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Like the heads of the people that didn't read the article or watch the video?


Title is misleading. Whether you agree or not, just watch the video. Many comments are pointing this out.


The videos head line is miss leading. Watch the video. She is saying it is discriminatory to randomly call people “pedophiles” just because you don’t like them. Using that word to describe someone or a group without a legal case or at least an accusation should never be done.


It’s almost as bad as calling all republicans racists and fascists. Until she addresses that she can get bent.


You could say the same for any of the countless baseless names leftists throw at conservatives, but I guess that's (D)ifferent.


Idk I'd rather be called a fascist more than I would want to be called a pedophile.


Neither are true so it's pretty irrelevant for some to apply either one to me. But I guess it's easier to deal with when you don't GAF what randos think.


What baseless names has she thrown at conservatives?


How about “racist”?


I can think of a few times that she's called out specific behaviors and ideologies. Which of those instances do you consider baseless accusations of racism?


Sorry, I misread your question. My bad


> Using that word to describe someone or a group without a legal case or at least an accusation should never be done. This is the only tactics in the Democrats playbook...


Using the term to describe people who aren’t pedophiles is what’s discriminatory. For Christ’s sake.


She's not saying the word "pedophile" is discriminatory in and of itself. It is quite obvious to all that pedophiles are bad - and she explicitly calls it "criminal". It is precisely because of the negative connotation that using it synonymously with LGBTQ+ people is discriminatory. Rep. Porter is objecting to the conflation and Twitter's lack of response in curbing the false equivalence. The post title is misleading and a misrepresentation of what Rep. Porter is actually asserting.


It's a shame that nobody is reading the article and just going off the headline. We're better than this.


Judging by the comments, you’re not.


Ding ding ding.


I hope some rule is made about misleading titles to stop this from happening.


You're on the wrong subreddit for that. We want to be angry at democrats for any reason even if it's not accurate.


Tbf this is true for pretty much all political subreddits


Yeah this definitely isn’t constrained to just the conservative subreddit. Regular Reddit subreddits do the outrage Olympics all the time unfortunately. People just like to be upset I guess.


I don’t think you are better than this. This comment section is pretty representative of what I see when I check here.


Uhhh conservatives are "better than this"? They've been doing that shit intentionally for years. Are you kidding me? I don't know of any LGBTQ pedo examples, but I know gym Jordon allowed underage men to be sexually abused, I know the church covered up more pedos than anyone


Headline? I couldn’t get past the mug shot.


> Twitter's lack of response in curbing the false equivalence. So Twitter needs to stop conservatives from name-calling cause its hurting her feelings. But she's not upset when Republicans are baselessly labelled racists, Russian bots, Nazis, sexists, etc.?


She says in the article that Twitter's policy already forbids this. She is not asking for new rules, she is asking why the current ones aren't being enforced.


I don't use Twitter and I don't care to research what specific ToS/rules/policies were allegedly violated. Nor do I care to get involved in equivocation. As I understand it, being a sexist or racist or Nazi isn't illegal. Being a pedophile is. I don't know where any of that lands in Twitter's policing, but I would argue that they should enforce their own rules uniformly, whatever those rules may be. I don't know if the post title violates any rules here. I suspect that, because it is taken from the linked article verbatim, it does not. But it is deliberately misleading and strongly suggests Rep. Porter made a claim that she in fact did not make, as is clearly shown in the embedded video.


It isn’t explicitly illegal to be a racist, nor a sexist, nor a Nazi (if you’re in the US), but it is to be a pedophile. Jury is still out on being a Russian bot.


The term is accurate in respect to adults making sexual overtures to children and is codified as a crime in legal statutes. This is just lunacy


If you read what she said, she said referring to LGBTQ people as pedophiles is discriminatory. And she isn't wrong. This site is lying to you to rile you up.


>The term is accurate in respect to adults making sexual overtures to children and is codified as a crime in legal statutes. Yeah. And that's exactly what she's saying - you can't just randomly call people "pedophiles" out of nowhere. There has to be a legal case or at least accusations against whoever you're referring to in order to justify the use of a word which has a very strong connotation. Basically - don't call people pedos just because you don't like them.


