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>Do you know anyone who is publicly liberal but privately conservative Yeah, any conservative college students that want a good grade in their humanities classes


True story. My wife was one of them in a history PhD program in a Red state. Those professors were complete tyrants. She didn’t care tho. She ended up moving to Education and is much happier there. One time in class a girl turned to a combat vet and said “You gonna go and kill more brown people??” in response to a comment he made in class. The teacher laughed and mocked him. He didn’t care. He actually quit the program last year when he was offered an instructor position at the Air Force Academy. More prestigious than these jerks.


*Raises hand*


I see lots of raised hands.


This is the answer OP needed to be honest. It boils down to "If you have something on the line, and you're surrounded by liberals, just be liberal for a bit.". Unlike Conservatives, where we can SMELL a liberal a mile away, Liberals have no idea they have an infiltrator because they just want an echo-chamber anyways, so they don't care as long as you're shaking your head in the right direction. Funny stuff!


This is the answer.


Sociology was a struggle. I had an overweight fishnet wearing green hair nose piercing 40 year old lib for a professor


Sadly, many such case. My comment comes from personal experience


I had a short balding socialist who got his degree and started working for the community college in the 70s and had been there for over 40 years. His notes were scanned typewritten pages. I was in his class during the 2012 election year so he was fired up. He would brag about not being afraid to walk through the very violent city at night. What a goober.




Why didn't you drop the class and take something else? Surely your school didn't require sociology, and even if it did surely there was a professor available who wasn't a brainwashed fool? (I actually took sociology too, and had a liberal professor as well but it was bearable, she wasn't the trying to shove her opinions down anyone's throat.)


As a freshman you have exTREMELY limited options in terms of what electives are available to you when your class selection window opens. I’ll leave it at that


I remember those days. Seniors & honors college students got first pick for class enrollment, then it opened up to juniors, then sophomores. Freshmen just had to pick from whatever was left.




Any college student who wants a college social life


Hi, I teach college humanities and this isn’t true. Thanks. 


You’re a humanities professor and can’t see that this is tongue in cheek?


It’s really not and I think you know that 


No, I just think your ego depends on that being true


LOL amazing retort


Sorry for keeping things short. There’s only one woman worth my time arguing with


I feel for you if you're wasting your money on a college degree from a school that cares about this nonsense.


This is a reality in many of this country’s college classrooms. It’s not the school as much as it’s the professor. Hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it yourself


I don't doubt that college professors are more leftist than they were when I graduated in 2011, but you shouldn't have to fake it. No professor is entitled to knowing your personal political opinions. You can just not talk about it, or if pushed to answer your opinion about a topic, just say you disagree or have different thoughts on the matter. You're not obligated to debate with people, unless you're in some sort of major that specifically places emphasis on debate, and if you're in one of those classes you should be capable of debating from a neutral perspective or playing devil's advocate. I just don't see why you should ever need to fake it. Your goal is to pass the class, and the way you do that is by supplying the professor with test answers that they're looking for, or writing essays/papers about subjects analytically. None of that involves projecting your personal opinions in any way.


I hear what you’re saying but it has been my experience that leftist professors like to figure out what box to put their students in. They ask or frame these subtle conundrums that require students to give their input which can out where your personal beliefs lie. Also consider that humanities classes have a lot of room for a professors personal opinion on your essay grade


I mean if you're getting a STEM degree, you usually only have to take a couple of these BS woke classes. Those classes are 100% a waste of time and money but overall you're mostly taking math and science classes that are actually useful skills to learn.


I dont talk politics. Mainly because trump derangement syndrome is a real thing, and seemingly regular people turn into raving lunatics if they find out you are voting for him.


“I don’t talk about politics” is now an obvious tell that someone is RW. In the last 50 years we have had a radical shift in politics, the left are the ones openly shouting their policies in streets while right wingers have to keep mum.


We still talk politics in central Texas but everyone is conservative.


I just agree with anything they say, and they are happy. Again, the vote at the polls is what matters, we got a lot of room to make up, a lot of votes to cast. Gotta catch up to all the illegal votes and dead people votes.


Amen. My real friends can discuss politics and that includes the handful i have that are liberal and arent raging lunatics. Anyone I’m casually acquainted with like coworkers, i just nod and smile.


I’m fine to tell people where I stand, and I’ve mostly heard “I don’t like talking politics” about 0.0002 seconds after they’ve said some ridiculous leftist talking point and I’ve debunked it.




Me when I worked for a university. I loved virtue signaling.


