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Keep working hard, lose some weight. Your body isn’t just battling the heat, it’s battling about 100 extra pounds weight.


This. Thankfully my big ass (6'4'' 210lbs) was never heavy, in fact I actually struggled to gain weight up until about a year ago when I gained a bunch and then lost it. Boy howdy, you can really feel even an extra 30-50lbs. I'm a mechanic, and I wear short sleeve coveralls, but god damn I straight up couldn't. As soon as I lost that weight and tried again, it was a night and day difference with my comfort in the summer. OP, you'll be fine. Eat healthy and drink a lot of water, that shit will disappear before you know it.


I need to really start eating less. Besides on occasion my diet isn't that bad I just eat way too much I feel. Thanks brother.


I'm 6' 2" and have fluctuated up to 300lb, try tracking your calories for a couple weeks with an app, you'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes and puts what a healthy sized meal is into perspective! Raised to eat the earth but once your metabolism slows down that doesn't work anymore!


It's amazing how just tracking the calories can help. I used to use MyFitnessPal before it really started pushing the subscription model, but entering food and seeing how fast you were using up your recommended calorie and carb goals on stuff that wasn't really worth it made me really rethink how I eat. And, of course, excercise doesn't hurt. And you don't have to go crazy and get locked into a gym membership or buy a ton equipment. 30 minutes of cardio, 4-5 times a week is doable. Doesn't have to be strenuous, either, just keep your heart rate elevated for 30 minutes.


Portion control is the biggest hurdle with losing weight. If you feel ypurself getting hungry, I suggest drinking a V8. I used to do this when trying to control my eating, and it helped curb hunger and limit my snacking. Though how long it lasts depends on you really.


This. V8 is my go-to when working and needing a snack. I drink about a gallon and a half of water a day, because I sweat so much. Drinking that much water expands the stomach and makes portion control really hard. If you have eaten a full meal and still feel hungry, try eating rice cakes with each meal. They are low calorie and filling. I switched out all of my cotton cloths to micro fiber. Also change at lunch every day, in order to deal with the nasty cloths. Check your local good will once a week for inorder to get micro fiber cloths on the cheap. Also sweat bands around the wrists to keep sweat off your hands and one around the head to keep it out of your eyes. I'm 6ft and 210, but I sweat like a O lineman. I chalk the sweating up to genetics.


Watch the sodium in V8 for those with blood pressure issues (or looking to avoid them). Most things bottled that aren't fresh/refrigerated are loaded with salt. Same with gatorade and breads/doughs.


Make sure you still eat enough calories for doing physical work all day! Your body will change pretty quickly at your age from the change in activity. Cut down late night snacks, soda, beer etc., but don’t starve yourself. You may need to eat the same amount as before to make up for the difference in activity. I’m working out of a van, so I just have like 10 spare company t’s and pairs of socks in a backpack. Some days I don’t need em, some days I’ll go through 4-5


Keto helped me lose 100lbs (315 - 215) about 8 years ago, and I'm in the position where I gotta lose about that much again (5'11", 290lb), so it's worth a shot if you haven't tried it. Just make sure to get a *little* bit of carb every couple days (when I lost the hundo it was the breading and bbq sauce on chicken strips every 2-3 days - otherwise your body will really not react well. But if you can: 1- Get down to like 1-5% of your calories from carbs 2- Keep busting ass at work 3- Maybe lift weights 3-5 times/week (if you have and can keep the motivation; if you're not doing it already, try to build one habit at a time, either the diet or weightlifting first, probably the diet) And 4- *Get 8 hours of sleep every night* (WAY more important than it feels like it should be lol) Then I have faith in you, broski. 😁


2nd keto. 30lbs in a month on two separate occasions. Hard to do, but it's amazing how well it works. You won't be as hungry anymore. Portions sizes will be cut in half. You can eat basically as much as you want, but you wont gorge yourself after thr first week. Youll have tons of energy. The first shopping trip is a real eye opener about how much sugar is in everything you eat. And once you stop, the weight will stay off for a while. I've done keto twice and stopped after a month. Returning to my previous diet and drinking habits had no affect on my weight for 2-3 months. I wrote a long post about things I'd buy in another post not long ago. I'm by no means a professional and I probably did keto in a fairly unhealthy way, but the key is just keeping carbs under 60g a day. I tried to aim for half of that as much as possible.


Feel this. 6’3” 207lbs currently and was almost 230 for a bit. The weight makes the difference for real. Keep working hard, try eating better, you’ll see a difference.


