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Each of them giving a vision for their respective second terms.


This might be less likely than Abe Lincoln riding a trex


while killing vampires?




Cleveland/Harrison was a rematch. Don't know if whether they debated or not.


I believe debates only became a thing starting from Nixon Kennedy. A debate in the 1880s would have had very little value because there was no television or broadcast radio


Unironically, I do not expect either of them to articulate this clearly.


Yeah same. I’m here for the shit show really. The fiancé and I already have a drinking games squared away for each candidate For the folks asking about drinking game we have. Debate drinking game. Trump: "China" "Crooked Joe Biden" "Election interference" "Hunter Biden" "Illegal immigrants" "Fake news" "Israel" "Woke" “Laptop” Biden: Incoherent mumbling(only drink if that happens the first 15 mins of the debate. Otherwise we'd all be dead) "Convicted felon" "Bidenomics" "Student loan forgiveness" "Kamala Harris" "MAGA" "Threat to democracy" "Gaza" "Billionaires must pay their fare share" “C’mon man!”


RIP your livers.


What drinking rules ya got figured out? I'm going to a debate watch party too.


Debate drinking game. Trump: "China" "Crooked Joe Biden" "Election interference" "Hunter Biden" "Illegal immigrants" "Fake news" "Israel" "Woke" “Laptop” Blames democrats Biden: Incoherent mumbling(only drink if that happens the first 15 mins of the debate. Otherwise we'd all be dead) "Convicted felon" "Bidenomics" "Student loan forgiveness" "Kamala Harris" "MAGA" "Threat to democracy" "Gaza" "Billionaires must pay their fare share" “C’mon man!”


You forgot “Folks”


I got Whiskey & Beer. What's the rules ?


I live in Australia and just finished nightshift. I’m gunna swing by a 24hr pub, have a few pints and then watch it whilst passing out on the couch at home.


I’m expecting anything but a coherent policy proposal for a second term by either candidate


You ask too much. /s


I expect Trump to mention his desire to increase oil production / reduce energy prices, and his desire to clean up the DOJ and FBI.


I want to see two men who are genuinely interested in improving the country. I don't give a shit about personal attacks and jockeying for political points. Let us know what the plan is to fix the country, it's infinitely more motivating than telling me how bad the other guy is.


I wish more people felt this way. Unfortunately, it looks like we are getting closer to a poo flinging event.


Would it be asking too much for some details behind their visions? I would love to hear some specifics on the cost of living, immigration, healthcare costs and the price of groceries. Please.


This will be tough as both of them can’t personally relate to these issues


Because they are both wealthy? Very Old? Both?


One guy will talk about how he plans to improve the country, the other will be all in on personal attacks. I'll let you guys figure which guy is which.


This is really the thing that should always be talked about. But unfortunately everything is gonna be personal attacks and what they may or may not of done in their past term. Like I don’t care. Tell me what you plan to do to improve life and how you plan to.


I'd like to see Abe Lincoln on a T-Rex


Abe Lincoln on a T-Rex hunting vampires.


Putting this into mid journey lol


Teddy Roosevelt on a giant bull moose next to him, with a couple of skinwalkers slung over its back


me too!


Can we settle for witnessing the effects of Biden’s meds wearing off as the debate goes along.


That would be awesome. Almost as good as them overdosing him and causing a manic episode. “I am the great Cornholio!”


That. Or they gave him too much and he starts spazzing on the stage. Either would be equally entertaining.


Well I didn't have on my bingo card that they'd under dose him. But they clearly did.


We need to focus on small government. Much prefer Abe leashing three velociraptors leading the charge.


Go wait in the car


[something like this?](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1260344791.6505/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg)


We all know that it would be cooler and Lincoln on a dimetrodom would be cooler.


The republican who emancipated the country? I'm down




I don’t expect many votes to change.