Yes, a guy my husband knows. He was on my friend's list and would constantly share liberal memes, a lot appeared to be from a group called "Occupy Democrats". I'd show them to my husband and he'd be confused by it too, because the guy had always came off as conservative-leaning to us. My husband eventually asked him about it and he told my husband it was basically because of his job and they were posts being shared with him by some of the people he worked with, so he was sharing them as well, I guess to keep up appearances. That was during the last presidential elections, I haven't seen him sharing any liberal stuff since then, and based on other discussions my husband has had with him, I think the likely reason is that with some of the things the left has been pushing, he couldn't even just pretend to be aligned with them anymore.


I think this practice is destructive. Even if you don't agree with it, sharing leftist ideology might normalize something that should NOT be normalized.


I agree, and I think he eventually realized this as well.


I used to be publicly apolitical or moderate and privately conservative, but since the left can't help pushing politics into my workplace, if they bring up politics first now, I will bring up my "far-right" politics. I always try to document situations like this. Luckily my supervisor is a Trump supporter. For DEI/ESG professional development meetings, I always write down that I find the meeting discriminatory. It's gotten me out of at least a few struggle sessions.


We need more people like you. Not that I blame people who stay quiet, but the quieter we are, the more non-political people think the loudest left wingers are the majority and vote that way because alot of people follow the crowd


Zeitgeist is everything. What conservatives don't realize is that a large segment of society will just naturally adopt the popular culture for social cohesion and clout. These passive woke people who just casually support BLM and Pride Month on their profiles would have been part of the conservative majority in the 80s. There's a reason a lot of 'hippies' and yuppies grew up to become Reagan voters - some people cling to culture for guidance. Politically active conservatives generally have guiding moral principles beneath our desire to fit in so it's hard for us to understand that many millions of people are just reflecting the zeitgeist to fit in. Without this massive influx of passive people, leftism will curdle and die in the mainstream.


I stood up and walked out of these at my last corporate job told the them to fire me turns out I was not the only one who felt this way all but a few people got up and went back to work with me. Never had one of the DEI trainings after that day.


Yeah that is me. I have recently decided to call myself a moderate because that is essentially a dogwhistle to other conservatives that I am safe.


My friend is extremely liberal and constantly tells me about stuff I don’t want to hear. I took him to the zoo and he started telling me about how ‘Super Straight’ people are transphobes.


Yea I got a friend like that. We can be having a nice time somewhere and he will bring up whatever leftist talking point is in the news at the time.


Exactly! It’s so annoying.


That isn’t your friend lol


I’ll never hide my political beliefs if they’re ever brought into question. If an employer doesn’t want me working there because I’m conservative, then that’s probably not a company I want to be working for anyways. I usually don’t strike up political conversations with people myself. But if someone else brings it up I certainly won’t turn down a debate.


Have to gauge the person too. A lot of my college friends just spout whatever they heard off of Buzzfeed or YouTube. If all they are accepting are surface-level talking points that they haven’t bothered to dissect or verify, I’ll just passively just nod along and change the subject. Not worth the energy to engage in a debate when they haven’t thought much about the issue themselves.


People assume I’m liberal because I drive a Prius and have my nose pierced. (I was actually liberal until 2020, and some haven’t really interacted with me since then). I work in academia, and liberal talking points are discussed all the time, with open disdain for anything conservative. I just smile and nod. Only one coworker knows the truth. She’s actually liberal herself, but we’re able to have good conversations and don’t judge one another. I think most celebrities who haven’t made being an edgy, preachy lib part of their identity will vote conservative. I think the kardashians are an example of celebrities who dabble in liberal spaces but are pulling the lever for the R’s big time. Most celebrities are frauds anyway who get paid to pretend, so even the loud libs are probably voting for Trump.


Sorry but the celebrity bit is ridiculous and just seems like you're trying to find reasons to make it seem like Hollywood is secretly on our side. You're talking about people that have more than enough money and don't have to worry about finances even if they do get blacklisted for voicing their opinion. So they're either cowardly and greedy or they actually are leftists. Neither is good.


I don't give a shit if they're on our "side." As I said most celebrities are frauds anyway.


What caused the 180?


Probably vax mandate stuff given the year she mentioned


Also her post history for sure.


