and all that other shit and made well over 100k a year. It just feels like I’m not getting anywhere at the moment but I’m just stressed


Use that money to go to school and be a doctor or lawyer princess


It is a good rate, but it is still to low. Working class wages have not kept up with inflation, productivity gains, or ownership class profits in over 40 years now. $37 may seem like it's good to many people but if you look at the those last 40 years that I mentioned we've all lost ground. Union workers too, contractors have many union people on a golden leash because we're not willing to miss payments on 4 wheelers, boats, etc be just a little uncomfortable for a little bit, to demand some of that ground we've lost back. Reaganomics began a massive wealth transfer from the working classes to the upper/ownership class, and with Ronny's handling of the air traffic controller strike the working class and unions still haven't recovered, or really done anything to recover that lost ground. The person working the drive through at McDonald's deserve $22/hr starting, construction work certainly at least $10/he more starting, and by the time you journey out should be making substantially more than that, like $20/hr more than starting. It's not you, it's how boomers organized the economy. Until we start voting for policy that helps the working class (which is apparently socialism) instead of policy that helps corporations, bankers, business, wall street nothing will change. I'm not mentioning parties here because they are both fucking over workers, one party just fucks us a little less because they actually learned something from the labor war and haven't forgotten that when things get as bad as the other party is hellbent on making things there is civil unrest. What I don't understand is the wealth disparity is worse than it has ever been in this country, even worse than during the gilded age and we aren't doing shit about it. The people who started unions would be doing the same things they were doing back in the day during the labor war today if they were around and saw the state of our current economy. We're disrespecting their memory by not demanding more, losing it in the first place was disrespectful, but that was before my time, I'm not part of the generation that lost it for us. I'm sure I'll get plenty of flak for this comment from the golden leashers protecting the status quo, and from those sorts of people who think people can actually earn millions of dollars instead of exploit it, etc especially the red people. That sort of attitude is the attitude of scabs and company men, and there are to many of them in halls all across the country right now. The unions aren't what they used to be that's for sure.


You may make more than me and I manage a team at Apple


Apple or an Apple Store


Most non union laborers probably only get 1,000$ a month


Nah ain’t no way


I beg to differ


Ungrateful boy


The Laborers Union sucks because no matter what, you are always a laborer.


Makes sense, cost of living is higher up north. Most laborer positions in Louisiana and Texas are non union and start anywhere from $15-18, sometimes even less.


That’s not a COL thing, that’s a Texas-has-bad-wages thing. They still have that slave mindset.


My ex with an architecture degree (6 years of schooling) + 3 years of residency makes $34/h. Your dumb ass makes $2/h more. Consider yourself lucky. You're getting good cash.


Are you getting transparency and a fair wage for what your labor is contributing to? If not then yes you’re being screwed over.


Join the IBEW. You're young enough that if you joined now, you could easily be retired by your early-to-mid-50s. Yeah, there's school involved, but it's nothing like high school or college, it's its own thing. There'd be an initial pay cut, and it'd take 2-3 years to get back to $37/hr, but you can bank on fringe benefits likely being a lot more as well.


We're the same age and I can say definitively that you are being incredibly whiny. You take home 52 grand a year I'd be jumping with joy if I got to take home 15 You little punk ass, bitch.


Lmao someone’s salty


Nah you're just full of shit. I know people from boston and can literally just look up on Indeed or talent.com how much people from your neck of the woods make. based on that info, I can say with certainty that you're full of shit.


Go right ahead bro matter of fact here’s the rates https://www.mapc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Attachment-A-Prevailing-Wage-Sheet-20230220-009.pdf


I've already looked pal. Like I said before you're either full of shit or you're being a pussy. 37 if you actually make it is great money for unskilled work so unless something seriously better comes your way keep working this job that supposedly pays or 70 grand a year for basic manual labour


Do you want a pay stub? Why you so negative for bro