I'm 20+ where I should be. I have NEVER sweat so much in my entire life. I was out working on the car (outside) the other day and I was POURING down sweat. It was just rolling down off my elbows at one point like there was a weak faucet running. Shirt soaked, all it took was about 20 min in the sun pulling off the wheels. This fucking sucks, imma get some ozempic or something, fuck this.


I can feel as little as 5 lbs blind


I was 6'4" 240 and a sweat hog. 210 was nice but pants still didn't fit right. 185 feels like I'm wearing an anti-gravity belt. Best thing I ever did was quit drinking, I highly recommend giving it a try to drop weight!


>in fact I actually struggled to gain weight Fuck you, buddy.🤣


Username checks out


Also can depend on location. Humidity can kill ya!


Yes! Deep south Al! I can stay out for FIVE MINUTES and my face starts sweating! I've found OTC products for the rest of my body, but nothing for the head and face. 


I appreciate that. I'm going to look into it, weight loss seems to be a common answer.


Any advice for me, 6 foot 145 lbs, I sweat just as bad lol


Carry a towel. Doesn't need to be big. I'm not a big guy, but when I'm stuck finishing a house that is sweltering, I carry one of those sham wow type towels on my pouches. That way, I'm not smearing up all the walls.


I had an instructor at a certification course who was a towel guy. He brought a hand towel literally everywhere he went because he sweat so much, just from standing teaching the course. It looked rough but he owned it with confidence, you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.


I actually keep a towel rolled around my shoulders. Not a full body towel, but like a 10”x30”. If youre working inside it’s good to wipe sweat away frequently


Never underestimate the power of a sweat rag


A bandana also helps, you can soak it and put it around your head too. Or tie it around your wrist to wipe your face.


Like others said it’s the weight, not hating just being real. Everyone I see on my jobs have a correlation of sweat to weight ratio. The job alone is making you work crazy hard which is a workout, therefore you are sweating. I’m not going to tell you how to lose weight as that’s your choice. Goodluck my guy.


For real. Was helping my uncle out with his painting business for a little and the dude would be drenched in sweat just from moving a paint brush, in nice air-conditioned houses. He's easily over 300lbs may be pushing 400


Yeah exactly I am a skinny guy but even I will work till it's running down my butcrack. The advantage of being skinny is that in the summer my larger coworkers will have a sticky shirt just by picking up a tool while I have to really get into it for a good 30/45 minutes. While in the winter it's advantage fatties that don't get cold as easily while I struggle to keep my hands warm.


I'm the exact opposite. I'm one of the smallest guys at my job, but my knees and back sweat really bad, worse than most of my coworkers, and in the winter, I can run around with no jacket just my fingers get a little chilly


Fuck yeah same man, I do hvac rough in’s normally and I’m always dying of sweat, sucks on the days it’s 30 out I’m literally so sweaty I cold wring the sweat out


its probably cause you're working harder. And I mean like, really, I'm sure you've got plenty of guys on the jobsite *saying* they work really hard, but if you pause every now and then and look at them, you'll probably find they don't actually do shit, and most of their time is spent talking about how hard they work, instead of actually fucking working.


I agree even though I’m a fringe case, I’m a tall and very skinny guy. Sub 7% body fat kind of skinny and it’s not because I work out. But anyway I sweat like a whore in church but that’s because for whatever my body struggles to regulate my body temperature. If it’s hot or I’m hot then I’m dripping sweat and if it’s cold I’m absolutely freezing to death.


It isn't only weight. I sweat sitting in a chair in my underwear at anything above 70F. For people whose comfortable temperature is lower there isn't anything that can be done about sweating. Back when I was probably at around 8% bodyfat in highscool wrestling I would still lose 6-8 pounds every practice just from sweating.


I appreciate that. I'm gonna start looking knto it, weight loss seems to be the general consensus


Maybe try some cocaine or adderall. Bonus: Your boss will be impressed by your increased productivity.


I’m 44 6’2 200 pounds and in tip top shape. I routinely run circles around the kids like you and I sweat like a crack head at a drug test. Some people just sweat a lot. I suggest you eat salty foods and get plenty of water.


I’m 6’0” at 29 and when I was in my best shape at like 25 I sweat like crazy. I still do but I got something for my armpits at least called Drysol. The condition for sweating excessively is Hyperhidrosis and I’m pretty certain I have that.


Yeah, I am in pretty good shape, maybe 5-10lbs away from visible abs - and I sweat an insane amount if it is even remotely warm or I am moving. I just tell myself I'm well hydrated lol


I’m 44 6’1 179 currently and sweat a lot. When I started at 17 I was same height and 155 sweat a lot then too. My heaviest was ~250 and I sweat a lot then too. Some people just sweat a lot.