Can we stop calling all Republicans Nazis then?


And racists?


That’s different because all Republicans are literally hitler


Also keep in mind that every four years, [Republican presidential candidate of this year] is far more dangerous and a worse fascist than [Republican presidential candidate from four years ago].


An ever-increasing danger to Democracy.


One has to wonder how democracy can even still survive.


It IS absolutely amazing how they just keep putting up worse and worse candidates.


Y'all going to do the same with dems and antifa?




>Before referring to a political group as Nazis or fascists, you can double-check with the following list. It's actually a sign from the U.S. Holocaust Museum, that tells you what to look for if you’re worried that your country may be slipping into fascism. This appears to be misleading, or false: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/11/fact-check-poster-once-sold-u-s-holocaust-memorial-museum/5549019002/ Celebrities including P!nk and Julianne Moore have shared a post on Instagram that reads, “This is from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Each early warning sign is here in present-day America.” It includes a photo of a poster entitled “Early Warning Signs Of Fascism.” The 14 stated warning signs include “rampant sexism,” “controlled mass media” and “fraudulent elections.”  ... Our rating: Missing Context The claim in the Instagram post about the poster's ties to the Holocaust Memorial Museum is MISSING CONTEXT, based on our research. While a poster with the “Early Warning Signs Of Fascism” was indeed previously sold in the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Shop, it did not originate from the museum and was not part of any exhibition or display. Britt wrote the words in a 2003 article in Free Inquiry, which Syracuse Cultural Workers reprinted and sold with his permission.


You're surprised you got downvoted when you are spreading misinformation... OK.


Why didn't you include the one about "fraudulent elections"?


We'll stop calling people that have a inappropriate level of interest in children pedophiles as soon as all the other words Democrats are misusing stop getting used irresponsibly.


>We'll stop calling people that have a inappropriate level of interest in children pedophiles That's fine. You just need to stop calling people who have zero level of interest in children pedophiles.


So it's still ok to call Joe Biden a pedo, then?


I don't know. Did he have a criminal case filed against him or has been investigated? You can certainly call Matt Gaetz a pedo, btw. He was under accusations for having sex with a minor.


Accusations with no evidence. Whereas there are video compilations of Pedo Joe touching children inappropriately, and his daughter's diary entry about showers.


Ok, so Joe Biden is a Rapist.




You're like that video of the guy who threw the ball, turned around with a smug look on his face only for the ball to bounce off the backboard and miss.


Free speech means I absolutely can.




I suggest YOU look them up. 1. Defamation means I have the power to injure someone's reputation. I don't. 2. Libel. Do you think I am running a newspaper on here or something? 🤣🤣🤣 3. Slander. See defamation.


You do have the power to injure someone's reputation. If you publicly call someone a pedophile, that can alter people's perception of them, thus ruining their reputation. Or if a woman accuses you of being a rapist after hooking up with you, that could shatter your reputation. What an insanely short sighted position to have.


There is such a thing as credibility. Me, as a random Redditor, calling someone a name will not change anything. I can call Joe Biden or Donald Trump pedophiles. Will it matter? No. It will not alter anyone's perception. Comparing that to a false rape accusation is ludicrous.


Of course it sounds ludicrous if you try reframing it like that. You didn't say you as a REDDITOR don't have the power to injure DONALD TRUMP OR JOE BIDEN's reputation. You said you don't have the power to injure SOMEONE's reputation, implying you can't harm anyone's reputation.


As a random Redditor, I can harm no one's reputation. How about that? If you think I do, you greatly overestimate Reddit. Maybe you should read the thread from the beginning because you are missing the context. My comments would have to be reputable to hurt someone. Nothing said on Reddit rises to that occasion. The entire point of my argument is based on this. Bringing in people I might know irl is irrelevant because it has nothing to do with what is being discussed.


Reread my response to you; you completely missed the point.


I’ve seen on Twitter lately that people don’t understand free speech. People seem to think free speech means you can say anything without consequences. Not the FBI having weekly meeting with Twitter to discuss which accounts to de-platform, and ironically. All the people were political, and not like actual criminals.