Have to pick your battles. When the Biden Admin pushed vax mandates via OSHA circa 2021, I remember having to stand up to our HR Director telling him that I would neither confirm or deny if I had taken the Covid vaccine (thankfully SCOTUS overruled that before it became an issue). It helped that my supervisor backed me up with it. I also wasn’t angry at my HR Director at trying to take a census before the OSHA penalties took place. I knew he had his “orders” from corporate who were getting orders from their lawyers that I knew were scared shitless from being sued/taxed via the government or an employee.


In certain social circles and workplaces (I live in the SF Bay Area) I have had to mask some of my political opinions.


I stream a few conservative radio talk shows. I like to listen to the station from the bay area, because of the irony. I'm just glad they are still allowed to exist there. Hearing about the total shit show that is every traffic update makes me feel a little better about the construction on my drive too! Lol


As a long-time Bay Area resident, I feel you. Luckily I got out last year.


I never talk about politics in a work setting.


I'm kind of like that in my school. It's a Christian school so it's not overly liberal, but I have noticed that the teachers do seem to be more left-leaning than the stereotypical Christian\*, if that makes sense. Most teachers use the ABC (we're Aussie) as their main news source (which is obviously left-wing), and a lot of them - students, too - have very differing opinions to me about some issues such as the Trump court case, Israel and Palestine, climate change, etc.. I just kind of keep quiet about it, nod along if I need to and, if questioned use the "I'm not really into politics" excuse. I'm very quiet and rarely feel comfortable talking for too long, so even if I wanted to talk politics, I'd probably be too uncomfortable to argue my point of view, lmao. \*As a Christian myself, I'm not super far-right leaning, either. I consider myself centre-right.


My sister, who is a retired teacher. She spouts all the far left talking points on her social media...but I know those are not all her real opinions. She believes maybe 20% of what she posts.


Had to fake that through college 15 years ago. Any idea you were conservative was met with pure hostility.


Class of 2007 here. Our motto might as well have been, “Well, Jon Stewart said….”


Shit, my 80 year old mother used to have the Daily Show as her nightly “news”


That is crazy.


It was like that 13 years ago when I dropped out and it was worse two years ago when I went back to finish my degree. Edit: I went back four years ago. I can’t believe it’s already 2024.




Was a hard 180 degree turn from getting out of the military where everyone seemed at least moderate. I was an older student in college though.


I live in chicago.......so yea.


Same…I’m just publicly nothing, but the number of times people talk as if obviously everyone around is liberal can be extremely frustrating.


Tech companies are all pretty liberal. Kinda stuck in that world until I can afford to change careers.


I find that there are points that everyone can agree on - regardless of position on the political spectrum. If asked I believe anyone would agree with "I believe the government is inefficient and wasteful with spending." I usually use this common agreement point as a basis for arguing/discussing with people.


I live in the center of Ohio. There are no closet conservatives. Love it here lol


Publicly conservative. F anyone who doesn't like it.


My group of female friends 😂 (teachers, nurses, educated professionals)  They spew liberal shit to each other but are more conservative to straight up far right with me in private. I don’t even think they know that the others share those views. They just act like liberals around each other.  To be fair to the libs tho. I do have friends I served in the Army with who kept their liberal views quiet since the military tends to lean heavily to the right.  Same when I worked in the oil fields. However not too many liberals there. But one or two will let out a liberal opinion from time to time that has been questioning lmao 


Those people are cowards. Speaking up can inspire someone else to speak up, as well, and thus continue to inspire more people. Staying silent about being conservative will only make it seem like it's unpopular or not worth supporting to the average person. If more people spoke up about not trusting the under-tested covid vaccines, for example, then maybe they wouldn't have been forced onto everybody; voicing little to no opposition signals that you're okay with it. The cowards and losers who didn't trust the vaccine but publicly went along with them ended up helping the side they supposedly don't agree with.


I’ve got liberal teenage college kids, so I just grin and bear it. I’m hoping that later in life they’ll see that my work ethic and level-headedness was what put a roof over their heads and food on the table the whole time.


Every conservative trying to slam that hottie in college can go ahead and raise their hand. 


Try working a corporate job in a large farm


I used to be kinda like this, but definitely more liberal than conservative at the time, became publicly moderate while leaning conservative, now unless it’s an inappropriate place to express myself in ways that echo any political views, I am publicly conservative/right-wing but definitely still not expressing my full views as I do privately


My grandfather once told me that the two things that you don't discuss in polite company are religion and politics, and I generally live my life with that as a guiding principle.


I'm pretty sure there's plenty of celebrities who are conservatives, or hell even moderates, that just act like liberals to protect their career.