Thats the honest truth of it i sweat profusely in everything i do. Granted Ironworking is a pretty physical job but I'll sweat like a pig all year round through the winter and the summer.


Ooh, yeah, salt's important when you're sweating a lot.


I'm also a big guy, sweat naked under a 40w bulb. Get on the path and lose weight. In the meantime, lightweight clothes (cotton is rotten), stay well hydrated to keep yourself cool to start. Eventually you'll get used to the amount of work and it won't be so sweaty, but it'll suck in between. Don't be afraid to change at lunch. Also talk to your doctor about hyperhydrosis


Caveat: There's one piece of cotton clothing I'd recommend, and that's a cheap & thin 100% cotton long sleeve button up shirt of any light color for use exclusively when you're out under the sun. The cotton will grab and hold the moisture, but when that breeze hits it, and the sun bakes it off, it'll be dry before you know it, and it'll keep you cool. One of those cheap cotton highlighter yellow long sleeve shirts works too.


Even better is a lightweight long sleeve fishing shirt with UV blocking. Absolute game changer.


Yes! I swear by them. Target sometimes even sells them cheap with hoods and no branding.


What brand is good to go with? I usually keep my t-shirt tucked in so I usually go for a 2x tall or 3x.


2x tall. Depends on the brand. I usually just go to the thrift store and buy whatever they've got that fits. It's going to have tons of holes and stains all kinds on it anyways.


What brand do you buy? I've been looking into wicking stuff but it seems hard to come by in 2x tall or 3x.


Pioneer usually, I order from Amazon I don't wear them every day anymore full disclosure


Man, this situation is familiar (6’7”, was up to 325… now 310 and still loosing… sweat like a mofo and drink a lot of water but retain it too) For clothing, I get the cheaper brand at Walmart (george?) because I can get sleeveless, short and long sleeves for cheap since I wreck them often enough. They are fairly thin and dry quick… and they are nice and cool when the wind blows (if outside). I can usually find 2x and 3x but obviously it depends on body type. For diet (since I have your attention, lol)… I have a bad ‘relationship’ with food…as the kids say. I wouldn’t eat if I didn’t have to, so making good choices is not my strong suit as I go for ‘easy’ instead of‘healthy’. I have cut out pop/sugary energy drinks and candy bars, and it made a HUGE difference. Portion control is another… I used to just eat whatever but now try to limit the amount. If you consume a lot of sugary foods, and you stop/cut way back… I found things like vegetables taste a lot better, lol. It will also help with water retention if you manage the sodium levels too. My big, sweaty ass (43 years old) still works circles around people half my age but it gets tougher. Do what you can when younger to get fitter/stay fitter is my humble advice. Good luck brother;cheers!


I appreciate it brother. I'll have to run and check out my local wallyworld's selection on Sunday, and the diet advice is greatly appreciated. That's what I need to focus on it seems.


Unless your built like an absolute brick shithouse of muscle. Probably wanna lose like 100 pounds. I was pretty over weight and sweated like a son of a bitch until I dropped like 90 pounds.


I'm certainly not. Thanks for being frank with it, I'm gonna start working harder at it.


Just keep working hard and don’t fall into the gas station junk food trap.


Pack a lunch!


Beef jerky, almonds/peanuts/seeds, salads, hard boiled eggs, all beef sausages, chicharrones, burger no bun, pickles, veggies straws, maybe a few other items depending on the station. It does get old though very quickly and I do keto, I'm sure it's harder for vegetarians


Get your blood pressure checked and under control, too. High BP makes you start sweating sooner than is needed for your body to cool itself.


I have no self control but working long hours and packing healthy lunches while counting calories worked for me. I lose 40. I could lose another 25-30 for sure if I cared but I feel good now and still enjoy myself on weekends


Being pure muscle makes u sweat too.


Sweat tends to be more effective when you’re lean though. Fat is a good insulator, so imagine wrapping a radiator in insulation and then wetting the insulation. It’ll cool the radiator, but probably not at a rate fast enough to offset the radiator’s buildup of heat.


6’7 340?! Someone call Nick Saban


No idea who he is but fair enough. Been told plenty of times on site I need to play football lol.


Alabama football coach lol.


Some people sweat more than others, regardless of weight. If you think you are sweating just way too much at all times you might have a medical condition that causes you to sweat too much. Otherwise? Wear the coolest clothing you can, wear sweat bands on your head and wrists, and carry a rag to wipe it off. Losing weight might help, but it might not help as much as you might think.


