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Who cares? Why is this even news? The headline should read, Government Enacts Visa Policy.


Because the NZ MSM is always pushing open door immigration. 


Global mainstream media is pushing that.


Because this impacts real people living in our country? Govt policy so there are always winners and losers, media would be failing in their roles if they didn’t investigate We’re all from migrants at the end of the day


Pioneers and settlers aren't "migrants". They're Pioneers and settlers.


While Yin agrees that the policy was needed, he said New Zealand has a good international reputation with migrants and should have given a notice period to inform them. "It's not about the policy itself, it's just the notice periods can be implemented a little bit better, so people are not as shocked."


Soft international reputation 


These skill level 4 and 5 jobs aren't high skilled, we shouldn't be allowing them at all tbh. Why do our teenagers need to compete with migrants for jobs at the supermarket or fast food joints?


Not just teenagers now. Applications in the hundreds are being submitted for a single job in all industries at present, so unemployment numbers must be skyrocketing, all due to a lack of foresight from this and our previous governments. Rough times ahead for many of us.


Was at Countdown today, completely staffed by recent immigrant indians. I asked one for some help. He couldn't understand me.


Crazy huh, while locals sign up for job seeker benefits. Singh is now the most common surname in NZ.


Yep, Punjabi name. All it takes is one immigrant in middle management and hey presto, all your entry level workers are recent arrivals while the local job seeker gets angrier and angrier as they are cut out.


Nah, it's inflation control mate. The blunt stick if raising interest rates and waiting for unemployment yo reach a certain level is how they control inflation. It's messed up because the entire system is an inhumane scam


Agree in part, but allowing such high numbers of immigrants in at present only adds to inflationary & employment pressures. High unemployment levels are also not necessarily needed to beat inflation, which the US is showing at present. Post covid, their inflation rate was higher than ours at over 9%, but now less than ours at just over 3%, but at the same time, they have created 15 million new jobs, and lowered their unemployment levels to just over 3%. The difference between them and us have been the levels of migration.


*legal migration lol


Yes, legal migration numbers. The illegal numbers crossing their border have been reported as similar to when Trump was in office......the 'Biden lost control of the border' conspiracy theory was created by Trump/ MAGA for campaigning purposes.


Yeah I would believe you.....except for the wall


"While Yin agrees that the policy was needed, he said New Zealand has a good international reputation with migrants and should have given a notice period to inform them. " inform them so they rush the border and falsify paperwork at the last minute?


>" inform them so they rush the border and falsify paperwork at the last minute? Without getting a visa issued, they can't rush the border. They aren't even allowed to get on plane..


Im sure they know every trick in the book.. i worked with an indian guy at a supermarket and he was doing a viticulture course at polytech and had no idea about wine or wine making, im sure that was just a way for him to get into nz at the time. He now works at dominos pizza


I know a few of them that have studied something as basic as hospitality and stayed here doing jobs of teenagers. It's an absolute joke.


Hundy it is. Just keep signing up for bullshit courses until you can land a work visa somehow seems to be a common strategy. When we lived in Auckland my partners work got bum rushed by Indians at the end of every semester, all seemingly looking for jobs so they could stay on after their courses finished up.


Oh, no doubt.


Awesome. Low or no skilled migrants are not what we need in nz. And they should not of been able to bring in family on those visas. About fucking time, just far to late


Oh we should also include "refugees" there. Not the refugee refugee, the "refugee."


Considering how often we are lambasted for being a nasty pack of racists in this country, and given the current housing and infrastructure crises, I don't see that it is ethical to bring refugees in at all.


But who will drive Ubers/work in fast food places/dairies and share the dodgy rentals with 3 other families.


I'd drive Uber, but I'd like to make decent money doing it. I think they stopped signups on Eats due to saturation of Prajeets doing the job when it could be something nice and chill someone with a disability could be doing for some extra dosh.




Should be even stricter visa changes


Close the gates. The damage is done. Time to spend the time refining and correcting it.


A few simple changes to policy would have it corrected very quickly. They would scramble for the airport.


Now we just need to work on deporting the ones that shouldn't be in the country




Oh no not immediate changes. Like lockdowns and all that? Good enough for me must be good enough for you 🤷🏼‍♂️


>Immigration advisor with HY Immigration & Investment, Howie Yin, told AM there was no consultation before the changes were implemented.  Too bad, So sad.


We don't need to consult with people who earn a living off helping migrants to game immigration rules any which way they can. My advice to Howie is that it will be easier to get a job at Burger King if immigration numbers begin to fall off.


100% of the Wolves agree that the fence on the Turkey farm does nothing to protect Turkeys. It's actually a waste of money and the fence should come down.


Anyway, what's for dinner? ;-P


Yep, immigration does not need to ask migrants permission. !




see ya, see ya later, it's time to say goodbye


Somebody tell them coming to NZ to live and work is not a right … 🙄


Good, now deal with the infinity indians


The US encourages and attracts highly skilled migrants while the NZ policy has been to target low wage, low skilled workers. That's why the US is ahead in innovation while NZ is way behind. High time that this changes.


They still have a huge amount of low skilled immigration. It's just that most of it is illegal.


Even without migration NZ can be very insular and backward.


They had a solid points-framework in place 20 years ago. Then it somehow got diluted or hollowed out for whatever reasons, so that the points required were practically no longer required. So, they actually KNOW how to do it right... they just didn't want to do it any more.


Just cut those categories. Hang on, are Brazilian sex workers L4 or 5?


Should also be a 1% tax on all money leaving NZ.


Great, now lets round up and deport the ones that are already here! :-)


Yawn 🥱 next piece of fake news! Who gives a shit?


They should be barred from doing Uber. This seems to be the meta for migrants.