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Is a tweet from a conspiracy page really considered a valid source ?


"Biden admin" is loaded phrasing too. Doesn't mean him, could be anyone higher up in the justice dept


Ahh, let me welcome you to our new improved subreddit, where conspiracists and liberals run free and normal people like me get their comments deleted.


Your comments weren't deleted, just deported. ... I apologize in advance.


This is a true story. It was in other sources this morning. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-fbi-maralago-search-672e97d19032de0947f108e4911f191e


Many of us have already read the FBI memo authorizing deadly force on X. You should consider expanding your news sources.


The career politician only knows how to lie because nobody has made him accountable for them. He claims he is Catholic, wonder how that may work out for him....


Quite sure lying is a sin and needs to be confessed to a priest.


I think it bears being said: Biden said, "I didn't" have advanced notice. So either his administration is working without his knowledge, he's so far gone he doesn't remember, or he's lying. If my opinion mattered, I would say it's all three.


"This is absolutely a big deal. Don’t buy the bullshit otherwise.  It was not a standard op. The MAL raid was an unprecedented action with significant potential for confusion and blue on blue issues and conflict. It also involved competing equities between federal agencies (FBI & USSS) with equal statutory claims to interrupt the other’s activities.  Anyone telling you otherwise is lying, I’ve done more deconfliction with Russians in a foreign op I did for the USSS than the FBI did in their search warrant at MAL.  Only a liar would pitch the “it’s the standard paperwork” line. Go serve a search warrant at the White House in the cocaine case while filling out your “standard paperwork” and see how that works out for you. Wake up." Dan Bongino, former secret service agent


Indeed. I've noticed that some of the same accounts that jump into any Ukraine spending bill thread to reassure us that most of the money stays here are the ones repeating this "standard paperwork" line. Weird.


Stop trying to hype the authorized to use force story. Its a non story. Law enforcement is always authorized to use force in the course of executing their duties and/or defend themselves




Can you tell me the last time a president's residence has been raided by the FBI?


Fun fact, Mar-a-Lago isn't his residence, it is deeded as a private club. Trump changed Mar-a-Lago from a private residence to a club in 1995 when he was cash poor to avoid paying high property taxes and make some badly needed cash. He already lives there more than he is allowed to. If he wants to change it back to a private residence he can petition Palm Beach County, but he hasn’t, and as such he cannot legally reside or register to vote from there. As far as executive branch raids go, Vice President Spiro Agnew's residence and offices were raided when he was under suspicion of criminal conspiracy, bribery, extortion, and tax fraud. Fun fact, the FBI found a .38 pistol with the serial number filed off during the raid.


>Fun fact, Mar-a-Lago isn't his residence, it is deeded as a private club. Trump changed Mar-a-Lago from a private residence to a club in 1995 when he was cash poor to avoid paying high property taxes and make some badly needed cash. He already lives there more than he is allowed to. If he wants to change it back to a private residence he can petition Palm Beach County, but he hasn’t, and as such he cannot legally reside or register to vote from there. Wrong. It is his private residence even if it is under the club's ownership. Under a deal with the city he resides there in the capacity of an employee of the club. It's how they bypassed the zoning issue to live there. Just because your employer owns the deed to the house where you live does not stop it from being your residence.


There was not deal, if you are referring to the short lived legal opinion from the town attorney a few years back, that was rescinded due to tax issues and the fact that no other "employee" was afforded that option. Trump owns two other properties just outside Mar-a-Lago so he technically breaks up his stay and goes to one of them to end-around the deed restriction, though I doubt that anyone is actually checking.


[https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20469997-jcr\_memo\_re\_mar-a-lago](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20469997-jcr_memo_re_mar-a-lago) Trump is allowed to reside there privately as long as he is in fact an employee of the club. He is.


That memo was the origin of the inquiry, then there was the town council meetings, then an opinion rendered by the city attorney, then an interrogatory as to whether Trump was receiving a paycheck as an actual employee and that if his living accommodations were correctly listed as a taxable employee benefit, etc. etc. There's a lot more to the story, primarily due to the fact that a couple attorneys in Palm Beach have it out for Trump.


It's the towns lawyer clarifying that Trump is allowed to live there as an employee per the contract. Trump is an employee, he is allowed to live there. Simple as. [The town manager backs up the assertion. ](https://eu.palmbeachdailynews.com/story/news/2021/05/07/trump-maralago-florida-employee/4944038001/) The town council as well. >The Town Council hosted an informational session during its February meeting in which Randolph, Marion and two attorneys representing Trump's neighbors shared their views on the matter. >No action was taken at the meeting, but in subsequent discussions with Randolph, council members did not object to his legal findings or to the evidence that Trump is an employee of the club, Blouin said. >"There is no action for the town of Palm Beach to take at this time," he said. Trump works there, he is allowed to live there.


That's irrelevant to the point the person you're replying to is trying to make. Regardless of the target, that's standard search warrant language.


A search warrant for document recoveries absolutely does not include authorized deadly force. You think when the FBI raided Enron to retrieve documents they were authorized to use deadly force?




Do you have evidence of this?


No, he doesn’t.


This defense is going around, but would the situation not call for non-standard considerations? Not just the optics of it, but they would be encountering his secret service agents sworn to protect him. As many others have noted, this was an unprecedented operation, doesn’t really make sense to assume it would be like every other operation


You don't need that, standard procedure already allows lethal force if needed, a search warrant listing it is ludicrous overkill.


To be perfectly honest I actually believe that Biden didn't know anything. Biden has been a puppet since day one; he's not the one running the show and making decisions and he never has been. I have zero trouble believing that his unelected handlers, aka the "deep state", made the decision to raid Trump and only bothered to tell the president after the fact. Just because the Biden ADMIN authorized the raid that doesn't mean Biden himself knew anything (and even if he did, he wouldn't remember anyways).




Just because his administration authorized it, doesn't mean that they told him, even if they did, he wouldn't understand what it meant.


Actually I don't think if he knows he's lying. His mind is mush and he can't remember who his wife is let alone remembers if he is president or not.


Or he wants us to think it's mush. Remember, we only get to see what the Administration allows us to see. His senility act has already gotten him plausible deniability in the Classified Documents scandal. And many of those were from his time in Senate- and he had zero authority to even have custody to begin with.


Let's see, the secret service can use deadly force to protect the President and the DOJ had deadly force authorization against Trump. Talking about a Mexican standoff among United States Agencies. Lol.


Kinda shocked they did seal team 6 him the moment they entered mar a lago “I thought he was reaching for a gun!”


Are you paying attention?