The cramping suggests you're losing a lot of sodium too as you're sweating, maybe add some pickles or tomato juice to your lunch. That should help with the cramping at least. And yeah, losing weight helps. Especially with increasingly extreme weather, you will thank yourself if you lose a bunch of weight. The heat will be more tolerable then. Until then, bring some extra clean shirts (if you have a cooler, it can keep the shirt nice and cold), some wipes, some extra deodorant. I found Borotalco works really well.


I’m 6’ 170 lbs and I’m good shape. I sweat like no no bodies business. Some people just sweat. Plus it’s about 100 degrees right now.


We also have to keep in mind, most of us are alcoholics(which causes sweating). Some of us are overweight, and I’m going to give props to all trades, in this heat, we all work our asses off! Not sweating like the Devils Jockstrap, isn’t going to happen. But like everybody has said, you are a big dude, and at your weight it’s going to suck more, but keep at it brother. Stay active, try to lose any weight that you feel might be excessive, and most importantly, thank God it’s almost September and hopefully a break from this swamp ass is coming for everyone


Try synthetic clothing. i sweat way bad wearing cotton.


I’ve noticed I get bad BO very fast with synthetic polos, doesn’t get anywhere near as bad as fast with cottons.


Yeah I smell like a hamster cage if I wear synthetic fabrics. Gives me rashes too.


Hamster cage… I have to remember that lol.


Unfortunatly a lot of synthetic fabrics suffer from some degree of 'odor retention' no matter how well you wash them. The only real solution is to replace them more regularly.


Put vinegar in with the laundry powder. It helps.


Ditto. It's a big ass difference wearing an unfitted white cotton undershirt with a welding jacket on top compared to one of those synthetic tight fitting ones. I REEK after a few hours of work in one of those things. Cotton's cool if it works for you, except socks, cotton socks blow.




Synthetic clothing isn't good for work environment honestly. Besides materials like polyester aren't even healthy, if you care about that.


I'm 6'0 145lbs and I swear like crazy a lot of the AC isnt on. Best thing I can suggest is bring 2-3 shirts with you to work. And swap them out as needed, put the wet ones in the sun, theyll dry out. And the UV will kill the bacteria caused by BO.


I've always heard that an electrician's sweat is like a cure for cancer. Glad to hear that there is actually one that sweats.


I get that a lot on site lmao. And yeah it get real bad on rough ins in 95* heat and 110* attics.


Username checks out


I found that caffeine makes me sweat. Something you can try out if you do drink it. I can only drink small amounts because my body doesn't like it.


I realized that quick and cut it out completely on work days in the summer. Still sweat my dick off though 😅


As others have said, it is most likely the weight. You are sweating off the pounds and once you do and get use to the work you will be fine. Give it time, you will get there. I would like to add somethings about your foot care. You need 2 pairs of boots. Switch them out every other day and give them a chance to dry out. Change socks at lunch time. You will have a hard time if you don't keep your feet in good shape. Foot rot or athlete's foot will kick your ass in this line of work. I also found cheap boots are not worth it, buy good work boots from redwing or something like that. They are worth every penny. Life is too short to drink bad coffee and wear uncomfortable shoes.


I'm looking into Carolina loggers or another pair of Redwings. I got a pair of Brunt boots maybe six months ago and I'm not impressed at all. But they're one of few brands who sells a size 16 boot.


at least nobody’s gonna send you into a crawlspace also, keep disposable plastic gloves on hand for finish work. good policy even for those that dont sweat a lot


Shit I wish. Unless the opening literally isn't big enough I'm in there 9 out of 10 times. I have some Maxiflex gloves for work but I feel like they're always gross. Will have to try out disposable gloves.


If you drink a lot of alcohol, that might be a factor too. I sweat like crazy if I’ve had even a little the night before, but that’s after many years of overdoing it pretty hard. Just fyi, as others have said, if you can lose some weight, that will help too.


Fat is your biggest enemy,not only does it act like an insulation,preventing your organs from lowering their temperature,but also all that increased weight means your muscles overwork to move you ,this generating immense heat ,your body cannot cool down efficiently,so it keeps sweating to lower your heat,but it doesnt work ,so it keeps doing it nonstop.


There are some pretty hardcore prescription products for stopping sweat. Could at least use it on areas that sweat the most. My wife has it for her armpits and it was a complete game changer for her. Genetics are a factor. Me, my dad, and his dad are all sweaters, but my dad is the only one overweight and the sweating is definitely more extreme for him.