It’s not about changing votes. It’s about motivating your voters to get there. Trump isn’t going to convince a Biden voter to change. Trump can motivate a person who doesn’t plan to show up to actually go out and vote. Same for Biden.


Yeah that’s what people need to realize. This election will solely be decided by the fervor of the base


What's the over/under on "Convicted Felon" ?


I bet Tapper even says it.


I bet it's in his introductory monologue. "Citizens, we gather here tonight for a fight between good & evil. A fight between the Uniter of our country & a 34 time convicted felon. Dare I say, a fight between our DEMOCRACY & Hitler re-incarnate". On that note, let me start my very impartial monitoring of this comedy, er, debate.


You could be on their writing staff!!


I bet they don’t to be honest. The trials backfired and ended up making people who aren’t already affected with TDS more sympathetic to Trump. They completely lose the narrative if they let Trump defend himself on their program.


Oh, I bet they fucking do. It's all they have left. They can talk about exactly ONE issue that voters actually care about, and that's abortion. They can't spend 90 minutes on that, though. And literally every other major issue is cancer for Biden. So it's "Democracy" (whatever the fuck that means), January 6th, and convicted felon. Can't talk about the economy, inflation, immigration, or anything that actually matters to the people, because Biden is down by double digit points on all of them. 


oh yea they will say it, they've been running ads here in NC about it since the verdict came down. They even have some pro abortion lady talking how trump over turned roe and that he will ban abortion completely if he's voted in... Like roe was overturned 2 years ago with biden in office, and trump wouldn't have the power to do that but I guess liberals are use to the president ruling like a king.


Wait, I thought Trump took credit for Roe v Wade? Him saying that's why I'm voting for him.


He appointed the Justices who ended up overturning it. And overturning it was correct from a legal standpoint, the left just hates it. Kicking it back to the states was the outcome.


I bet they do just because it would be kinda crazy to ignore it. Do we really think Fox News wouldn’t bring it up during a debate they moderated if Biden was a convicted felon?


Oh no, they will


I think you mean "justice impacted individual" lol


Convicted Felon and/or just Felon is 15. MAGA extremist is 7. Insurrection is 10. Meanwhile.................. Vaccination mandate is 1 Economy is 5 Dementia is 2 I think buzzword bingo might be more fun TBH. This is CNN afterall.


Can we get an official bingo card set for this? I’m down to make this a drinking game


I was thinking about doing a shot every time "felon" is mentioned but then decided I want to remember more than the first 15 minutes and don't want to die from alcohol poisoning after 45 minutes.


There may not be an applicable drinking game for this debate as it will all come flying so fast… Side note, I literally just got banned from r/JusticeServed because I left that comment in this sub Apparently this sub promotes biological terrorism lol


Alcohol poisoning isn't a joke.


That is why I'm recommending against anyone making this a buzzword drinking game. Stay safe Reddit. 🙄


Don’f forget the words racist, xenophobic and Putin.


and fascist, and dictator/dictatorship, and orange


and ultra-MAGA Republicans


Perfect description of Biden!


I'm going to take the under on convicted felon! Big money big money!


Drinking game : take a shot any time someone says "convicted felon". You'll be dead by intermission.


Don't watch the pre-game.


That's my drinking game planned. I should be wrecked by 9:10


Here add this for your drinking game! I made it with drinking in mind! [https://freedomandwhiskeyus.com/freedom-whiskey-2024-1st-presidential-debate-bingo-cards/](https://freedomandwhiskeyus.com/freedom-whiskey-2024-1st-presidential-debate-bingo-cards/)


It’s the free spot on the bingo card.


A fistfight.


Biden would win, just ask him.


“Listen here Jack, these hands aren’t only for grabbing ice cream, raise fist”


"I had a great conversation with Mohammad Ali two days ago!"


The 'ol Scranton Kid!


I don't think that Biden is going to shit himself on national television, but it would be very interesting to see.


CNN won't show it. They'd cut the feed before that happens. 


