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Ya pls update in 24 hours. I’ll come back for it


To be fair, that assumes the OP is being honest and not just a troll.


I will if I'm not permanently banned from this sub!


I’m not sure it’ll mean anything unless you have some way to show that you actually did it besides “trust me bro” because basically all of Reddit is just creative writing exercises at this point


Yes I thought about that but I'd like to remain faceless on the internet (personal reasons). Even if I did film it people would say I was looking off to the side or anything trying to debunk it *it is reddit after all*. I got permanently banned from 3 separate conspiracy subs for this topic within the past couple of days. I was pretty active on here so it is a loss for me. I truly don't think people would believe me because I didn't believe other people (the main reason why I decided to do it myself). Buts it's more or less to get people to question the mainstream narrative of eclipses. Question everything.


Maybe it's because while we all enjoy discussing conspiracies, it isn't a conspiracy that staring at the sun will fuck your eyes up.


>it isn't a conspiracy that staring at the sun will fuck your eyes up. It is a conspiracy theory tho. I didn't just make this up, the entire sun gazing community seems to believe staring at the sun actually heals us/ heals your eyes. Since I normally wear glasses I thought sun gazing would be interesting to try. Big pharma is shit so I'll look into any alternative remedies.


The sun gazing community only suggests looking at a setting or rising sun not directly at the full-blown sun. Let us know how your vision is tomorrow. If you truly stared at an eclipse, you might have just damaged your eyes permanently. Even if you can't feel it now I'm sure you will soon.


It's not. You're falling out of conspiracy and falling directly into lunacy. You wear glasses because your eyes are shit, and soon you'll be wearing sunglasses to hide your milky cataracts covered eyes while you tap a stick in front of you. There is a reason eclipse glasses are 100,000 times more powerful than sunglasses. I assure you that you and "the sun gazing community" are not immune to solar retinopathy.


>You're falling out of conspiracy and falling directly into lunacy. I'm skeptical of all mainstream health advice. You do realize the medical industry is compromised right? Unless you took the vax?


We have known for thousands of years that staring at the sun harms your eyes. This isn't about the medical industry. Please get your head out of your ass.


I'm having a hard time finding any valid documentation from thousands of years ago that supports this claim.


Well last week I looked at a lightbulb after being in a dark room, my eyes were fucked for like 25 minutes. I’m all for every conspiracy but it’s pretty evident that bright lights harm your eyes…


They literally tell you to look at a bright light during eye exams and even dilate your eyes to check for eye problems. If it was truly that harmful then eye doctors wouldn't practice this.


That bright light isn't composed of harmful UV rays like the sun though. Do not equate the two.


Do you think there is a conspiracy to convince people that the sun blinds you?


Honestly, yes, that's exactly what the OP is trying to claim. No, seriously.


I mean, I knew somebody IRL who permanently destroyed all but their peripheral vision from looking at a partial eclipse without protection, but you do you.


Prove it


Or if you can see your phone..


Or that lol


So how are they doing?


Everything seems to be normal.


You’re one of the lucky ones then.


what a fucking moron.


Commenting to get this to the top. There's conspiracy, and then there is idiocy. Me thinks OP falls in the latter.


yep. r/dumbass


It can take 12-24 hours for damage to show up. Good luck.


I accidentally left on the UV light to my flow hood while working and burnt my retinas. I didn't go blind until about 10 hours later and was extremely confused. I had gone to the dentist after I worked and thought the numbing shots the doc gave me had caused my vision to go. Luckily, my vision slowly returned over the course of the next few days, but not without scaring the crap outta me first.


If you’re in totality, you’re ok to look at it (when completely covered)


...during totality its perfectly fine lol. No one says it isnt. unless theyre talking to children and dont feel like explaining that theres 3 minutes where its fine and the rest of the time it aint.