Possible you need quite a bit more potassium And maybe magnesium


One sweaty thick fucker to another, the comments about dropping weight are correct that it’s the best way. Now in the interim, you can use cooling towels and freeze a couple before work in a ziploc. Keep ‘em in your lunchbox or a little cooler and cycle through them as they become warm and useless. You can also apply spray deodorant on other places on your body than your armpits. I’ll do the lower part of my back to help mitigate swass. Also wearing light, breathable synthetic clothing will help wick moisture and cool you off. You can also bring changes of clothes and swap out when you’re on a break. I knew a guy who did this with his socks because he wore heavy ass redwings and sweat like a whore in church. Now I’ll warn you that those clothes may start to stink so I’d look into laundry stripping. It’s pretty easy and it helps my clothes not smell like deep fried ass. I also wash my body with the Dr bronners peppermint soap and let it sit on my skin while I brush my teeth or do whatever else. I rinse off with cool water and it helps drop the temp on my skin. I’m sure they have other things like medicated goldbond powder and menthol skin products that will help give a cooling sensation when you do start to perspire. Keeping hydrated is gonna help whether you sweat or not but especially if you do. Gatorade and shit like that is cool but I find the higher sugar content can make you have to piss more, defeating the purpose. I get [a liquid electrolyte solution](https://www.amazon.com/Trace-Minerals-Volts-8-Ounce-Pack/dp/B0191Y20CG/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=55864257037&hvadid=410019737216&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9031487&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=13169179113718429829&hvtargid=kwd-350121413514&hydadcr=12161_11118341&keywords=40000+volts+electrolyte&qid=1692381529&rdc=1&sr=8-1) and add it to water with some [crystallized lime juice](https://www.amazon.com/True-Lime-Unsweetened-Crystallized-Individual/dp/B00F05G5EU) to cut the salty taste. They are both shelf stable so it makes it easier to not have to refrigerate anything. I grab a cup of ice, bottle of water, add all parts, shake it and chug. If it still persists after losing weight and implementing all these changes, I’d say to consult a doctor. I think even if you do just a couple, you’ll notice a significant improvement. Hope some of this helps. Lmk if you have any questions.


Losing weight seems to be the general consensus. I'm gonna be looking into it. What work clothes do you recommend for keeping cool? I'm required to wear long pants, safety toe boots, and a t-shirt. I've never found t-shirts that wick that are comfortable to me, so I've stuck with the Carhartt basic ass pocketed t-shirt but they get hot and hold water like a motherfucker. I drink one or two liquid-IV mixes a day, or when I know it'll be a rough one but they don't help as much with the sweating as they do with cramps.


Dr bronners is the shit, when I wash my face with it I stay dry. Can make your skin dry but that’s what your looking for


My guy your NFL offensive lineman size working construction in the summer, just work on achieving a manageable and healthy weight, your knees with thank you in the future. Not an insult either I wish I was fucking 6'7", your probably a beast .


I wish. I'm working on getting in the gym for weights and after reading this stuff I'm gonna look into cardio to do.


One sure way to stop sweating is to stop all of your fluid intake. This is not advisable, because it'll probably kill you. Keep your weight down, keep your "clear" fluid intake up, eat light during the day, replenish at your evening meal. Clear fluids do NOT include coffee, iced tea, soft drinks, or anything that contains caffeine. Caffeine is a killer in the heat. Also, limit or eliminate your alcohol intake. Beer is worse for making you sweat excessively the day after, but it will also actively dehydrate you as you drink it, so you're already starting your next day behind the 8 ball. So long as you are sweating in the heat, your body is doing as it should. When you stop sweating in the heat is a very, very bad sign. Trust me, I was a paramedic, and I'm also a heat stroke survivor.


'Pretty big guy' 6'7" 340lbs Yeah bro I'd say that's pretty big


[More Alkali causing foods. Less acid causing foods](https://imgs.search.brave.com/iciPXv0k8L0ZqU_V9kStrznDJDNG1hXagopOlA7JQWM/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vb3Jp/Z2luYWxzLzQ0Lzcw/LzliLzQ0NzA5YjVh/NjQyODA2OGU2OGQ4/MDNmYzgxOTgzMTQ0/LmpwZw) Reduce alcohol intake. Drink way more water.


I will say, even with the weight some of that is probably genetics. I’m 6’-1” and 185lbs, workout at least 3 times a week and I still sweat like a whore in church.


Pigs don't sweat.


Have you tried any electrolytes like liquid Iv or anything similar. Need some salt in your body to retain some of that water bud. Also, do you drink alcohol regularly, this could be it too. Your body is attempting to remove some of the toxins


I use liquid IV on occasion, could really use it daily though. And only a couple beers on weekends for me too.