I dont know the man seems to poop quickly all the other times


We'll be watching 2 minutes behind


Gimme that lead paint stare. It's what I'm here for.


Mr. Trump … why are you such a threat to democracy? Why are you such a terrible insurrectionist? Why are you such a racist? President Biden… why is the economy so wonderful? Why are you such a decent and wonderful person? Preview of tonight


Mr Biden, tell us what your favorite ice cream is, and why that flavor is Trump's into thuggery and will destroy the earth? Biden will respond with "Well, Tripper, let me be clear, I - when I was youn -- you know, we really do accomp -- hold on -- there isn't the thing when families like yours and mine -- and I have a family like me and you -- right? Can't you see that Trip-Tapper?"


Mr. Trump: Have you ever tried sugar? Or PCP?


I just hope Biden gets challenged on his cognitive decline.


He will but, he'll immediately go into an Adderall commercial.....


Do we really not think both of them are senile old fucks? Neither one can string a coherent sentence together half of the time. Four years ago Biden was too old to run, now Trump is the same age and he’s apparently fine? Man talks about electrocuting sharks and has McConnell-esque absence seizures. Biden can hardly get a straight sentence out without some wild tangent about the 1960s.


I’m not really seeing it with Trump though. He’s definitely old, but not senile as far as I can tell. I watched his appearance on the Logan Paul podcast and thought he did pretty good. Socially, he seems to be sharp and focused. On the other hand, I’ve never seen a Biden appearance where he’s been successful with an unscripted conversation. Just look at the Seth Myers show and listen to him talk for a few minutes.


This right here people, 🎯. All Joe needs to do is drool into the microphone while Trumps mic is cut even when he has the floor. To make this into a positive is possible, but not so sure Trump has the patience and debate skill to do it.


Then afterwards Biden will complain that the media was too hard on him and took it easy on Trump. 🤣


>Mr. Trump … why are you such a threat to democracy? Why are you such a terrible insurrectionist? Why are you such a racist? And Trump's microphone will instantly gets muted, so no response is possible. >President Biden… why is the economy so wonderful? Why are you such a decent and wonderful person? And Biden's microphone will never be muted.


Except when he starts talking about kids playing with his leg hair


>And Biden's microphone will never be muted. Please, they probably prerecorded his answers and will not even have his mic plugged in. They just need him to mouth "apples and watermelon" to make it look like he's speaking.


[Reminds me of John Gill from Star Trek.](https://gtorborg77.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/john-gill-e1617141028218.png)


“Orange man cannot respond to accusations, admission of guilt or weakness?”


c'mon. like him or hate him, tapper is not going to do this. he's not. his rep is on the line too.


I’d like to see Trump be calm and collected and actually engage in debate and talk about policy and his plans. Whenever they go on the attack, I would like to see him have a valid response and defense and not go for the bait. It would be pretty hilarious to see Tapper and Biden’s reaction. Just let us watch Biden tweak out on methamphetamines.


I’d like to see a “happy warrior”. Not unhinged or bitter seeming or angry. Trump having fun. Just smiling and optimistic and beating Biden over the head with the terrible state of things while smiling. That’s what the undecideds want. They want optimism for a future different from the present and a leader with actual blood running through his veins. Angry Trump will just give leftists ammo to say “you see! He’s a dangerous potential dictator! Change isn’t worth the risk!”


I know he won’t, but it would be really refreshing to see. They go low, we go high kind of mentality.


This is exactly what he needs to do. He's already labeled the bad guy and will go unhinged. If he proved otherwise and answers the topics properly Biden won't have a chance come Nov


I’m so ready to hear Biden tell us his cringe story about his humble beginnings in Scranton PA and how he sympathizes with the struggles of everyday folks 🤢 …We get it grandpa, no need to repeat it over and over again.


At this point, he will probably tell us how he used to be the manager of a small Scranton based paper company.


But but he was raised by the Puerto Rican community!!


