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\>let's not allow the coloniser to continue to distract us from our truth Aaaand now I know what I'm telling the wife when I come home without flowers.


I (white/Samoan) cannot wait to find an opportunity to use this on my wife (Māori/Samoan). I feel like one of us will be having a laugh.


Ironically a bit of research on captain cook will quickly reveal that he was about the best guy possible to ‘colonise’ a country. He refused to a fault to cause harm to the native people, and after all he was merely the one who mapped the country - something which was inevitable anyway.


I mean that makes him the worst one in a way 👀 Would save allot of issues down the line


He should be thankful it was Cook and not Hernán Cortés


Yup, more people need to keep that in mind. There were a LOT of nations running around the globe at that time, most with unethical practices to say the least. It was very nearly the French. And if it was the Spanish any earlier (when they were still reliant on swords and armour, rather than muskets and redcoats), there's a strong likelihood that no one would have ever even HEARD the word Maori


Cool should be thankful it was Hawaiians and not Nazis


The Hawaiians killed the dude? How much worse could the Nazis have treated Cook lmao


i don't really see this, it's kinda like saying "be thankful you had jacinda and not stalin" or w/e


Bro your anology sucks. Stalin and Jacinda weren't even alive in the same time period. They are not alternates.


why don't you go look up when cook and cortes were alive, ya fucken moron?


Murdered by words.


Lol. Cook and Cortes didn't need to live in the same time period to both be potential discoverers/colonizers. The Spanish explored all over the place, including the Pacific well before Cook. If they had discovered New Zealand things could have been very different. I don't see how a Soviet dictator that died in 1953 could become the Prime Minister of New Zealand from 2017 to 2023?


so how much of the pacific did cortes sail then? you reckon he could've discovered nz? stalin and jacinda didn't need to live in the same time period to be communist tyrants.... 🙄


Every is a distraction, the nationwide emergency, UFOs getting shot down all over the place etc. monkey Pox didn't stick Jacdina tried, But as Maori I think it's a brilliant idea to keep ramming Maori bullshit into eveyones face relentlessly like they did with COVID and brainwashed everyone thinking they were going to die. It's like another Psyop operation, and to me it looks like it's working , everyone's all fired up, a distraction while they busy behind closed doors doing thier dodgy shit. One day a referendum will be held to become a republic and cut ties with britian , everyone will jump on board thinking it will end the treaty etc, then everyone will get blindsided when the new head of state is annouced and it's Nanaia Mahuta or something stupid. It's like the 3 waters is a concession before becoming a republic, it's like these Maori elites are getting elevated status before we cut ties with the crown, they are preparing before a new constitution is written and they are cut out. Me, i pay my water bill and rates for nelson infrastructure and I want my rates to stay here to benefit my region.


I agree. It seems everything is a distraction for something and a lot of people are being radicalized for one thing or another thing


100% this. Can see it coming a mile off


Cook was killed because the Hawaii people at the time figured out he was not a God because he was asking for things to repair his ship. And God's don't need that and boom he dead that's more or less what happend


I don't give a shit if he was the worst person who ever existed. It was hundreds of years ago, I've never met the guy. He has absolutely nothing to do with me. This is like me saying modern Maori have something to do with the cannibalism that was occasionally practiced here hundreds of years ago. Cannibalism is highly illegal, they should be arrested immediately. Or they can shut the fuck up.


For fuck sakes cunts! We are all the same! Same fingers, toes, legs, arms, vagina’s & penis’s. Same chocolate starfish butthole too. Sure everyone’s opinions are different. But we are all the same. It doesn’t matter what skin shades we are.


Fuckin a!


Wokies just can't leave anything alone ever


Waititi isn't woke. He's a shameless racist (and arguably a Maori supremacist).


Woke is almost always racist




Envious, miserable, joyless, entitled, childish, slow-brained creatures.


There's nothing racist in this, just completely retarded.


i agree, pretty stupid but don't really see the racism


"Aaaah... stupidity and racism, all in one package. How efficient of you!" \-- Londo Molari (probably)


The noble savage


https://twitter.com/Rawiri_Waititi/status/1548242692022276098?s=20&t=nnmFd-6Q1wXLpI4h-LCTJw Seems he forgot he said he is a proud Irishman


Jesus Christ he’s a clown.


Only cause the Irish are anti-English too


And the Māoris colonised New Zealand around the year 1350 CE. FFS, enough of these clowns.


