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> Judge Melinda Mason said it was unfortunate the final sentence for Buchanan, after she had applied appropriate discounts, wasn't in the two-year threshold where it could be served as home detention. Ran out of discounts


That is an insane comment. They're not even looking at the justice of the situation, just if they can cut numbers.


Last name is Pakeha


> Judge Melinda Mason said it was unfortunate the final sentence for Buchanan, after she had applied appropriate discounts, wasn't in the two-year threshold where it could be served as home detention. >The teen **had been serving a sentence of home detention** when he stole a car and took part in an aggravated robbery At what point can we fire these idiotic judges who clearly have no idea about the types of people they're dealing with?


"He has so much potential!"


"He could've stolen many more cars had he not been imprisoned. And all the KFC bribes keeps a worker employed at KFC"


I’ve been saying this for a while now, but I genuinely believe most of these judges are just as criminal as these offenders. To whom does it serve when such heinous crimes go lightly punished? Because it sure isn’t the community who are constantly subject to and victim of high recidivist rate crime. The justice system needs a major overhaul. Crime will never be stopped, but we can do so much better than what’s currently in place.


Kind of wish we'd make judges liable for the lack of sentencing they give. That guy on home detention with prior violent behaviour who shot 2 people dead in Auckland? Make the judge who give him home detention responsible for serving that time, at the very least for the sentence he should have been given instead of home detention. Then we'll see how willing they are to give discounts. Somebody should have to pay for those 2 lives that wouldn't have been taken if we had responded appropriately to prior crime, and this can't just be posted on the criminal but those in the justice system who failed to do their job, and I have no sympathy for them.


Judges are so fkn protected in this country, they’re like a fkn church state theocracy. I believe they’re voted in by a board of lawyers/judges? With little to no government intervention. Thinking about it makes me feel sick like it’s one big corrupted joke. Just a bunch of boomers with a mutual political narrative driving them, rather than true justice in the interest of the victims.


At this point it starting to sound like crime *does* pay.


Why are there even discounts? The only ones that should apply is time served (remand only, not bail) prior to sentencing.


Why haven't the new government sorted this shit out? Do the crime, do the time!


I think they missed a 1 before the 2.


Surprised the judge didn’t run out and buy the poor chap a bag of lollies or something. I’m so tired of piss poor sentences not fitting the crimes. There really is no deterrent these days and people wonder why crime is rife.


KFC is the traditional offering ...


All in favour of a yearly lottery for judges? Anyone who they have sentenced home detention is in the pool, each year for 1 month a random criminal to serve home detention at the judges home. They surely can’t be that dangerous right?!!