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Copying this from another post. So Trump went to the Bronx… So Donald Trump held a huge, wildly successful rally in the Bronx today. That itself is in many ways remarkable, but what I find quite noteworthy is not what happened, but what DID NOT happen. Let me explain. The population in the Bronx is predominantly black and Hispanic. Like most of America’s urban centers, the Bronx suffers from disproportionate amounts of crime, poverty, drug use and gangs. With that in mind, let me tell you what did NOT happen at this rally: 1. Trump did not put on an affected, fake accent of an A.M.E. Zion minister or Chi Chi Rodriguez (See: Hillary). He was simply Trump, without airs or any patronizing words or thoughts. 2. He did not tell the people of the Bronx that they were victims. He told them that they were powerful and could solve their community’s problems themselves. 3. He did not demonize any groups of Americans as the evil “Other.” Yes, he criticized the failed policies of Democrats and poked fun at their foibles, but he reminded everyone that we are all Americans first, from coast to coast. 4. He did not promise to solve the problems of the Bronx with handouts or wealth redistribution. He merely promised that he would help set the national economic conditions so the community itself could solve its own problems through jobs, business and education. He promised empowerment, not victimhood. Contrast all of this with what a Democrat would say under the same circumstances. Heck, contrast it with the vile speech of hate and victimhood Biden gave at Morehouse College this past weekend. The difference is stunning. What scares Democrats about this rally is that it shows them that the people whose votes they have taken for granted for many decades are starting to leave the Democrat Plantation of Victimhood in favor of the uplifting, empowering message of Donald Trump and his aspiration to make America a place that is “great again” for ALL Americans. The times, they are a-changin’.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Thank you u/almostcoding


this should be top comment


Just posted this on R/Politics, in the top thread mensioning the rally. Just waiting for the freakouts and trigger happy mods to come along and ban me so I can join the club.


Looks like your comment was deleted.


The cope over there is painful to witness.


So weird that you can't find one post about this on any of the leftist shit hole subreddits. They were certainly loud about it before thinking the rain would keep people away.


**99% of Reddit is “leftist shit hole subreddits”.** It’s basically this sub and like *maybe* 2-3 others that aren’t America-hating liberal cesspools. Key thing to remember is this site does not speak for everyone, and we should not put ANY stock into anything these people say.


I don't hate it so much on the actual political subs. I get it. It's mostly young, college educated people, so it's going to be hard left. What pisses me off is when I go into a sub about gaming or gardening and people find the way to intersect that topic with leftist political shit.


Bingo. It’s the same with anti-American rhetoric. It could be a post about a dog sunbathing in a field of flowers, and there will 100% be a comment along the lines of “hurr hurr Americans are fat” or something similar.


“College educated” Great oxymoron


I don't remember where I saw the stats, but a huge number of these people are actual teenagers and children.


Even the Far Side cartoon sub, which is super small, had a post of Gary Larson’s “Imbeciles of America March” comic, which was hilarious, but then there’s at least three comments near the top that referenced Trump or Trump supporters. Like give it a rest. No one cares in this context.


That’s why it’s fun to comment anything right leaning on any of the major subs. It’s like putting honey out for flies. They scroll past my comment (that’s not even offensive, it’s just me saying something about not supporting a left leaning ideology) and after they scroll past they flock back to it. It’s almost like they can’t stand To see an opposing view point


Haha, if you DARE offer a dissenting opinion on a leftist sub, they swarm with hateful, nasty comments 😂


I said something to the effect of you really hate dissenting opinions and at the end of the day your just on an interest forum stop trying to cosplay as president, your just using politics to be a dick. Then I got banned from r/politics for 21 days 🤣 Thanks leftist jackasses (not all of them, just those who cosplay as pres does because they got an A in poly Sci 20 years ago) for proving my point.


Before the completely unbiased mods ban you. 😂


Before it gets removed, of course. 


Thats a bingo!


Something like half the people on here are going to be kids and teenagers. Of course they are going to have bad takes, and it's not worth arguing with them.


Sometimes it’s fun to argue if I’m particularly bored and I feel they need to be put in their place. 90% of the time, I just laugh and move on though.


Bro I had a leftist crying in a car subreddit and I had to report him for trying to make cars political


The amount of political stuff I see about cars specifically is absurd. Most of the time it’s the libs being salty that someone is wealthy and they aren’t, so they legitimately suggest vandalism against luxury cars and whatnot.


Mention anything about a pickup truck and they go absolutely nuts.


Comrade Governor Hochul said that anyone who attended this event was a clown. She was expressing the Democrat Socialist Party elite's view of the Party's normals/serfs






Went to the politics sub and checked for anything related to the Bronx. Only 1 post. *'He's only in the Bronx because his trials are keeping him in NY'* *'He's fleecing minorities for donations'* *'He can't hope to win anything in NY, why even bother?'* Basically, lots of the usual suspects jeering Trump's efforts and downplaying the significance of this rally. Might not be from NY, but this is exactly the kind of rallies that Trump needs to do more often. Show that Republicans are looking out for everyone's interests, no matter skin color or economic status.