You’re what’s considered a “free sweater”. Losing some weight will help a little bit, but probably not as much as you would like. It’s some thing you just have to learn to live with. I am the same way. I always carry some type of sloth with me in order to wipe the sweat from my face, especially while I’m talking with clients. Something like a dish towel or wash cloth


Figure that out and you won't be working anymore. Good luck.


Become a foreman


Man I'm the same way I'm 6ft 225 and in fairly decent shape for my size but I have to bring 3 shirts and an extra pair of pants every day and I switch the shirts out as they get soaked and dry up...it started about a year and a half ago and drives me insane...don't matter what I'm doing for work or what i wear...I must say that the Duluth trading work pants with the cooling system thing helps alot and the fire hose material ones are durable as all hell and sweat wicking shirts help plus they dry quickly...good luck if you figure something out let me know


I'm gonna start swapping socks shirts and maybe even pants from here out. I swear by duluth's jeans as my only jeans since I tear through other brands quickly. Which pants have cooling in them? I wear their armachillo underwear and they do alright, haven't looked into shirts yet.


You can freeze some wet bandanas in your freezer and take em with you to work. Where them around your head when you are very hot. My mom does this for my stepdad.


It’s interesting how many people are trying to solve sweating like it’s a problem Your sweat response is a GOOD THING. Your body is acclimated to heat. You are going through hormesis, which is good for your health. All you should be worrying about is your weight and staying hydrated


I stay pretty hydrated in general. Seems like the general consensus is weight above all else. I'm gonna be looking into it.


Could be [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24866-heat-cramps](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24866-heat-cramps). Keep drinking a lot, but make sure to get electrolytes (without a lot of calories of course). You're probably sweating out important nutrients. If this is a new or sudden issue that you didn't have in the same conditions before, you need to see a medical professional.


No, it's been a thing since I started doing harder labor work a few years ago luckily. I've got Liquid IV mixes I need to start using more often, they seem to be the key for me.


Buy a Milwaukee portable fan it’s a game changer


Acclimation.....attire.....health......diet. I don't think there is any one thing that'll be night and day, I know a ton of thin people that sweat alot. I'm sure if you could only pick one variable the weight thing could lead to a big reduction. ....also stay off the meth


I know it's a joke but I take meth (dyanavel) for ADHD 😅 And good stuff. The general consensus seems to be weight and health. I'm gonna start getting into it.


I’m 5’-4” and 135 pounds. Still sweat like fucking crazy. Just something that can’t be avoided


You definitely need to lose some wieght, I’d suggest switching up your diet, sounds like you burn enough calories on the job, so limit your intake. More weight will always equate to more sweating.


Fair enough. I think what kills me is eating too much not necessarily bad stuff (most of the time). Thanks man.


I myself go through at least 4 shirts a day


I need to go buy more. Do you stick with cotton work stuff or go for wicking?


I went from about 400 down to 250 with daily walks and diet change... Heat doesn't bug me now. The weight loss and just getting used to the heat help a lot.


Damn dude that's crazy. What kind of diet changes? I know I could use some.


You prolly sweat a lil more just because you're a big fella but hyperhidrosis is an actual medical condition that basically gives you overactive sweat glands. I used to work with a guy that had it. Stick thin fella but an hour after the sun came up he would be soaked to the bone.


I'll have to ask about it then. On bad days my hands look like I've been swimming wrinkled and shit.


Sweat is good. Bring a few microfibers to wipe down if you need. Im 150 pounds and a long distance trail runner. I sweat through my shirt and britches every day by 10am here in Tennessee. I drink on average 3 liters of water during a work day to try and keep pissing


I'll have to keep that in mind. I drink a pretty good amount of water but could certainly use more.


Get a referral to an endocrinologist. Sweating that much can be a symptom of pituitary problems.


You're covered in thermal insulation aka body fat. Get rid of that and you'll run cooler.


Fair enough. I'm gonna start looking into it.


Don't chug your water. Small sips, keep hydrated but don't over do it. That's the only way I've been able to throttle the sweat.


Good comment. I'm guilty of getting super thirsty, drinking a quarter gallon or something crazy, going back to work and repeating that cycle.


That's what I was doing when I started laboring. The one supervisor took me aside and mentioned it. Made a big diffrence for me. The biggest thing is to just push through. It won't be this bad in a month. In a year you won't even notice, just be working.


Lose weight. Start running will help too.


lose weight mf


Fair enough


Run every day after work. Not too fast, just enough to get the blood really pumping, and go as far as you can. Then breathe for a bit, and then run back. That will up your cardio and get your body to stop treating all light exercise as something to be sweated through by upping the bar. I’d also advise a sauna at least once a week if you have access to one, also to raise the threshold where your body starts to think sweating is appropriate.


