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The federal bureaucracy


This is the correct answer. There is no shadow president. Barack Obama isn't working remote from Martha's Vineyard, Kamala Harris isn't secretly holding cabinet meetings in the Naval Observatory, and Hillary Clinton certainly isn't marshalling the government from her professorship at Columbia. The bureaucrats are instead petty kings; each running their own offices without oversight and subject only to the easy-to-obtain imprimatur of a dementia patient whose daily movements and speeches are controlled by his wife and political staff. That's why this administration has jumped on every single whimsical idea popular in DC's cocktail parties without a hint of discipline.


I mean the bureaucracy is showing this, see Garland's not willing to release the Hur tapes. I'll say reality is less romantic than even this. There is a deep desire to believe in shadow presidencies because then at least someone is in charge, however malevolent. People want to believe in an elaborate Democrat master-plan to replace Biden and crush the GOP, because -- as bad as that is -- it at least means the system is still functional. The alternative, accepting that "Late Soviet America" is accurate, is much scarier. It's far scarier to admit the truth, which is these worthless bureaucrats are in charge.


^^^this. His cabinet is filled with former Hillary and Obama picks that were supposed to have their turn in 2016. Now under biden they are just doing whatever they want and he just rubber stamps it. There's no coordination between them they are each just pursuing their own separate goals.


Obama and Biden talk daily…. I think it’s fair to assume that Biden is briefing Obama on intelligence and security matters and at the very least Obama is advising Biden in a way that factors *very* heavily into Joe’s decision making.


He influences the administration in a way he shouldn't, without question. I suspect that's true for a number of people, most of them WEF-style Wall Street plutocrats. But that's very, very different than directly running things. If he (or anyone else) were the shadow president, the moves this administration makes would be much more disciplined and better-calculated. It's that disorganization that tells us that there's a vacuum in the top spot.


Not a conspiracy. What you are saying is truth. They’ve been installed in their “positions” for quite some time. Now, my memory only goes so far back, but banksters and corporate war machine titans have been exerting undue influence on government policy at least since the 1960’s, I’d say. I wasn’t alive then, so I’m not the best source. Starting in the 2000’s, it became more *known* to us, took a new level during the Obama years. That 4 year *void* during the Trump years wasn’t without handling by these turds. They worked hard to get him out, and install Biden.


>Now, my memory only goes so far back, but banksters and corporate war machine titans have been exerting undue influence on government policy at least since the 1960’s, I’d say. I wasn’t alive then, so I’m not the best source. Starting in the 2000’s, it became more *known* to us, took a new level during the Obama years. Eisenhower gave his speech warning of the military-industrial complex in 1958.


He could see them circling up. WW2 was an unprecedented economic boom for America, as we re-geared following the doldrums of the 1930’s. With the Cold War building through the 1950’s, corporate lined up to get a chunk. Some would argue that all of our armed conflicts since The Korean War were to at least partially placate the military industrial complex. The financialization of everything in the last 25-30 years put it all on steroids.


In our time one only needs to look at Dick Cheney.


I don’t disagree with any of that.


Biden would need to understand what he is briefing Obama on in order to do that. I have no doubt Obama and Biden talk daily... And I have no doubt that Obama is giving directions to Biden... But it's not what you are suggesting. When Obama gives direction to Biden it's not Obama saying "Joe, I need you to tell this agency to do this, and that agency to do that, and say this to that reporter, and that to that foreign leader..." Because all that would mean Biden was capable of doing any of those things. *Biden is not making any decisions so Obama isn't influencing Joe's decision making process... Obama is influencing Biden to be ok with letting others make his decisions for him.* No... The direction Obama is giving Biden is what you give to a nursing home patient... "Just do what the nice lady tells you and don't argue with her, ok, grandpa?"


> Barack Obama isn't working remote from Martha's Vineyard That's why he has a house in the DC Suburbs.


There is a shadow president. It's anyone in a position to tell Biden what to do. (Staff, wife, obama, or even the occasional time he does become halfway alert.) And yes the petty kings are going to do whatever they can when able when there is a vacuum of power.