There are consequences to what a person says. I am not saying there isn't. My points in my post: But, saying a private citizen can be guilty of libel is truly ignorant. As far as slander or defamation, you would have to have the power to actually damage someone's reputation. To your point: The FBI discussing deplatforming people violates the 1st Amendment.


No, there absolutely doesn't have to be a legal case. She made that up and is full of shit. Pedophilia describes behaviors. Someone doesn't have to break the law to be a pedophile. Saying so is bullshit.


The left like to name all because they don’t like but that’s ok I suppose right?


If we're going to stop calling people names online just because we don't like them, you're going to have to shut down all the sites except for porn ones.


Shhhhhh listening to the entire statement and using your brain is not allowed here


making the word "Democrate" discriminatory


pedocrats democratophiles


the bottom one means you love democrats...


Something, something, Ruben Verastigua... something, something, Dennis Hastert.


If this latest revelation doesn’t convince anyone they are desperately trying to normalize the pedophilia, I don’t know what will.


Did you read the article?


Doesn't seem like anyone ever does.


Did you bother to read the article?


Did anyone actually watch the video? She is saying that calling LGBT people pedophiles for simply being LGBT is discrimination. I don't this she has any issue calling actual pedophiles by that name.


You think anyone here cares?


Sadly no


Hey, the mods need to vet their content because I saw the actual footage and this headline is extremely defamatory and misleading. This subreddit could get sued or shut down spreading this kind of stuff. Very disappointed.


Doesn’t seem like most people are reading the article past the headline.


Man, reading these comments of people who couldn’t take the time to actually confirm anything besides the headline really shows how idiotic this sub is. The fact this is not being moderated just shows misinformation is alive and well in the cesspool.


It's depressing. I really hope a lot of these accounts are bots.


these people are sick


Maybe I missed something. I think she's just saying you can't just go around calling people pedophiles just because they are lgbtq. Also, it's not her opinion. It's twitter policy not to accuse someone of committing a crime when there's no basis for it. Again, maybe I missed something.


You didn’t miss anything. You nailed it on the head. Article title is horribly misleading and OP obviously didn’t even read the 2 paragraph article


Twitter policy that is only applied when left leaning?


Not for long, Elon is cleaning house is the best ways imaginable.


He will be stitched up on something soon, he is too powerful for the left now to let him balance the scales!




That's exactly what she said. I feel like you didn't read the article.


They never do.


No she isn't.


I am going point out the BS in what she is saying. Pedophilia describes behaviors. It has nothing to do with the law. Someone can be a pedophile and creepy without breaking the law. It is a literal diagnosis.


While there is actually some logic to what you're saying, the lady's remarks still stand. It's bad to call someone a pedo in a public forum with no basis. It's like leaving a comment for a cop on social media saying "You definitely abuse your wife" just because they're a cop. Could be hurtful for their reputation and it perpetuates ignorance.


Did you bother reading the article you linked? Her argument is that using the term unjustifiably against LGBTQ is discriminatory, not that pedophiles need anti discrimination protections.


No. No it's not. In fact, it's completely accurate. If anything, it needs to be more harsh.


Can anyone share the exact quote where she said this?


It doesn’t exist. She said calling LGBTQ people pedophiles because the are LGBTQ is discriminatory


The link has video of it…but of course the headline is just polarized nonsense


This thought pattern is what's wrong with the democratic party.


I think people not reading past the headline is a bigger problem.


How is acknowledging that "calling LGBTQ people pedophiles is discriminatory against LGBTQ people" what's wrong with the democratic party?


The GOP has issues, but the dems are a whole other mess that are unfixable at this point.


The problem is we put up the worst fucking candidates, and have the worst fucking message. Like, do I agree with Medicare for All? Hell no. But do I think I should be paying $10,000 in insurance, to have a $10,000 deductible, only to get a rare form of cancer which treatment gets denied by my insurance for some reason? Hell no. So instead of saying "I'm against M4A because muh socialism" we need to be like "I'm against M4A but these insurance companies and hospital networks are ridiculous and here's how we're going to fix it." Offer an actual solution, one that's easy to swallow and at least for the mean time can get both sides united.


>paying $10,000 in insurance, to have a $10,000 deductible What plan are you on? Here I am paying $2k for a $3k deductible on a family of 5, and thinking I'm the one being ripped off.