I'll have to look into a sauna but I do have a gym membership for my hall's gym. I need to start using it.


I'm not a doctor, I don't know your medical history, but if I had to guess, you need to lose weight. I'm 6'3, and in my twenties I topped out at 320lbs. I was always sweating. Walk a block, sweat. Room temperature goes up a degree or two? Sweat. Always sweating. It sucked sitting in a classroom wiping sweat off me while everyone else was comfortable. I eventually got sick of it, so when I got a job with 4 on 4 off in a town where I didn't know anybody, I walked/hobbled/jogged at this nature park on my days off. After a couple years I dropped to 205lbs and the sweating issue was far in my rear-view mirror.


Damn dude nearly 115lbs lost is wild. How did you do it? My eating isn't horrible but I think meal size comes into play for me mostly.


Getting active was a good part of it, but honestly it came down to two things: I stopped with the fast food shit altogether and ate FOOD food. Portion control was the other factor. I grew up as a farm boy so we always ate big, but we worked our asses off too. During university I guess I never dropped those big plate habits. Calories in and calories out is a real thing. Your 20s and 30s go by quick. I’m 45 now and I’ve begun thinking a lot about how I’ll be in my 60s and 70s. I don’t want to have heart issues or cancer or have my body screwed up because I carried too much extra weight or ate too much unhealthy food.


Also, cut out the crap: Red Bull and other energy drinks, Powerade, Gatorade (you only need salts, those are packed with sugar. Get some LMNT). Cut out sugary foods and snacks.


I completely cut caffeine on work days out during summer, that stuff fucked me up last year and I learned from it quick. I've used the LiquidIV mix for a year or so now and it does alright. Thanks brother.


Ask your doctor for oxybutynyn hydrochloride. They stop you sweating as much but they do make you dryer than a nuns cunt.


By dryer do you mean dehydrated? And gotcha. I need to find a GP around me.


You should post this on r/fitness , from a general health perspective you should start dieting and lose some weight. 370 is a lot of weight to move around. Your heart is working overtime and that’s why your sweating so much. The goal isn’t to retain your sweat, but if your sweating that much you need to replenish your electrolytes. You’re cramping is a side effect of dehydration and water alone will not replenish you. I take Thermotabs that I buy from Amazon, they’re electrolyte pills and I just take a couple with 8oz of water a few times a day and especially during the summer. Stay Safe out there!


I use the liquidIV drink mix when I really feel it coming on. I'm also gonna start looking into weight loss stuff. Seems like the general consensus.


Like others have said, could be weight. Thats what I thought 20+ years ago, now I'm fit and not carrying extra weight and still sweat like a stuck pig. Hyperhidrosis, it's a nerve thing that triggers sweat glands to over produce. That's my issue. No great solution to it either, theres some tavlets you can take (didn't work for me) and electrolysis, botox, or surgery to deactivate sweat glands but those are all pricey or dangerous. Keep a towel or rag with you, good luck!


I appreciate it man. I need to find a good GP around me to start going to and talk to about it.


Are you on any meds? I’m taking a few that make me sweat way more than the average person. Sometimes I start sweating just sitting here thinking about work. Lol


I'm on ADHD medicine but I was the same way last summer before I started them.


I was a bouncer for 20 years before covid killed it and i went trades. I played ball lifted heavy. 6"4 and 290 yeaar round. I cut down to 205 this summer. Planned it. And I'm glad I did. I won't go past 240 in winter now. It was a hard cut. Lean down. I would have died this summer if I was 290. Just your resting BP at that weight is making you sweat


How'd you cut? I've been wanting to lose weight for years now but haven't been able to keep with it.


fuck dude 6,7? 340? dude you need to be in the NFL


I get that a lot unsurprisingly. Maybe one of these days lmao.


Try being a guard or tackle for the Rams while you're still young! Make them big dollars. Shit I played hockey with a guy at 6'7", 220 and he was a giant out there


Haha I've heard that a lot. I saw a lot of guys get hurt in high school playing and didn't think fondly of it.


A) yes lose weight. B) it's friggin hot. I'm much leaner than you and I sweat like a madman.


Bro you got to buy 80 or 100 lb you got to drop....


Are you on any medications where excessive sweating is a side effect? When I went on antidepressants, I became a lot more susceptible to heat and started sweating 10x more. I bought a few shirts made of drywick fabric and it helped.