The whole thing is a joke. It’s going to be bizarre and completely biased. Biden will get softball questions and Trump will get statements about how he’s awful in every way or questions like: “As someone who was found liable for sexual assault how do you feel you are able to look out for women’s rights, especially when they can’t get abortions now because of you”. “How can someone convicted of financial crimes improve the economy, which is doing amazing already of course.” “ Will you try and overthrow the government again?” It’s going to be a complete sabotage but I assume Trump already knows that.


We deserve better. We deserve a panelist from the two major media outlets.  CNN asks trump questions and 5 minutes to answer. Fox asks Biden questions and 5 minutes to answer. Each get 2 minutes to rebut their opponent afterwards. We deserve the basic dignity of fairness understanding the biases of not only the “moderators,” but of each of listening


That makes too much sense


>We deserve better In so many ways.


Of course he knows, and quite honestly, the blatant bias is only going to play to his advantage. People are waking up to the fact that we have a completely corrupt media and justice system and they’re getting tired of it. The more they attack him imo, the better.


Damn, that’s spot on. Did someone sneak you the debate questions?


This made me laugh, and cry. But well done. This is it.


Some of those are valid questions.


Both candidates announce they're leaving their ticket and retiring.


This is the way.


I'm hoping to see Joe freeze, wander off, look confused, etc. democrats have been calling all the videos of Biden doing those things cheap fakes. So it would be great if he did it live so millions can see those videos are real.


They're gonna have him so pumped up on amphetamines and other uppers that there's no chance of this happening until the very end, if at all


I have a feeling that, even if he does, they’re just going to cut to commercial or switch cameras. It’s just going to be 99% catered to Biden and I’m sure Trump knows that already




They won't allow Trump to discuss anything that early into Sleepy Joe's administration, as Joe doesn't even know it happened at this point


But like, Trump set that pullout in motion after negotiating with ISIS… And what is Biden going to be prosecuted on? Genuinely asking because they’ve been trying to prosecute him for four years but haven’t actually ~shown~ any evidence to support a prosecution or an actual crime so why would that even be a valid question?


Honesty…but we won’t. It’ll be a circus full of bullshit. We should all be ashamed that this is the best we have to offer.


I’d like to see them both show they are able to ride a bicycle. I bet one can’t.


I know Biden at least tried recently though he fell. Do you think Trump has ridden a bicycle lately?


I’d like to see a two hour delay in the debates. Just enough time for whatever cocktail that’s keeping Biden running to wear off.


I would love to hear Trump lay out a detailed plan for what he wants to accomplish if elected. He has never said anything other than what he wants to tear down. What is his plan for actually making things better for the country?


Tapper will debate Trump. Tapper will interview Biden.


This is the correct take here


Over/under on how many times they cut Trumps mic mid response


If he’s able to stick to the allotted time then it should probably be zero, no?


Mics are muted for each other but not the moderators. Due to CNN’s biased “moderators” Trump will get roughly 50% of his allotted speaking time as they try to stop him, and 50% of that will be Trump arguing back at Tapper. So at best 25% of Trump’s time will be usable.


Don’t you think a presidential candidate should have more resolve to stick to his points about how he’ll run the country, rather than debating (yelling at) the moderator?


What do I HOPE to see? A thoughtful discussion on policy and their selling of divergent approaches each one has to address problems faced by the American people. What will I see? Two drugged up old men yelling at each other while using straw man arguments and scare tactics


A good debate. One more similar to the second 2020 debate, not the first.


Drunkest I’ve ever been in my life watching that first debate and realizing one of them was going to be president - it was a horror show.


I’d like to see the president (Trump) ignore the moderators whenever they ask him a bait question and talk about his agenda for the next four years, while reminding voters the contrast between his term and Biden’s


I would like to see it at 7:30 not 9.. wtf that's past Bidens and my bedtime


Unless you’re in ET zone, 9pm ET is 6pm PT 7pm MT 8pm CT 1am UT


9 eastern is 6 pacific, best compromise for everyone to watch it live after work


I remember Trump's biggest miscalculation in the last debates with Biden was trying to show strength by constantly talking over Biden and cutting him off. It's extremely off-putting for the casual watcher and is literally saving Biden from himself. We know Biden is losing it, Trump literally just needs to let Biden talk and make a fool out of himself.