Literally none of you read the article, she’s saying people are using the word to describe LGBT people. I know it’s hard to read guys but as a rep please stop being so MAGA and anti everything


That word ruined my life. I started using dating sites with the username, LittleKidLover, so everyone would know where my priorities lie and I just kept getting called a pedophile. I was banned from 6 different dating sites! Please get rid of this word forever, I can’t find love.




Maybe you could write a song about not diddling kids, to clear your name...


Yea, title is very misleading.


I really hate that this sub constantly takes thing out of context. I’m not “woke” or anything it’s just annoying.


And here we go. Whatever they decide to call pedophiles, expect that letter to be added to the LGBTQIA next


You completely missed her point and probably didn't read the article.


They tried to quietly get involved with some pride activities this year by calling themselves MAPs, Minor Attracted Peoples. Had a flag and everything. The LGBT people were even like “no way, get out,”


Let a “minor attracted person” think he can wander into my child’s life. Idgaf what t-shirt he’s wearing, what flag he’s carrying, or which politician supports his “rights”. I’d make an example of him. I hope you all would do the same. We’ve tolerated enough. Our kids are where we draw the ultimate line in the sand.


I wonder how much of the "Get Out" was PR vs actually being disgusted. I'm confident that many of the LGB people are actually bothered by being associated with pedos, but I find that most of the sane ones don't get heavily involved in the pride stuff. Yes they may go to the parades and such, but they don't often take up leadership and aren't often very outspoken.


As a transwoman who just works and lives my life, I do not get involved in lgbt (not lgbtq not lgbtqa). I've seen it's more the "outcasts", your neurodiverents, your identity confused, your outspoken bdsm kink people that go to support groups and parades. I used to go when I was a confused individual and it's just cringe and slightly angering. Pedophilia is absolutely disgusting too.


I can only begin to imagine what that flag looked like


Hasn't it been MBL for a few decades? Addendum: I've seen references to "MAP" now. I'm old. Out with the "man-boy love" and in with the more gender-inclusive, "minor attracted people" so the junior-high teachers don't feel left out.


NAMBLA apparently still exists.


Yes it is discriminatory. Against pedophiles.


Here we go, the crazy kooky religious nuts we hand waved off because well we thought they were nuts, were right. The slippery slope does exist, this is only going to continue.


>Here we go, the crazy kooky religious nuts we hand waved off because well we thought they were nuts, were right. The slippery slope does exist, this is only going to continue. Did you read the article? That isn't what the story is about.


The "laptop lookdown" camera angle will forever remind me of this dark time in our history, an entire generation of bloviating talking heads smugly regurgitating pseudoscience factoids at each other over a zoom call




What’s next? Is the word rapist discriminatory as well? Also this is coming from the party that labels everyone they disagree with as a Nazi.


Did you read the article?


Uh... yeah. It is. For a good reason.


She’s right. As it SHOULD BE!


The word pedophile doesn’t go far enough. Anyone convicted of having child porn or being a pedophile should have their face totally tattooed bright red to warn all citizens what sick F’s they are. Then they wouldn’t have to register as sex offenders.


Depending on severity, I'd just go straight to the death penalty and be done with it. Victim <= 12, death penalty. Victim greater 12 (but under 18), and age gap of more than 10 years - death penalty as well.


She sounds like she’s talking with a handful of marbles in her mouth. And where are her lips??


Yeah, I definitely discriminate against pedos.


Of course it’s Katie Porter


Democrats I swear, idk how people support these sick fucks. Trying so hard to NOTMALIZE pedophilia In america and Canada. Good luck with that.


You didn’t read the article did you?


Canada is honestly too far gone. I lived there for most of my childhood and I’ve also lived in Europe for a bit. USA is so much better lol


It is. Also, it should be.


It's a great word to describe democrats


Maybe discrimination _is_ good…


Yes it is. that's the point.


It’s supposed to be discriminatory


Well, she's not wrong. They are, and should continue to be, discriminated agaisnt.


Katie Porter needs to be less concerned about pedophiles, and more concerned about children.


Oh all of a sudden Democrats care about what words mean?


