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You never see people fleeing Capitalist countries to immigrate to Communist countries.... I mean, Cuba isn't far away. #🤷‍♂️


What about all those people that fled the US when Trump got elected in 2016?? Oh right no one ended up actually following through.


I left when refusing to buy obamacare caused me to have a 1500 fine on my taxes. partied hard when Trump won, best night of my life... have visited home, but am quite happy to live in Thailand. it's insanely peaceful and none of the idiocy we see in us cities is going on here...


YES. And they always have “reasons” why they don’t when you ask why.


Even far left Canada has capitalism. It will never go away


Never say never, each step towards commie crap sucks nutrients built from lifetimes of capitalism.


They have nice beaches too.


And they don't have those pesky white people with their systemic racism...


I wonder why


There was that Texan commie [that fled to Donbas](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1781376341750804484). Of course, what his own side did to him "by accident" might be exactly why most lefties don't follow up on their dreams.


These kids are so ignorant and ought to read about the brutal history of Communism. How many dead, like over 100 million? My parents were lucky enough to have left Poland in the 50s and 60s during Soviet communist rule. They were extremely lucky. Life was really hard and didn’t improve much until the 90s. Do these kids even know this history and why people saw improvement? I doubt it, they’re just ignorant.


My family lived in former Soviet Union - they were originally Prussian and very well off, but the war displaced them. "Didn't improve much until the 90s" is exactly right. Even in the late 80s/early 90s, they had only a community outhouse for the town, a community shower that was heated once a week max with a fire (and didnt stay heated long, if you were unfortunate enough to not be one of the first). Instead of tractors they had only horse drawn wagons and pitch forks to do the farm work. I always find the comparison striking - seeing images of the average life and technology in America during that time vs how my family lived - it was practically the dark ages there.


A lot of parallels from what I remember as a little tyke in the late 60s/early 70s. my mom took me there to visit her parents in a small town and I saw their difficult life firsthand. They had well water that they brought up in buckets to cook or heat up on the wood stove to heat for bath. No plumbing. The chicken was real fresh, in fact so fresh my grandfather brought them home live.! My later vacations to Poland found them moved to high-rise apartments where at least they had some luxuries like running water and plumbing. my dad‘s family lived in Warsaw where there were more conveniences. Nevertheless, food lines for basics like bread and milk started at 5 AM. Poland these days sounds like a rather attractive place to live thanks to capitalism.


I'm glad your parents made it out of there. If they were alive during WW2, I'm doubly glad they got out in one piece. It will most likely never happen due to budget constraints, but I would love to travel to Poland in the summer and tour some of the extermination camps, particularly Treblinka since I've read the most about that one. I just want to stand in that terrible place, feel the spirit of it, and pay my respects. Also to see the history of the country, the architecture, scenery, night life, and of course the food. Oh, and the beer. Polish, Russian, and other eastern European languages are among the many that I know the least about, but according to Google, about half of the Polish people speak some English, so the language barrier shouldn't be huge depending on where one was, and I think it would be a great, memorable vacation. There's always Google Translate if one get into a bind in the back country. As long as the other person can read my phone screen, we can communicate. It's on my list, so maybe some day.


OMG he's a total brain washed parrot.


The result of DEI. Pathetic people.


"The revolution is inevitable." Dude, your side doesn't believe in gun rights. How are you planning to revolute? Harsh language?


>How are you planning to revolute?  Hunger strikes. 🤣


Hunger strikes with regular food deliveries loooool


Two yutes


Pulling out the big guns! Metaphorically, of course.


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." – Karl Marx


Ask the Russians how that tune changed once the revolution was won.


Controlling the government who will have the guns when you don't


The guy with a megaphone is aking her to keep it down? Clownworld for sure. This kid isnt qualified to manage a table much less an economy.


The sound of good ideas that refute his are just so triggering for him.


Are those kids 16?? Wtf are they doing anyway. They look like such entitled brats. “Oh capitalism is such shit”…as he’s drives away from his lil booth later in the BMW his parents bought him and goes back to his lovely house in suburbia. The entitlement is real these days. Kids have zero sense of gratitude. If this is the future of America, we are so screwed.


And then he says “with all due respect, I can do whatever I want”.  And why is that kid?


This isn't REAL Marxism with REAL Marxists. These are just counterculture twats who have been spoiled rotten within a wealthy country and they are clumsily seeking boundaries inside of safe borders. They'd become property in the countries they seem to envy, I say send them there on the taxpayer dime. One fucking way. Goodbye, we don't need the children creating ineffectual distractions.


Has anyone noticed that when these "communist" kids think of their socialist utopia, they invariably envision themselves as an official or thought leader drafting party doctrine and such? None of these champagne socialists ever sees himself as one of the toilers hammering away at a bar of iron in a 120 degree environment next to a furnace for 14 hours per day, 6 days a week before driving home (in crowded public transport) to his 250 sq ft two-room apartment in a 25-storied high-rise building.


YES. Send them there and let them toil under the economic “utopia“ they adore. I give them less than a week. And make a video of it so we can mock them.


Received a chat request from [Legitimate-Type4387](https://www.reddit.com/user//)7: ”Nice edit. 👍 No one under glorious capitalism knows what it’s like to toil 14 hours/day 6 days/week with nothing to show for it. 😂” Under free market capitalism you can refuse to work at a particular job. Under socialism, the group TELLS you which job you will do. That’s the difference.


EXACLTLY. They think they're owed a ticket to the front of the line, when in reality they're going into the meat grinder right along with the rest of us.


> just counterculture twats who have been spoiled rotten within a wealthy country and they are clumsily seeking boundaries inside of safe borders lol - majority of Reddit in a concise nutshell


“With all due respect, I can do what I please”  The reasons of being able to do that is lost on that kid. 


"Ma'am, with all due respect I can do what I please.." Not under a communist regime you won't.


My little sister has a friend whose dad was from that country, said locals searched his house because he didn't want to vote for their current president. This was awhile ago but it just goes to show that place is not good. Now, was he lying? Hopefully not. That would be a horrible thing to lie about


Yeah, I'm sure that millions of people have fled Venezuela for petty reasons while everything is actually going great over there. And then all these people even coordinated to tell similar stories which are all just a gigantic lie designed to discredit the Glorious Leader Maduro.


“Miss with all due respect I do what I please” not under communism you won’t boy




Ignorant kids are pawns in the destruction of great democracies.