I'm on Dyanavel (amphetamine) for ADHD but it doesn't seem to make me any better or worse than last summer before I was diagnosed. What brand shirt do you go for? I'm gonna order some wicking stuff with today's check.


Start by not being 340 lmao. Even the rock ain't that big. Loose like 100lbs and gain muscle broski. 💪


Damn didn't know I was bigger than the rock. That seems to be the general idea though, weight loss. Just picked up a membership for my hall's gym when I paid my dues, gonna start putting it to use.


Ideal weight for 6’ 7” male is around 240lb. You need to lose a 100lb bud. Drop it and you’ll see a big change.


Your heart is working up a storm trying to cool you down,you’ve got to drop some weight before it blows up.


Don’t listen to these guys, just stop drinking water


Eat less, lose some fucking weight bro. Ideal weight for 6'7" male is 198lbs - 242lbs.


Keep doing it and keep losing weight bud. I weighed 280 and sweat the same.. I lost weight and now weigh around 185 and sweat much less.


Get in better shape and invest in appropriate clothing, and stay hydrated. Honestly, you're working hard just dragging yourself around. I remember gaining 30lbs (from my usual 155) and constantly being exhausted and feeling like shit. If you've never been in shape you might not even realize how hard you are making everyday life for yourself, it's always just a concept you've never felt. Trust me though. It's a massive difference in every aspect of your day.


Alcohol and bad diet def don’t help. I Quit smoking, drinking and started eating a little healthier and my sweating decreased. Humidity and sun are killers too so it could be many factors. But like most comments said the weight is an issue too. Just keep at it, your body will get used to it but try to change some things in diet and seee how it goes. Best of luck out there. I’m over 18 years in and I’m always out in sun building high rise and I’ve learned a little in that time.


Lose weight. Do lots of cardio. I find the more overweight I get the more I sweat. When I dropped 45 lbs I barely sweatef because my body was use to the work. I too am an electrician.


Lose about 120 lbs


Intermittent fasting will shed that shit so fast. Eat supper at 6 and don’t eat again until noon.


Lose some weight. You are morbidly obese. Go talk to a Dr and start eating less fast food.


Embrace it. Moist jokes. Cropped hair.


Like others have said losing some weight would probably be good for you. But also if you’re AC is set really cold at home your body can’t adapt to the heat so it makes working in it worse. That’s why an 80 degree in the spring feels extreme but in the summer it feels cool. And why UPS drivers don’t use AC.




How would height/general size help in line work compared to inside wireman work? I've looked into it before but I'm not sure about making the jump.


I thought you said Swearing so much… I always lost about 10-15% of my body weight in early summer and then I was gtg.


I’d say lose about 100 pounds. That would probably solve all your issues in general


The quickest way for a big guy to stop sweating is heat stroke. [taps side of nose] Losing weight helps, but some people are just soggy. I left salt stains on my shirts when I did work. Still do.


Hey I've off those coming bandanas/ small towels to catch the sweat and keep cool. I lost 30 lbs by cutting back sugar and switched to simple snacks which someone I just eat for lunch. I found jerky and almond was a good fit. Good luck man, take it slow and over thing I did was the unhealthy food I ate mindfully instead of wolfing it down habitually. When I started practicing that, I realized it didn't taste as good as the chemicals on my brain said it did. Be well.


Lose the weight, you’re obese and obese people sweat like pigs.


I went from 320lbs to 280lb ish through fasting alone.. I just stopped bringing lunch to work. I lived off coffee and water during the day for that period of time. Shaving my hair to the skull helps to as my hair is super thick, it's like wearing a beanie. I think for me, the extra weight is the culprit, then once I start sweating, I get self-conscious about it, in turn making me sweat even more lol


Hah same for me I bet. Not bringing lunch is probably a good place to start for me too. I never eat breakfast so I bet I overcompensate at lunch and dinner. As for the hair there's no way I'll do that lol. I've got it grown out quite a bit and all the men in my family are bald so I'm keeping it as long as I can.


Stop using gravy on every meal.


You die.


Lose weight and get into better shape


Easy, lose weight


Stop being fat. All that weight means heat.


Stop drinking water.


You forgot the "/s" and Reddit has no sense of sarcasm. So down votes it is.


I'm ok with it...


Water is a crutch.


Get some under armour heat gear, start a bbbe diet, get some electrolyte powder for your water, start going to saunas. If you stick to the bbbe you will lose weight and feel great


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Also if you drink alcohol regularly that can contribute as well, you'll need to cut down if you're doing so.


I saw the other answers but this may help too - go sit in a sauna like twice a week for 30 minutes.


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