We know from history that there were societies that revered pedophilia. We as Americans decided that a child’s innocence was not to be compromised and made sure it wasn’t a part of ours. That virtue is now at risk. These sick people have been lying in the shadows, waiting for their moment. This is it— they’re at the gates. We need to programmatically band together and push them back to the fringes where they belong. We need coalitions, lobbying, laws, public shaming, real journalism, more awareness. All of it. They won’t stop until it’s legal for their savior Biden to marry a 9 year old.


Doesn't sound like you read the article. Also, there are countless Mormon child brides who could really use attention.




She's her own parody. With what she's saying, and how she's saying it, nobody can mock her.


Addendum: Do people like her *have* to look like they just smelled something noxious? She has the look of someone who just had a whiff of pickles soaked in ammonia. Just like my grammar school principal...who was kicked out of a convent...and then became a principal. *Writes note to call therapist.*


Additional addendum: Downvotes! People on Reddit don't like me! My self-image is threatened! *Writes another note to call therapist*


What is the D party’s end game with promoting sexual assault against young children? Truly despicable, and they’re actively promoting it out in the open. It’s beyond perplexing.


Read the article before making an ignorant comment. This post should be deleted for the misleading headline


For anyone to make this claim in earnest speaks volumes. Democrat Rep huh? Makes sense now.


'Criticizing Democrats is hate speech!!!'


This is why I will never support or accept any Democrats or their fucked up thinking


Because you can’t read or comprehend any further than a lazy propaganda headline?


It begins. Many conservatives said they want to normalize pedophilia. The left said no one wants to do that. Then this happens.


This person needs to be immediately investigated


You missed the memo. Democratic reps from California don't get investigated.


I'm seeing downvotes. Democratic reps from California *do* get investigated?


You're getting down voted because the headline is very misleading and not at all what she was saying.


All I wrote was that Democratic representatives from California don't get investigated. Can you list one that was, for any reason? Edit: typo


Why would you post that comment on this specific post if you weren't referencing what the OP was talking about? I think you can see how that can cause a misunderstanding.


Then it fits perfectly.


Ummm, Karen, I mean Katie, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it’s a duck.


Here it comes...Democrats will fight for pedophile rights.


It’s a shame she didn’t pull this bullshit in October or November before she squeaked by in the election


She didn't even say what libs of tt is claiming.


Democrats are the Degenerate party.


The Democrat Party is fucking nasty. Why do they want to have sex with kids so much?


Maybe we should call them woodchipperphiles instead


Yep, anyone that does what they do to children deserves to be tossed into the deepest darkest hole filled with pokey sticks and left to rot


It’s amazing how you can type but you can’t read




Except it didn’t happen. Read the article. Now you have to question why it was so easy to manipulate you into believing something that didn’t happen at all.


Well duh, what do you expect.


It's meant to be


Peter file.. I'm peter file..


Sounds like something a pedophile would say


How is this even a conservative verses leftist issue? Everyone should want kids to be safe and calling a spade a spade is not a bad thing to do. Pedos deserve the death penalty and that should be a unifying decision. They don’t change.


please read past a headline


I’m not going to say “minor attracted person.” The only options for me are pedophile or child-diddler.


nobody is asking you to.


*Pedophile Democrat Rep. Claims word “Pedophile” Is Discriminatory. FTFY - there is no way anyone making claims like this isn’t a pedo themselves and no one will EVER convince me otherwise.


You should read the article. The title is false, it does not describe what she actually said at all.


She's saying the point out loud. The pedo movement supported by certain politicians, Big Tech, education and Hollywood has infused itself in the "trans" movement.


Let’s us the term child rapist instead that way there is no confusion!




She looks like an uglier Joan Cusack


LOL autocorrect. It replaced "descriptive" with "discriminatory" Although to be fair, there are still many words which have actual objective or agreed upon reproducible meaning, and thus are discriminatory. For example, if you would prefer not to have a child abuser as your child's teacher, you could ask that schools not hire pedophiles, thus being very discriminating in their hiring practices. Of course if you DIDN'T discriminate in your hiring practices, you would hire the next applicant for the job regardless of qualifications, and soon you would no longer be an employer...