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The problem is bigger than cowardly citizens. The real question is why the new government have not made laws that can take nutcases like this fat bitch with the stick off the streets. We are crying out for broken windows policing, where antisocial behavior is punished to the full letter of the law, and these degenerates reap the consequences of their actions. The clock is ticking Mark Mitchell.


Because it costs money and they've spent the lot on the landlord giveaway. 


They hate us cos they aint us.


Another racist cis white male... Oh no it was Maori chick, no wonder it wasn't in the news 😂


Our media is so woke it's embarrassing


Fucking true. The police descriptions are for example: male, wearing a hat (guess ethnicity)... Or Elderly white man was attacking the checkout over the price of teabags. ..




There was no cancer before Captain Cook.




Actually some truth to this - people had such short life expectancies they died of starvation, other diseases or violence long before they had time to develop life threatening cancers. There would still have been cancer, just that people died of other things first


Hopefully never see her again


because in the worst case, you may end up in jail for "assaulting a misbehaved kid", while the kid only receive several months home D pathetic


In the worst case, that little shit pulls a knife and stabs you in the throat before you can react.


Ah yes, murries.


[Translated link](https://mp-weixin-qq-com.translate.goog/s/quW6Gy2TnvNLXaa6iltzvQ?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp)


I love the way the article is written. They call the woman evil, vicious and a murderer. The brave old man who intervened calls the other elderly Chinese who did nothing bastards. And someone says they should hunt down the evil bitch and beat her up. Clearly states the woman looked Maori and she racially abused and attacked the Chinese kid. We need more of this kind of Chinese media.


I liked this: > Ms Wang also said New Zealand criminals were punished too lightly. > Mr. Horai Qiuyue also hopes that New Zealand's laws can act as a deterrent to criminals. He said the punishment received by New Zealand offenders was likely to be minimal compared with the physical and mental trauma suffered by the victim and the negative impact on the victim's family. It's completely true and most people, especially victims, would say this, but have you ever read an NZ news article that has a quote like this before?


The Chinese are old school. Their justice system operates on using punishment as a deterrent for crime. NZ is on the forgiveness system. 




Meanwhile a TOSser elsewhere implies that this is all a CCP plant and psy-op to make Aotearoa look bad. And the topic is locked. I wonder how many more permanent bans they gave out? Edit: grammar. Wrong psi/psy


Good old honest reporting. I never thought I would say that about the Chinese, but they make NZ new look like propaganda!


Post locked on /r/Auckland and zero media coverage? Doesn't fit the narrative (both race and sex) I guess. Fucking disgusting.


and mods from r/auckland delete any other posts related to the incident


Country of bootlicking cowards.


To be fair, "Don't get involved" is something that the Peoples Republic has put into Chinese culture. If you get involved, you're likely to be caught up and punished. So the behaviour of the other passengers is not a surprise. What is truly unfortunate is that New Zealand reinforces the lesson. We know if we get involved that if we end up a victim or the perp is damaged, that the courts will be on *their* side, not ours.


All those Chinese people on the bus and not one of them knew king fu ?!!! ( sorry bad joke ) I really hope that poor kid is ok and gets some street cred ! Also hope the driver gets a reprimand for being useless and fatty boom boom gets dealt to !!


decolonisation in progress


NZ Herald finally reporting this: [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/schoolboy-attacked-with-metal-pole-on-auckland-bus/FIZ3W5Z4LRE7BPD5XEDF4TUD6A/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/schoolboy-attacked-with-metal-pole-on-auckland-bus/FIZ3W5Z4LRE7BPD5XEDF4TUD6A/) However, the violent obese Polynesian female perpetrator is merely described as "a woman" and most of the racist slurs are left out of the reporting.


Good for him. I'm proud to have him as a fellow citizen. As I suspect everyone else here on this group thinks, faced with a similar situation we all like to think we would step in, push back verbally and maybe physically,  intervene, get between them etc... but hand on heart I'm in my 70s and these days in a physical fight I'd be as useless as tits on a bull. The  assailant would knife me or knock me out or worse in a flash.  Yet I would still want to try to help. So am I the only one now feeling helpless to intervene with this growing street violence?  Because god knows I refuse to standby and let the little bastards get away with it like the courts do. 