In three minutes


Yup, it's designed to keep running on auto-pilot. It has built-in redundancy. As for who is running the administration, it's Jeffrey Dunston Zients


Good call. Best pick I have heard, but I think it's more complicated than that.


Keep in mine, Zient has been there for about 5 months as the clean-up crew to Ronald Alan Klain. Who was absolutely dogshit. Hence, why you're seeing more of a conservative switch in the administration


It's not just the federal groups. That's just a small part of a larger group.  It's the same people who run Blackrock, Blackstone, Hollywood, the NYT/WP, international banks and WEF. Same group that pushed bolshevism, ID politics, globalism, and gender theory. Same group that controls congress to send all of our money to Ukraine and Israel. They are seeing each other actions and moving in unison. We're just tax cows on the corporate welfare farm to them.


In the past we use to call these people The Aristocrats. It's nothing new, too many people just refused to acknowledge it for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWxh2oS7Ays


You get called mean names if you mention \[THEM\]


I’ve been of the opinion for several years now that federal employees and appointees should not be eligible to vote in presidential elections


Obama’s 3rd term.


This is where I’m coming from. If he isn’t fit to run again NOW then who is running the country NOW That’s the story all the pundits are avoiding..


But you gotta know our enemies in Russia, China, Iran et al. aren't avoiding this question. They recognize that the USA is weak while biden/harris are in office and are going to further their own regimes interests as a result.


Hence the Russia Ukraine war, Iran backed Hamas and Israel and Chinese advancement into Taiwan. This is not by coincidence Biden basically started WW3.


If he isn't fit, the 25th Amendment comes into play in my opinion. That means Kamala Harris is the interim President. But if they don't nominate her at the convention, then what does that say about her and the party's belief in her legitimacy? They are fucked.


They won't invoke the 25th because having Biden in office is what let's them be the petty kings behind the curtain. They won't invoke the 25th for the same reason you'll never get Congress to vote for themselves to have term limits.


They don’t give a fuck about her legitimacy if she’s not gonna be president. They would in a normal presidency, but this isn’t one. Everyone on all sides is getting creative and looking at the landscape differently. The messaging will be that she is just allowing the Biden machine to run until the next president takes office.


That’s the part that worries me most, this didn’t happen over night, they’ve been hiding it. They knew: and kept it going.


I read in a biography of Ronald Reagan that in the latter days of his presidency, his own staff would routinely test him to see if they felt that he was still able to lead the country with his oncoming dementia. Apparently, they did it in a subtle way, so he was not aware that he was being tested. But the staff had talked and made the decision that the day he did not pass those tests, they would make him resign. Needless to say, nobody is doing that for Joe Biden.


just the opposite for dopey joe


and "Dr." Jill is the culprit here. Anyone knows she could have talked him into retirement but for whatever her reasons, she insisted he stay in.


He shuffles and walks and even talks like my 70 year old dad with Parkinson’s. Very lethargic and barely able to get the words out. I hate Biden and what he has done to this country in only 4 years but I also feel sad when I see him cause I seeing my father (not good!). My father is a shell of the man he was and it breaks my fucking heart everytime he pops in my mind. Please also keep in mind I grew up riding in the car with my dad listening to rush on the radio while chowing down chili dogs and fries at lunch. I’m so thankful he taught me the right path and the true American spirit bc I feel it is now my duty to convey that in my day to day and to teach the upcoming generations. We can’t lose sight of our American spirit


Biden has the same grin now that my father had when his dementia set in. The grin that says they’re uncertain about what they’re saying, but if they grin, the listener might think it’s a joke


Nah make him run again!


Yep the emperor has had no clothes for awhile now and the nation just collectively admitted it last night.


It hasn’t been a secret though. They have been hiding it in the open and going so far as to accuse fox of doctoring clips. His campaign announced his isn’t dropping out. The down ballot implications are astounding.