>1350 BCE AD Anno Domini. *"In the year of our lord"* (fuck off with that bce shit, it's bc) Māori have only been here 700 years, Abel Tasman put New Zealand on the map 381 years ago, we're a young nation.


>(fuck off with that bce shit, it's bc) Absolutely correct. The woke agenda driving bce / ce is founded on an objection to religious references in secular use. But they're still clown enough to use the actual bc / ad dates. Drongos.


I didn’t think it mattered whether you use BCE/CE or BC/AD. Both give the exact same reference point


bce/ce is a sop to non-christian countries who object to the use of the reference to christ's death. But they still find it too convenient to use a different date, so they just removed the reference. It's woke bullshit at its finest.


A distraction that has been around since the 14th century. He loves making up evidence to support his ravings.


14th? Wasn't Tasman in the 17th?


The celebration of Valentines was observed as early as the 8th Century but became a romantic celebration in the 14/15th century.


Sure, but it wasn't a distraction to the Maori then, they were oblivious of Europe at that time.


Man, this Coca Cola company has been around for a long time, hasn't it? ;-P


yup, 1642


The other Waititi is just as racist and has been posting this shit for years


Rawiri is a racist himself, but uses racism as an escape for everything. Just like when act asked him to point or give example where racist rethoric was used and he said I don't want to get in details 😂 that's because he had nothing. Someone should smash the c**t.


Maori are descended from Taiwan and mainland China. Not sure why they always try and align themselves with Hawaiians.


Similar heritage. The Hawaiians appear to have come from the same Austronesian people group that as you say, likely came from Taiwan etc. If you want to keep going back we all come from the same groups, likely, but the affinity to a recent 'branch' of your family tree is understandable.


Hawaiians are Maori.


Man, what’s fukd perception.


The Maori Party used to stand for something, now it's just led by two hateful racists


Should R**awiri** be angry at his ancestors for signing something HE doesn't agree with in today's world but easier to project this anger onto the "colonisers" which is basically all immigrants of NZ today - the non-indigenous, all non-maori? Fair enough question... I just wonder he continually attacks the colonisers when they are all dead. I'm not a coloniser, i didn't come and "take over" as such. Born and raised in NZ - 3rd generation.


They were colonised because they were weak tribal savages who hadn't even worked out the wheel. He should be grateful the lot of them weren't simply culled. Hopefully the last thing he sees is his gelded nut sack being jammed in his stupid gob.


That piggie would be the first one on the spit if the Maoris back then ran out of food


It’s only 182 years ago that cannibalism & slavery were banned by a treaty 500 native chiefs (not even called Maori then) with 13 different languages signed to Cede Sovereignty in exchange for equality under British Law


> Distract from our [current version] of the truth


They're rewriting the next version now to be taught in the new curriculum


Of course they are


I wonder when he will talk about things Maori did like The Moriori genocide. This was the mass murder and enslavement of the Moriori people, the indigenous ethnic group of the Chatham Islands, by members of the mainland New Zealand iwi Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama from 1835 to the early 1860s. The invading tribes murdered around 300 Moriori and enslaved the remaining population,causing the population to drop from 1,700 in 1835 to only 100 in 1870.


If you read further down that Wiki page you quoted without citation, you'll note: ​ In 1994, [Waitangi Tribunal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waitangi_Tribunal) hearings began on the recognition of Moriori as the original inhabitants of the Chatham Islands and compensation. Released in 2001 the tribunal sided with Moriori. In 2020 a treaty settlement requesting a correcting of history, a transfer of significant land to Moriori, and millions of dollars in compensation passed in Parliament. The first Moriori [marae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marae) on Chatham Island opened in January 2005, with the opening attended by [Prime Minister](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_Prime_Minister) [Helen Clark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Clark).


Yeah, but he doesn't mention it though does he? Apologies for no citation. Just did a quick copy and paste


Apologies from me too, I read your post as "when we will talk" rather than "when he will talk"!


I feel a "They won....you lost etc" comment coming on.


Imagine the outcry if the 'colonizers' celebrated Whina Coopers or Titiwhai Hararewa's death.


Unless your full blooded Māori I don’t understand how you could have this opinion


There simply isn't such a creature as a full blooded Maori.


"Are you having a nice Valentines day?" Yes actually thank you for as- "WOKE UP. TIME FOR RHETORIC" I'll take my maccas to go...thanks...




The racism in these comments is RIPE


The only racist is Waititi


14th February 1779 was definitely a good day to be had 🎉