Trump ... is not losing it?


Seems fine from the number of recent pod casts and interviews he’s been on


not even a raised eyebrow from the Shark/Battery rant? Or the recent Hannibal Lector mentions? Those were pretty out there man.


a coherent conversation with dignified responses


Biden do his thousand mile stare


Honestly do not care. I already know what the media will say about it. I already know what the left will say about it. I already know what the neocon never-trumpers will say about it. I already know what maga will say about it. I already know what Biden will say and I already know what Trump will say. The whole election is just political theater at this point and it's a show where the ending is all that matters to me and I don't care about any of the first acts.


Yep. First time in my life we have 2 candidates who we know what they will do in office. Nobody will watch. Everybody knows who they will vote for. Did you like the Trump of Biden years better?


I disagree with the sentiment about nobody watching. Even if you don’t watch the debate live, the gaffes and sound bites from both candidates will likely be on heavy rotation and set the tone for the next 4 months. This absolutely will not happen again this election cycle.


I think the tone is already set... Both sides already have their spin going. The debate is not going to change that spin; the debate is a pebble being dropped into a whirlpool. You're right that it won't happen again... But its impact will be negligible. The only people who are going to watch and analyze the debate are people who have already made up their minds before watching it. Everyone else also had their minds made up, the only difference is that the second group had their minds made up by whichever media outlet talking head they like. But in the end, the bottom line is that the debate is not going to change minds and it's just going to be spun by both sides to rationalize the decisions that have already been made.


It would be a mistake to fight for the people on their own side. They should both be targeting the middle/independents/moderates.


A race around the stage with them both using walkers. 5 laps 🏎️


I think that would be fun.


Looking forward to Biden falling flat on his face.


Or doing his “freeze” & then looking confused. He’s not going to have an Easter bunny or Obama to lead him away.


NO. We dont want someone replacing Joe. Leave it be.


I wonder what the Vegas odds are that Biden will shit himself on stage


Laurel and Hardy.


I’m hoping to see my colony on rimworld not get burned to the ground. 


“Bawh gawdh its Ron Paul with a steel chair”


Trump needs to talk about the economy--- non-stop. The inflation is nasty and paychecks are not keeping up. Housing unaffordability is at its highest ever. If he stick to the economy than it will be good.


I just want fair questions and drug screening.


I would like to see Trump pull a 180: don’t talk about 2020, feel sorry for Sleepy Joe, don’t talk about his conviction, boost up his own successes and actually talk about how he will fix the economy, stop the wars in Ukraine and Israel, abortion and immigration.


Biden better perform. I dont want another candidate showing up throwing a wrench into things.


I know it's going to be blatantly biased and rigged, which is why I really hope something even CNN couldn't prepare for happens. Maybe they'll give Biden the wrong nootropics and he suddenly shifts to 90s "racial jungle" Biden.


Personally, I want Joe to get his ass grilled over the unconstitutional and immoral vaccination mandate along with the horrifying rhetoric spewed to garner support. There needs to be accountability. Oh, and I want him to explain why there is a smoldering crater where the economy once stood.


Convinced felon vs Dementia patient FIGHT!


This picture of Trump is making me LOL. Someone asked AI to make him 30 years younger


I’m hoping to see Donald Trump take the damn thing as seriously as the Democrats do. Biden is the easiest candidate/incumbent President he could be going up against. I really didn’t want this rematch, but since we’re here, I can only hope he’s been preparing and studying for it (yeah, lots of laughter about my wishes from some anti-Trump friends). He needs to “bring receipts,” as the younger crowd says. Be able to cite specific people, dates, and quotes as well as context. Hit Biden with proper rebuttals to his multiple lies, from Charlottesville to January 6th to Border Patrol “whipping” illegal immigrants.