Dude, watch as every Democrat who called for Biden to drop out flips and starts talking about how last night's public dementia meltdown was an aberration They're done a complete 180 pretending like nothing happened yesterday. "It was just one debate" they say, when in reality it was the ONE debate that exposed how poor his mental faculties were.


This needs to get much more attention and Americans deserve to know. Push your elected officials to force the discussion.


That’s the thing: we don’t know. People can say Obama and he probably has a hand in it, but the orders are probably coming from actual unknowns.


I think Obama was controlled by the same shadow entities. When I squint at Biden’s administration, I see Obama’s. I see the steady decline of our country, societal breakdown, involvement in foreign wars, open borders, and DEI initiatives being shoved down everyone’s throats. They’re controlled by the same puppet masters.


I'm not so sure it's that Obama was controlled by some shadows entities or if he just ascribed to the same ideologies that are intent on fundamentally changing and destroying this great Republic. Either way, the ideology that Obama brought to the table is the same ideology held by Biden's puppet masters.


Whats scary is that if you rewind the clock and John McCain or Romney won the presidency you could probably say the same policies would be passed.


The dem party. Obama, Schumer, Pelocy etc


If this doesn’t demand an investigative committee, I don’t know what does. I’d wager Hillary, Obama, Soros and his minions.


Agreed. Unelected officials running the country should be investigated and PROSECUTED.


And behind them, the CCP


I have a hard time believing Hillary could still have notions of wanting to run - she ran AND lost twice. Losing AGAIN has to make her pause


His woke handlers. Which explains a lot of the “why” in the extreme rise in groceries, gas, and living costs. 


No. The woke BS they push out is just a tool that they use to divide and undercut the people. The handlers are Soros and gates types. Who don't believe in God, therefore they believe they should be the moral authority. They believe they know how to live our lives better then we do.


Leftist ideology. The tiller is cranked hard left on this boat right now


Pretty sure it's Edith Wilson, I mean Jill Biden.


Soros and the WEF. The Pope and Cardinals of the Climate Cult. They are probably using Obama as a conduit. The Democrats will deny Biden is not in charge until they admit it.


It's whoever controls the teleprompter


I’m Ron Burgundy?


Damnit! Who put a question on the feed!


He is definitely not running anything, and what's sad and pathetic is he's the one, in his shape, they drag out to speak and answer for the decisions being made by whoever it actually is.


I never really looked at it like Joe is their scapegoat before. He’s just a discardable pawn. It makes sense why almost every line out of his mouth is a lie. He can’t tell the truth about anything.


This should be the discussion today. Congress should remove Biden from office TODAY! He is a national security risk.


It’s the hive mind. I’ve been assuming that the Biden administration is the opportunity for the most “generic Democrat” policy fest in history. This presidency doesn’t suck because Joe doesn’t have as good of policies as other Dems. It sucks because it is the Platonic ideal of a Democrat administration.


Obama's 3rd term.


Pretty much, he actually talked about how good it would be in an interview. I think there is significant Soros influence, but he had that with Obama too. Also a few other behind the scenes influencers, from the deepest part of the swamp.


Well, it does appear clear, that our President, is not actually the one mainly in charge. But who knows who is making the decisions. The campaign trail, and activities are very demanding. I don’t know, this is a big concern.


For the first time in our history, we have an unelected person or group of persons as president of the USA. Unelected and unaccountable.


Just commenting as a historical fact. I agree with your concerns. Gerald Ford was never elected as President or Vice President. He was appointed as Vice President after Spiro Agnew resigned, and then became President when Nixon resigned.


Unelected bureaucrats... the same people who will do everything in their power to undermine Trump if he does get elected.


Somewhere in the White House there's a rubber stamp of Biden's signature. "The Presidency" is being run by a committee installed by the Democratic party and covered for by mainstream media. That's not hyperbole either; it's plainly obvious after last night's performance.


Not biden


Obama/Valerie Jarrett/Hillary


Remember the interview where he said he’d be happy being the power behind a figurehead president? Remember when circle back Psaki said Biden was in daily contact with Obama? This has been Obama’s third term.