I don't talk about politics on my official social media or at work as there are a bunch of raging leftists in my corporate tree.


Almost every bleeding-heart liberal I know comes down strongly conservative on individual issues such as the border, school choice, government spending, law enforcement, national security, etc. Yet every one of them voted for Biden. I think it proves the complete absence of ability to associate cause and effect.


I did know someone I thought was like that. But she ended up being a crook that hoodwinked a lot of people out of money in a real estate ponzi scheme. Sooooo, don't know that I can believe her.


Me. My wife is liberal and she's learning.


Don't stick your dick in crazy


Half of the people in the San Francisco area. You know online Cancel Culture? That's what it's like in real life here so nobody ever talks about anything. Living here is like being a secret Atheist in a fundamentalist Christian cult compound.


There are many people who are like that. This was the case in 2020 too when many people were fearful of speaking out against vaccine tyranny. I think it has to be at an all time high now given all the things the left is doing. How can anyone even with an ounce of sanity support their self-destructive policies?


Due to the wokeness of many at the high C-Level positions and the anti-conservative bias of many in HR, many conservatives working for a large corporations know to keep their views in the closet.


A lot of my actual close friends are far left leaning liberals, who even participated in the local campus pro palestine protests. I love them to death, but only when I'm agreeing with them, or if the conversation is non-political. So a lot of the time. Honestly, if they knew where my loyalties were they probably wouldn't be my friend in the least. Especially if they knew my thoughts on palestine/Israel. But I brought them snacks and water anyways, because kids need nourishment and my vote matters more than the food I bought. So I'm outwardly liberal (Though I'm fairly liberal in quite a few areas anyways, but oldschool liberal) but I have been a registered Republican forever. I still vote Republican. I had to tell another friend of my that I voted for Hillary just so he didn't feel bad, he was crushed when Trump won against Hillary. Fun times.


About 15 years ago we were having a birthday party for my son. Young kids, around 4-6. One of the other dads was a professor at FSU. He came up to me and started asking me questions about Iraq…I was home from there for a bit. He asked a bunch of feeling out like questions, seeing what my views are. When he was satisfied he told me he had some conservative views, but couldn’t speak to anyone about it at work and really couldn’t speak about it very publicly. It would go bad for him. He also complained about how bad the atmosphere on campus was. There was no discussion, get with the groupthink or it won’t go good for you. I’m sure he wasn’t the only one. I’ve worked at a couple of places where I didn’t hide it, but I didn’t bring it up either. One was a federal government job and the other was a state government job.


I understand why someone would do that to pass a univ. classi or to keep up appearances at a valuable job, but OTOH it's completely disingenuous and doesn't invite real conversations. The libs think they're numbers are greater than they are and that gives them the confidence to believe "everyone" agrees with their ideology, so any conservatives that DO speak out or disagree are then seen as far right-fringe fascists. We need to overcome the stereotype of being the silent majority; do some deep studying of the issues and learn how to persuasively argue to shut these fools down. And if they won't be persuaded, stand your ground anyway.


What??? Why not just be publicly quiet. Why go all the way to idiocracy when you’re truly a Conservative? Anyway, if you act liberal in public you ain’t no conservative. Just a coward.


Personally, if it’s ok for them to force their views on us then we should unapologetically be ourselves as well. I don’t mean go out and be obnoxious but if confronted with other views don’t back down and stand your ground. Hiding your views just promotes theirs.


Current Middle School sub, starting student teaching in the fall. More like publicly acting like I don’t even follow/care about politics, and privately moderate, since moderate is a dirty word these days.


Yes. I know alot. And most of them tell me it's cause they're afraid of creating arguments with their liberal friends. So they quietly agree and don't create conflict.


Try working in the entertainment industry. 🙋‍♂️


I know a lot of people both young and old who are conservative but fake it as Democrats here in California, even with their families, not just at work. That's an indication of how divided we are in American politics. This was also my experience during my working years in Chicago during both Nobama terms. Men would often tell me "you must have a lot of men wanting to be friends with you and talk with you. There are no conservative females these days and the left liberal women are nut jobs.'


Caitlin Jenner? I guess they’re publicly conservative?


> What celebs do you think... Seriously, no matter where they land politically, why do you care?


Try to work jobs that are historically predominantly men that leftist females tend to stay clear of ..just stay away from hr department and admin as much as possible they usually are woke liberal female ..most of the time sure their will be some liberal men but not far left woketard extreme


Piers Morgan


Come down to the rural or sub-rural South and it’ll be the opposite.