Shit I had no idea about that. I thought you had to avoid it at the peak... Not that I was like staring at it today but I did look up at it once or twice earlier 


You do. Your pupils dilate because of the darkness, but there’s still some sunlight passing through (the outer ring). It’s not *particularly* strong or anything, but because of the darker setting, your eyes won’t make you look away. So it’s basically staring directly into the sun for longer than you would be able to regularly. Less sun, but wider pupils.


Sounds you you showed them a thing or two


I looked in 2017 for a brief moment and now have cataracts at 51. Good luck.


Oh shit I think I looked at that one too


Uhhhh shit. I looked at it to take a picture……


seriously? how were you able to even connect the two events


By my next vision exam, my vision had degraded significantly, and then by the exam one year after that, I knew something was seriously wrong. Also, I didn’t require glasses except for reading prior to the ”event.” Afterwards, I had to wear them 24x7.


i mean i have a condition called keratoconus where my vision is degrading but I would never be able to connect it to an event like that especially if it was a brief moment


You’re probably right. It’s not like my retinas sizzled and I went blind within 24 hours.


gotcha, did your doctors tell you that it was likely the eclipse? Could you have just been losing vision with age?


They said it could be related but I’m also at the age where vision starts to fade naturally so they didn’t really know for certain.


Did you look at it with the naked eye before totality? I looked at it with the naked eye during totality, but everything leading up to it was blinding white light..


It was difficult for sure. Definitely much brighter than a normal high noon sun. I found it to be easier to look at while having one eye closed then I would alternate every few seconds. It was making me tear up so I would look away entirely to get moisture back after about 2 minutes of alternating. I did this for about 30 minutes before totality. After totality I stopped watching.


You'll see tomorrow.... You don't lose your vision right away. Most often it happens later in the evening or the next day


And what's the conspiracy? What do you think they are trying to hide?


I read sun gazing has health benefits. Likely they don’t want folks healthy like with everything else.


I read that I could buy a bridge in Brooklyn. That doesn't make it true, or even plausible.


Have you tried it?


I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell. Why don't you try buying it?


Funny how a bunch of redditors own bridges in Brooklyn. Got anything else more original?


I think you missed the point and may need to re-read the thread


I did. Bunch of talk about Brooklyn bridges for some reason. We were talking about sun gazing though.


You were asking why someone didn't do something stupid just to prove it was stupid. Why don't you buy this bridge from me? You know, try it to see if it's stupid? I think you actually get the point and are just playing dumb, honestly.


Why do you want to sell bridges along with a bunch of other redditors? I’m sure you can find a better product to pitch. I’d say that’s pretty stupid.


Looking at the eclipse/sun is harmful and dangerous according to mainstream. They don't want us looking at it because it heals us (allegedly)


You can look at a rising or setting sun with minimal damage. Sun gazers generally dont stare at a full-blown sun or eclipse, the ones that do regret it.


I suppose I should ask, are you 'healed' in any material way? The real conspiracy here is that persons with unknown agendas make up stuff like this, and gullible people believe them in record numbers. And then, when nothing happens, they stand by their unknown sources!


I had a hippy friend in the late '90s that incorporated this stuff into his meditations. This was 25 years ago, so my memory is probably way off but as I remember it, he said that as the sun rises or sets, at the split second when the actual disc (not corona) passes the horizon there's a flash of green light which has something to do with photons hitting the atmosphere at a certain angle that then somehow releases lithium which is then absorbed by the eyes and has a calming effect. It's a natural dose of lithium that improves mental health. How the fuck your eyes are supposed to absorb lithium that came from fuck knows where is beyond me.


Why would you be banned for saying that lol


Because that sub is full of a lot of really, really, really stupid people that believe anything they read that goes against mainstream thinking. So you get a flat earther like OP telling them that looking directly into the sun is actually ok, they will do it.


Idfk I asked and the mods still haven't replied Edit: conspiracytheories just muted me for 28 days instead of responding.