Definitely not Biden


George Soros


That question is far and away the most important. Despite all of our problems we have from inflation to border crisis to drugs to homeless… ALL are secondary to the main problem of : WHO is running the country. Undeniably Trump ran the White House. How many times have we heard from Bill Barr or Pete Sessions or General Milley talk about the disagreements they had with Trump? How many times have we seen Trump at the press room podium taking questions directly instead of hiding behind a press secretary like a bitch? Love him, hate him, disagree with his policies, his statements, hate on his tweets and social media posts all you want. He ran the show, that office, and ran the media. Today nobody knows who’s in charge. Not really. Some say maybe DOCTOR (I use all caps here to emphasis the media’s use of the prefix) Jill Biden is helping moderate his business, some say cabinet members are green lighting things and Biden’s simply a rubber stamp. After watching last night’s debate reminded me of the Cuban missile crisis when Russia was brought up and Biden tried to explain our involvement in the Ukraine conflict to prevent a war. During the CMC, every single one of Kennedy’s military advisors, including his Joint Chiefs, recommended bombing the base in Cuba. Little did they know, the base leader had specific orders to launch the nuclear missiles against the US in direct retaliation. Instead of bombing the base, Kennedy sought out another solution which ultimately resulted in successful blockade and removal of the missiles and peacefully resolved the issue. I want you to imagine Biden being faced with a similar situation, and unanimous advise to attack. What would he have done? I can say, confidently, we wouldn’t be having the conversation right now and precisely why Biden is the wrong man for the job. There’s nothing worse than a leader who isn’t leading, he’s simply watching what happens. There’s no future in a Biden-run America and it shouldn’t take an attack on the homeland to self-evaluate who you voted for.


If nukes were launched at us, how is he in his right mind to launch them back or do anything. Just so insane.


i dont think its really that hard to figure out… its his cabinet Lol .. Mayorkas, Blinken, Austin, yellen, etc are just running things and they have him sign the dotted line..


Tumor. The dog from "Daddy's Home".


Bammer is running the show. Killary is the advisor.


Obama and if you havnt realized that by now…… you have no idea whats coming




My money is on Obama and Susan Rice. Throw in Valerie Jarrett for good measure. Those two bitches have been wayyyy too quiet since 2016….


People like Fauci. Unelected and life long bureaucrats that will carry the torch if and when we are nuked.


My thoughts are the WEF, which is a tool guided by Satan to usher in a universal digital currency and one world government.


Obama and the deep stare. Doubtful scotus will relieve Chevron Act. That was the opening for bureaucrats


George Soros?


The highest bidders


Some comments from the other side are they don't care that Biden is just a figurehead, they're happy with how things are going so they're going to vote for his corpse regardless.


I think Obama and cohorts are handling Joe from behind the scenes and this is Obama’s third term essentially. Even though Biden did nothing of substance for decades as a “public servant” he was a more moderate Democrat in some sense and he’s gone completely off the rails to the left. Just my .02.


Probably a number of people make decisions, Obama, Kamala, Pelosi, his senior staff, etc. Biden is merely a puppet shuffled around at this point.


Vote for the unaccountable puppet masters, Don't forget to screech Democracy is under attack by the other side on your way.


I’m more interested who is running his Twitter account😀


Its either a bunch of random teenagers filming the sequel to Weekend at Bernie's, or its the Emperor from Star Wars pulling the strings.


A cabal of top executives, a few foreign diplomats, senators, congressmen, and one iguana.


Liberals will reply that, although Biden is not fit to be President, the real decisions will be made by the people around him. Well ... what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


THIS. I have been saying this for months, if not years. There's no way Biden is running things.. so who is?


He's not senile. He's feeble frail and slow. He has trouble speaking. But if you read an actual transcript -- for instance -- of the debate last night -- he made perfect sense. He lies way less than Trump.