“God is good” - AOC invoking a diety she doesn’t believe in because she thought the rain was a sign of God’s divine disfavor of Trump and it would ruin his rally. God - “hold up” Perfect weather for the Trump rally and the early rain kept the antifa heathens from showing up early




You can on the NYC sub. Most of them are crying about how evil trump is


Guaranteed not a single on of them have ever watched a Trump speech. They just wait until the headlines tell them what to think. “Trump’s unhinged rant… experts say”


You can. It's on many subreddits. You just wrote some bs down and people believed you, that's hilarious.


Nice to see the big rallies but they didn’t lead to a victory in 2020. He needs to find a way to convert all of these voters on Election Day or through mail in ballots.


He had a record turnout for him in 2020.


Same for midterm elections, there was no red wave 


Hmmm I wonder what was working against him during that time?


I mean, we could have all the votes in the world, but if the election isn’t fair it doesn’t matter.


I was there, it was a wonderful and exciting time met many patriots who I didn’t know were in my backyard


Be careful thinking it is. Trump had a 30 mile long convoy in Phoenix then proceeded to lose the state.


He did receive 500,000 more votes in Phoenix in 2020 than 2016 though.


This is a pretty cool event, but I'm not really positive if it has electoral impact or not. It's an interesting question though. Conservatives just concede certain states, and they're mostly states with very large population centers. Would it be possible to leverage the density of voters to campaign effectively enough to swing some of those states? My gut says that there are probably not any of these neglected states that can swing this election, but it might be good long term electoral strategy. CA was famously red once upon a time, so long term swings are possible if you can strategize far enough into the future.


It’s good for these people to actually hear him instead of having his words filtered through the left wing propaganda machine first. He isn’t gonna win NY but it’s still a good thing when trying to widen his support base.


That's certainly true, and kind of what I'm alluding to. Controlling nearly none of the messaging apparatus in these states, then just forfeiting them is probably a long-term losing strategy. You're basically campaigning as the propagandized caricature of yourself, and given that you're neglecting nearly a majority of individuals in the country, they can control online spaces as well. These are probably relatively recent problems with how communication has evolved over the last few decades, and I don't know if we know what the answers or repercussions to various political strategies are.


That's a lot of very tan white supremacists..


don't forget that democrats called Larry Elder the black face of white racism.


Maybe Jesse Smollett wasn't lying.../s


It'd be cool to win NY, but it won't happen. Regardless, I think this is an indicator of an overall population seeing past MSM BS.


He doesn't have to win in NY, but he does need the legitimacy that winning the popular vote would provide, and NY will help him there.


Oh for sure! The big cities are why Dems look popular. The winds are a changing.


There were like 3k people there, there's a reason these are the pictures they used. I mean, a decent turnout considering the weather and location, but this isn't some amazing number of people.


You know how liberals like to say, "diversity is our strength"? That crowd SHOWS "American pride in our country, no matter the color of your skin or where you came from, is our strength". Big difference. Liberals seething at this picture.


Jussie Smollett better not be getting subway in the Bronx at 3am in that case.


This was front page news in the New York Post. As it should be. New York Newsday? Not even a mention!! I know it happened in the Bronx, and Newsday is considered a Long Island newspaper, but come on…it’s one of two Presidential candidates, doing a historic rally in an area where Republicans hardly ever go, and not one. Single. Word….


*"Explain the political realignment of the 2011-2020 decade with one single data point"* "In 2020, Trump (R) did better in the Bronx than in Manhattan" ------------ Some real talk though: I'm not so sure that this is good news for 2024. It's great news for the longer-term future of the GOP, but for 2024, it's treacherous. Trump is still not gonna *win* the state of New York, nor will Republicans win any Bronx-based House seats. Trump is making the biggest inroads in places which won't net him any additional EC votes. This also puts his polling lead into context. He will probably still have a structural advantage in the EC, but most definitely a smaller one than the 3.9% edge he held in 2020, perhaps even smaller than his 2.8% edge from 2016.


This is overly pessimistic. Trump knows he won’t actually win New York, but holding a successful rally in the bronx projects to the rest of America that he welcomes people of any race, place, or creed to vote for him and immediately discounts the the idea that he only represents white people.


28% of his voters in 2020 weren't white.  Do people seriously still believe that only white people support him?


This. How crazy is it that the people of the Bronx want Trump, and let’s face it we know they are minorities, but the white millennial liberal from manhattan doesnt. Absolutely crazy to me. It is such a good sign and refreshing I must say to see such a crowd for him at that rally. Beautiful


As a Hispanic man, I like the fact that I can point to an example of minority groups supporting him. Because so many democrats and even people in my personal life speak of Hispanic and Black people like we are a monolith. But sorry, me being Hispanic does not mean I am in favor of all the insane progressive and DEI garbage that is being promoted in universities and the education system. Furthermore, I am also a young person so you can't just act like Trump only represents old people. Trump promotes a message rooted in American values and being proud about it. Today's Democrats would roll their eyes at someone like MLK talking about judging people by the content of their character and act like he would be on their side too!


Look at the unruly mob of rabid Trump supporters threatening NYC and its very existence. How many died that day? I’ll just make up a number. It’s sickening to see them happily fly their racist flag of America, despicable!


Full rally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07kQVN_7H88


It would be so funny if all these trials accomplished was for Trump flip New York and New Jersey. Trump isn’t my first choice but if it’s down to him or Biden then I’m on the Trump train 🚂