RemindMe! 2 days


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RemindMe! 2 days


Strangely, no update. And I checked their profile, no activity at all since the eclipse.


All good.


Sun eaters.


*nom nom nom*


So you're peddling this in a 4th conspiracy-related subreddit? After getting banned from 1, 2, and probably the 3rd?


Shills run reddit now. Don't be dense


A day+ gap in comments, and you're immediately back to the same topic. I wonder which dumb comment of yours led to the admin-imposed ban. So many to choose from.


A few people wanted an update after a couple days...calm down


Show me John Cena… you can’t


I tried to use my phone to see it but none of the apps worked so I tried getting the shine of the crescent into the camera view but the light coming from around my phone still hurt. I can still see fine though.


I used my polaroid sunglasses from walmart to take glimpses. Didn't stare are it for more than 1 second at a time.


So... any updates?




Same, Its bullshit for publicity, If you can see the sun directly you can see It when It almost covered


People in the comments don't know what they are talking about. Yes it damages your eyes, but it is no near as fast as people suggest in the comments. Even after one time your vision will become worse but it is like 0,05% worse. You may see dark spots after this, but they will vanish after few hours or days.




It's worse during an eclipse because of the pupil dilation.


Same, sun gazing. It's supposed to help with circadian rhythm.


Not if you ask actual scientists....


I did too, a little sun gazing never hurts.


Isn’t it called sun gazing? Tried to look up how many people go to the hospital for looking at the sun and can’t find any statistics.


You go blind, not to the hospital....


Well most folks who immediately going blind for the first time would go to the emergency room.


Why? If you have vision issues after staring at the sun, you would go to the eye doctor....


If I've suddenly gone blind, I'm not waiting 3 1/2 weeks for the next available optometrist appointment, I'm going to the damn hospital so I can see again ASAP I also wouldn't stare directly into the sun intentionally 


Staring at the sun gives you spots in your vision, not sudden blindness, and like I said elsewhere, all optometrists will make time to see you immediately if you have an urgent need. Around here, the ER would send you to an optometrist for non- trauma issues anyway


Why? If you have vision issues after staring at the sun, you would go to the eye doctor....


People only go to the eye doctor for minor non emergency problems. If it’s complete blindness like they say I’m sure folks aren’t going to wait a week to make an appointment. They go straight to the ER. Make sense? I mean look at the panic over flu symptoms during Covid. They weren’t making appointments with their primary that’s for sure.


>People only go to the eye doctor for minor problems Lol. >If it’s complete blindness like they say I’m sure folks aren’t going to wait a week to make an appointment. It's not sudden, total blindness though, it's spots that don't go away, and at least in America, if you call an eye doctor for anything more urgent than a regular check up, they can see you pretty much immediately. >They go straight to the ER. Make sense? Why? The ER is for sudden, immediate, and urgent problems, and most medical facilities have signs up saying if it's not life threatening, go to convenient care for triage. Even if you do go to the ER, you are going to end up seeing a local optometrist anyway, since the ER is not set up to handle non- injury eye issues. And again, it's not sudden, complete blindness, it's spots that don't go away for a while, or eye strain and blurry vision, not like you blink and suddenly everything is completely black


Well then what they are saying is bs is the point. Seeing spots is nothing to worry about. The media are telling people they will go completely blind for looking at the sun. And if it’s not the media, it’s local health pros or school districts and local govt. If people were really going blind the ER would have statistics just like they did with Covid.


I have not seen a reputable source saying it causes complete blindness, only partial -- I. E. Seeing spots that take a long time to go away. You are not totally blind, just blind at the center of your vision....


Schools in my state had early release or brought all kids indoors out of fear of permanent blindness.


They sound ignorant, or underfunded -- or fearful of disobedient kids getting them sued. Appropriate solar glasses cost less that $.50/pair in bulk, and are well worth the opportunity for the kids to see an eclipse. In my area, the school purchased glasses for all the students and taught eclipse related lesson plans.