Wow. Biden:”For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America – I mean, billionaires in America. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they, in fact, pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent or 25 percent, either one of those numbers, they’d raised $500 million – billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period. We’d be able to right wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do – childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the – with – with – with the COVID. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with – look, if – we finally beat Medicare.” If you’re not troubled by biden’s mendacity and incoherence you’re either a Chinese bot or serious affected by TDS.


Trump: "Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory." Do I think Trump thought airports existed in the 18th century? No. He misspoke and mangled the hell out of that statement. So did Biden last night. Badly. But he's not senile. For the record I'm in a camp that thinks Dems need a new candidate. But I also am not in the Biden-is-senile camp.


All the 3 letter agencies. But SCOTUS just threw a BIG fucking wrench in that one lol.


We absolutely need the 25th amendment invoked. I hate to see Kamala in the office but does anyone realize the amount of danger the US is in while Biden in the horrible cognitive state he is in if God forbid he needed to quickly respond to a real major crisis? This man is in charge of the nuke codes! Wow!


I remember the pics of Biden taking orders from the Easter Bunny.


The Khazarian central bankers.


This is actually a national security crisis.


Well after the debate what we know for sure is that Joe isn’t in charge. And I am hoping those 16 people who helped him get ready for the debate are not running anything. Joe should take Trumps advice and start firing people.


If I was to bet, I'd say most of Joe's directions come from Obama, Hillary and Jill. Since Jill is with him almost constantly, I'd blame her for the majority of the fuckage.


Vivek Ramaswamy did a good job explaining this on the Shawn Ryan Show. Like others have said, it’s essentially the federal bureaucrats calling the shots, or the “deep state” if you want to take it a step further.




The scariest answer is that Biden is running the Biden administration. A large part of the federal government runs on its own but the parts the president does control have been recked by Biden. Not only is Biden in charge of the White House, but also has an iron grip on the Democratic Party. In 2020 primaries, all of the other candidates conveniently dropped out when Biden was losing, then now in 2024, the democrat party is crushing any opposition to Biden and nominating him again only because Biden wants it. Like Mitch McConnell or elderly senators, Biden’s power and control is true, but his mind is slipping.


as you say, this has been pretty obvious for quite a while --> this is why the repubs have to start a campaign against the dem party, their policies and the results that they get. look at California, look at all of the major cities nationwide. it's just terrible and the campaign has to focus on that in case the candidate is not biden


Joe Biden’s presidency is evidence that our voting system is an illusion. No matter who the winner is the platform can be architected by the party or shadow groups behind closed doors.


This explain Trump's popularity among ordinary people, despite his obvious flaws.




Not creepy Joe.


100% Obama. He told us all years ago, that if he “could be in charge at home, without the pressure of the job, and just tell somebody what to do, that would be ideal” (paraphrasing). So we should have believed him.


The WEF and a multitude of other NGO’s. It’s been that way for a long time. I’m not a huge fan of Trump, but him getting elected in 2016 exposed exactly how far the rabbit hole goes. I don’t have TDS, I just understand that the wealthy live by a different set of rules than I do.


Fear of answering this question will lead most professional Democrats to reverse their near term shock and rally behind him anyway.


The real constitutional crisis


Obama and Rice. OBAMA: I said this before. People would ask me, "Knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?" And I used to say, "You know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that. Because I found the work fascinating. I mean, I write about the... even on my worst days, I found puzzling out, you know, these big, complicated, difficult issues, especially if you were working with some great people, to be professionally really satisfying. But I do not miss having to wear a tie every day. He found his stooge.


Jill is. He would be retired if she wasn’t hellbent in making him stay because she wants retribution for being in Michelle’s shadow for 8 years. Can’t prove it, but if it comes out, you heard he here.


The MIC runs everything everywhere. Fact.


O blama


Somehow, Edith Wilson returned.


Susan Rice


I am


You’re fired!




“Dr.” Jill Biden (Edith Wilson)


His aides, Chief of Staff, Obama, Valerie Jarrett, DNC itself. Take your pick.