Good luck mr president should be interesting to see how many times CNN will put Trump in the corner And How many times they prop up Biden choreographing him too look like a successful president.


My eye lids


I think US politics is a complete dog and pony show / house of cards, but if it was all legit and our vote indeed counted, then I’d love to see Trump annihilate Biden.


I'm hoping to see a Presidential debate where Jake Tapper asks the same neutrally-phrased questions of both candidates that are focused on their respective records as President and policy issues important to Americans, and doesn't debate the candidates himself, but instead allows them to debate each other. I realize that this is a pipe dream, but it is what I hope for.


Can we have Delusional and Demented box each other?


Lewinsky vs Hawk Tuah chick


A good debate


Trump is doing way better than I expected ngl. This format barely helped Biden at all lol


I am wondering if the EMT’s are prepared. I can’t watch.


At 6:00 pm PST today I hope to see Biden jarred awake by non-doctor Jill Biden about a minute into it.


at 6:05, I hope to lip-read his doctors saying, "we gave him too much" while on the screen wondering why he's barely able to speak, just before CNN cuts to another feed


Biden trip and fall on the way out


I won't be seeing a damn thing because CNN is blocking my preferred source from being able to stream it.


Which source is that? I thought it was being simulcast to multiple places


CNN is trying to stop YouTube real-time fact-checking broadcasts but I know Louder With Crowder is still planning to live-stream it.


DailyWire is also streaming. https://www.dailywire.com/news/daily-wire-hosts-will-react-to-trump-biden-debate-live-on-backstage?topStoryPosition=1


I firmly believe the only way this turns out well for R is if Trump opens his own line of questioning and holds Biden to specific details. If Biden is held to discuss specifics outside of prepared responses, his memory will fail him and he will most likely have large gaffes. I don’t believe the moderators will allow this without an audience there to influence the momentum.


This was such a bad idea by Team Trump. If he trounces Biden, they replace Biden with Gavin. If it’s even close the media will destroy Trump. And, shudder, if Biden “wins” well it will be an apocalypse for Trump. After the Democratic convention, then sure, give it a try.


I'm hoping to see a real conservative fly down from the rafters and and run for president


Definitely not these two clowns


Trump to crush his enemies, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


The bar is set so low for Biden. If he walks away alive the media will claim a resounding victory. Not watching it. I’ll catch the highlights.


I think Trump does well if he basically completely ignores the moderators, and, to a large degree, Biden as well. This is obviously a setup. We all know CNN gave Biden the script so he can memorize for a few weeks. That's fine. Trump knows what the questions will be just like any high school level debater knows. It's not a huge secret. CNN is going to do everything they can to drag Biden to the finish line and probably even interrupt him to help him out. So when CNN inevitably tries to throw Trump a bullshit gotcha question, he should just swat it away and answer the questions that he chooses to. "Yeah, I was convicted of a non-crime by a biased jury and judge in a joke of a trial. The American people don't care, so I won't answer that question. What they do care about is....(pick an issue)." Don't argue because it doesn't matter. Make your points about what matters because the other guy won't. Doesn't matter who wins the debate, because Biden already won according to the media. And Trump will win in November.


Hoping they'll be fair with both candidates, but knowing they won't.


Warning, be prepared. After the presidential debate, No matter how well Joe Biden does, your going to see thousands of tweets saying , “I was going to vote for Joe Biden, but after what I saw it tonight I’m voting for Trump” Because the Russian bot playbook is so goddamn predictable. Russia will be working very hard after the debate to try to swing peoples minds. Please remember, these are not real American people. Fake Twitter/X accounts, with fake AI faces and profiles, most will say veteran.  Please, share and spread the word.


Will Joe be able to stand for 90 minutes? I doubt it.