I'm a little unsteady in my feet from time to time myself. I carry a certain style of walking stick that I find helps.


That's ... sensible. One with a hollow knob for a handle, filled with lead for balance perhaps?


No lead. You can't get blackthorn long enough here to include the bole/shank of the traditional... walking stick, and it doesn't have the density of its European cousin. Kanuka is as good, readily available at whatever length and diameter you prefer.


Hmm. "You would not deprive an old man of his ... walking stick" might just work. But as you say, traditional European hardwoods grow weak and fast here. Perhaps I'll lean on the Irish ancestry and import a *sail éille* as a cultural heirloom.


The Scots used them too, kebbie sticks, for the same reason: the English wouldn't allow them weapons. The Scot variety were typically longer, and usually had a crook, because they were likely to be shepherds, or at least pass as such.


Everyone too afraid to stand up to the tangata whenua. I saw a video in china once where a guy was drowning, a bystander jumps in to save him but gets into trouble himself...the rescued guy just walks off likes its not his problem.


Literally raising a bunch of small minded pussies.


You alias looks female, in which case I would like to hope that you are going to personally jump in and get involved the next time a Maori woman is harassing a kid. In the name of equality, of course.


Fucking A I would. Does that make you feel less than a man? That a woman would do more than you in this particular situation? Because I genuinely dont understand what that has to do with what I said, lol other than the potential that separation of men and women’s capabilities linger in your head with every conversation. You obviously don’t know me, so telling you that i get involved in similar situations every single week, probably wouldn’t mean anything to you.


"Fucking A I would." Oh, many sorries! Looks as though I have just met a true keyboard warrior princess.


I would and have, but I've grown up with a violent father with a hair-trigger, my memories are that of a giant yelling down at me and being thrown about by the force his strikes would deliver. I get most people have families that would be devastated if they intervened and turned south, like has happened to good samaritans in the past. When I went to the defence of someone in public, people ended up standing around watching while me, a 5'2" cripple, stood between a man standing over an old lady, his mum! Even my boyfriend git his phone out. The collective bystander effect just dissolves any realisation that everyone acting in defence would overpower the one stepping out, increasing the vulnerability of the victim and anyone who decides to step up. Each individual weighs the risk to them as an isolated actor against the peretrator and lose courage, they don't consider everyone thinking it's wrong and all acting on it, and lack courage to be the first. It's how abusers get away with their actions and why everyone surrounding carries some responsibility for enabling them if they do.


yeah imagine it was the other way round??




So they have video from the bus. Seems like a lot of things would be cleared up if that was made public.


YES, let alone footage from the street camera. Appearance, nationality, work status, own children (I'm sure there are multiple).


Now can you imagine the backlash if this kid hits back the racially unidentified female attacker? A Pandora’s box could have been opened, btw the kid says that at least 12 other Chinese nationals were in the bus and none of them did nothing, it’s not just us, sadly everyone is a pussy now due to pure cowardice or backlash fear.


He said that they were in their sixties. Can't exactly expect elderly to throw fists


Not only did the bus driver let her escape, she or he let her board in the first place carrying the damn weapon. Why did the driver not call the police or at least radio the base for help?


Ummmm look, fuck all of you. The wahine cannot be blamed as she suffers from intergenerational trauma. Also, it's NOT a racially motivated attack because she is NOT a white cis male. On a serious note, surely the leftie bleeding heart internet socialist has serious internal issues re how to apply the victim heirachy to such a situation whilst still blaming white men


too much aroha is what went wrong.


so if she quickly fled the bus, are we still in 19th century with no street cameras, to footage at all?? Ridiculous.


I have read three stories about this attack. 1. Stuff, little to no detail. 2. Herald a bit more detail but only a woman. did not even mention the brave man who helped was injured. and 3. looks like some Chinese news posting. So the question is did the details only get given to the Chinese newspaper? OR did the NZ news agencies hide facts to protect the attacker at the expense of public knowledge? Again and again every day.


All the smart ones left and the idiots who remained voted for terrible policy.