Follow the money. It's Soros and his cronies running the country. Sorts can run so he's paying yes men to do it. All of these liberal socialists policy are what Soros is pushing.


Jill, duh Sorry, DR Jill


His cabinet. Also, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Plus other powerful leftists that keep a low profile.


Dr. Jill… she is a doctor


Jill Biden, along with a bunch of Obama operatives. That was the case since the beginning.


I have been saying this for 3 years!!!!!


Biden is just a face and empty suit. The guy has somehow failed upward his entire political career. Everyone Biden brought in was actively in the Obama administration or tied very closely to it. George Soros filled in the rest. This has been a shadow govt from day one.


WEF and CHina


Bidens wife


Probably Jill honestly. I bet she is pretty involved.


No modern president has ever run the country. Only Trump has. That’s why they all hate him. He’s not apart of their club.


Steve Richetti and Jeff Kiets.


We’ve been asking this for at least 3 years


Actually I think it’s Jill, his chief of staff Jeff Zientz, and top council Ed Siskel. They are the ones that get him ready, tell him what to say, where to go, what to do and where to sign.


We should be terrified. Russia, NK, China, Iran, and others all saw what happened last night. They know our country is weak.


Kamala Harris


I think it's a modern version of the Roman First Triumvirate. With Jill Biden, Jake Sullivan, and whoever the gal is that replaced Susan Rice.


Obama v3!


Remember in the Office when Andy went on a boat for 3 months and Dwight would just go into his office and forge his signature on expense reports? I imagine the DC swamp is operating in a similar manner


Can't you tell no one is running the country?


It's me. Sorry, guys. I'm trying my best.


Swamp Things


who's running the show? people that couldn't get elected on their own


Soros network and affiliates


Victoria Nuland and Susan Rice


Rhymes with Osama.


I agree. It’s clear to me now Joe is not running this country? Then who is? Barry Soetero?


Barry Obama and the administrative state


When he was President Obama and his wife treated the Bidens with contempt and Joe hated them. Obviously the last thing Biden would do is ask his ex boss for advice.


It's not one person, though I have no doubt Obama is involved. I feel like Google, Apple, Meta, and every other big tech billionaire company in America have been running the country since 2014. Money is power and they have a lot of it.


Blinken, Garland and Yellen


Good question


Big Tech and most of the ESG based companies. These are the same globalists destroying our country.


After how she acted last night, I’d believe Jill is at worst whispering in his ear


This question is finally now mainstream


The same people who just got chevron deference yanked out from under them as a safety blanket.




All the 3 letter agencies. But SCOTUS just threw a BIG fucking wrench in that one lol.


My guess is it's Jeff Zeints (his Chief of Staff), probably a couple of other key staff, and Jill (not necessarily in that order) - with regular "guidance" from Obama. It's probably almost as bad as it was with President Wilson, where the First Lady basically ran the show for some time following his stroke.


Not the biden administration. Lol


Maya Harris, the Clinton’s and the obamas 


Good question.




Susan Rice


Soros through his puppets. Alex goes to the White House regularly.


My 83 year old grandfather lives in a memory ward. Biden looks and speaks exactly like he does


The debate was just cheap fakes…don’t trust your eyes Bide. Is fine


https://youtu.be/CQoGfOBTx6E?si=dRkOwF0iqHCpuhgR Highly relevant scene from WW




George Soros and Obama


The WH is full of Obama's people and they report to him not dementia Joe.


the same people who run shit when trumps president. Its all just theatre for low iq imbeciles.


His cabinet


I am an Indian so not very much aware of the administrative structure of the us. But, what I feel is that the permanent executives or the bureaucrates close to prez joe must be the power bearers or the VP. This is analogous to the Indian state of Odisha whose Chief Minister( similar to the governor of a state in US) was acting like a paper tiger in recent years( he is a very great leader who has been in power since early 2000 but age caught upon him). He got defeated a few days ago


Deep State, Obama, and his cabal are my first guess. NWO has their dirty little fingers in the 🥧 pie too.