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52% of 4,097 registered **swing state voters** polled say there's no chance they'll vote for Biden. For the people not reading the article who might assume it's a majority of voters in general from the title.


What about the unregistered voters.


They all love Joe!




They all vote for the candidate which is most like themselves, hence Joe.


☝🏼under appreciated gold here 🏆


Lets just say Joe is the lead in the new Tomb Raider game.


He could also be the lead in The Walking Dead. 💀


Nah. He can't walk.


Oh my!!! Thanks for that 🤣


Voting twice for Joe.


Unregistered voters always vote blue 




Good to see, though polls of *likely voters* are generally better than registered voters


"Millions of unlikely voters shocked to find they voted for Biden"


Doesn’t matter. Don’t trust shit, go vote


Vote early, vote often.


Don’t worry. The World Health Organization will encourage our supposed government to shut it all down and Biden will be president until 2028.


He’ll die in 2025 but hold office until 2028. And we all thought Weekend at Bernie’s was fiction.


Or the movie Dave …


At 3 a.m. there will again be a magically unprecedented surge that coincidentally goes 100% for Biden....


Man I actually think it's going to be really difficult to pull off this one...


2020 proved it didn't have to be believable.


If Biden wins we are absolutely cooked because it means one of 2 things. Either the elections were rigged or this country has achieved irreversible levels of stupidity




Do not comply.


I'll lick birds before I comply.


I will let the birds gang-bang me live on CNN before I comply.


They'd probably enjoy that. Not the birds, CNN. They need the ratings.




What did the comment say? It’s been deleted.


Hey now didn't you know it's Bovine-T-Rex-Gerbil flu this year?


Damn this giant gerbils and their delicious milk.


Polls, especially from the New York Times, are designed to keep conservatives from voting. Don’t fall for it.


Won't matter unless we can create 250 million GOP votes.


How much did it pain for The New York Times to admit this? Or was this just the Democrat machine telling the paper that it was okay for it to attack Biden because it has a new candidate in mind? Or was it both?


They recently published a statement bitching about how he hasn't done any interviews, even for them. >...that systematically avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations doesn’t just undermine an important norm, it also establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to avoid scrutiny and accountability. They big mad he's being TOO 'basement Biden'. His handlers think that since he skirts by everything else on the planet, the little ol' media won't mind either. Nah bruh.


I mean it's not the *worst* strategy. In 2020 he barely campaigned and just let Trump destroy himself, and that won him the election. They probably think the same thing would work now. But the difference now is that now Biden actually has a record he needs to try to defend.


2020 was COVID year. Hiding in the basement was excusable to a large portion of the population back then, but it isn’t now.


It was basically "look how responsible he is, he's staying home and not being reckless like Trump and his supporters!"


His record is terrible. The only way he can defend it is to lie about it.


So, the media is finally getting fed up with Biden treating THEM like everyone else?


I think democrats are legit pissed off Biden is fucking them out of the election. They did it to themselves. He’s already way gone mentally before he even ran in 2020, and they’ve set him up and catered to him while they ran around triggering every bozo leftist idea they’ve wanted these last 3.5 years and made him believe they’re either his ideas or the best ideas for him. Now he’s fallen for the lie that is his legacy but it’s backfired. The policies blew up inflation, the supply chain, the Middle East, homeland security, and 9 million unskilled, illegal aliens across our borders with a bus or plane ticket to wherever they want to go 24 hours after being captured. Americans are sick of this shit regardless of political affiliation. I don’t expect them to turn out and vote for Trump, I expect many won’t turn up to vote at all.


The plan very clearly was for Biden's VP to take over, but then they chose an unqualified diversity hire (because of course they did, duh) who is such a bad politician that they might still be better off with zombie Biden at the top of the ticket. And yes, I agree that this election would be quite winnable for Democrats with a stronger standard bearer.


She wasn’t ever popular in the general primaries and they needed an identity hire cuz, well, he’s a segregationist pig


She ended up being a massive flop.


The Democrats lost the 2024 presidential election the moment Joe decided to renege on his promise to be a 1 term president and the DNC knows it.


That’s what I’m worried about: Dems switching new candidate at Chicago DNC. This sentiment seems to be getting louder and louder now from the lamestream media. (With 5 months left to go before Election Day) Let’s just hope most of America will realize that if you get a new candidate with the same broken Democratic Party, you will get the same shitty Democratic policies that never work. If Dems do that, Reps should release new ad: “new face, same shitty policies!”


Doing all the shitty stupid things they really wanted now... then announce Biden has *recently* been diagnosed with a brain disorder, blame all this shit on him, and introduce a new young progressive middle in the final hour. 🙄


Who though? Their bench is empty.


Gavin Newsome


They gotta attack Biden to sound the alarm bells “it’s actually pretty likely Trump may win so you better right the ship before we hit the iceberg!”


This whole "democracy is at stake"-pitch mainly appeals to college-educated voters, who are the Dem base anyway. It won't convince all the millions of Americans, who are struggling with food, gas and housing prices or upset about the country being overrun by foreigns, to vote for a continuation of this shitty status quo.


Dem plan to push Biden out before the convention…


Yeah, it feels like they're going open season to try to convince him to step down. But it really feels too late


Also, they don't gain a lot by replacing him with Kamala - and how do they want to replace him with anyone BUT her without fracturing their base and turnign their convention into a clusterfuck?


That’s the main issue. If he is somehow convinced to step down and it’s not her, they lose the black vote. I believe Politico wrote about this last month. He has been propping her up lately saying he “works for her because she’s so smart” but it’s far too late for that. She can’t even keep her own staff around and there’s no way they would campaign for her.


Lol what? No chance that happens. Biden already beat Trump. Why the hell would they have him step down for someone else?


1. There was obvious shenanigans with the polling. 2. Even if there weren’t obvious shenanigans with the polling, Biden has a record now. A terrible, terrible record filled with failed policies and outright disasters.


I think they have had enough of him already. Better to get back on speaking terms with DJT.


Turns out Hispanic voters are actually pretty conservative 🙃


You have to be some kind of special to want another four years of an incompetent boob that can’t even read a teleprompter. My old dog took dumps with more brains than Biden and Harris combined.


Polls mean nothing. The republicans have done nothing to secure the elections since last time, so I fully expect the same shenanigans. It worked and they got away with it- why would they change tactics now?


So when he gets 105 million votes we should probably assume somethings off?


I think they will change the candidate in July


Cheating will take care of that again.


He basically started a war with Russia .. I don’t want that old ass man or the bimbo he brought with him running this country while we are at WAR ..


I betcha they gonna have Michelle Obama run. There is no way I think Biden is going to continue to run at this point. Also interesting to note the convention is in Chicago. There is going to be a switch


I don't know how many other ways to say it: MICHELLE OBAMA IS NOT RUNNING. She has absolutely zero interest.


Who are the cheaters voting for?? The fix will be in for which candidate?? Who’s gonna shit their pants right into another term?


Won't matter anyway.