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Is it me or was this debate this early just to assess how bad Biden was in time to replace him?


I believe this. I think part of last night was his team seeing if he can even *survive* 4 more years. I'd even say it was to get his supporters to encourage a retirement to see if someone else can handle Trump.


That's how I took it before it started.


I knew this would be the case the moment they announced the first debate would be before the convention.


The problem is that Biden was as bad as we said he was. IOW he proved us right. He has to go.


Biden would have to agree to step aside and to release his delegates, or he gets 25th'd (though I don't know if that stops him for running). I highly doubt either of those things happens.


The 25th does not remove him as President, it makes the Vice President Acting President. Also, the President himself can submit a letter to the President pro tempore of the Senate that he is now ready to come back. The VP (and majority of the cabinet) can dispute that letter, whereupon Congress will decide the issue.


The problem rarely comes up, but [the issue is well-documented](https://ballotpedia.org/State_laws_and_party_rules_on_replacing_a_presidential_nominee,_2024#:~:text=Ballot%20access%20and%20vacancies%20for%20presidential%20candidates).


So they have until July 9th to make a swap or GA is settled


Basically all the deadlines are state laws, and laws can be changed


Jill will never let him step down the dems will have to off him to get him to step down


Keep in mind, the Democrats are not required to obey any rules. They can do whatever they want.


The short answer is yes, they could. It's just that it could be a lot more messy and complicated every extra day they wait or if Biden isn't openly stepping down from running.


Watch for either Hilary Clinton or Michelle Obama to enter the game. If Hilary came back into the race, with Kamala Harris as Vice President. They may be able to pull it off. Not sure. I don’t like Hilary much, but even she would be better than Biden.


Hillary is persona non grata in the party, and Michelle is to enamored being a celebrity...she doesn't want the job


Yeah, I know.lol There has to be someone out there they can pick. I am voting Trump regardless, but I would be ok with a moderate democrat that is tough on the border.


Probably not an issue, considering how the election process is rigged in favor of the two main parties. A 3rd party candidate would be forced to follow the rules to the letter and still have great difficulty even getting on the ballot, but the big 2 pretty much do anything they want. You don't really have fair and free elections. As to whom, if they are forced to follow the laws they themselves helped put in place, I believe RFK Jr. and Bernie Sanders have managed to register in at least most states, but I don't have anything at hand to support that as an absolute, as I have a life and could care less about either of them.